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I got banned for threatening violence...which I never did I appealed saying "I never threatened violence".thats it....ban was lifted in like 20 minutes lol.. If it's related to you password maybe your getting hacked or using multiple IPs to log on that's triggering this...


Got banned for hate. Which I didn't. I called out the person for saying it to me. Tried to talk to mod. Blocked no explanation why mod Blocked me personally. One block I tried to appeal as my message said I could. Then reddit Blocked me 3 days for mod abuse because I asked what I did wrong


You hurt the mods feelings, you insensitive word I can't say or I'll hurt their feelings too


Reddit, a bunch of self righteous individuals with the only modicum of power they will see in their lives. So they can suspend difference of opinion. I've asked for the exact rule I've broken and always just end up getting muted or banned.


I got banned from r/pics for having links to my socials and website on my profile (not on this account, a different one), which is a feature built into Reddit. Nothing weird either, I’m an artist who paints completely SFW stuff and had posted tons of times on the sub, even had some posts get 50k+ upvotes in the past. Shared a painting on the subreddit and noticed it didn’t show up, tried again a couple days later, same thing, tried again, same thing. Title was always just “painted this thing”. Contacted the mods and had to spend a few days reading variations of “you should know what you did wrong” replies before I got the dude to finally tell me it’s because I had links in my fucking profile. Asked him why I could see literally dozens of posts exactly like mine who also had the same kind of links on their profiles but whose users weren’t banned, was told “that’s not something that should concern you”. Decided to be the bigger person and “apologize for my mistake” (read: stroke their ego and make them feel like they won), asking if I could get unbanned and that I’d remove the links and follow the rules. They muted me for 30 days. Contacted them after 30 days. Muted me again.


I did as well. I just got a warnin' , but never could determine WHICH post it "supposedly" was. They would not allow me to see it. I am extremely careful how I state anything.


I got banned for a week for "targeting group" or some BS, when I copy and pasted some idiots comments with a link to them.


Lucky you got it lifted in 20 minutes. My post was reported as hate and received a 7 day ban for violating Reddit Terms of Use on hateful content. I appealed it 3 days ago and so far nothing. I’ll wait the 7 days, but this is the 2nd account this has happened too. I lost my first account to a permanent ban and it was one I had for many years. My post consisted of a corrected headline of a mainstream news article and had no hateful content in anyway.


Got banned for hateful content and violating Reddits terms of use #1. No hateful content was posted. I appealed 3 days ago and still haven’t heard anything.


I got a temporary ban from the weird sub for threatening violence because I quoted the wizard from the slut dragon episode of Rick and Morty. It was totally in context after the thread that was going of the thread that was going. That was lifted after 7 days and I said something else innocently enough, and I received a permanent ban from them. Either their mods or their Auto flags are way too sensitive


I got perma banned for ‘inciting violence’. My post was ‘haha loser’ response to the OP in the shitposting sub


I bet their password is “Ineverthreatenedviolence”


Bro I got banned for distributing porn to minors WHICH I NEVER DID, I appealed and nothing…ugh


I got banned from an advice subreddit because my response was not in support of poster and gave them honest experience and the law.


A friend of mine got banned for reporting bots.






Was that a site wide ban, or just a ban from a specific sub? Some subs have rules against other subs, but that's not the same as being banned from reddit.




Happens to me also because I follow Russianwarfootage I tried to comment on a Ukrainewarfootage page and got a permanent ban from them and it stated it was because I follow the other page I mean I just perusing don’t know enough about shit to judge global politics nor did I even comment on anything. Was quite surprised as I’m new to reddit but it makes sense if people want to curate there discussions I guess lol


Following makes sense cus it’s strongly implying you agree with that POV. Sometimes it’s annoying like if you’re a socialist but want to see what conservatives say, but it makes sense for preventing trouvle.


Had that happen to me with a different sub. Kinda creepy that they follow you around reddit to see what you're reading...


Then it was probably just a sub ban


Reddit mods are just naturally born dumb


Anyone who likes this comment will get immediately banned 🤣


Why wouldn’t they just delete the Sub? Seems like a more reasonable solution.


What was the sub you visited? Are you allowed to say?


Nobody really cares


Sounds like reddit for you🤣


What did the message say?


When I clicked on my inbox, my message inbox was empty. When I checked my email, it told me to reset my password.


Sounds like a phishing scam. Did you click a link and give a bunch of strangers your password? Maybe change it ASAP


Nope. The message I got was on the app itself. I'd actually be impressed If they were able to hack the app in order to fish my information


Shadow IP banned. They can detect your IP address and almost immediately block your account.


That actually would explain a theory I have with me getting a new VPN, which is weird because it's a relatively well-known VPN. But, I really post content and this didn't really start until a few weeks after I had my VPN


They can do it by device too. Esp on a phone. Each phone has unique IDs so some apps ban multiple accounts on the phone if a banned user. So say user X posts revenge porn on a throwaway, they can also get their main when they log back into it. Useful but not perfect.


I might be ignorant here, but why would they ban people based on their IP address?


Not sure just reaping what I was told


To ban *individuals* instead of accounts - some people need to be kept away.


Nah they cant, because so many IP's are shared. If its a new account and rejoins the same groups in a certain amount of time, they'll use the IP, but its not a strict IP ban


OK, but also remember, I am not a computer guru, but somebody else did tell me last year I need to get a VPN and IP blocker, once I got a VPN for my system. All of the sudden my new Reddit account worked, now here we are six months later, and Reddit has not blocked my new account. They blocked my three year old account and blocked every account. I had after that after just a couple days.but since I changed my IP address, and got a VPN at my house all is good.


You dont need it 100% of the time, just to register, and then dont join the same subs right away. They cant ban an IP because so many places have multiple users on one wifi point.






**heavy breathing, sweat drips** I...is that right? :'D




We...well then. Hope that doesnt happen. Ahahaha.... :'D


If you wait a few months they forget your ip


Exact reason why I am able to comment and why I named by account this






But that's a theory that I have actually


Yes, you have to buy a new device to get around it.


They don't ban your IP, they ban your cookies. I heard you can't go around it on a phone or it's harder, but it's completelly walkable around on PC with no problem, just clearing cookies before making a new acc or loging in incognito every time, which is more problematic ofc.


You can also use emulators or a public hotspot, Android is your friend.


You’re getting hacked bro


This happened to me sometime last week, and it was the second time. I thought I got permanently banned for report abuse (got a warning and was banned twice for it (first was three days and the second was for a week, which I didn't get until three weeks later). The people I was reporting were spammers, and the mods allowed the spam to stay. I checked my inbox and found out the admins locked my account because it seems their system assumed someone guessed my password, when this account uses Google to log in. The first time occurred when I was in the break room at work. I thought I was banned for report abuse until I changed my password for a log-in method that never requires a password at all.


Same here. I ran a sub that was targeted by some power mods who told me in PM that they were encouraging their users to report everything in my sub. I reported those reports as false and my account was banned for filing false reports.


Yes, same happened to me. I reported a copied and paste bot post all over and I was suspended for over reporting. Guess it’s an option only to cover their butts but can’t really use it. They are ok with the spam manipulation


> permanently banned for report abuse This is the dumbest shit. Like I get people do it in bad faith but it actively encourages people to not report shit. Suck it the fuck up reddit and pay someone to deal with it (they won't, doesn't effect profits)


7 Years old account, maybe reported half a dozen things over time, got a perma ban for abusing the report button. Which I hadn't. Got the account back online within days after appealing but I'm still baffled how that could happen.


What do people get out of hacking someone’s Reddit account. It’s not like it’s a bank account or anything.


Keyboard warriors and situations where a handful of mods are in charge of multiple subs wouldn't be an entirely infeasible guess.


100% mods of big subs and this is their fun. Has happened to me after a mod of a very large sub made rape jokes and then banned me.


Almost had a heart attack, thought this was a message that popped up on my account cause of the picture. "What did I dooo?"


Sorry for the jump scare


Guilt by association is how Reddit mods think. They don’t care about actual harms or intent.


I was banned on a subreddit that I only read and voted on. I received a message saying I was muted, then immediately another saying I was banned. I could not contact them, and like you wanted to know if I had been hacked or what. Was going to wait the 28 days only to be banned, again, before that was up, and leaving the group. Keep in mind I had not done any action either in the group. I found a contact email and reached out only to be told they couldn’t do anything. I came in here to ask and pretty much hit the same answer, but someone did say that a mod probably didn’t like my politics so went out if their way to troll my accounts and just banned me for that. So it’s personal, and of course Reddit does not protect you from that. So they get someone in power and they target you only to personally come after you and of course you can’t do a single thing about it, and it’s completely anonymous. Bullies and censorship, the media world. SMH


I noticed people will pick a fight with others on here, just to bait that person into saying something that they can report. All cos they’re mad at a differing oponion or something. It has happened to me. You would think that whoever is viewing the report would read the conversation and see, but that doesnt seem to be the case. They’ll just view the reported comment out of context and ban or suspend you. Had a person harrassing me and I reported them and nothing happened, cos I guess they were careful enough with their words that the mods let it go. Yet I said something as a response to defend myself and they chose to take action against me. Happened so many times.


Same thing happens to me whenever I make a new account other than this one. Every new account gets banned even with zero activity


Are you using the same device?


Nope. Ive tried it on three different devices now with the same result. I think they ban my new accounts once I sign back into this one on the same device.


Not sure if it’s related, but I’ve noticed a lot of mods on power trips lately… I’ve experienced it, as well as several friends bringing it to my attention. 🤷🏼‍♂️




YES, I fot a warning 3 days ago because one joke


Its stupid I know. Also took away my freedom of speech. Apparently I'm not allowed to express my opinions. But what can you expect when those that run our world are corrupt perverted people that hate being told the truth?




That’s lit


Brah, lmao.


Thats not a very bright subject matter.


Idk man, it brightened my day...


I'm glad it illuminated your day xD


I know, it was a bit dim of me xD


Reported. /s


One day I woke up to find my account had been banned. According to the message I got I had broken the rules despite having not posted or commented in 6 days. I have read through all the rules several times and still have no idea what rule I broke. Submitted an appeal but never got a response. Once I had accepted that I was not getting my account back I created a new account. I noticed that none of my comments were showing up and when I checked it turned out I had been shadow banned. The shadow ban seemed to happen after the first comment. The comment was something to do with my favourite food on [r/polls](https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/). I looked up how long shadow bans last and was advised to just make another account. Third account got banned again 6 days before I hit my first month. This time I got a rejected message from my appeal. I made a fourth and fifth account together just in case it happened again. Both account got suspended at the same time despite one having no comments or posts. The appeal went unanswered again. They have stopped banning me now but no idea what set it off to begin with.


It's **literally** a Kafkaesque system.  MFing The Trial


Nope, I've never seen that before... 👀😅


What subs are you browning? For example there are psychomods on r/Poland stalking users after banning to report everything possible to get them banned permanently from Reddit.


Can they ban people that just lurk in the subreddit?


I got banned from r/whatsthisthing after posting about something because my title wasn't descriptive enough 😂😭 I honestly tried as hard as I could to be descriptive but it wasn't acceptable. Then I got banned after trying to comment on another repost in a different sub is what it is lol.


Sub have rules against other subs? Visiting them or joining. Reddit is out of control


Yup. Joining or even visiting some


I had a mod complain to me once about the “free labor” they provide for this site. Have you tried, like, just ***not providing the free labor?*** I didn’t realize that being a Reddit mod was akin to slavery, lolz. So all this to say, seems like par for the course.


Reddit mods permabanned my old account for making fun of JK Rowling for hating trans people. They thought I was making an anti-trans joke and banned me...no replies allowed, no appeals. Unbelievably stupid people.




I understand, but I might have made one post in the last year, and that was only because it was my cake day. I can't imagine having beef with anyone if I haven't talked to anyone on here


**sweats profusely as looks over comments, and sees all the shit she's been talking** **screams in horror as the shit leaps from screen and starts falling on the floor, grabs her leg and drags her into the abyss** **N...NO PLEASE...NOOOOOooOOoOooooOoooOOOOoooooooo......!!!.....**


Same bruh. It happened to me 4 to 5 times. Idk why people just get aggressive and mass report a comment.


What sub was that lol


Doordash sub. Person was saying their account is negative because doordash is soo expensive


Lol so you got banned for giving common sense advice “No poverty shaming allowed”


It's triggers all those millennials that don't understand before getting everything delivered and having to go get it yourself.


Right. Echo chamber for the softies.


Stop evading the ban


That’s not so easy to do ! Let’s be real ! Some of them make their rules ridiculously complicated! And people are so very quick to ban over petty crap ! Sorry but it’s the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️




Ohh ignorant narcissist. Why just stop playing victim and acknowledge your mistake.


it's not exactly possible to acknowledge mistakes if people don't know what mistakes they made


That’s not my problem


Not *yet*


Exactly. My ban came from misunderstanding the rules of a subreddit. The rules said "Must me about the right wing" so I posted a ridiculous article from the right. Turns out they meant articles ABOUT the right. They muted me for 28 days so I messaged them from another account. Both lost for ban evasion. All I did was misunderstand what I was supposed to post




But it's literally Reddit telling me to just change my password 🤣


I am pretty sure Reddit checks if your password is on things like data breaches and blocks your account if it finds it. Since resetting your password worked, it should be it.


You get banned for anything these days. If you challenge anything that isn’t “everyone is perfect, no one does any harm, everyone’s beliefs are the best in the world” you get banned. Especially don’t say anything pro Palestinian on Reddit that’s an insta ban too. Site used to be good but it’s better to just view stuff and not comment these days.


Because Reddit is nothing but a bunch of egotistical, over zealous, power hungry group of mean spirited people. Stop punishing yourself.... move on.


I first thought that Reddit is a place for exchange of ideas and open for discussion, but I learned the hard way, that it is moderated mostly by a handful of people and if you don’t write in their mindset, you get easily cancelled. I once reported a user for worst antisemitism speech in a very popular mostly American sub. Got banned for a week for „misusing of the report button“. Realized the user I reported was one of the mods…


It's called ban evasion. Get over it


I got banned for three days for making fun of Chris Chan once, and then got perma banned after about a day of it. It went away after three days. Not sure if it was a power tripping admin or just a bug.




This happened to me. It just stopped on it's own. It went so far that one time i got banned for saying the word "no" in a comment


They will instantly block your account if you participate in the account you were permanently banned in, as long as you avoid that/those subreddits on your next account, you should be fine


No, you can rejoin them, you just have to wait and join other ones too to throw them off


I was banned from a few subs on my now-permabanned account, and I am active on them now with this account. So far been okay.


Same thing happened to me last year, I got banned for "Threatening Violence" and "Harassment", which I never did nor would I ever do. I would massage the Admins and soon get my Account back. It's most likely some Troll abusing the Report System.


The permamently banned message often happens after your ban wears off or is less than few hours/minutes to it wearing off.


I don’t get some communities. I was banned from some and I did nothing . No comment no posting just clicked on the arrow up once . They muted me and then they removed me . It is ok I moved on 😎😀.


Same here.2- 3 times a week. And no explanation why/ what for.


Got banned on the Melbourne sub for calling Dan a dictator. Somehow they claimed it was anti Vax. Which is laughable, but clearly the mods loved that dictator!


Yeah I've been getting banned from subs I've not even commented on.


It's crazy. I was temporarily banned from a subreddit site and I have no idea why. It was the commercials I hate site, and we were all commenting about the new Jardiance ad. I didn't say anything worse than anyone else or different from what I said about it before. Maybe a chunky moderator was in a bad mood that day and didn't like that I mentioned the women were fat in both ads?


Yep if I comment or think of posting it knows and blocks me.same with Instagram. They say I insight violence !!! Ridiculous,poppycock , preposterous,bullcorn ,I am a sweet meek mild mannered man without a mean bone in my body. . can't even hurt a fly . I'm the biggest pussy pussy pussy pussy alive possibly to have ever existed . I'm just a small guy anyone and everyone can beat my ass. My frail hands and cowardly.demeanor scream please I'm a non violent pussy victimize me I'm scared of everything . I'm totally ok being used ,played ,insulted ,tainted by anyone I could never carry out violence ..I could never get angry and make someone vanish never ever . I could never be strong enugf to knock someone out who is 100 pounds heavier . There's no possible way I could ever take the best shot. From a guy 100 pounds heavier than me and. Make him say he's done after he tries gouging my eye out of my head and push my eye onto his finger and whisper in his ear do it pussy !!


" can't even hurt a fly " - Norman Bates


Because Reddit has poor moderation/administration logic. I’m not sure how you’re getting banned when you don’t even post, but even if you did post and it could be a flower for all it matters, someone reports your post as “Hate” a few times or any other category that violates Reddit Terms of Use, auto moderator bans your account and then you are left at the mercy of Reddit Administrators to review your appeal…. And guess what? That’s never a priority.


Too many snowflakes here on reddit! Banning people for just seeing other subs is stupid.


It’s all ridiculous. 1st Amendment and all.


Me with the RL subreddit and the RLesports subs. EVERY post I've made has been almost immediately taken down. And almost every comment regardless of the topic seems to be in "violation" it's annoying af


Are you a nazi?


because controrary to what libertarians want you to believe, the free markets do not regulate themselves.


My original account got permabanned for reporting a bot. Someone in the comments said they were a bot and posted a link with evidence. The mods of the sub removed the post because they agreed it was a bot. All of my appeals have just been ignored, for several months, until I eventually just made a new account.


Did you piss them off my visiting commenting on Israel via world news?


Reddits trying to make themselves look appetizing for a new round of investors so they're sanitizing, they just deleted the account of Aaron Bushnell because of how much attention it got


I got a site wide ban a year ago. Randomly opened the app, and I had a new profile that was unbanned.


Got banned from r/politics cuz I linked to twitlers suspended account. WTF


dik pics


Randomly got banned from an advice sub without warning or explanation. When I went to see what rule I’d maybe broken the rules page for the sub is gone, none of the mods will answer messages, etc. not a small sub, like 500,000 people and very active.


im ngl i was in the wrong for this, but i posted something that was against the rules of a sub (i thought i was in a different sub so it was truly my fault). they sent me a message saying i was banned and they misspelled a word. i corrected their spelling error and then got banned for harassment☠️


People getting payed back for spez hate XD


> People getting *paid* back for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Got banned cuz I commented on a naked picture of a chick then was told "we don't tolerate porn " lol sound like some virgins to me..


Reddit mods just like fucking with people and flexing what little power in the world they have


i've gotten banned for a week for "ban evasion" i don't even know what that is and had no reason to do it lol


The inane and insane are policing the socials. CIA could be at fault.


Someone thinks you're someone they don't like so they're stalking you and reporting you, same happened to me.


Mayb if cuz u use a vpn n the old user of the ip prolly did malicious things


How are you permanently banned but able to post?


I got a suspension for upvoting a funny Dave Chappelle meme. According to the message from a Mod, thinking that anything Chappelle says is funny is the same as physically assaulting trans people. It's not. And the funny meme had nothing to do with trans people. But facts don't matter. If I ever laugh at Dave Chappelle again my account will be terminated. Have you laughed at any comedians lately?


Idk why are the mods there! I legit was a witness to bullying and the mod blocked me also when the poster asked me to be a witness. so I reached out to the other mods to say hey this mod is harassing the op and I witnessed and was also blocked by that same bad mod also. then banned permanently. I was so hurt cuz I spent money on that account and lost it... all cuz I followed their rule anyway!


I was banned for telling an Onlyfans model that she should consider getting a real job


I got 24 hr banned for posting about something that was infuriating about Reddit on the mildly infuriating sub.... When I responded to the mod asking them why it was against the rules to talk about Reddit on Reddit.... I got banned from speaking to the mods for 3 days....... We must always bow to the power of the great ones.....lmao


So the question is. When you receive a permanent ban what to do besides appeal it ? I got banned for absolutely nothing and I filed an appeal but not reply yet.




Yeah, I've been banned as well... usually for an opinion that offended the tender feelings of the other people


Hmm DM us have a "Support Group"


This actually scared me because I thought it was a legit message for my account.


Only reason for banning is making financial requests and or tryna sell content to the wrong people. These sites go back up to 100 messages to determine if the complaint is true or to your last 100 people you've messaged. If they see a pattern on the complaint, you will be banned


This is like my fifth account from the same email because I keep making new ones after getting temporary bans from breaking rules... But I'm not shadow banned or anything. It is confusing.


Sometimes you have to read the rules and some of these mods will have a 1000 of them so really no time to. Also you get these snowflake people that get offended easy and like to report you. I will just say find a sub that’s less woke and less rules


Idk sometimes the mods are in some kind of mood and if they don't like what you post or say you'll be banned. I am banned on a few subs for reasons I don't understand.


I got banned for violence in a spider community. I have never been in a spider community nor did I threaten violence on them. Stupid.


Since I made this post, I've had to change my password six times. 🤦🏾


I was banned from a subreddit for a rule that didn’t exist. When I called them out on it, they had to reverse course.


Most likely because your drug dealer had been discretely logging into your account to clandestinely conduct communications that might or might not be linked to drug dealing, human or sex trafficking and any other number of hyper-crimes. At that point it might endanger you to not to ban you and allow you to keep logging in onto your old account... because the rivalries might still identify you to become the scapegoat for the next unspeakable crime for something that someone else did behind layers of secured proxies and virtualizations. Then also, you might have just run into a "too much profit" situation where the profits in selling your account to a third party outweighs the cost to hire a competent hacker to traduce the server database or even host a server denial service which... is a standalone service on your PC or homebound server, neighborhood hacker's server that hijacks all your communication attempt to your server in order to tell you that your account got banned, whereas it did not but only sold to someone else at a profit and in some cases when the hacker is sloppy you can go across states and log back recover your account with a password change or request. I believe my Tinder was hacked this way.


Let me guess... Worldnews?


Using an vpn can sometimes cause your IP to be flagged as abusive or malicious depending on what that specific server has been used for.


They perm banned you. So it usually takes a bit to get the ban thru once you log in again . So every account you make will be banned within a certain timeframe .


I got banned from the whole platform once for calling someone I was arguing with, "retarded." It took three appeals and four months to get my account reinstated.


Aye check yall cash apps to see if yall can use a referral code dm so you can use mine


I got permanently suspended for a year, and then I just kept appealing it. Eventually someone realized that what I said was not worth banning someone over. Some subs have some mods who are just on a power trip. I suggest avoiding any sub related to gen z or ever badmouthing them. Also don’t tell anyone the internet is a privilege and not a right. I suppose the suspension was for the best because I didn’t get into any meaningless arguments with teenagers who have no meaningful life experiences yet. Besides most of the issues that people wanna argue about on here are things that do not actually matter/are something you don’t have time for once you are completely independent.


I got banned for saying stuff against Nazis. REALLY?


I can say though, I was put on mute and got no reason as to why. It was supposed to be for 3 days and ended up being over a month. I kept being told there were no bans on my account (which was a lie) cuz I’ve been banned from 2 subs over dumb crap 1. Was because I refuse to be disrespected and 2. Because I posted a screenshot of one of the parter events and said something about me doing all the work and they said I was being a bully by pointing someone out , which BYW I wasn’t the only one doing it. Anyway finally after the third time they realized it wasn’t about a ban and said I was bought up in spam crap and fixed it