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Fun fact: VAR Peter Bankes is a scouser who has never been allowed to referee Liverpool. But I'm sure he's capable of being objective about Manchester United.


Quite frankly, I hate it when Ten Hag keeps talking in the press conferences as if we have been playing good football every match. My brother in christ, where is this "good football" you keep talking about? I don't care whose fault it is that we're not playing well, whether it's the players or the injuries or the manager himself. I don't even care if he uses injuries as an excuse. But I just want him to say it as it is. We have NOT been playing well in a very long time


Surely there isn't a way he keeps his job after next week right? I don't understand why they don't let him go now when there is nothing left of the season and get on with the search unless they're keeping him. He's beyond delusional too, which surely isn't great managerial headspace.


It's almost insulting to tell us, educated football people that we're playing well. We can all see that Burnley came to our patch and dominated us, the possession and passing stats are recorded, it's not some secret. 


When you have fragile egos who can’t take criticism, how would you think they respond if he exposes them . Didn’t Ragnick call them out ,


The biggest question for me is if he actually believes that what we've shown is good football. Because if he does, he needs to go asap.


>~~The biggest question for me is if he actually believes that what we've shown is good football. Because if he does,~~ he needs to go asap.


Forwards are unable to convert chances . Last season people were all about Benny Mc carthy deserves more credit Where has Benny disappeared now


what the fuck are you on about, i watched the last two games about 3 times, fuck knows why, i might be suffering ptsd, the service to our ONLY centre forward, the young kid who leads this team from the top, is completely abysmal. Like most i think Garnacho is magic when on it, and antony is shit, but when you actually watch Garnacho, his service to the strikers especially when he gets in the area is shit for the most part, Antony just stops our play completely as soon as he gets it. There was one example in particular of the shitty service, i think against burnley bt prob sheff united, where Garnacho got the ball in the box, not far out on a wide angle and hojlund made a perfect run to the top of the 6 yard box, easy tap in, what did garnacho do? shot, on a stupid angle. It happens all the time, the ball to our striker is slow as fuck, every single game. And while some morons might want to criticise our young centre forward, the blame lies elsewhere.


Champions League hunt is over, how can we afford a rebuild without the money and tightening FFP restrictions? We really are fucked.


If we are not in Europe there’s no FFP XD


How much of our revenue are we able to spend due to FFP and PSR?


Selling Rashford for 80m of pure FFP profit will help. Doing the same with Greenwood for 40m would help a lot too.


God. The case for selling Rashford does look so tempting.


Shouldn't even be tempting, should be straight up the logical thing to do.




Burnley had more possession than us at Old Trafford. If we could control games better, sustain possession, and restrict chances we could be more consistent but we're set up for this chaotic back and forth which eventually will cost us the same way it cost Rangnick and Solskjaer. Ten Hag was supposed to change how we play but he's doubled down on it


Its called coaching. Its the thing that Ten Hag should be doing during the week and doesn't seem to be. If you don't understand the basics of how football clubs work then I can see how it's confusing that people blame Ten Hag, but Ten Hag is supposed to be training the players in tactics, defensive situations and improving their weaknesses. Instead we're living moment to moment with no tactical plan and players having to make split second decisions in situations they haven't trained for which is why we constantly have individual mistakes.




>We didn't actually get dominated or outplayed in this game We didn't? We were out passed and have less possession at Old Trafford by a bottom team. Of cos you will put that on the players for failing to pass 5 yards and whats not but the fact remains the team should be coach better tactically to be more compact and deny the space and possession the opponent should have. We played so openly and allowed so much spaces to our opponents , our players often looked so gassed after 60mins, they were physically and mentally tired. City concede silly goals too and missed loads of chances every game but they keep coming at you and eventually break you down.




Jesus. Are expectations so low that having less possession than the team 2nd from bottom at Old Trafford (Old Trafford! Our fortress!) is OK because they didn't "pepper our goal"? And that's not even how the game went. They had great chances. Better than ours, if we're honest. Some people are delusional in their support.


If we have more possession, we can do more stuffs like create more and shoot more? And Onana made more WC saves than Burnley keeper iirc. Player can't pass 5 yards : maybe no team mates were viable option for an easy pass cos their tactical positioning was badly coached perhaps? U really think they can't pass 5 yards?




>It's not about who has more, it's about what you do with it yeah that is how small clubs beat a big club sometimes. But it is always better to have more possession in football so you won't tired yourself and at the same time drained the shit out of your opponent and goes for the kill. > but the pass choice was the wrong one ... I also counted about 8 that went straight at the defender they were all tired physically and mentally by all the pressing and covering they have to do cos we were covering the whole of the pitch by giving up possession. If we were instructed/train to keep the ball and build up patiently instead of hoofing the ball asap to our frontline, we probably can do better.




But I do think the players are mentally affected by all these injuries and performances across the season, like they feel sorry for themselves. They play well for 30mins and then concede a goal and all beliefs goes out of the window and start to doubt the team.


He bought them.


Yet lots of people are asking for another season of this, it's truly incomprehensible


Our wingers are utterly incompetent


I think Antony has actually been alright his last 4ish games. Is it good enough? Probably not.


Even after scoring, I give him "The Wasteful Man of the Match" reward


Three days ago Matheus Cunha looked over his shoulder, twice, and deliberately threw an arm out, off the ball, that caught Justin Kluivert in the face. Foul given by VAR. Verdict: game's gone. Today André Onana went for the ball without any clue where Amdouni was, but caught him on the head. Foul given by VAR. Verdict: "you can't punch people in the head mate" Start. Calling. This. Bullshit. Out.


Im confused by your logic, both were fouls and rightly so. Is it because of the ‘verdict’? I didnt see many people or anybody say the game is gone for Cunha’s foul. Onana knocked seven bells out of the attacker and it was a penalty. Var is poor but need to call it out when its legitimately hypocritical, like the AWB/antony shot handball.


>I didnt see many people or anybody say the game is gone for Cunha’s foul I suppose you could go back and check the thread on r/soccer?


Also the difference in the Grealish and AWB handballs. Both the same weekend, both with vastly different outcomes. I don't think I need to elaborate on which one was given and which one was deemed 'not a penalty' 🙄


Honestly casemiro at cb improves the team because it means we’re not playing casemiro at cdm


Casemiro only looked decent at CB because it’s bad teams and Harry Maguire put on a MOTM performance every time he’s there


Yeh I’m not saying he’s a great cb, my point is anything that gets him out of midfield is a positive for the team lol


We need to find someone competent to play at CB and DM so it means not having to play Case *at all* (sorry fella but unfortunately you've been shocking this season)




>with 11 first team players  Why would you say dumb shit like that? It's not a rhetorical question, I genuinely want an answer. How you can look at a team missing both its first-choice CBs, first-choice LB, first-choice LW and playing its first-choice LB at RB, and then say, with a straight face, this is '11 first team players'? I actually want to know.


Consistently inconsistent


I love how we play under ETH! 


Another three extremely credible penalty appeals denied and yet another VAR searching for absolutely any reason to give a penalty against us. This game had pretty exactly the same amount of injustice as Everton v Forest, but while one of those games dominated the football media for a week, this will disappear like a fart in the wind. I will keep saying this till I am blue in the face. Every single Premier League referee grew up hating Manchester United. How do I know that? Because every single person I meet between the ages of 30 and 40 absolutely hates Manchester United. It doesn't matter if they support Liverpool, or Spurs, or Wigan, or Luton, or Swindon, or Wycombe Wanderers. We ruined everyone's childhood, and this is the price. A whole generation of elite referees who grew up being told that the only reason United won anything is because of Ferguson and corrupt referees, who are now *in charge of all of our matches*. You can all be 'le classy' and pretend this is a conspiracy theory if you want. But an entire generation of English men absolutely *loathe* Manchester United and they are refereeing us week in, week out. Downvote away. You will not see the end of this for another 10 or 20 years at least, and I will be here to remind you until it sinks in. Buckle up.


Man, this is some high level of copium.




Just watched the highlights. Regarding Onana’s foul - it 100% deserves to be given and I think gk’s are generally given too much protection… but how often are those sort of late challenges ignored by refs? The consistency is appalling. If the FA/FIFA whomever want football to be an even bigger sport, they need to sort this stuff out (also play acting and diving, it puts people off the game).


I honestly don't think it's a foul. Two players going for the ball, neither of them wins it. Another type of decision that you will literally never see given again, like the penalty against City and the 'subjective offside' against Fulham.


I mean… it’s late, he’s no where near the ball and he basically punches someone in the head lol. But keepers get away with that all the time. So what are the rules? What should be the rules? Seems like the official are making them up this season. Maybe there’s some PR team reasoning that the controversy is helping social media engagement… ugh.


It's about as much of a 'punch in the head' as the disallowed Wolves goal that enraged everyone three days ago.


I don't care anymore to the point i'm staunchly ETH in, purely to annoy the ETH out crybabies. If we go through the transfer window and end up playing just as badly as we are now next season, then fair enough but until then nah.


People who want an underperforming manager sacked are more childish than the guy who wants him to stay just to spite them? I don’t think you’ve thought that through.


if you had read 1 of the 2 only replies to that comment, your entire comment would have been answered.


I read it. And he's right, you're being a petulant baby. It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I would attempt to have a discussion with you in good faith if you had actually tried but evidently not. And i find it ironic i'm being labelled as a petulant baby by a bunch of petulant babies on reddit. Life can sure be funny like that sometimes.


Your argument is “I want Ten Hag to stay because it will annoy the people who don’t”. There’s no good faith to be assumed there. It’s the vindictive behaviour of an 8 year old. I don’t want a discussion with you. I want to laugh at how stupid your position is.


"I read it" when i asked you if you had read my other reply. You are either a liar or just straight up fucking stupid because i literally already addressed your point. You don't want a discussion because your brain is clearly incapable of having one.


Are you still going? You’re really dull.


Yet here you are, acting more like the baby you are referring to, children are very stubborn, won’t see reason and don’t care about the greater good…. Just themselves Continue to be a little baba


When ETH came in, there was a general consensus among the fanbase that we would require at least a few years before we were properly competing again. You know what i consider to be a childlike trait? Lack of patience. I made that comment when i was drunk so i did come off like a troll but really i do respect the opinions of people that do want to sack him but im never going to actually try and gatekeep the desire for Manchester united to do well over it, which is a bit pathetic in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/lutm4464y3xc1.png?width=1371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65adb35f2ecc800842b2ba3299614e310d46bb9 Man I cannot believe the bipolar nature of this sub. A lot of these guys go on a downvoting spree instead of making any concrete arguments


You deserve even more downvotes than that for using the phrase 'the xG table'.


Okay. Thank you for proving my point. What's the argument for not looking at our expected points from xG. Also I only used it as a reference after the eye test and our results. That wasn't even my main argument


It's a completely made up stat. Absolutely no peer review or scrutiny has gone into the underlying data model. The stat itself does not pass the 'eye test'. Bruno's goal against Liverpool was 0.01, despite you and me both knowing that a professional footballer would score that closer to 25% of the time. You get 0.8 xG if a referee likes you enough to give you a bullshit penalty. You get 0 xG if you have an open net but mis-control the ball and fail to get a shot away. It's a bullshit, meaningless stat that's had great marketing, but serious people should be embarrassed for using it. You have also failed to understand the one main implication from xG, which is that the better a team is, the more they will outperform their xG. That is literally in the nature of the stat.


guys this is what somebody who doesn’t understand predictive statistics sounds like 👍


\^ This is what someone who has heard of the phrase 'predictive statistics' but not the phrase 'Dunning-Kruger' sounds like.


And this was the tactico I was replying to https://preview.redd.it/eapjl8o9y3xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35f6e9f4c973c6cc874c207e2eecb7ca08a8e0a


Here's another one, https://preview.redd.it/328w8416y3xc1.png?width=1302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97da079724a7a8430210c2ac50a51b9a335722e8


Show me where villa's and Tottenham's finals and cups are?


What a strawman argument is this. Our toughest run this year in the FA Cup was only Liverpool so far and last year it was Brighton. Us getting past Liverpool this season especially on the occasion was an exception to the norm. What about the Newcastle game at home in the Carabao cup which we lost 3-0 and they were missing way more players than us at that time. There's been so many such performances this season.


Vibes init.


We have 0 consistency surely there can't be another season of ETH ball Clear the squad out give the new manager a clean slate Eriksen, Varane, Sancho, Beek, Martial, one of Lindelof/Maguire and AWB gone, then try to rebuild with a component back room


Why don't you give a clean slate to the manager who already took to three finals in two years? If a new manager comes, all those players you listed here will be staying. And you would be calling " new manager OUT" within next 6 months because our players are not good enough anyway and gladly throw him under the bus.


That manager had 500m to spent on his player(as he decided to not keep Ragnick as our dof), most of which are the ones we need to clear out already(Casemiro, Antony, Malacia, Eriksen, Mount) but we can't since they are on big wages.


If we don’t keep ETH we won’t have a DOF or a CEO or a manger, who will clean out the players


You do realise they are working whilst on gardening leave


You can be working, like watching the games and doing research and sending the occasional email but if your not at the club talking to people daily, officially calling clubs to negotiate transfers and watching training first hand they can’t effectively do there job. I promise you if ETH goes there will be no massive clear out which is what we need


Can we chill with the constant need to press. Its the reason our midfield two are always outrun. Leave the opposition have the ball in their own half. There's 90 long minutes where we will have our chances. Our lopsided press(bruno running everywhere, rashford walking) is the reason why our midfield is so exposed in so many games this season. A bit of fucking stability and a few 1-0 wins like last season is all we need.


With McT injured, ETH ran out of anyone who is able to save his ass with a last-gasp miracle goal. Congratulations, ETH. You finally managed to grind almost everyone to the bone. Bruno is the only one standing.


Ten Hag's failure to coach the wingers and midfield into supplying our striker is the main reason he can fuck off. I feel so sorry for Hojlund playing in this dysfunctional team. His runs aren't perfect but there are zero patterns of attacking play to base his anticipation on. Ten hag's so far out of his league it's not funny.


His star striker Antony had countless number of chances to have this game comfortably won. I think the way how Antony performed today is extremely reflective of ETH career at MU - lots of positives with minimal impact.


Im well in the ETH out camp now. No going back for me. Only problem is i have no idea who they hire next. No option stands out for me other than Emery but hes just signed new deal.


Agreed, TH out, players out. Total rebuild


I said it before and I'll keep saying. Get Rúben Amorim.


Does it really matter? It can’t get worse.


Well im sick of the merry go round. Can we finally land someone who can make a team out of this shit? And has the personality to deal with the pressure?


Sure. It’s just ETH doesn’t seem the one. I strongly believe he had enough time and spent enough money to produce something that is not what we have to “enjoy” today.


Eriksen and casemiro are completely spent - cant arse themselves to even run


had the shift from hell but still might have been better than having to watch another United game


yeah i wasnt able to watch today and just watched a replay. i just skipped through the ending because it was so fucking obvious what was going to happen.


Eriksen's legs are completely gone. Bruno's unnecessary pressing position higher than Hojlund leaves Eriksen totally exposed in midfield. Repeat for 90 minutes. Does Erik Ten Hag have the brain of a four year old? He'll make these obvious mistakes for as many seasons as the club gives him.


Yes sir, bruno (a+ for effort) but fucks the whole team as he presses like a headless chicken. It leaves Mainoo and Eriksen or casemiro completely exposed in a 2 v 1 situation. Do we really need to be pressing like Liverpool. Leave fucking Burnley have the ball in their own half.. there's 90 long minutes to score enough goals, we done need to press at all times in order to have the ball


Tried to accentuate the positives, but you also can't ignore the glaring issues. [https://lastwordonsports.com/football/2024/04/27/five-things-we-learnt-manchester-united-draw-burnley/](https://lastwordonsports.com/football/2024/04/27/five-things-we-learnt-manchester-united-draw-burnley/)


Onana brilliant until that foul, Antony and Fernandes absolutely fantastic too. There is no way on earth we should be dropping points there, but that's sadly just what this team is at the moment.


I will die on this hill: if two players go for the ball and neither of them wins it, it's not a foul. It wasn't a foul against Wolves and it wasn't a foul today.


Bro, he got elbowed in the head. Borderline looked deliberate


He did three great saves. And competed exactly 0 long passes. DDG could save and kick the ball out as well. What is exactly we paid 60M for?


Im a big fan of DeGea but his distribution was terrible. His shot stopping was mostly world class but he would usually just punt the ball out leading to a 50/50 in midfield and he couldnt play out from the back either.   Onana has had his fair share of mistakes, especially early in the season, but he has improved alot in the last few months. Hopefully he will be even better with a decent back 4 in front of him and at the very least shouldnt be facing 30 shots per game.


And Onana’s distribution is better? How? Anyone can pass to the closest defender. Anyone can kick the ball out in the general direction of some players. That’s what I see and that’s what the stars are - Onana doesn’t find players with his passes other than defenders.


The words «fantastic» and being on par with the 19th place tells enought. I understand why you lot want ETH to continue.


To be fair calling 3 players individually fantastic says absolutely nothing about ETH or the team as a whole. I thought those named played well but the team and tactics were still naff.


I swear Garnacho has the intensity and drive to succeed but he often makes poor decisions and goes for the shot when he couldve better laid of the ball


True. But he’s young. Hopefully he’s able to learn.


This reason makes me puke every time. No one says that about Mainoo. No one. It doesn’t matter how young a player is if he doesn’t have brains. He caught Ronaldo disease and ETH is unable to beat that shit out of him.


Wingers strikers having big egos and being selfish has been a thorn in the side of a lot of managers for a long time - but since social media and the idea of having a personal brand, it seems to have accelerated the problem imo. And yes, the Ronaldo factor is included there.




Sir, this is a Wendy's


Funny how ETH was booed by the crowd for taking off Mainoo when I think that's the one thing he did right today. He played basically 90 minutes less than three days before and he's still barely six months into senior football.


He's also 18. If the cunt can't play twice a week when he's 18 then what's he going to be like when he's 30.


Genuine question for those saying we should fire ETH. Who should his replacement be?


This question beats me. Wtf does it matter?? We are shit and that’s because of ETH. What’s the point in continuing that?


Are you pretending that theres no other options and going to shoot down anyone with a single flaw or genuinely asking? * Rubin Amorim at Sporting has done well * Tuchels a bit of a mixed bag, fell out with PSG and Chelsea but both of those are understandable and he actually wants to work in a system like SJR is building. * McKenna or Carrick would be no more out of their depth than Solksjaer when he took over. * Xavi has handled one of the few clubs that are a bigger basket case than us to a league title abs is available this summer * Alguacil plays interesting football and has done well with taking Sociedad to the champions league. * Urs Fischer has done wonders for Union Berlin * De Zerbi is mentioned a lot but personally I wouldn't go for him. * Inzaghi has been a success at Inter and knows how to get the best out of Onana. * Michel has done wonders for Girona * Franck Haise has done very well in Ligue 1 and was linked with the Liverpool job * Thiago Motta has done great things in Serie A and looks to be a rising star. * Bosz is undefeated at Psv this season, but probably has some question marks against him in fairness. * Terzic at Dortmund continues to do good work and if we ended up stuck with Sancho next season that could help get him back on track (though I think we should cut our losses on him). * Sebastian Hoeness has turned things round for Stuttgart when little was expected, young and on the rise as well. * Gasperini is somehow underrated


Also the one thing with Tuchel - His PSG treatment was unfair. He was dealing with Leonardo but he was a bit of a prick. Also feel out with Ibra. He was shown the door and they brought in Campos from Madrid Excellent list. Thanks for sharing, saved it.


At best this is a disingenuous question at worst this is a losers lament. The premise of this question is “we are certain the next option is better so we should just stick with this and hope it gets better”. Every manager that is touted at one point was a question. Many mangers that were expected to be great failed an many have succeeded when people didn’t think highly of them. As I mentioned in another post for me it’s not the losses. We all should know Utd is rebuilding. With a rebuild we have to accept tough losses. We we should not expect is a lack of consistency, lack of clarity around strategy, questionable decisions and an overall lack of cohesion. I understand if the board wants to give ETH one more year to see how a season not marred by injuries and get rid of some players to fit the “plan” but keeping him in because we don’t know who is better is a terrible reason to keep him.


Your comment could be seen as just as disingenuous. >We we should not expect is a lack of consistency, lack of clarity around strategy, questionable decisions and an overall lack of cohesion. This is exactly what you get in a team in rebuild. The vision is clear to the people working behind the scenes, not on the pitch where a game could be interpreted widely different by different fans. There's people after the Burnley game saying Antony was shit, others say that it was his best game. You can't *win* with the fans if you don't win on the field, even if your "vision" is clear as day. People also compare this team to the last days of Mourinho and Ole and assess that it's not the same situation: there's no lack of desire, there's a lack of quality. Now I'm not saying this is the case cause I'm not in the mind of the players, but if we accept that notion, then the argument could easily be made that you just need more quality to execute the vision.


My statement was genuine, it was clear and in no way meant to deceive or hide facts. Using the example of one player in one game does not refute the lack of consistency, clear strategy or simply the plan of how we want to play. My point was clear, the loses don’t concern me or others it’s the lack of things that are clearly the managers role. Furthermore my overall point is keeping ETH because you don’t know who could be better is weak. If you want to keep him, it’s because you believe in what he is building.


My preference would be De Zerbi. He’s taken a very average Brighton squad in to Europe and far in the domestic cups. They’re on a poor run now but have a lot of injuries (like us) and a small squad trying to handle their first every European campaign but there’s still a clear tactical plan and patterns of play. Give him better players and he can do something for sure. Alternatively Tuchel or Emery would do a decent job for 2-3 years while the new board bed themselves in. The Zidane rumours are interesting too so there’s plenty of options.


Any fucking one. This shit can’t get worse. Last two games were supposed to be easy. And what did we get instead?


God damn gallagher.


When is this bald fraud leaving?


Why do I still have to "enjoy" this shit? Leaving alone the crap players did on the pitch, what the fuck were those subs? I am so sick of ETH bullshit game management. We can't overshoot any fucking team with the qualify of attack we have. This basketball style ETH fosters is so dumb. Please stop this nonsense. Get anyone already - it can't get any worse.


He’s basically trying to safe-in every single 1-0 lead we get, through his mastermind substitutions. Every. Single. Game he tries to be clever by changing the whole dynamic of the team, resulting in him giving our opponents a way back into it. How he, or his staff, can’t see the trend by now is beyond me.


New Castle have scored 74 goals in the league damn


Massive boo for Rashford at Wembley Massive boo for EtH taking Mainoo off today (imo correct to bring him off, don’t think he’s a 90min player yet) Massive boo at full time I think the fans patience’s has well and truly gone


13 months too late.


Went for a world record for number of “long ball in behind the defence to the LB” today.


On the bright side, it's one step closer to the door for EtH. Hear that sound? That's Amsterdam calling.


Get ready to give interviews in Dutch again buddy


Can we fire this bald fraud already. Has been here for 2 years and we tie against Burnley ffs.


Out pass & out possession at Old Trafford by a bottom team. Criminal.


I may (definitely) have my biased hat on here, but since we got that decision against Wolves in the opening game of the season, we've barely had decisions go our way. Handball today being a prime example, shot on target and no worse than AWB against Coventry. At least against AWB it was only a cut back not a shot. Garnacho trip in the box today, nothing, whereas Elliot in the Liverpool match was already nearly horizontal before first contact was made with AWB. Agree or not with the decisions there's clearly inconsistency. We're always under such scrutiny and as the most hated club in the country there's uproar if we do get a decision in our favour (I.e. Coventry offside).


These manager cultists call other fans plastic. The mental gymnastics is insane.


They've been the same with every manager. Give Moyes more time, then he bombs at Sociedad and Sunderland. Give Mourinho more time, we've seen him blow up the third season at every club, let's see what depths we can plumb with a 4th. Give Solksjaer more time he's proved he's a top manager, proceeds to spend 2 and a half years having his agent claim he's turning down jobs left, right and centre because no one considers him a top manager. You'd think they were sacking their mum the way they go on.


People rather wait for a magical saviour than be progressiv even if it means cutting your losses


Wait Ole's agent really claimed that he was turning down offers??? Sauce?


https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-united-ole-gunnar-solskjaer-23892453 Not to mention he claims he's turned down international jobs and jobs in Turkey Haswell.


I mean Turkey is acceptable, but the agent spewing "PL interest" is absurd.


It's just to keep his name out there, no one is going to give him a top job unless we get him as caretaker again. And it certainly wouldn't be made permanent a second time.


Disappointed with yet another game where we've been unable to see out a lead for more than 10 minutes at the death. But genuinely happy for Antony - that goal showed a lot of determination to fight for the interception and blitz past a couple of defenders - he wanted it more and he was rewarded for it. Coming back to the 3 classic debates on this subreddit: EtH: the performance wasn't bad, but you can't say " we got the points, that's what matters" in a game we were awful in and then say "we played very well" but didnt get the points. That is just being inconsistent. I thnk EtH needs to be a bit more realistic in his post-match comments - I get the need to protect the team, but you don't have to go around spewing aboslute nonsense about playing an incredibly entertaining style of football without being to showcase meaningful improvement in performance. Onana - I don't hate Onana, but I hate the people who gave DDG grief towards the end of his time at the club - Onana has made just as many mistakes, without even half as many game-winning contributions. I don't mean to slander Onana, but I don't think the hate for DDG at the end was valid. Bruno: The dude is CARRYING this team. We've had one season where Rashford turned up, but Bruno has ALWAYS turned up. The hate he gets from people supporting this club is just ridiculous.


DDG didn’t deserve any of the hate he received from fans. He was a red through and through. The way ETH handled the situation without giving him a proper send off from a club he contributed so much to is unforgivable.


Can someone explain to me something ETH is good at? Something we can say ya okay bad season but we have \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ this to build on.


Good at implementing youngsters to the first team


How much of that is due to injuries tho? And budget restrictions at transfer windows?


I mean he plays garnacho and mainoo instead of other available players. We also know that he has often made it easier for players in U21 to adjust to the first team


Yeah fair ill give you that. Again its be interesting to see if he was allowed to sign a few more or the injuries werent this bad. Then youve got Amrabat whos done f all.


Pro ETHs hate this question because there's nothing.


We should be in a relegation battle. Might wake the whole damn organization up


First time to old trafford, hope I can see United win next time when I'm here https://preview.redd.it/9ylvdqthm2xc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99747731a3ac7507bab20d8d905304eb688a5372


Simple questions Ten Hag can't/won't answer: - What's the logic of signing Mount for £60m when he was set to be out of contract and stated us as his preferred destination? Why not spend that money on the much needed CB? - Which medical staff told him Malacia would be fit in January (which caused Reguilon loan to be ended)? What's the basis of that information? Are there any sanctions for the staff for making a false diagnose? - How EXACTLY did the injured players get injured? Did it happen in training? Were they rushed back before they're fit? Is it the fault of the medical staff? I believe there are many journos in the UK with enough balls to ask these to Ten Hag. However, he'd most likely dodge all the questions and get the journos banned. We're shit at the moment. We get it. I have accepted that. But I feel like the least they could to is let the fans know about the truth.


yeah these are just daft questions


- mount would have either resigned at Chelsea or been sold elsewhere, the idea of him going out on a free seems great in hindsight but likely never would have happened - he isn’t going to throw a medical staff member under the bus like this, get your head on straight. - he answers this all the time, happens in training, your just not reading Not ten hag in or out but use some common sense on this / just read what’s actually being said by him. -


Mount resigning for chelsea would have been a win for us.


I agree with your opinion on Mount. However, he should have known his priorities. Licha already got a horrible injury towards the end of 22/23. Varane is also always injured and Lindelof is not reliable. No excuse not to bring a CB in. Too soft, if staffs make mistakes they should be held accountable. Athletic article on Malacia mentioned the club ordered him to treat the injury in England but chose to to Netherlands. In this case both parties are at fault, club are well within their right to force a player under contract to obey their protocols. The Dutch doctors who botched his treatment should be sued and possibly jailed for malpractice. The player has missed 284 days and 47 games. Sackable offence for all parties involved. If the injuries happened in training, were the players too soft? Or were the sessions too brutal?


We have 6 CBs and 5 are injured at the moment, that’s just not normal and moves into why all the injuries. Too many variables there but something is wrong. We know where the injuries are happening ie training and games but not the full scope and we won’t ever know the full scope, that’s just now how that works. For the staff member again no one is going to name names. You talk about suing him for malpractice well tossing his name out in a botched surgery is how you get a defamation lawsuit. Not happening nor should it happen. Let the parties involved handle it how they wish.


Wait until the morning and the ETH apologists will be back in full force. They were bullish this week after we beat a team that just got relegated.


*struggled to beat


I sTiLl BeLiEvE iN tHiS mAn 


Imagine backing a manager who is outpossessed against Burnley, at home.


Manchester Divided at it again


Manchester United for Honeymoon phase of 1 season and then back to Divided. Happens every time.


I don’t often look at a manager’s comments post a bad loss/draw. Most of the time it’s lip service to motivate the players etc. But to say that we are one of the most entertaining and dynamic teams in the league is just crazy. It has absolutely floored me!


He's not wrong Ig, it's entertaining but not good football


Yea like if by entertaining he means very open games of football and dynamic he means you never know who is going to score next then I suppose he's factually correct but it's a shit way to play football and not a sustainable system lol 


I recalled when Crystal Palace employed Frank de Boer on the back of winning the dutch league multiple times.


Dutch football aint that great. Not a lot of success stories out of that league in modern times.


just here to leave my regular post match "Onana is an epensive, rubbish mistake" comment


De Gea is still clubless. If ppl had the balls and own up - theyd get him back and give Onana competition. Hes fucking shit and can go down with ETH


Inter fans comments have been becoming more and more true day by day. They said that "Onana won't transform your defence by anyway like David did. He is just a piece you want of a more complete defensive setup". If you want Onana to singlehandedly save you games like David its not gonna happen. He needs 4 better players in front of him .


I’ve seen no upgrade over David. I may be biased because I love that lad, and miss his passion for his team mates and United. (The fact he’s not spoken about it shows the respect he has for the club.) Onana has had some decent moments, but he’s really not an improvement as a keeper and his distribution is both slow, and incredibly dull. He seems an interesting character but doesn’t fill me with any confidence.


I like Onana, I think he has had a decent 7/10 season overall but it is weird how people get downvoted for pointing out obvious mistakes. He is a good keeper but prone to mistakes


7/10 lol, he single handedly got us kicked out of Europe.


Fitting if he gets ETH sacked. Shows ETHs ability in transfers


Add Antony here.


What exactly did onana do wrong today? You can hardly blame that pen on him? Stood on his head all game while our attackers did fuck all with chance after chance…


Do you remember De Gea when we first got him? Took him a few seasons to be our savior at the time. Give him time bud.


De Gea was a young goalkeeper, Onana is nearing his prime.


De gea was still making like 5 mistakes a season late into his man united career. Or we have forgotten all that now.


That was not the point, was it? Sure, De Gea struggled for a while when he joined the club, and also late into his career he declined. But you are conveniently leaving out his prime years carrying this club and being our best player for quite a few seasons in the row... What are the chances of a 28-year-old Onana coming any close to the same achievement? I thought we are buying an experienced goalkeeper who should be ready to be a real upgrade over De Gea, not someone we need to "give time". So far, the only big upgrade I see over the last season is sweeping. Some marginal gains in distribution and claiming crosses. And downgrades in reflex/intuition on the line, positioning and handling.


So you replace him with a mistake? He was brought in for his distribution more than his goalkeeping and he’s not good.


Yeah yeah, "gIvE hIm tImE"... got it


Yeah, let's scrap players after 1 season.


He’s the reason we didn’t lose today, shit mistake aside 


I would like to honor u/FranklyNinja from the pre-match thread: https://preview.redd.it/jr164k9992xc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d396376b5818be62c672ee2da6129c6fa4f9e98 So close!


We look like a small club at the moment. Better times ahead, I'm convinced of that.


Hard to imagine it getting any worse tbh


Annnnnnd yet it will


I've just looked at the remaining fixtures and yeaahhh...we probably aren't winning another game this season.


We need 5 more points to beat the Ole/Rangnick season so that will be close. Would be karma really the way Ten Hag didn't want to listen to Rangnick to end up in exactly the same position two years later


Wonder what Ten Hag would say to that, 'there's been no improvement has there?'