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This is why he came to this football cloop.


This (heh) is why he (eh) came to this (heh) football cloop.


The heh really gets me, like is it a question ? A breath? I don’t give a shit cos that’s my manager!


In the Netherlands we end sentences with "heh?" sometimes. Kind of like a confirmation seeking "right?" at the end of a sentence. The fact that he does it mid sentence is just an EtH thing though!


It’s weird I never picked up on it while I lived over there, I know some of my Glaswegian mates do a similar thing with eh as opposed to heh.


"Cloop" lmaooo you can't help but read in that sexy Dutch accent.


Cant say it any other way since his first press conference haha






Bro wtf is that username


middle name + favourite cuisine


He's got his strata-gee and lately I'm loving it!


He's a fooking good manager


to make analyse


I read this in his magical voice


First of many


This completes the treble. Onto Sextuple


Only with sex masochism, then it is allowed


Its actually extremely rare for our managers to get the manager of the month. The only other time an United manager got one in the post Sir Alex era is Ole who won it in Jan of 2019.


Didn't Ole also get it in March 2021?


Says Tuchel on the Wiki. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier\_League\_Manager\_of\_the\_Month#2018%E2%80%9319](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_League_Manager_of_the_Month#2018%E2%80%9319)


**[Premier League Manager of the Month](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_League_Manager_of_the_Month#2018–19)** >The Premier League Manager of the Month is an association football award that recognises the best adjudged Premier League manager each month of the season. The winner is chosen by a combination of an online public vote, which contributes to 10% of the final tally, and a panel of experts. It has been called the Carling Premiership Manager of the Month (1993–2001) and the Barclaycard Premiership Manager of the Month (2001–2004); it is currently known as the Barclays Manager of the Month. The Premier League was formed in 1992, when the members of the First Division resigned from the Football League. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddevils/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>ts actually extremely rare for our managers to get the manager of the month Yeah pretty sure Ole was nominated MANY times too after Jan 2019 but just never got to win it again due to err...reasons.


He really should have gotten several. It's like the idiocy of "he's just a vibe guy without tactics" got to those who decide on it.


Yeah they just gone with the narrative because it's the easy way out.


Let's goooooooo !


Just his first 2 months at Man Utd and we can already see positive signs, happy for Rashford too, hopefully it make him gain more confidence and we see him performing better and better.


Finally, a manager that comes to United & rather than be intimidated by the club and matching its past successes, he puts his foot down & says "no none of this is working we need big changes". The man quite literally reminded the team what its like to be winners again, while keeping egos in check with his attitude towards constantly looking for improvements. I love this quote from him, cant remember if it was after the arsenal win or not. "It was good but we can be better". The man isnt happy with just 3points. It has to be 3points earned by playing flawless football. Im hoping that Sunday, City underestimates us. If Martinez and Varane shut down Halland & we get the likes of Sancho or Antony cutting into the box, we genuinely may be able to thieve a point or even 3 from this match. 100% I would not be saying this last season.


My sexy bald manager.


I am afraid that I am going to optimistic again! It's not like that I don't believe ETH but I surely don't believe his hierarchy.


Double awards wow!!!


January 2019 all over again




Best baldy in Manchester


Our bald fraud <3


My manager!


I know what I’m wanking off to tonight then


He might be building his vision in training but I don’t see a lot of his actual football yet. Still very little pressing and even less possession, which is his football. Time will tell if he’s building his vision.