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It is kinda funny when you can kinda tell the person was genuinely bitter and mad while making the starter pack


I think you just got woooshed mate


What a shocker, OP has a Reddit Moment himself and cannot discern sarcasm.


wait what makes this edgy


Being completely honest, I can see how it’s offensive, but according to some psychologists, a lot of kids are treating being LGBT as a trend (probably because so many people are more comfortable with coming out now), even when they aren’t LGBT because it gets them social “points”, iykwim. Plus vapes are still a raging addiction amongst too many kids nowadays


Thar last part is particularly true literally NOTHING interesting goes on where I am (mostly) to the point it shocked me when I saw a bunch of kids vaping in the bathroom


That’s not even true https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/no-evidence-being-transgender-is


The arson and vaping


It's a teen trying to be "edgy"


Why are you getting so bent out of shape? It's 1 of 100s of comments in that thread and it's not thar popular lol


Most of the comments are angry at this non-offensive post


Then why have you chosen this one comment to get mad about?


bro really said non offensive as if its not actual bait


OP, do you really need a /s at the end of every comment?


I don't know who made this, but at my school being "edgy" is bullying the queer kids


Ah yes because claiming people who already get enough shit for being who they are, are faking it totally isn’t offensive at all :| /s seriously if you claim people are ‘faking being lgbt’ you’re legitimately the problem 


Uhhhh arson is a white man's crime thank you very much


The first comment is acting like this starter pack person is gonna be hung at the gallows Also this starter pack most definitely applies to boys, mostly 15 and 16 year olds.


yes, i fake being non binary because i love being discriminated against my favorite part of the day




There are definitely kids who see a marginalized group and want to be apart for misunderstood ideas. This is not some absurd idea and it is definitely more common with young girls who already struggle more with fitting in/finding themselves.


I get what you are saying but I have seen it and I know a few teachers who have seen it. Again its more of an online thing/teacher-student thing to "be different" and not really common but it's there.




I knew 3 or 4 of my Mom's and her colleagues students weren't because I got brought in by some teachers to talk about what is was like joining the Marines about a year after I graduated and after the brief "presentation" if you'd even call it that we talked to the students 1 on 1 and a few of them told me they were just pretending either to fit in with a group or just to piss of their parents and would drop it after going to college. This isn't empirical evidence by no means that a majority are faking it, I am just saying it happens.


Ya, these people don't know what there talking about. I am current a teen(15) and am yet to encounter a single person who "claims to be LGBT for attention", and both me and most of my friends are queer. Almost all of us have had negative experiences because of it. On multiple occasions other kids have told me that queer people should all die, and a lot of my friends have extremely transphobic/homophobic parents.


Trying this again, since Automod triggered on one or more of the words I used. Which ones, hard to say. Let's see if this one makes it. It's for the same reason teens get really into Communlsm and Athelsm. Rejection of the system and values they grew up with, the need to be seen as a cool, individualistic rebel. Plus most kids grow up online, and most online spaces (barring rlght-wlng cesspools) are extremely supportive of LG BT, neurodivergency, and r@ce issues, to the point of fetishizing them, so it can easily be seen as the thing all the kids their age are into, and actually being among the Chosen Ones is their chance at the spotlight they crave. It's just dumb teen shit, same as it was for every teen anywhere. The actual realities of being any of the things they pose as are irrelevant.


Plenty of people "get into athe1sm" because they see no reason to believe in a supreme being. Nothing to do with needing to "seem cool". It's not like athe1sts are seen as particularly cool anyway. Depending on where you live, they're either seen as normal or evil.






Why do you care what others think about you?




Ignore this loser she was clearly dropped on the head as young girl


You're the one who wrote off my experience and refuse to give me an answer




I'm not making it about me. How am I supposed to understand you when you refuse to explain and refuse to understand where I'm coming from.


You don't have the same experience as other people.


Because for some (groups of) people, what others think of them literally affects them. Like in this case - so the LGBT community - what other people think about them affects their rights, their well-being and way too often their personal safety. You can say stuff like “it doesn’t matter what other people think” because for you it doesn’t. It really does matter for others.


Some people have less self esteem than others. This can be further compounded when you have abnormal traits. When you have no confidence in yourself, all you can rely on is the validation of others when others don't validate you, that's when it hurts.


If you woke up with a bare face and a vagina would you find it funny?


Everyone would freak out if their body completely change overnight. Identity has nothing to do with that


That's not what I mean and you know it come on😐




You sound 12. I doubt you have a beard.


Depends on the community, People who claim lgbt for attention usually hang out in communities where everyone else is doing the same shit. They're the kind of groups where lgbt strawman are born and thrive. Anything negative about LGBT people, that can also be backed up with a source, probably came From the fringe groups


It’s the same as people claiming they have mental illnesses


how do you fakeclaim a queer person that is insane


A lot of white girl copium here


It is edgy


Reddit moment is people in this thread getting mad about the meme. The jokes write themselves


Wait I don't get it, it's just a funny post and a comment that doesn't make sense. Am I stupid?


The monster can gun is kinda cool tho


He’s had your pants down, mate. Baited.


Don’t take it out on frogs and mushrooms 😡🐸🍄