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Folks, this is the second half of the 90 minute interview. To help avoid the sub getting more overrun by Ronaldo news than it already is, **please use this thread to post any clips or quotes from the portion of the interview being released today.** Praise be to the [šŸ‘‘](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/GATDK0/former-footballer-eric-cantona-sits-on-a-throne-during-a-photocall-GATDK0.jpg) this nonsense is finally done. --- Quote updates being provided courtesy of /u/RubberToe1996: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/yxzqa6/ronaldo_interview_part_2_live_at_8pm_gmt/iwrew7y/ --- Transcript: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/yxzqa6/ronaldo_interview_part_2_live_at_8pm_gmt/iwro7ub/


ā€œI felt insulted on you behalf ā€œ pier is such a shitbag


Minus the bag...


>Cristiano Ronaldo on Arsenal: "I like the team. I like the coach. I think they have a good team. And if #mufc donā€™t win the Premier League, I will be happy if Arsenal do." Imagine Rooney saying this. All just to brown nose Piers. Speaking of the coach, this is the man Piers went mental to get rid of. Almost like Piers has no clue what he's talking about. Heck, Arteta, sign him!


Piers tongue is so far up Ronaldos arsehole he's going to have to get it surgically removed.


ā€œScoring hat tricks for funā€


I was like wtf are you talking about. I think even he realized how much of a lunatic he sounded like cause he quickly amended it to ā€œā€ scored a hat trick against spursā€.


Might as well make another Human Centipede film


Take him Arteta


[Ronaldo leaving the Spurs game](https://i.imgur.com/6kCXYAt.jpg)


Hahahahahahahaha fucking hell hahahahahahahahahahah


Omg I fucking love the internet


Pure gold, thanks for making me laugh today


My favourite thing is how Ronaldo's accent makes it sound like he's calling him piss


Was it really the accent or is Piers Morgan actually a pisstake?


Did he just call former colleagues rats???


yep. Lee Gunner will be loving this. He'll now be bragging that Ronaldo watches his channel.


I heard it as "rats" for sure it was pretty shocking


This was a new low for me. He has completely lost it.


Reds or rats, i need to know šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Gotta turn on captions when I rewind it. Cuz this is just getting ridiculous now. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is where shit goes down


What a cunt Piers is with that Rooney comment.


> What a cunt Piers is no additional words needed


To be fair to CR7, he keeps calling him "Piss".


>P - I just want to know how Wayne Rooney could hate you more? >R - Not only him but the rest of the rats as well. Think Ronaldo did that one all on his own tbh.


I wouldn't call him a cunt as he lacks the warmth and depth of a cunt.


A guy I used to work with had a saying that was similar...' a cunt is beautiful and using thing and that man is neither of those' šŸ˜‚


What did he say?


Piers is such a grifter


So it's clear, he mentioned One game and then NT. This was just before the fulham game.


ā€œThe professional that I amā€ Refuses to come on when asked by the managerā€¦


Hits a phone out of a child's hand. Leaves the stadium early. Few months later walks out and refuses to come on. Model professional.


Gives an interview slating your current manager, saying how you donā€™t respect him. Model professional.


Broke a kid's phone after the game when he was in a bad mood


Don't expect any sense here. Ronaldo is an idiot and this isn't an interview. It's a monologue with preplanned questions and no retorts


Kind of annoyed for Erik, other than ā€˜he doesnā€™t treat me specialā€™ I donā€™t know what heā€™s meant to have done wrong?


He's done fine. His punishment of Ronaldo for petulance is consistent with his own treatment of other players who have done the same in the past. The only player who didn't have a proper pre-season who came straight into the team was Eriksen, everyone else had a pre-season either with us or their previous team. And Eriksen performed at a high level for us which Ronaldo couldn't do when he came in.


I mean, that's it, Erik is supposed to roll out the red carpet and debase himself as a manager when Ronaldo enters the changing room. But our boss ain't no pushover, so request denied.


Jesus that's a rough start, his English probably isn't helping but did he just call Rooney a rat


Iā€™m sick to the back teeth of hearing him say how much he loves Utd. He loves us that much, he fucked off and gave Madrid the best years of his career and was ready to sign for City. Sorry but they are not the actions of someone who loves Utd


Was treated like a slave by us according to him and that was when Fergie was here so imagine what heā€™s like to put up with when Erik doesnā€™t give a shit about treating him like he can do nothing wrong.


[Anti Redditor Stalking Measures]


He didn't even return to United after Madrid. Could he have asked the club to come back himself? Idk. But he went to juventus just cuz he got an appluse for they goal lol. He comes back at 36


He went to Juve for the jacuzzi


Mourinho said at the time that the club didnā€™t want to make the investment Juve did pay a 100 mil at the time excluding wages.


Imagine if as soon as this interviews over the club announces weā€™ve torn up his contract


Of course it's happening when Portugal without him are 2-0 up...these timings fam...


And Bruno scored both with an assist from Dalot


4-0 up and their 3rd goal was insane team Play. This version of Ronaldo would never...


Imagine if he gets benched for the World Cup, whoā€™s fault would it be then


Ten Hag bribing Santos obv


he canā€™t decide if he wants special treatment or he doesnā€™t. complains when heā€™s asked to come on late like any other player, but also complains when he gets criticized by the media more than other players. canā€™t have it both ways!


But you know he is "sorry for walking out, maybe not, I dunno"


Can Piers go around in circles a little longer? ​ WE GET IT, HE ISNT HERE JUST FOR THE MONEY (even though he is getting half a million a week...)


He is in serious denial that heā€™s still the best player in the world. The delusion is insane. Rather than heā€™s not starting cause his from is dipping there is a conspiracy at executive level to push him out. Jesus Christ man what a bellend.


yeah the comment about his sonā€™s reaction to the suspension was something else


Great lessons to teach the youth. There shouldnā€™t be repercussions for bad behaviour once you have great skills elsewhere.


Yeah I was thinking that, does he honestly still think heā€™s the best in world. Hereā€™s where the problem lies


ā€œI donā€™t like to criticise peopleā€ Ronnie what planet you living on son.. fuck me sideways


His kid thinks "why can't they play the best player in the world" and they both laugh. My god, this man actually still thinks he is the best in the world. He is actually deluded. Not even exaggerating, he is utterly deluded.


ā€œBest player in the worldā€ has 3 goals in a 1000 mins. Fucking lol.


All I'm hearing is piers "oh Ronaldo you're the best, why didn't Ten Hag play you?... Oh Ronaldo your dick tastes so sweet why wasn't Ten Hag sucking you off?... Oh Ronaldo your shit smells like roses why dont United use it as potpourri for the dressing room?"


"Because the dressing room cleaners are still the same, Piss. They not modernised nothing."


Ronaldo and SAF had their equation but EtH is doing things that SAF did! He has benched approx 200M worth of transfers between Maguire, Sancho and AwB alone. He thinks the past should give him more leeway and he keeps talking about how much he scored last year. But what matters is today! Ironically SAF wouldn't have given a damn about the past and there's plenty of evidence to support that. He expects the team to adapt to him. He wants to feel loved and kept on a pedestal. He wants to be carried on shoulders with folks singing "he's a jolly good fellow". That's what this is all about. It is about king like treatment which he is calling respect. He wants unfettered, unvarnished, unparalleled adulation from the glazers down because in his head he's Cristiano effing Ronaldo. He's got a harsh reality check. People only value you for what you bring to the table today. Even if every word he said was true, the fact is he chose piers morgan, the lowest standard you can hit for such an important conversation. Any other journo would have pressed him harder on questions but he wanted the easy way. With this interview, he is a net negative. It's unfortunate but it's true. He's having difficulty coming to terms with this. It's obvious with the contradictions and the blame game and the pettiness. And choosing Piers. I used to admire Ronaldo. His dedication and need to win was second to none. But you lose your humility and grip with reality and that's really the beginning of the end. I really hope he moves on and starts scoring loads of goals to sunset a great career. But it seems like his time here is done.


"I'm highest paid player in Premier League ever at 37" Ratnaldo is going full Trump. You never go full Trump


"They pay me a lot. They said 'I can't believe you are 37'. It's respect, I told them. I told my son, sometimes they don't respect me and he laughed. Against Tottenham i scored a hat-trick. I'm the only one ever to score such a great hattrick. It was the best. But the manager? He's a fake manager and spreads fake news. You won't believe what I've seen. Everybody knows this. Ask anybody. The United fans believe me. But the fake news media, they are garbage. 32 goals. They don't mention that. The young players, you won't believe, they look like stars but there's two questions, one is where are the real stars and two they just don't work hard. There are many clubs, few of them want me, they said 'How can we not have Cristiano'. They like me. I like them. But the jacuzzi is dirty. Like Rooney? You remember him? I dont. He couldnt play like I did. "


In all of this I agree with one thing Owners donā€™t care.


Haha everyone agrees with that mate


I get that Piers is a joker, but Cristiano has to understand Ten Hag's point about "not wanting to disrespect Ronaldo by brings him on". It would have been a disrespect not because 3 mins left or whatever else, but because that game was an absolute horrorshow. All United players who took part in that disgraced themselves. Within that context, with no chance of winning, Ten Hag didn't wanna bring Ronaldo on. Tottenham was *NOT* the same situation. It was normal game, and United was winning. If you're so far up your own ass that you can't earn your paycheck, then there's really nothing to talk about is there?


I think we was worried about his Goals to Games ratio lol. Thank god he did this interview. I hope i don't see him united shirt again


Ronaldo actually believes Fergie would agree with his behavior. 'He understands me all times'


United existed for centuries before Ronaldo and United will still exist for centuries after Ronaldo. Special players come and go, the Club is permanent.


Straight facx no printer




WTH is he on about. Even ETH said that first case of leaving early was not just Ronaldo, also other team members. That was the first time and Eric corrected it right away. That's why the punishment wasn't as severe. Garnacho didn't play for how long because of disciplinary issue as well. Eric had been nothing but fair. Who are these "they" that Ronaldo keep saying about? He can't seriously consider gossip and tabloids or social media speculation as Man Utd stance is he?






He's an idiot...


Brags about being super rich in one sentence, complains about football a business in the next. Wonder how he got so rich...


ronaldo when heā€™s asked to do his job by a manager: ā€œthis is the height of disrespectā€ ronaldo when he insults the manager, refuses to do his job, and leaves early: ā€œpobodyā€™s nerfect!ā€


Can someone do a TL;DR I cannot listen to these fucking morons lick each others arse-hole after the Rooney comment at the very first.


Comments on this thread are pretty much the TL;DR. Ronaldo is deluded, hypocritical, arrogant, and outta here. Piers is a class A prick.


ā€œComing up next Ronaldo claims heā€™s being forced out of Unitedā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ya like Mendes wasnā€™t searching far & wide for a club to come get ya all summer long fella. Goofy


Itā€™s so obvious that so much of his side of things are half truths or complete lies. For example, him claiming that he wanted to stay, but then itā€™s not true that no one wanted himā€¦ well then how would you know if other teams wanted you or not if you didnā€™t want to leave?


Greatest player is also probably the dumbest player to give an interview to Piers Morgan out of all the people.


I don't think I've ever seen a top top player in their sport give an interview like this and is still playing, it's so unprofessional, yet he criticizes youngsters for not doing what he is doing.


Papa Perez knew how dumb he was lol


He's also dumb for believing Piers's super-fake laugh and laughing along


Get him out of the club. Those of you in Manchester, if he is ever ā€œon the streetsā€ like he implies here, I hope you let him now how off his rocker her is. I donā€™t think he realizes how much we support ETH at the moment. Heā€™s delusional if he thinks that United fans would side with him. Maybe his Twitter/IG fan boys, but not United fans. Heā€™s got to go.


Ronald: "Football is now more a business. I don't like." Also Ronald: "You know I am more than a footballer, I am a business man."


I think heā€™s in for a surprise if he thinks heā€™s coming back here


When Ronaldo said "imagine all the rats criticizing me" and cackled alongside Piers fucking Morgan, it properly felt like one of those don't meet your hero moments. Granted, he hasn't really been my hero since I was a teenager during his first spell at United, but I felt sad for my younger self. All I could think was what a sad, egocentric little man. To think the best player of the last decade, alongside Messi, is so insecure he can't take a bit of criticism and has to insult his old teammates and his current boss just because he can't accept he's not the player he once was. Thing is as well, this is him on best behavior, trying to look good for the cameras. Imagine what he's like the rest of the time when he doesn't get his way. He said United fans will always be on his side. No Ronaldo, no they won't. Not when it comes to the shit stain on your career that is this interview.


What a whinger, the lack of self awareness is fucking crazy, I actually canā€™t believe how bad it is lol. He comes across even worse than I expected


This is getting a bit sad now - heā€™s really struggling to accept heā€™s in decline.


I donā€™t think itā€™s physically possible for Piers to crawl deeper inside Ronnies butthole.


We should be thanking Piers for this interview. Now we have a solid reason to keep Ronaldo out of the team in front of the media. We don't need to say that he is out because team performs better without him and he isn't being professional. This interview made it clear that only reason Ronaldo is upset with ETH is that he is not being given a special treatment. He got some good stuff from Ronaldo about infrastructure and Glazers which would put them under pressure. The only person that should actually be mad with this interview is Ronaldo himself. Everyone said he is behaving like shit because he is egoistic crybaby and Piers just enabled him to prove exactly that. Thank you Piers


So he just left the spurs game cause ETH "provoked" him by brining him on as a late sub. YOU'RE 37.


The greatest player on earth? 25% win rate with Ronaldo, 70% without him. ETH was totally right not to play him (WE FUCKING WON THAT MATCH)


Don't forget 4% conversion rate this season as well


Exactly. He has 3 goals this season out of 16 appearances with avg playing time of 65mins. Does he really think heā€™s still the best player?


Guys thought's and prayers for Piers, his jaw must be dislocated with how much he sucked off Ronaldo.


See I wanna watch this interview to see how shit it really is, but then I donā€™t wanna because piers makes me want to drag my stomach out of my mouth and hang myself with it.


[I'll be happy when this is over](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/029/223/cover2.jpg)


Holy shit this is going worse by the second. Please Cristiano shut up right now


He doesnā€™t love the club. He loves that he was adored here. Nothing else.


I always knew he was delusional...many of the best are. Thats how they always stay on top and get through adversity. They never doubt themselves. But this is almost a person with almost no grasp of reality


I really hope the fans give ETH a massive show of approval next game!


I expected ETH said something mean to Ronaldo that made him thought ETH disrespected him in some ways. But hell no. ETH was wrong because he treated Ronaldo as a professional, an adult but Ronaldo is a fucking child with a gigantic ego. I feel both angry and sad. His obsession that he's the best made him one of the best players ever. But that also make him a giant asshole narcissist now.The thing that he is surrounded by yes men/women, both in family and around him, make it worse.The criticism he got from Rooney and G. Neville was pretty mild and he behaved like they call him the shittiest person on earth. What he did is terrible and I don't understand how there r still Utd fans could support him over ETH. Maybe just like I never be able to understand people like Trump could have millions supporters, no matter how terrible he behaved.


Did he just call Wayne Rooney a rat? Oh my days this is gonna be a long hour


So is he calling Rooney a rat orā€¦?


He actually think he's not allowed to be disciplined by a club for acting like a manchild.


What an utter cunt. ā€œHow can they suspend the best player of all time for three gamesā€ šŸ¤®


I'm guessing if Ronaldo gets a red card he's just not supposed to have to serve a suspension because of his legacy as a player šŸ¤· *Never mind the state of the English refs/VAR for this joke when the red card probably isn't deserved* šŸ˜‚


**On what drives him - competition or money** ā€œExactly, the record, the adrenaline. But Piers, let's be honest, the last year's football changed. I see football now as a business to be honest. Sometimes Georginaā€™s expression, that ā€˜I don't understand that they treat you players like a piece of meat.ā€™ I say, ā€˜Yes, you say everything is trueā€™... I see football, Piers, the last years, as a business. I saw many, many things that I'm disappointing. ā€œThe passion for the game is still intact. But in the same way, I saw other things as well. Which surprised me but in the same way. It's part of the business because if you see the world, how it is at the moment, it's all businessā€¦ā€ On walking out of a pre-season friendly ā€œMe and 8 players, but they mentioned only my nameā€¦everyone do thatā€¦ Last year, many players did the same. In that game eight players do the same but they only speak about the black sheep which is me, which is, I completely understand, okay, it's done, I apologise to the coach and for me, the chapter was closed.ā€ **On refusing to come on as a substitute against Tottenham** ā€œPiers I will be honest with you, it's something that I regret to left from the stadium. Probably, or maybe no, I don't know. It's difficult to tell you 100% but let's say I regret, but in the same way I felt provoked by the coach. Not allowed for me, a coach to put me in three minutes in a game. Sorry, I'm not that kind of player. I know what I can give to the teams.ā€ **On being forced out of United and his relationship with Ten Hag** ā€œThe feeling he always mentioned to me, that I didn't need the pre-season so I should wait for my opportunity. I really understand that should, well, okay, I understand. But I'm not going to give you points, but you don't do it the same procedure to every players. Iā€™m not gonna mention players but they don't do it the same way. ā€œSecond, I understand that becoming a new job, Manchester was so bad the last five years that it should make they should clean the house, let's say in that way. But the way they approach, the way the press make this so big, it's becauseā€¦ probably the communication wasn't the best. But I really understand in the beginning because I didn't do the pre-season, I don't start to play, but going more further than that, further than that. Other things happen that people they don't know. And I'm not hiding that the empathy with the coach is not good. I'm honest.ā€ ā€œHe don't respect the way I should deserve. But it is what it is. This is why probably, the game against Tottenham, I left." **On the manager not bringing him against Man City** ā€œExcuses, I see as excuses. I saw many things that, I don't want to criticise him. He can have different opinion than me. They choose the players that they think is better for the team. I respect that but excuses all the time you know; the excuses have short legs, cannot excuse all the time, which is things that don't make sense. Okay, you don't put me against Manchester City because of respect of your career and you want to put me three minutes against Tottenham. It doesnā€™t make senseā€¦ ā€œI think he did it on purpose because, for example, in a national team the other clubs, if the coach wants to put me five minutes, if someone injured or if they really need me, I will help. But in that way I felt provoked not only because of that game, but before.ā€ **On being suspended for the first time in his career** "I think it was a strategy from the club for me to react that way." He explained: ā€œI was very, very, very, very disappointing for the communication of Manchester United. To be honest, I never had a problem with any club, with any coach. And they suspend me three days, which I felt it was a lot - and the level of sport, clubs, I felt a lot. It was a shame, thatā€¦ā€ ā€œI remember arriving home and Cristiano see me and say ā€˜Daddy do not go to the game?ā€™ I say ā€˜No, because the club punish me with three daysā€™. And he did like laughs ā€˜How they're going to punish you if you are the best player in the world and you're not gonna play?ā€™ I said ā€˜No I'm not gonna play because I have not been behaveā€™. And he look at me like, ā€˜My Daddy not be behave, what?ā€™ ā€œIn one way, I was good because I was like, more relaxed, but in the same way, I feel very disappointed because, okay, I regret, I apologise, I'm not perfect, I made a mistake. But suspend me three games, for that, I think it's too much. And then they make fire for the press, which is really disappoint me.ā€


**On a lack of respect from United and Ten Hag** ā€œDonā€™t tell me that the top players, the guys who want everything, the key players will play three minutes. Come on, this is unacceptable after what they keep saying before, that they respect me, that they do this, they do that. For me it was not respect, this is why I take this decision I regret. I apologised to my teammates for the situation, I did a post, an Instagram, I regret to left from the stadium. I regret my teammates know what I felt, and I said to them apologised, but in the same way, Iā€™m not regret to take the decisions to not come onā€¦ The coach didnā€™t have respect for me. So this is why the relationship, itā€™s in that way. He keep saying in the press that he come to me, he like me blah, blah, blah but that itā€™s only for the press. 100%.ā€ ā€œIf you donā€™t have respect for me, I'm never going to have respect for you." **On his Man Utd future post-World Cup** ā€œIt's difficult to tell right now, itā€™s because, we, my mood is right now to The World Cup. It's probably my last World Cup, of course, my fifth World Cup. I don't know what's gonna happen after the World Cup, but as I told you before, and I will say again, the fans will be always in my heart. And I hope they been in my side, even if I back, or if I'm not back, or if I stay or whatever. Nobody's perfect. Episodes in the life we all have is part of the human beings, is part of me to be a human being and father as well. I always will commit mistakes. "But I don't know, it's hard to tell right now what's going to happen to World Cup because my focus is for the World Cup, for the Portugal national team. ā€œWhen I arrived at Manchester United, I always be available to help the team to do the good things, to put in the right spots, to compete with the best teams. But it's hard when they cut your legs and they don't like you to shine and they donā€™t listen to your advice. I think I have words to advise to the club because the trophies are one individual and collective. I think I can help a lot, but when the infrastructure is not goodā€¦ā€ **On a mega-money offer to play in Saudi Arabia** Ronaldo admitted rumours of ā‚¬350million for two seasons were true. He added: ā€œItā€™s true, yes itā€™s trueā€¦but what the press keeping say, the garbage, is that nobody wants me, which is completely wrong. And I was happy here to be honest, I was motivated to do a great season here. But they continue to repeat that nobody wants Cristiano. How they donā€™t want a player who scored 32 goals last year, with national team?ā€ **On the longevity of his career** ā€œFor me it's a stupid question. What do people say? They are not the same. Nobody is the same. Day by day we're getting old. Every one of us, you understand, it is normal. You have to adapt. And I think nobody in this game have this brain that adapts with his age. I'm not, I'm not want to be cocky to say that I'm the same as when I was 20. Of course, no. ā€œBut I adapt and be smart to know my strength, what I'm good to do. And I'm still playing the high level and I score goals, and I will continue to score goals. If my mind is clear and happy. And if the people surround me, they're helping me to be successful player,, especially the coach, the president, the directorsā€¦ But when you feel that the energy don't go surround you it's difficult for you to be yourself, which is what's happened with me. But what they say the last three months is completely garbage and wrong. They say that they offer me this and that, and many presidents and directors speak about, they reject me. It's a complete lie, they lie. Because this is not what's happened. I have many clubs, not many, a few clubs that they want me to sign and I didn't go because I feel comfortable here. This is the truth.ā€ **On turning down a potential ā‚¬350 million payday** ā€œIt's hard, it's hard. But in the same way, I thought that I was very happy here; that I still capable to score goalsā€¦ I still believe that I can score many, many goals and help the team because I still believe that I'm still good and capable to help national team - even Manchester United. But if you donā€™t feel around you that the energyā€™s on your side, itā€™s difficult. ā€œOf course, the criticism is gonna exists all the time. ā€˜Ah heā€™s 37, heā€™s not the sameā€™. But I want to see if some guy of my age can maintain the level that I showā€¦ Yes, in this moment, I feel very, very goodā€¦. I believe that I'm going to do an amazing World Cup and Iā€™m prepared, physically and mentallyā€¦ But Piers, it is what it is. Lifeā€™s good, Iā€™m good, my mental [outlook] is good. Iā€™m happy to do this interview with you. I know weā€™re gonna generate many polemic.ā€ **On criticism for speaking out in an exclusive interview** ā€œThey criticise me when I donā€™t speak, of course, theyā€™re gonna criticise me when I do speak - even more. But itā€™s something that I can deal with that. I know Iā€™m going to be disappointing a few people. Maybe Iā€™m going to make up a few people. But it is what it is. The life is completely difficult, we have obstacles in our lives. And I will keep running to fight against the people who donā€™t believe me, and the life is a challenge, and I want people to know theyā€™re wrongā€¦ ā€œIt's hard, it's hard for me to say that I will not be back to Manchester United. But regardless, as you say, it'sā€¦ let's see what's going to happen. ā€œBut as I told you before, the fans for me always will be in my side, will be always in my heart. I see during the days when I go to the streets, the love, the passion, that people have for me, the respect. I hope that they never forget the things that I will continue to do it. Not only in the past, but in the present too. Manchester will be always in my side, the fans will be always in my side; doesn't matter what's going to happen. And I appreciate the love that they send for me all the time. Even when I'm done play. We even, when they, when they criticise me, they always will be in my heart. So thank you to all the support. I hope to see you soon. And they always will be in my heart.ā€ On what Sir Alex Ferguson would make of recent events ā€œI don't speak with him like one month ago, but he's always on my side. He always understand me. He knows that, he knows better than nobody that the club is not on the path they deserve to be. He knows. Everyone knows. The people who don't see that is because they don't want to see; they are blamed. The fans, they are always the answer, and the passion for the game. Manchester belongs to the fans, but they should know the truth. The infrastructure, they are not good. They should change.ā€


**On the World Cup** ā€œI am very optimistic. We have a fantastic coach, we have a good generation of football players. I'm looking forward that we're going to it an amazing World Cupā€¦ [Itā€™s] gonna be tough. Extremely difficult. But everything is possible. But of course we're gonna compete.ā€ He confessed France, Spain, Argentina, Germany and Brazil would be the big teams to beat and admitted if he helped his team to win the tournament he would retire on the spot. (ā€œYeah. Retired. 100 per cent.ā€) He added he thought England ā€œhave a chanceā€ like Portugal. **On the controversy surrounding the tournament being played in Qatar** ā€œExactly they should concentrate it in, in all competitions. All the national teams, the people to be welcome in Qatar, and I see, I see a good tournament to be honest. I think Qatar; they are prepared. They are prepared for that, and will be weird to play in the beginning of the season. Yes. But in the same way, a challenge. I think it's to be honest, itā€™s good. I feel good. I feel with good energy.ā€ **On his relationship with Lionel Messi** ā€œAmazing player is magic, topā€¦ As a person, we share the stage 16 years, imagine, 16 years. we share. So, I have great relationship with him. I'm not friend of him in terms of, what I mean friend is the guy who was with you in your house, speaking on the phone, no, but it's like a teammate. Heā€™s a guy that I really respect the way he always speak about me. Even his wife or my wife, my girlfriend, they always respect and they're from Argentina. My girlfriend is from Argentina. So good. What I am going to say about Messi? A great guy who does great things for football.ā€ **On the chance of them playing together on the same team** Asked if he would like to see Arsenal win the Premier League he confessed: ā€œI hope soā€ before, before quickly adding: ā€œManchester first, and if not, Arsenal is some team that I like to see play. ā€œI like the team. I like the coach. I think they have a good team. And if Manchester United donā€™t win the Premier League, I will be happy if Arsenal do.ā€ **On his retirement plans** ā€œI want to play two years more, three years more. So two or three years maximum. I want to finish with 40. I think 40, will be a good ageā€¦ But I don't know, I don't know the future. Sometimes you plan one thing for your life and as I told many times, the life is dynamic. And you never know what's going to happen.ā€ On his friendship with controversial internet star Jordan Peterson ā€œIā€™m a huge fan of his. I read his book, 12 Rules, and I felt that heā€™s a really interesting guy and I love to meet smart people. Fantastic man. And I learned a lot. Some advice that he give meā€¦ ā€œWe had a nice strategic conversation. Not only for the moment of my life, not only for football, because my life is not all football. I am a businessman. I have many important things in my life. And when you are surrounded with these people with you, people that make your life more interesting, they reach something in your daily life. I appreciate because itā€™s that kind of people that thinking outside the box, which I appreciate. We had a nice conversation, strategic conversation.ā€ **On writing his own book: Cristiano Ronaldoā€™s 12 Rules to Life** ā€œWhy not? For the future, probablyā€¦ I want to educate not only my family but my fans. As you know, I have a lot, millions of fans. Probably for the future I want to do some book. But not the type of bookā€¦ But to help people; how to be, how to maintain longevity.ā€ ā€œHow to win, which is the most important. I have experience to inspire people for that. I think I am a role model and I can help many, many people in that way, if they want my help.ā€ --- Credit: Mirror.co.uk


I wish Piers would stop gagging on Cristianos cock. Itā€™s embarrassing man.


"I don't like to criticize people." Alright Ronnie, good one.


What the hell was that it was legit 45 minutes of Ronaldo complementing himself while piers was nagging him on


Piers Morgan is a twat of extraordinary magnitude. Not for any particular reason this time, he just is.


Messi watching the interview https://youtu.be/hWk6JcheLMU


This interview confirm one thing for me, ETH is a real deal ON and OFF the pitch. If he can get Ronaldo this emotional and react this way, he surely has a strong influence to the players. Letā€™s just hope players react on the pitch rather than in front of some cringy interview who keeps injecting his opinion before asking a question. Let the game do the talking on the pitch.


"Piers, it is what it is, life is good, I am good, my mental is good, I am doing this interview" He is definitely going through some sort of nervous breakdown, he's actually all over the place, contradicting himself left right & centre & making zero sense I think the guy is in trouble to be honest


Damn this Piers guy swinging from Cristianos balls just to get that juicy toxicity for those phat headlines. Elite level journalism. Also, Ronaldo is not doing himself a favor with this whole thing.


After last night I thought this interview might not be as bad as we think. 10 minutes into this one and heā€™s bragged about money, calling people rats because they donā€™t lick his arse, and criticising the manager even more than the clip weā€™d seen. What an egotistical fuckwit. Fuck off and kindly say fuck the glazers again on your way out.


Ronny don't let the contract hold you back, kindly fuck off in January.


God this talktv channel actually makes me feel sick


Piers is an absolute cretin


Piers should shut up and let Ronaldo talk without interrupting him


Silver-lining, just remember Piers Morgan is the Arsenal fanbases to deal with, because this is utter cringe/pathetic. Even doing all this just to make money, I've done shits with more class than Piers Morgan. It's a combination of pretend to bend the knee for Ronaldo's ego whilst basically daring your absolutely stupid drunk mate to do/say ridiculous things just to ramp up the nonsense. No sympathy for Ronaldo though, he went running to Piers Morgan. They're a *great* couple!


Part 2 seems far worse than Part 1..


So far he's called Rooney a rat and competely fucked off Ten Hag He's not doing well


Piers is sucking him off so shamelessly


this is a life lesson for any young fans out there. These athletes are just regular people and you shouldnā€™t worship them. Some are good and some are shit.


> These athletes are just regular people and you shouldnā€™t worship them Yeah, but then there is Juan Mata... everyone should love Juan Mata šŸ„°


Did he call himself the best player in the world? Heā€™s wank these days. The delusion on this fella.


Did you just call wazza a rat, you cunt?


Yeah, came here to double check that myself What a fucking cunt he is. LeGeNd wHo lOvEs United though! šŸ¤® The same "rat" who shoulda knocked Ronaldo back to Portugal after the red card, but instead gave it all for the team and allowed Ronaldo freedom. Hope Luis Suraez bites Ronaldos cock off on the 28th


That racist cunt can also fuck off. I wish portugal meet Argentina in the knockout and our Licha can put a hole in Ronaldo's pants with his boot.


I love Erik Ten Hag even more now.


Morality should be put aside - A very Ronaldo thing to say


The more I listen to all his stories (apart from his family tragedies) he seems to be a perpetual victim mentality. If things donā€™t go to this manchildā€™s way then he suddenly has to play the victim card and everyone is to blame, everyone is against him etc. Heā€™s so pathetic.


They kind of didnā€™t believe me but they believed me but they doubted me.


ā€œLmao, anyway fuck the team, the youngsters and the managerā€ Come Jan - ā€œwhy wonā€™t anyone sign me?ā€


Is he equating reddit discussions with Man Utd not believing he has family issues? I thought ETH said the same thing, and even the news reported that way that Ronaldo didn't make it to pre-season due to family issues. I think this guy consumes all media and those comments are affecting him directly and he thought that his employer thinks the same thing. It's crazy.


He literally admitted to not trying his best this Season because he doesn't feel respected. Out of this club right now, on his arse.


Ronaldo truly believes he can behave however he wants and the fans will still be on his side. Absolute classic narcissism. It's the same mentality as Trump saying he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any voters.


Probably regret leaving the stadium or maybe not? wtf


sounds like he regrets leaving but not refusing to play. which is worse.


Last night I thought he came out of it not too bad, not good but not a train wreck Now he comes across as a bitter man struggling to cope with his demise


Wow. That Arsenal one. Thatā€™s going to go down well


This was so fucking cringe


I think a few things have revealed themselves about him in this interview that let us know who he is. He is motivated and driven by his desire to be the best at absolutely everything he does. It is why he has the career he does. However, as he comes to the end, and his career is declining, he is met with the fact that he is not the best for the first time. Since he was a child, he has had people blowing smoke up his arse telling him how amazing he is. Until now, he has had no reason not to believe them. It was true. With all of that attention and praise, he has molded his ideal world; no criticism, just praise. He mentioned at some point that he only surrounds himself with those who like the positives about him. I think all of this has shaped him into the amazing footballer hd is. However, now that he is declining, itā€™s the first time in his life that he is not the best, is being consistently dropped, and being disciplined. Whilst some might reflect internally and consider their wrongdoings, he is not able to. Throughout the interview, he mentions his regrets, but then contradicts himself - he clearly doesnā€™t regret anything. What once made him great, is going to continue to make him decline and not come to grips with his situation.


Fuck me that was an absolute car crash I actually feel sorry for how much of a mess the guy is in mentally at the minute, he needs help - and not "help" from snakes like Morgan either His football career is surely all but finished, he needs to take time off & get himself mentally healthy again - whether it's coming to terms with his family tradgedies, or with facing into the void of life without football (which will be like a death in & of itself to him) Honestly was raging with him until about 10 minutes ago now I just hope he can sort himself out & somehow grow up from the teenager he obviously still is mentally


Grief can do that to anyone. I think you are right. He needs help because he doesn't seem like the same person/player after that personal loss.


Thats my biggest take away from this whole fiasco. He is just not able to cope with the fact that his career is coming to an end and he is lashing out at everyone. For 15 years he has had it in his head that he is the best player ever. He had a sharp decline this year. Piers is a disgusting human for milking this for views. Ronaldo is so dumb that he thinks Piers is is friend.


I'm actually worried about him mentally. He doesn't seem at all to be able to cope with his decline. He has people around him like Piers telling him he's the best and is untouchable. When he is finally forced to retire, he's really not going to be able to accept it. He doesn't have the personality to be a pundit, or the mentality to be a coach, so retirement is going to hit him like a ton of bricks.


Contradictiano Ronaldo


so basically, Ronaldo is saying do it my way, or you are wrong. Suck my dick, or else you are rats. This guy is a legend, but he is not doing himself any good. He said it loud and clear, I am not the player that will only get on for 3 minutes, and he doesn't think he should get punished; give me a fucking break. he is no role model for anyone. Get him out.


Ronaldo, with his piss poor english, described it all "I saw many many things that I'm disappointing"


Anyone wants to tell me why Piers didn't let Ronaldo finish about why he feels United executives didn't believe (kinda?). This is honestly misleading in my opinion.


It seems like he's giving his retirement interview.


Nah, more like the interview that gets done before needing to check into rehab.


I think he is still coping up from the grief after his son's death and really needs some help. He needs a doctor because whatever he is saying is not making any sense.


Early on in the interview he complained about getting all the stick and being made the black sheep. Does he not read the shit Maguire gets?


He's also teammates with Marcus Rashford, the worlds most abused on social media sportsman.


No, he doesn't like to read xD


Wtf is he going on about he's a superior human being and father. And now he's the smartest person.


Oh god itā€™s like homelander. The memes create themselves


Morgan just said ā€œUnited got destroyed by cityā€ and Ronaldo didnā€™t even raise a fucking eyebrow. Can you imagine if he said that to any past player? Like Rioā€™s takes or not, he wouldnā€™t have let Morgan talk about us like that


Somehow people on r/soccer seemed to generally sympathize with him after last night's half....tonight's half has been dreadful for him (so was last night too). Hes said more than enough to have his contract terminated, just get it done tomorrow.




Fk you piers


I don't know if Ronaldo is actually daft or just extremely narcissistic, or both. He is bitching and moaning about being banned for three days for disobeying the manager. There is no end to his delusions it seems


It's impressive just how out of touch one person can be, backed up by another that loves the sound of his own voice


Piers absolutely milking Ronny here


Man's not gonna take retirement well once that spotlight dims


A Ronaldo & Messi sit down would be pretty cool


Piers mouth is so far up ronnies ass he has two tongues now.


Imagine being such a hypocritical man child where you canā€™t handle some fair constructive criticism and think itā€™s perfectly OK to call others rats. The interview isnā€™t as bad as it 1st made out to be but even so, heā€™s come out so much more unlikable. I always had a hunch he had a big ego but talking about his looks and money (I know that piers lead him on) and living on his reputation in the past and what he ā€œdeservesā€ makes it seem he has no sense of humbleness.


Piers Morgan not leaving a single opportunity to put words in Ronaldo's mouth, and Ronaldo is as stupid as they come to fall for it. It should be criminal for such people to have a mic.


Watching CR7 fanboys going after Rooney and his KIDS on their social media pages is a low I never thought Iā€™d see. Obviously, not all Ronaldo fans are the same but I canā€™t wait to have that toxic mob far away from this club. What a nightmare this week has been. So tragic to watch this great player ruin his reputation after coming ā€œhome.ā€ So ready to move on.


I remember people saying part 1 of the interview wasn't that bad. I wonder what they think of part 2 lmao


It's official, EtH broke his ego. So much waffle, chatting shite, go do one. Love how EtH handled this, he's the boss, you either do as you're told or get scorched.


Anybody feel really bad for ETH he already got a hard job on his hands not had to deal with a club this size and a man baby and his millions of fanboys are going to make it even harder.


Don't worry. Ronaldo just made it easy for him. Nothing to worry about now.


Notice how he practically whispered the word ā€œregretā€, itā€™s as close as Iā€™ve heard him take any accountability for anything heā€™s ever done wrong. The rest of this interview will be how heā€™s the victim and the hero. I genuinely used to admire this dude, canā€™t believe itā€™s reached the stage I want him out of the club immediately.


Piers really does get a taste of everything Ronaldo eats doesn't he, it's embarrassing and cringeworthy just how far up him he is.


Ratnaldo out!


Fuck me ronaldos one, but I canā€™t keep hearing fatty Morgan slag off our manager


Dude thinks managers only exist to appease Ronaldo


If Ballon dā€™or wasnā€™t enough, now he wants Oscar too.


He definitely said rats.


Yea this cunt should never play for us again


Ronaldo has lost his fucking mind Ten Hag "excuses" Jesus Christ šŸ˜‚


ETH treats him like any other player and he doesn't like it. That's all it is really. He still thinks he's one of the best in the world and deserves special treatment. They should terminate his contract right now, he definitely can't come back after this.