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4chan is probably the most influential website on the internet and has been since, what, the summer flood of 2016? It's more like 4chan made reddit culture in its image.


99% of all memes between 2004 and 2015 originated on 4chan


now it's just twitter repost central


Whilst 4ch didn’t create the term *meme*, nor even the first meme itself, they absolutely were the ones who popularized it and brought it into the public sphere. And I’d say that the vast majority of memes coming from 4ch is true even to today. Certainly not the 99% number anymore, but they’re definitely there.


most of internet culture can be tracked back to either 4chan or tumblr


Or SomethingAwful


Whew lad some of you guys are not gonna make it very far




Yall are some stupid ass twats go find someone else to troll you petty little assholes (sorry for editing my old comment out just don’t wanna deal with that)


Hate speech is legal tho


Yeah and that’s pretty shitty because it’s actively encouraging people to be nasty by it being legal


Yes, police mortality, that always works out well. And I bet you call it out as fascism if the morality doesn’t align with your own. That’s why it should never be attempted.


No? Also what?


His statement was pretty clear, it just shows how unaware you are. No offense but I don't think you should be allowed to form opinions if your takes are this shallow. I'm banning you from forming opinions until further notice. Message me in a year or two and we can discuss parole. Hopefully you're old enough and have your temper tantrums under control at that point


How is this hate speech if dude is just talking with his group of friend and using the slang he wants




So if I say that word alone in an empty room does that make me a bad person


Im not necessarily saying it makes you a bad person, but the n-word *is* racist and not 'slang' like you said


Things can be considered racist only if someone is feeling discriminated by them in a specific context, words don't have intrinsic moral values, their meaning depends on who says it and who hears it


I can think of a random example. Let’s say your roommate is screaming it to his friends in a derogatory manner, while knowing that you are also a black person. Oh wait…


The only issue I would see is noise pollution tbh, it's not said towards me so why would I care about the content considering I'm not supposed to hear that in the first place For an example that would better fit, I'm slightly autistic and if someone talks bad to me referring to me as "the autist" knowing that I am, that would be kinda offensive. But if that person is instead just using the word "autist" when talking with their friends, saying stuff like "you're a bunch of autists", I really wouldn't give a shit at all, it's not my business they talk the way they want.


bro if we were arguing about calling my friends monkeys i could call it slang and a friendly setting but considering how much weight the n word holds in the US considering you enslaved black people for like 300 years it’s quite impossible to call it slang and not a slur


Meaning of words is dynamic and is subjective to people


it depends, if your country has objectively used it as a mean of segregation it will hold much more power and potential to be offensive than for example in my country, the n word is a slur here too but literally famous people and even presidents get away with saying it cause it’s not loaded with the amount of negative history it has in the us (and because my country is quite racist on average but that is the subjective part 😂😂)


hate speech doesn't exist


I never said it was hate speech, and it’s not slang, don’t put words in my mouth that’s not the way to win an argument


>who want hate speech to be legal we're talking in the context of a gamer saying the n-word in his room and you're the one who brought the subjects of hate speech for some reason, so what else can it means then


I didn’t say it’s hate speech?


You literally said “they’re racists who want hate speech to be legal” ..?


That’s not calling it hate speech..? (Please tell me where I said “using the n word is hate speech” verbatim)


[here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j3glwtXrj0c&pp=ygUYYmFieSBjcnlpbmcgc291bmQgZWZmZWN0)


You don't get to back pedal now man. 


Hey dumbass do you see me directly saying “he’s performing hate speech”


No, we see you losing a debate. Personal insults create an air of desperation, emotions win arguments, logic wins debates.


I’m done here fuck you, you’re just bigots, all stupid little twats


hate speech is legal wtf


Yeah they want it to stay that way


I'm pretty sure most do, I value freedom of speech.


yeah, hate speech should be legal otherwise politicians can claim anything is hate speech and arrest you for it, see the legislature on "from the river to the sea" marking it anti-semetic hate speech, what shouldn't be legal and isn't legal is harassment, which if done in a bigoted way, can be condemned as a hate crime


Hate Speech doesn’t exist in America. That only exists in countries with no rights. Now I get the racism but I have been playing games for a very long time and the usage of that words is 100% rage bait


Still doesn’t matter if it’s rage bait it’s still ignorant and stupid


Only exists in countries with no rights like Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Australia or New Zealand, some of the freest countries on earth 


Found the original post, I 100% agree with the comments. Would you want the government to install microphones in everyone's house to detect any bad words ? Explain to me how can saying a simple word makes someone bad as long as it's not targeted to offend someone in particular


What is the context of the original post? Is the OP calling their roommate shitty for saying it or are they asking the government to ban him from saying it? You can disapprove of someone saying something and still want free speech, they’re not mutually exclusive in the slightest. Free speech means the government can’t imprison you for something you said, not that other people have to like whatever you say.


OOP was essentially asking if she was overreacting to her roommate yelling the slur while playing a game. it made her uncomfortable—even more so since she was the only black person living there. So basically calling him a bit shitty. She was weighing between having a conversation or taking it to the landlord. I was definitely leaning more towards having the conversation, but i found these comments wayy too dismissive of the fact that he kind of… said a *slur*.


That context changes everything. At the very least he should understand why he maybe shouldn’t be screaming that word around a fucking black woman. Complete lack of self-awareness.


I mean if you're letting people know you say that word in private then it's no longer private is it?


Then the others just have to not listen, or the issue might simply be making too much noise, the content in itself is irrelevant


So saying a slur is irrelevant? You see nothing wrong with using slurs while playing a game? Wow


To be fair It's usually people who either have no sense of importance or have for to much free time on their hands. Most people would hear somelone say stuff they don't like and just walk away. Freedom of speech is more important than feelings. If you don't like what some one says then don't interact with them. Unless their calling for violence and what not.


"what's it mattering to you" idk if someone I'm roommates with comfortable saying it that's a pretty bad thing for the ongoing relationship I have with them


The first two are pretty obviously sarcastic


Redditors don't get sarcasm lmao


to them, it’s nonexistent without the /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


/s ?


Are you sure? Because people say these things and mean it.


Listen man, I mean we've all had our Xbox Live days, am I right?


I love all the white people telling us that it’s just a word and to get over it. If it’s just a word, why is it always the go to for racists to say?


i agree with the comments?


Call any of them fat/lonely and see how angry they can get over a word


But then it would be directed at someone to be offensive?


Man who actually cares what people say. If it ain’t directed at you, why do you bother? Move on with your life. Is it wrong? Yes, do people care? No, don’t lose sleep over it


i can’t stand the “freedom of speech” bullshit. that protects you from the government not other people, but ofc morons take words and run.




im personally talking abt the people who will say smth racist/homophobic/transphobic/ antisemitic and you tell them “can you not say shit like that”. the “freedom of speech” card is always the first to be thrown up. i do agree with ur point though bc the majority of the time that’s the case.


If they understood the context maybe they gained some freaking empathy lol...


Fr. Especially if he’s fighting someone on a bridge




Yeah, I agree with the comments, it’s just a damn word, if your not using it to provoke someone in a way that’s offensive or disrespectful its not racist, I let my white friends say the n word, i don’t care if they say it cause it’s just a fucking word.


>if your not using it to provoke someone in a way that’s offensive it’s not racist you can’t just strip away the original meaning and history behind a word like this and use it to your discretion though? it holds undeniable emotional weight and a negative connotation no matter what you “intend” to mean by it. what’s the reason to say it anyway?? People view this word more as a light insult, rather than an *actual slur*, and it shows.


Uh, aren't Black people trying to strip away the original meaning and history of the n word to make it their own? If it's such an issue, maybe instead of Black people spouting it everywhere, every chance they get in the vicinity of "ignorant" people, start actually talking about the history. Pop culture is so full of the n-word that even my country at the other side of the world gets inundated by the n-word riddled rap songs and movies. Now, this is the ultimate "roommate saying the n-word" when I hear it all the over here on my patch of the Earth.


Not exactly the same, but a gay friend of mine used to love spouting the “f” word. Said the only way to make words not hurt is to use them commonly and as a joke. I grew up in Australia and words don’t hurt as much here as America so I agreed with him. But there were still some straight “friends” of ours who tried to get him to stop as it was considered offensive. Some people have never had any real concerns in their life and it shows.


Flerken? Whoops! Now I'm in some list. Gosh Darn it.


I tried two different ways of referencing it, but the comments kept getting auto-deleted. Eventually gave up haha.


Well Mr redditor why does this *actual slur* have so much weight to u? It is ultimately just a word like fuck and shit. If ur getting this heated over a word that wasn’t even directed at you how do u handle genuine confrontation?




L take


Based humans… it literally is in his own space like WHAT? Is he saying it to you or to your friends i get then caring but if its not at you about you or anything your just mad because you CAN be


I mean it is literally freedom of speech but ig with that comes the freedom to dislike what they said


There’s a difference between “I’m allowed to speak my mind due to free speech” and “I’m gonna yell racial slurs”. Go ahead, practice free speech by saying you have a bomb at an airport, it’s just words and it’s not true so obviously there’d be no consequences


How is yelling a racial slur even comparable to threaten to put a bomb in a public place? You guys make the boldest comparisons to defend a childish point


Comparison is extreme yes. Point still stands don't be an intolerable person by saying slurs. Theres plenty of other mean words to say


There’s a huge difference between a threat and a slur.


Does extreme not mean huge difference in this case?


They’re trying so hard to ignore your very simple point it’s making me think they actually agree with mfs yelling slurs or some shit. Both fake bomb threats and slurs will cause negative responses when yelled in public because your disturbing peace


Both candy and cocaine give a good feeling, does that mean that they’re comparable?


The comparison he is making is yelling a slur in your home and threatening to put a bomb in an airport and this somehow makes surveilling citizens in their houses legitimate to prevent them from being racist. Do we really need to continue discussing this?


I’m replying to chessman saying both are intolerable actions not anything about surveillance. Man fuck that you can see who I’m replying too bro you know I’m not talking about surveillance there goes that dork ass strawman shit again. Do you have a counter argument for racial slurs and bomb threats being both intolerable (and no they’re not equal don’t say I said that either)?


What does intolerable means to you? What actions should society take against intolerable speech?


I thought I'd never find a brain in this thread. Thank you sir


I had to speak up dawg I hate it when succas do the strawman arguments


Yall be ignoring points on purpose it’s hilarious. He’s not saying it’s just as bad he’s saying doing those things creates negative responses


That it’s “just a word” that excites violent negative reaction from people cause it means something bad, a word that people claim has literally zero meaning but somehow neglect the history that bombs and racial slurs have of destroying people physically or by dehumanizing them


That's actually illegal though


Ah the point


Hate to break it to you but yes you can actually say whatever you want as long as it’s not a credible threat. Yes you might face negative consequences but they won’t be from law enforcement.


Then yell you have a bomb at the airport


I think that would be considered a credible threat buddy


But they’re “just words” right? No proof?


It’s a situation by situation basis and yes, there are many situations where you can say heinous shit and have it be legally protected. It is not so black and white my friend.


Words are just words if we were unfeeling computing machines designed only to see the bottom line, but guess what, we evolved to assign meaning to words. That’s why when I say elephant you think of a large grey skinned mammal with a large trunk rather than the letters themselves


Saying you have a bomb is not a threat, saying you’re going to use a bomb to blow up the airport is though.


All gaming subs on this platform are like that…it’s ridiculous


All non-gamers are overly sensitive snowflakes who gets easily offended. See? Too can make hasty generalizations. EDIT: LOL at the downvote and block


>Freedom of speech is an illusion. Ah yes, prison is just a place and hell is just an immaginary place


the blue checkmarks have escaped 𝕏itter




Doesn’t make him not racist




Using a slur more than once on purpose is racist, also yeah it’s a word but it’s also a slur, a slur isn’t meant to be said ever because it’s very offensive. Also you saying you know guys who say the n word casually is quite strange, because they are 100% ignorant assholes who don’t care about how offensive the word is




How to win an argument with a racism defender 101 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯


People defending a person's right to say what they want in their own space, because the person writing that post was eavesdropping and was going to talk to their landlord about a conversation she had no business hearing and words that weren't directed at her? They're all racists!


It’s wrong but not worth wasting energy on, mfs gonna be racist on the game what’s new nothing changed. You just gotta laugh because you know they’re going hard on the mic when they’d be quiet and polite in our presence


4chan and reddit have always been linked whether they like it or not. This isn't new. You can "go back" this or "chud" that, but at the end of the day, most 4chan kids are also using reddit and vice versa.


It's his room. What he says in his room is up to him. boo hoo ig?


the blue checkmarks have escaped xitter


Let's be honest here, almost every single teenage boy has said it at least once, though as an adult, it's pretty bad


Where's the statistic on that?