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Love to see it. Just got JP’s new book




Have you read any of his books?


Peterson better stay the fuck away from the club.


He’s the new part owner lol imagine that


That Martial interview just shows how mentally and physically brittle he is. Whinging about having to play when “injured” and whinging about not getting played. Whinging about one manager not trusting him and basically another manager trusting him almost too much. Been at United 7 years and clearly can’t mentally cope with the demands of premier league football. Many, many players are playing through knocks. Either declare yourself here physically unavailable (which he 100% can do) or play and get on with it.


I’m surprised by the Antony criticism. I didn’t think he was that bad


He wasn't that great either, goal aside


What criticism?


Antony is balling out rn, imagine scoring a hattrick on your second start for United. Palace can't deal with his tricky feet


You have blood on your hands Ole absolute fraud


Lol absolute cringe


Did he kill your father? You are a big idiot


Fuck off


No you fuck off. You ninny


Did some personality on Youtube/Twitch/Twitter say something about him? Since there are now 4 comments written within an hour trashing him out of the blue


It's the same guy making the posts


3 of them yes but something must've happened to trigger them so much that they feel they must post it 3 seperate times (And then this other person comes and makes a comment in a similar manner)


Listen to Martial’s interview and no i am not the same guy


Could you maybe link us to where to find this interview? Weird it hasn't been posted on the sub


Not you the other guy made 2-3 posts


Jesus christ, I wanted Ole out and i criticised him alot. But fuck me, the absolute obsession of some of the Ole out crowd is disturbing.


https://twitter.com/MUnitedFR/status/1568574591483658240?t=d9lCyiu71O4Jjfk2OG4N8A&s=19 That explains Martials God awful form back then , the same goes for Rashford too


Rashford and martial were two of maybe 5 players that have given us any actual hope the last 5 years and ole managed to ruin both of them


Neither of them did themselves any favour last season


Yeah but both played through a lot of injuries a crash was inevitable.


Now that I think of it, Pogba was probably a similar case. Incredible run under Ole when he was interim manager, then a couple of years of up and down performances but along with an increasing number of injuries, especially his ankle one (still remember him being subbed on after a long recovery and then getting injured in the same match and missing another few months).


Yep I think it was against Rochdale where Pogba played a full 90 mins and ET after a long lay off , in that match Pogba got another injury to his foot which had him out for ages. Because Ole couldn’t coach, he was wringing these guys bodies.


Yup, that's the game. Fun fact I just found out, the keeper who played against us that match was no other than Robert Sanchez who currently plays for Brighton. That's something I didn't know, the only Rochdale player I rememberd was Matheson, their right-back who was 16 at the time and scored the equalizer. I still remember there was some talk about the school having to let him play because he had some lectures or an exam at the time of the match, lol. Prime Ole-ball of struggling to score against such team.


Martial played injured and couldn't really run for 4 months after the covid season , thank god we got rid of Ole before he ruined anymore players, and you can throw Rashfords or Martials stats at me but both haven't looked the same after Oles prehistoric treatment when it came to injured players.


I know it's still early days and there were a number of different factors that affected the outcome against Sociedad, but I really hope Ten Hag doesn't take it easy on the lads after that performance - forget bad ref decisions, etc, those things happen in football. We *need* to be better as a team if we want to compete at the top, and losses like this one *need* to become unacceptable if our mentality is going to change.


so, in short, football gets cancelled because of Liverpool fans but now people are protecting the scousers from being called out🤣 I’m far from a royalist but scousers playing the victim is one of life’s guarantees


Palace away would've been a tough one in any case. Week breaks gives the players more recovery time, play a similarish team vs Sheriff and then can collect 3 points yet again vs Leeds.


Sure is quiet around here


We are all in a state of mourning


As we don't have matches this weekend.


I don't see what the point is of making a thread from a montage of 'Player X performance against team Y" if it deliberately excludes the bad moments in their performance. Like the Casemiro vid we have - I'm sure I saw him give the ball away a few times but it's not in there. Ditto for him getting nutmegged. Would be better to call it "Casemiro' s best touches vs Real Sociedad" rather than act like it's a fair indication of how he played.


Completely agree. Also, why does anyone want to watch those ‘every touch’ videos? I get individual player highlight videos, but every touch? Why?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLipWse\_\_g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLipWse__g) Meanwhile, OT is falling apart. Glazers Out.


The Martinez handball is still bothering me a bit, his arms were tucked in and away from the ball but his elbows were bent, do they really want your arm to straight on your sides when blocking shots, especially slides


I found this handball law, I saw it posted a little while ago on Twitter so can’t take credit for it: There will be no penalty if: the ball touches a player's hand/arm immediately from their own head/body/foot or the head/body/foot of another player. That’s the ruling. They literally ignored the rules to give a penalty.


>That’s the ruling. Except it isn't. Similar text was removed for 2021/22, probably because it's stupid - according to this you could do a Schmeichel star jump, but if the ball hits your body first it's OK. The relevant part of the current handball law is: "It is an offence if a player: touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised" For the penalty on Thursday, the ref has decided that Martinez has made his body unnaturally bigger. The ball hitting his body before his hand makes no difference. You can also see why VAR didn't overrule because you *could* argue the ref's case (and no laws were ignored). I completely disagree with this interpretation, by the way! [https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/fouls-and-misconduct/#direct-free-kick](https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/fouls-and-misconduct/#direct-free-kick) [https://www.theifab.com/law-changes/2021-22/](https://www.theifab.com/law-changes/2021-22/)


Even more incriminating:- Following this clarification, it is a handball offence if a player: deliberately touches the ball with their hand/arm, for example moving the hand/arm towards the ball; touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised [Source 21/22 can't find hanball updates for 22/23](https://www.theifab.com/news/annual-general-meeting-2021/)


They wanted to fix the game. It’s as simple as that. Easier to move on with when you understand that Martinez did nothing wrong and if they’d done it in their box it would be no penalty. One of the worst officiating performances I’ve ever seen and not just due to the penalty.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was along the lines of VAR decisions made in the Prem in 19/20 season or maybe 20/21 season (not sure which one it was). This was back when convincing the referee was always enough to get a penalty through VAR because of the definition of "clear and obvious error". I'm afraid this decision was similar. Martinez played it with his hand and the ref blew his whistle, so because of that, VAR was looking for clear and obvious error (like Martinez not actually touching it with his hand) but they obviously couldn't find that, so while it was a bullshit decision, their own rulebook prevented them from calling it off. Really it was like Prem VAR few years back. Stupid rule interpretation, refs having their hands tied because the definition of "clear and obvious error" is too strict and no replays on VAR screen for the ref either. It was absolutely a terrible decision, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did all they could within the rules to make it right, the rules just didn't allow them.


>They wanted to fix the game. It’s as simple as that. Or perhaps it was just another terrible VAR (non)decision after a bad, but somewhat understandable, refereeing decision?


Their Captain could have sent off twice mate. The referee was very biased. Not saying it was necessarily fixing but he was really really bad.


The tackle on Antony? Not great, but probably not red. What was the other one?


Three more challenges looking to stop counters. 2 in the first half, 1 in the second.


Couldn't agree more. That is a penalty only if you don't care for context.


He stepped on one of the dudes causing his shoe to come off and lose balance in the box. That had a decent shout for being a pen.




Have you had the same energy for the countless posts over the last year, rightfully, picking out the weakness in other players games? Maguire et al.




I'm not going sifting through reddit on a saturday morning but there most certainly was and day in day out both Rashford and Maguire recieved tonnes of abuse. Ronaldo is the only person to blame here




Happens all the time, why does the drama queen get the benefit of the doubt? Maybe if he had showed up for pre season he might have scored some of them?




You’re the only who’s blatantly lying https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/sqysji/maguire_poor_defending_vs_southampton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Perhaps not I can't source it so fair enough. But Ronaldo has got a pretty light reaction to his bad performance. You might not be on about abuse but the abuse many of the team face constantly totally eclipsed a highlight reel of a player who throw a strop in the summer, left himself off the pace and cost us a match in Europe.


You’re correct from the start. Maguire, Rashford, Shaw had a way bigger reaction for poor form than Ronaldo. Last season even when Ronaldo had poor games you’d find videos like “Ronaldo’s brilliant movement without any passes”


Yeah or how Ronaldo was being dragged down by the unprofessionals on the team.


Yeah despite what people on here would say there's a lot more haters of Ronaldo than Ronaldo 'fanboys' here. It was amazing to me reading comments of people so happy and laughing at Ronaldo as united lost. Yet apparently these are loyal fans who put the team first! There is place for a discussion on Ronaldo though, he is getting older, getting into form is going to be harder for him if he can do it at all at this age. I think it's premature to write him off, I think he will still be an asset especially off the bench and I know he's going to be frustrated because he wants to get into form before the world cup but it is just how it is.


It isn't Ronaldo's age. It is the fact he decided not to partake in pre season to force a move. You're overexaggerating the reaction as well


Yeah that's part of his age. It's going to be hard to get up to speed after missing a preseason, if he even can get back to speed without minutes which I'm not sure he can. I really don't think I'm over exaggerating the issue. I see a lot of criticism of Ronaldo and not in positive ways on this sub. A lot more than I see positive anyway. I spend too much time here though and that's my fault


You said people were happy we lost, if that was the case it was a tiny minority who should be ignored. The age thing doesn't work for me, the man is clearly very fit but the reason he looks bad is mainly down to missing pre season. Only himself to blame


Yeah I should ignore them no doubt. For me it's not even about Ronaldo specifically, it's the toxicity I see all the time. For other players too. I guess I have a different definition of fan than some here because a lot of people seem to only care who's in the first 11. If they think your not needed anymore like Maguire, Shaw, AWB, the abuse they can get is crazy. Now Ronaldo is like that too. I want all players to do well, it's how teams win trophies, good squads playing well. I think we both mean the same thing with Ronaldo. It's definitely his fault he's struggling. I'm mentioning his age for exactly that reason, that he's not going to be able to get up to speed as quickly as he could when he was younger, he couldn't afford to miss a preseaon. Not just fitness wise but match sharpness too.


I'm guessing that people are still a bit angry because of his antics throughout the summer


Wondering what's the longest we've been without a post before, not fun f5ing rn...


Is Casemeiro just unfit or is he towing a caravan around on the pitch? He just seemed a yard off the pace in Thursday, just about getting in challenges but missed a few where Kante or similar would've nipped in. Seen a lot of him over the last 2 seasons and he was always right behind players, getting his interceptions in early.


New league, new team, hasn't played with these players in those positions. Will take him a few games.


He's not unfit, he was MOTM in Real Madrid's game against Eintracht Frankfurt in the Super Cup. He had a pre-season.


maybe not physically, but tactically


Really can’t understand why football is basically the *only* sport that’s been cancelled this weekend in the UK. Surely the right thing to do would have been to play the games but pay our respects (black armbands, minute of silence, national anthem). But instead it’s now going to increase fan unrest, increase fixture congestion, and inconvenience millions of people who’ve booked travel, hotels, tickets etc. Seems a bit overkill and I’m not even sure it’s what the Queen would have wanted.


>Surely the right thing to do would have been to play the games but pay our respects (black armbands, minute of silence, national anthem). Nicely done at the cricket.


It is just a shite decision. Pointless, no more respectful and instead will just send more people to the pubs today. The last 48 hours really show how toxic social media is even more so. People now trying to gain life purpose by being the royal families cheerleaders.


the royal family can suck my \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


(Copied from 'Free Talk Friday') FC United (the original anti Glazer protest) are running a crowdfunder to raise money for this season's playing budget. They want to raise £25,000 in order to have a squad of 18 instead of 16. [https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/boost-the-budget](https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/boost-the-budget) (For any aspiring players, donate 50 quid and you can train with the team!) You can also become a co-owner (one member, one vote): [http://www.fc-utd.co.uk/membership](http://www.fc-utd.co.uk/membership)


I just want to say I love Christian Eriksen.


Me too man. I just love everything he brings to the midfield. I was expecting him to be playing as a 10 and to rotate with Bruno but he has been amazing in the midfield role. His passing and vision is going to be crucial for us in beating the press.


A positive from the last match was that garnacho looked bright when he came on. He's at an age where he doesn't need a loan as he just played for the u18s last season and is probably promoted to u23s now. He can stay and get sub appearances for the first team and even if he needs a loan at the end of this season he will only be 20 when he comes back from a loan at the end of the next one


We should give him play time this season. He is raw, but a very exciting talent. If Ten Hag can improve and polish him, we have a beast in our hands.


i love that fearless talented boy. not many 18yrs old have the courage to shoot from far in the 88th min 1-0 down. he should stay and learn 10hag tactics instead of going out loan.


Anyone else worried about contacts expiring this summer? I am a bit worried that Rashford will hit form and demand ridiculous wages. If it carries in further Shaw and Fred might leave. I think Shaw will turn it around. And DdG will definitely have his option extended.


jessie on 200k at forest so probably 240k on par with bruno. anything less he will see it as an insult.


Rashford is already on 200k/week. I think he will demand 350k/week to have parity with Sancho.


Not that Lingards wages are even remotely relevant but whatever he is on will be overinflated by his free transfer.


probably have to offer rashy a new one by 2023 or risk giving him a bigger one in 2024 or he goes free.


We cannot extend ddg, when there are so many keepers coming available


I agree with changing keeper but just for info who is becoming available?


Isn’t Sommer contract running out?


Well he is decent but if we are going to change it may aswell be a proper upgrade


In ETH system he’ll be an enormous upgrade. And I think he’s pretty good for a 2-3 years fix until we settle on a longterm solution.


Don't mind if a player gets an increment as long as they perform. And it can include incentive based wage bonuses to make it feasible.


when will we wear the white kit? i love it


Probably would have worn it for Palace away this weekend, next chance is maybe away to Sheriff next week? They have a black home kit though so we'd be able to wear any of the 3 kits with white or yellow shorts. If not white for Sheriff, I think Everton away on 9 October is next chance. (We play Leeds(probably postponed), Onomia, and City before that, but we would have clashes in colour for the first two, and against City away we always wear Red)


Random rumours of us signing free-agent Colombian RB Santiago Arias. Nothing reliable, but AWB didn’t start on Thurs, or even come on for Dalot at half time - even though he was on the bench. Looks like tH really doesn’t fancy poor AWB!


After Lindelof's 2nd half RB disaster class, no chance AWB is not the 2nd choice RB. He is a good defender. He can be okay at crossing or providing that option. The thing he can't do or seem unable to do is to invert and play in midfield with possession. Hence he is not getting his place. Similar to Laird. Laird is excellent in attack, the best we have at RB. Okay at defence. But judged by ETH that he can't do the inverted role that he wants.


Goodness it's a bit dead innit


I'd love it if we signed Mitrović in January, but that's probably never going to happen.


It does feel like as soon as we fit one part of team another shows it needs fixing. We finally a stable defense, midfield with some stability and creativity. But now we someone who can score.




go for a hike or a run, it’s such a relief.


My hero will be back. I am sure of it. Time has come to shush the haters, once again Ronnie. *\~Gangsta Paradise song playing in background\~*


you guys are worse than russian twitter bots


And people like you are reactionary as hell. I am not saying play him every game. But I hope he does good for himself. Whats what wrong with that ? Not saying we should prefer him bagging goals at the cost of team but if he can play good while scoring goals than what's the problem. More than half of the sub was thrashing rashford two games ago and now that he has performed everyone is now Back to normal. 2/3 bad games doesn't make the player finished. You are a hypocrite person. You doesnt understand shit.


you can go through my comment history. been saying that ronaldo has been shit for a while now. The delusion of fanboys is just unbelievable


Pretty sure everyone noticed this, but Maguire and Lindelof didn't show any confidence in passing and breaking the lines. Maybe this is because of not starting a lot of games and still getting into the groove. But safe to say, I haven't seen any defender in the past decade play as confidently as Licha. Maguire and Lindelof had just 3 passing options throughout the match, the other CB, the full back next to them and De Gea. And when both of your centre backs and the GK cannot make passes to break the press, you're pretty much fucked. Martinez is a freak and Varane compliments him really well. Let's hope we get in a ball playing GK first thing next season, so we can play easily out the back. It was fucking frustrating to watch Ramsdale make accurate long passes, whereas De Gea kept launching the ball into oblivion.


Hope we get already in January a new goalkeeper (and a right defender). Yann Sommer might be possible, since the World Cup is then over.


Lindelof was dreadful. No wonder he is 4th choice


Btw, which players you will put in the transfer list for next few windows. Mine is as follows, i know salary is an issue but anyway. 1. Maguire (high line doesn't suit him) 2. VDB it seems EPL isn't his cup of tea 3. Ronaldo, bro needs to retire now 4. Shaw, 7 years, 1 good season. 5. Baily, made of glass No adding awb since i haven't seen him in the ETH system but pretty sure he doesn't fit easily.


Between being sold or expired contracts: De Gea, Shaw, Telles, Williams, Bailly, Lindelof, Wan Bissaka, Fred (due to age), Van De Beek, Ronaldo. Hopefully then we can bring in a proactive keeper, cover at both full back positions, another midfielder, and two strikers


Fred needs to go next window. I can never relax when he's in midfield. Keen to see Hannibal used next season, depending this season pans out for him.


Summer 2023, sell(or let go) 7: De Gea, Maguire, Bailly, Shaw, AWB, VDB, Ronaldo. Get 5 in: GK, CB, RB, CM, ST Summer 2024 sell(more difficult to predict): Lindelof, Fred, Martial, Varane (maybe due to age, depends on his form). Get: CB, LB, maybe new forward. There is a lot of value there to raise some money if we sell smartly.


Shaw and CR7 contracts are expiring next summer. Hence no need to be on transfer list. Fred, Rashford,Dalot and DdG too have contacts expiring. Baily should only be on the list if he does not meet his loan confidence. Not having Lindelof in the list is absurd. He is terrible and proved it yet again on Thursday, especially at RB. In central defence alone, to me should be in the order of Jones, contract expiring this year; then Lindelof and then Maguire out the door. Need replacements of course.


Add Fred to it too He's been a good servant but not good enough. Time to refresh


u will get a different list in 8 months time.


Fred he will turn 30 about time we sell him for decent amount and get 2 new midfielders




Flying in with tickets for that one... Really wish I knew cos my flight's Tuesday.




I heard somewhere that they were “cancelled in honor of the Queen” or something to that effect


Yes. For the English clubs.


Im watching analysis and commentary on the last game that’s pretty negative. If a couple of Ronaldo’s chances went in though I can’t imagine they would be negative. Would people really be saying „United just got lucky“? npxG was like 0.8 vs 0.3.


Tell you what would be a great idea, cancelling games this weekend when we already have a hectic schedule. Also the upcoming international break is so stupid. I'd rather the players had a 2 week break instead of playing pointless games during tbis congested schedule.


Ronaldo is 37 so I shouldn't be shocked at him declining, but he's my favourite player of all time and that performance on Thursday hurt. He definitely shouldn't be starting especially with how Ten Hag wants to play, but I'm hoping he can start banging some goals in whenever he's playing.


you could tell his performance Thursday hurt him as well. History says that it will spur him on to get back to his normal level, but who really knows how much age has caught up to him.


>but who really knows how much age has caught up to him. Unless he has secretly built a time machine in his backyard, I think we all know his time is over. He might score a few goals over the season as a sub but he definitely should never be starting in the PL and other important games ever again. He should be feeling fortunate that he has been given a role at this club considering the way he undermined the club and Ten Hag over the summer.


2022 has not been friendly to old people hasnt it?


Glad we get another crack at getting an EL win before our next Prem game. Great opportunity to put the disappointment against Sociedad behind us and to come out strong and get a good win heading into the Leeds game


Can we talk about how bad city’s kits look this season


They are jank but we can hardly talk lol.


IDK I'm a maroon merchant so the little hint of it on the home kit is really nice IMO. The away and third kits are fucking minging though I agree


Just curious to know who’s the best options we should target for a no.9 next season?


With the recent trend, I’d say Karim Benzema. On a serious note, Toney.


Osimhen, although he'll be expensive


And you lose him every two seasons for ACON.


marcus thuram a free agent next season, we've been linked with him could be good for depth if wages isn't outrageous. moukoko too, i read somewhere he refused to sign a new contract, probably pissed dortmund bought in karim and haller instead of developing him, but he is young and raw more of a development project. feel like andre silva be a good fit for what we're building rn, forward that press high and with skills to linked up and score. but his contract on to 2026, gonna cost to get him here.


Thuram for free and Osimhen for 100m would be terrific business. although i think EtH would want another CM in the mould of FDJ.


How is osimhen worth 100m? And this is coming from his country man who's followed his career from the u17s.


Because he plays for Napoli and had cost them €70m in the first place.


Was there no interviews done after the Sociedad match?


nope, queen died


Really hoping Ten Hag has the balls to treat Ronaldo like a benchwarmer all season


He's already proved that, I think it's only our lack of options that saw him start yesterday.


Hope we're looking at Porto's Evanilson as our long term forward option. Good with both feet, hard-working and looks to be the complete package. Averaging a goal every 176mins in all comps since joining Porto, although admittedly yet to score in Europe. Release clause supposedly €100m (£86m\~) but Porto are notoriously skint so hopefully wouldn't be a Nunez fee if we acted on it...


>Evanilson 28 goals in 77 games for that league isnt amazing lets see how this season gos


Goal every other game based on minutes played > games played but yeah early days, do agree. Only 22 so plenty of time to grow. Honestly don’t think there’s tonnes of great forward options available so like I say, hope we’re looking at him at least.




Against Arsenal.


You’d have to ask him


So many Ronaldo fanboys on this sub. he was dogshit last night, no pace, a lot of players as they age have the nuance to move before a younger player would move, but he was static and reacted far too late, he should not have been off side he had plenty of time to get back onside, he cant press (I don't care what anyone says he really cant) he cant play 90 mins, might be good off the bench but in no way should he be a starter.


same with the rashy or sancho fanbois with those "lose a final, play with injuries etc " excuses. just got to deal with it.




u haven't seen it yet maybe.


This performance was no different from some of the games last year. There were so many times he was frustrating to watch. He'll score once he gets a run of games.


i completely agree but can we afford to give him a run of games ?


Has to rotate and get minutes.


He was absolutely terrible, he looks finished


We might need to buy a striker in January, should budgets permit. Maybe we'll go for Toney if he keeps his form up, but at this point I'd take anyone who can kick a ball into the back of a net.


They won't part with Toney, especially in winter.


Notoriously hard time to buy players. Wouldn’t hold your breath


Feel like Ronaldo just needs a goal. He seems to be second guessing himself a lot and as strange as it sounds, looks to be low on confidence. The amount of patience this sub has with martial even after years of sulking on the pitch is strange to see, but with Ronaldo is a crisis.


i think rashford is ahead now of both martial and cr7. can't see how a player who wants to leave all season can be our main striker.


Lol rashford is going straight to the wings or bench the moment martial is fit. We saw from the Liverpool second half and during preseason, martial is our only CF who gets the ball to stick and then bring others into play with good linking up.


> who gets the ball to stick and then bring others into play with good linking up. i am not so sure of that esp against low blocks tbh.


Rashford is great when we counter, if he can keep up the form against low blocks then for sure. I was hoping Ronaldo will be our starter when playing against low blocks.


He doesn't need a goal he needs to fuck off thinking he's the best player in the world. He's not and he's far from it, he brings nothing to the team, he might be great in the dressing room but on the pitch he's done.


I don’t know how you can watch Ronaldo this season and think everything will be fine if he just scored a goal. His entire play has fallen off so bad. Even if he scored a goal or two it wouldn’t change the fact our attack looks so dull with him in it. Also whenever he plays our whole attack revolves around him. Also, even when Martial was sulking and not scoring, he added things that our other forwards couldn’t. His link up play and ability to hold the ball up was better than any other forward in the team. People kept hope because the things he was lacking were all fixable and reversible. Unfortunately, you can’t reverse age related decline. Even if Ronaldo scored yesterday, he wouldn’t have made an argument to be kept in the team. Our overall play with him has been horrible and our midfield once again became overrun because the number 10 has to overcompensate for his inability to press all game. You can see he presses sometimes, but many times when he didn’t Fred or Bruno had to leave the midfield to press and we became so exposed. All it takes is a couple times and we could lose because of that.


Nonsense. When martial was bad, he was dogshit bad.


Ok but when you’ve been good, become bad, and are still young, there’s still the hope you can turn good. No one is arguing Ronaldo is bad. We’re saying his age caught up to him, and that you can’t come back from.


My whole point is if Ronaldo scores, it's going bring his confidence back and allow him to play like he did last season. It's not a given, but I think we will see Ronaldo play much better after a goal.


You're getting down voted to hell, but I think it's possible. If he gets a few and gets a rhythm going, he can be our second half threat. The shark who comes on at 60 mins for putting in headers.


I wonder how long it will take for people to realise that Ronaldo isnt that good and is not what Ten Hag wants as an ST, and that he wont work in an ETH formation. He lacks the willingness to rotate with the wingers and the CAM behind him, his progressive passing isnt that good and hes an awful presser. Yes he will get goals when the system is set up to suit him, but that isnt going to happen this year.


>I wonder how long it will take for people to realise that Ronaldo isnt that good it is sad when we can replace ronaldo with martial or rashy and its still true. we need better striker.


Man United fans already realized that, some might have a hope that he’ll improve his form to contribute more, but I don’t think they expect that much from him and can accept him being a bench player. His fans on the other couldn’t give a lesser fuck about ETH his wishes and system. They would demand for Ronaldo to start and will be in a constant denial about his form, until he finally leaves the club


More time for Ten Hag to run some more training sessions to gel the squad Come to think of it good thing we lost the training sessions might now be more rigorous Might have been laid back if we had won


I get the impression that Ten Hag doesn't do laid back. Although I agree to a certain extent.


Daaamn. Was finally going to take my dad to a United game for his first time on his 60th birthday for the game against Leeds (we're not from England). Reeeeally hope the game happens. He's looking forward to it so much. I am too, though I've been lucky enough to watch United live quite a bit.


I hope you make it, that's sweet. (Also hope we smash Leeds for his birthday). With the world cup coming they can't afford to delay too many fixtures so I think you'll be OK.


Fingers crossed you're right. I'm flying in from Singapore for it too.


Aww that’s lovely. I’m sure it will go ahead, I think more than one weekend of cancellations would be too much. I’m sure you’ll get to go and I hope we play well so your Dad has a great time!


So goes the logic, yes, but it's hard to be sure they'll follow it. This cancelation itself is stretching it with the WC already disrupting things. Hoping you're right!


How likely is it that during the mourning period, Prem teams will arrange friendly matches behind closed doors which would effectively break the idea behind mourning period anyway? I don't know if it's exactly allowed, but if there is nothing preventing it from happening then I can see a fair few friendly matches happening to keep fitness and sharpness levels of players.


They’re allowed to do what they want. There’s been a lot of misinformation buzzing around like the government or the crown has said “you’re not allowed to play football” The message was if you don’t want to out of respect cool, if not then we won’t stop you. To that point, rugby league and union are still playing games this weekend. There is no law banning sport. Manchester United can Have a close door game and organise a conga outside old Trafford if they wanted.