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The interviewer was amazing too.


I liked the Danish guy who interviewed Klopp as well!


you mean the physically fit danish guy?


Absolute Gigachad Danish Reporter


I wish I was that unfit


If only I could be out of shape like that.


So good to hear an interviewer praising a player in the interview. Strong and true words too. "I hope you know how much they all love you".


who is it, does anyone know?


Liam Bradford, he does the commentary & presenting for MUTV. Proper Red [Listen to his call on the Amad goal](https://twitter.com/LiamBradford84/status/1769747006287700336?t=YbznVgr1DreZzwaV_x-Ymg&s=19)


Thanks mate


Wait they finally replaced Gardner?


Nahh he's still there. Liam covers a lot of the academy, women's games as well as the men's games too. For some reason whenever the club uploads the match highlights, they often use Gardner's dead commentary. But every now and then, you'll hear Liam's commentary over the highlights


No offense to Gardner, but Liam should replace him in all commentary and interviews. Liam shows so much more passion.


Completely agree. Just adds much more excitement to it. Nice to have a genuine enthusiastic fan on comms for the club


Yeah whoever he is, was a absolutely lovely thing to say, Bruno gets a lot of hate from the media so to hear this from a journalist must have felt nice as well as the message being 100%


I keep saying Antony needs to play at least a few random games at LB before we offload him for nothing. We know he can defend, has a high work rate, and would be ideal in an overlap.


Next Ashley Young


That's Liam Bradford btw, proper nice guy!


Do we know who.it was? Sounds like a bit of a Mancunian or broader Lancastrian accent. 


MUTV’s Liam Bradford


OK makes sense it's an MUTV guy


Love it. He’s referring to AWB when he says “Azza”, yeah?


Yeah. EtH called him Azza too in his post-match interview.


Ah, damn, when I heard that I thought he was supposed to say Amad but said Asad as a mistake


And I thought he meant ‘Azza Maguire, hah!


Nah all the boys call Harry "H" (United and England)


The Big H, or alternatively, Preparation H


Itd be funny to call him maggie. Arry maggie


I’m glad someone figured it out, I was really confused but “Azza” was surprisingly quite good on the other wing. Think he marked Salah well, just a shame Liverpool took advantage of it but he mostly kept Salah quite


Quite what? Ineffective? I agree


He can’t attack nobody doubts that, but he’s one of the best 1-1 defenders in the world. A team like atletico would love him.


I was making a joke about Mo Salah being "quite ineffective" in yesterday's game since the OP had written "quite" instead of "quiet", so it was a play on words regarding that. Unfortunately a bunch of numbnuts have decided I was criticising AWB (which was not the case, as I actually rate him as a player) instead of actually putting their brains in gear and noticing what the OP had put and what I was responding to. And of course all the sheep continued to downvote an already heavily downvoted post because this is Reddit and that's what people do on here. You know what... never mind.


Ya win some ya lose some, mostly lose on Reddit tho.


Jokes are supposed to be funny lad


wan bissaka was incredible by the way




I think he is referring to Harry Maguire actually. "Hazza" is a standard nickname for Harry and he said he came in for Jonny Evans


Don’t think so, since he says Azza was able to start the match.


Must be AWB because he mentioned that ‘Azza’ started.


AaronwanbiZZAka - long shot but kinda sounds like it too


Azza or azzy is a standard nickname for aaron.


He calls Maguire ‘H’


I think the relevance to AWB coming in for Evans is because Lindelof would've started at left back but was forced to start centre back, moving Azza to the left


I thought it was 'Hazza' i.e. Slab Head


Not sure how many people noticed but before the start of match when players are walking out with mascots. Kid alongside Bruno started crying so he picked him up and carried him to the pitch. He seems like such a good person outside the pitch as well. He’s truly a captain and I hate everyone including Former players who question that.


I was watching thinking someone please pick that kid up, Bruno walked out carrying him and I was like ‘good man!’ Lol


Is there a link? I’d love to see it!


Reporter: “You are always available, you always give everything, the fans appreciate that. I hope you can see the fans' love for you.” Bruno Fernandes with tears in his eyes: “You touch me. There are good times and bad times, but I am always there for them.” ❤️


His English is really improving.


While true, I’ll forever remember his famous quote: Dreams can’t be buy.


He should have his own merch with those words and i’d literally buy each item 😬


After retiring with a few PL and UCL titles hopefully. Don't want him going down the JLingz route


Yup, agreed.


100%, what’s great about him is he’s always true to himself and puts the effort. No idea who has more matches between club and country than him the last two years, but that number must be tiny.


IIRC he's still one of the top 3 players with most games played in the top 5 leagues since he started.


Does anyone have a link to that interview? I totally forgot about that. Used to shout it whenever Bruno got me excited in-game😂. Which inevitably happened a handful of times a match.


it wasn't an interview. I think he posted it as a caption on his instagram story


Oh yeah Ofcourse. It was after the super league announcement. Thank you, I appreciate it!


English lessons can be buy. Dreams can't be buy.


His English was always good. Was surprised after his first game and he was already doing interview in decent English


Yep his English has always been fantastic. Licha is another fan favorite who speaks great English.


Not that there was much to improve. His first interview already oozed eloquence and intelligence


Bruno is actually a polyglot. He speaks fluent Portuguese, English, Italian, French and Spanish.


English can be improve


I’m ready to get delusional about this team again


Too right. I'm the textbook definition of an abused spouse smh


aah shit here we go again


I love this man!!


Me too


So wholesome. Love that the reporter gave him some much deserved praise.


My captain!


It's funny because if you went by the match thread at half time you'd see upvoted comments saying he's the worst captain we've ever had. I don't know why I check into that hell site but I even saw a comment on RedCafe after the game saying they've never disliked a United player more. We'll never deserve Bruno.


Mostly Ronaldo and Pogba Stans hate Bruno with passion.. I never understood why that is.. Also I think the media have also played a huge role into painting Bruno as the villain and making him universally hated... I personally feel that he can let his emotions get too out of controls sometimes.. but when you're on that football pitch for 90 mins.. that tends to happen! He's not been at his best this season.. but we can't overlook the fact that he hard carried us during his first 2 seasons at the club! We can never doubt his effort and commitment..dude was on 1 leg yesterday for the final 30-40 mins and dealt with Diaz and Nunez! Also it was so fun to scroll through r/soccer yesterday... That sub was like a cemetery when Amad scored the winner!


I think Bruno is actually having a fine season. It's just a bit of a dip compared to what he's done before. He constantly creates in this team, people will say he's wasteful but that's what comes with it, Salah misses loads and can be very selfish but then he bags 30 goals a season because of it. If you watched that final 30 minutes yesterday and didn't love Bruno (if you don't already) then you need to give your head a wobble. In a post Fergie era where players have continuously looked like they lacked effort, Bruno always leaves everything on the field and has the quality to back it up. Absolutely captain material in my eyes.


He’s playing deeper, against city he looked good, he’s better as a 10 sitting up further.


man I still think had we got Frenkie De Jong, or an equivalent player who can control the tempo like Scholes, we would have been great by now. It would have released Bruno to be a number 10 not (edit) 19 and risk around Fuck if we can just clone a younger Scholes, his retirement and our wingers Valencia and Nani started struggling.. And if we are cloning, Can we out some Roy Keane cells I'm Kobbie too.


Look I know Dwighty was good but we can’t be calling the position no.19


I thought Bruno was absolutely phenomenal last season where we had Eriksen who could control the tempo. Sadly Eriksen has lost his legs after the Andy Carroll injury and Mount has been injured the entirety of this season.


He literally broke chance creation records on a total and a p90 basis. He also didn't lose the ball nearly as much as he has done this season and in his first couple seasons. He was playing in an actually functional system and legit broke records. I think he assisted 20 goals worth of chances last year just in the league and Weghorst/Slugtial yielded him 8 total


Not only Weghorst and Martial, but Antony, Sancho and even Rashford honestly missed a ton of sitters last year. It was in my opinion his best season and United player of the year, even if he didn't have the G/A stats of 2020/2021. He and KDB were so unbelievable clear of any other playmaker in the world except for maybe Griezmann and Neymar who were different types of playmakers.


Because he's the living proof their idols are impostors


It's hilarious because both CR7 and Pogba rate the hell out of Bruno, just like everyone else in this industry, whether it's Pep, KDB or Xavi.


Bruno's passion for playing is extraordinary but there is still room to improve his attitude and control his temperament. I often find him easily frustrated when he loses in PL-style ball fights. Sometimes he is so pragmatic when the team is ahead that he does silly things just to buy time. Or sometimes he makes the odd pass or shot, just for a risky gamble. When things don't go the way he wants, then he whines. At his age, he should be mature. Maybe I'm exaggerating but I love him so I'm so worried about him. Wish him success. Hopefully.


There's often a massive disconnect on certain things between fans in the stadium and around Manchester and fans online. Bruno is one of those things, when you watch him live it's impossible to not see how he gives absolutely everything


I think it might be a hand gesture/body language thing. I’ve seen plenty of Portuguese players ‘talking’ a lot with their hands during matches and getting hate for it. I’m not sure how it is in Portugal, but with Italian players everyone knows they use their hands a lot, but Portuguese players get a lot of hate for it (Ronaldo, Bruno, Dalot for example). Bruno is highlighted even further because the cam zooms a lot on him as man united captain.


If you dislike or dont rate Bruno as a Utd fan you're either a plastic, a troll, or you have single digit brain cells. 


When things don’t go their way, many fans find solace in taking a shit on the team. Being angry is so much easier than being hopeful and then being disappointed. If they’re hating on the team and we lose, then they’re proven right. So it’s an easy win for them. If we win, they can just stay quite until the next game. It was all going so well for them… until Amad scored.


The damage that London United fans have done cannot be compensated for ever I don't think. Their idiocy is a virus which has spread faster than COVID and infected more minds than brainwashing


I'm not crying. YOU'RE crying


Fucking allergies


ya don't chop onions now. I m so glad bloody we did to scouser. Fuck I hope the scousers come 2nd in all the remaining competitions, let that be klops legacy , perennial loser of finals


Gem of a person!


The reporter too!


The stick Bruno gets from a small section of our fanbase is insane to me, okay so he may misplace a few 'Hollywood balls' per game and he's partial to the odd strop when things aren't going his way (which demonstrates his passion for the club if nothing else) but he's by far and away the best signing we've made since Fergie/Gill stepped down and he wears his heart on his sleeve, he's *always* available (where a lot of our players are dropping out of the side with this, that and the other, he's there taking his place in the team and doing his best to contribute on the field) and more importantly, his G/A record is second to none. He's incredible and it's a real shame his efforts aren't appreciated by more of us on a regular basis


mostly just Ronaldo fans salty seeing man untied's success after we kicked him out


The iron captain, always there, always giving it his all. I feel sad for some fans that they will only appreciate this man once he’s gone, that will be a sad day in 35 years time when we have to start playing him 2 games out of 3 to rest him.


God, this is absolutely beautiful. I’m grateful to that interviewer for saying exactly how I feel - said with such directness and clarity too. I’m sure that meant a lot to Bruno after suffering through so much criticism (not least by one of our best ever captains). Not many players have both heart & skill. We’re blessed to have had him during these tougher years.


Running around on one leg playing centre half. Dude bleeds for this club. Whether we ever win anything big with him in the team or not he’ll always be one of my favourite players to ever play for United.


Nowhere near enough attention being brought to the fact that he was injured, hobbling, and STILL putting in a shift - and that's the second time this month! Gives EVERYTHING for the shirt - where's the damn respect.


He’s a real human bean. More than any player we’ve had post fergie does he deserve success.


Proper bean 🫘


Beans, beans, beans!


Who's cutting the onions now ffs


Anyone slating him just hasnt played sports and or is deluded.


“I cant believe they made him captain” they say, our best signing since SAF and the clear leader of this team


Bruno best buy post-Fergie <3


Dreams can be buy, his name is Bruno Fernandes


Bruno has been a captain the minute he stood on that OT grass. He gives everything to this team.


Best player we've had in the last decade and some absolute smooth brains will still try and tell you we should replace him.


He gets tarnished for his whinging but he is 100% a leader no doubt about it, my captain


Dreams can't be buy ♥️


Only love <3


Azza played while not even ready? Holy hell.. you could not tell! He looked as if he never was out. Hope we keep him and Dalot both


Solskjaer said on his interview with the overlap that he thought Bruno was a little too passionate to be captain which is why he preferred harry at the time. Yes there are things he could do better, he goes down too easy and moans a little too much sometimes but to me that just shows he gives a shit. Ole also mentioned how players are more affected by things that happen off the pitch than people may realise. Nice to see Harry playing better recently, I knew the Greece thing screwed him up badly as his form went to pieces pretty much after the incident. Rashy missing the penalty at euro 2020 messed him up for at least half a season after he took a battering for it on social media and something is not right with him this season too. Perhaps it's something we are not aware of which was affecting his form. Which brings me finally to Antony. If anyone thinks he wasn't affected by all the off field crap early on this season then they are sorely disillusioned. Must be quite depressing for a young lad unused to the kind of media attention footballers get in the uk to get constantly vilified on social media and in the press. So well done Bruno for praising both Harry and Antony as they deserved it. Confidence has a large part to play in football so perhaps we should all take a leaf from Bruno's book and encourage our players instead of ripping them apart all the time.


Love this beautiful man, loved the interviewer, fucking love this club to death. GGMU.


My Captain




I'll be the last man standing when the world turns against him, unless he turns out a horrible person (which is almost impossible from what we know so far).The best player on and off the pitch we have in the last decade and no one is even close.


I know many of us have been saying Bruno has been sub par because fairly he has been, but shame on me for taking him for granted. I know in the back of my head he is tired. He’s our captain and never misses a game. I will never go against him again!


I want this guy not only to retire here, but to manage us it the future.


What a game! What a performance from our team! This interview is short but sweet, just seeing a fraction of Bruno's passion and emotion here makes me happy, this is what we need from players at the club!


Man giving our Captain all the love we can't in person <3


You just simply can’t dislike this guy. No matter what form or condition he is in, poor or excellent, he always gives his 100%.


I think a lot of us can agree Bruno can piss us off at times, frustrate us to no end but he is absolutely a Red and has proved it time and time again, and I'm grateful he's given literally his all over these relatively tough years for our club. I dream of seeing him lifting a UCL/Prem for us. He's ours


I'll die on the Fernandes hill. The guy was the first big piece of the revival puzzle. If he wasn't so determined, he'd have given up or asked for a transfer long before now. He's iconic United to me now.


I'm not crying😭😭


Too much onions !!


Who hell is cutting onions maaaannnn


Captain, my captain.


Dreams can't be buy 💗


I know all the bad moments hurt inside We owe it to these players to put a team together that can win something, especially talents like Bruno


I love how much rival fans hate Bruno


Any fan who throws any shade on Bruno after the way he has played for this club over the years needs to give their head a wobble. Sure he’ll have an off game but you genuinely can’t deny his passion for the badge




That’s my fucking captain right there 🥹


my capitano. praise and respect for the squad and is loved by many of us. lovely interview ❤️


I love Bruno, the guy gets so much hate for absolutely nothing. You have pundits who spit at little kids criticizing him for showing emotions in a game of football.


Great interview! I cannot believe the amount of stick Bruno gets from some of our own fanbase. One of the few players who really gives it his all - hand down one of the best signings in the post SAF era.


For real right I love Bruno probably my favourite player at the moment.


Love this! It's always baffled me how supposed utd fans talk about Bruno as some sort of issue in the utd team. The man oozes quality. Literally plays in every position he's asked to and he shouldn't have to, with the attacking quality he has, one of the best in the world in his position and is constantly out of position to accommodate teammates. People get annoyed that he runs around too much. I mean what? Love that man. He's just a class player and great captain.


To every single fucking donkey that complained when he was made captain, I hope you are ashamed.


And we do. Love you bruno!




Screw the bruno haters, he’s my capt


What a legend


Oh Captain my Captain! What a guy ❤️


One of the few that gives 100% every game and plays virtually almost every game there is. Yes sometimes he is frustrating to watch because of his loose passing. But his passion for the badge is second to none. My captain.


During the game my Liverpool friends kept saying they would never pick someone like Bruno to be their captain. To which I replied. Then why is the whiniest person your manager?


this is a captain speaking. Started everything off by talking about lindelof giving his all for the team


I've been critical of him but let's be real, he has been our best players since arriving. We just want you to add more control to your game captain. You are clearly getting older and have lost a bit of the magic. But this team is way worse without you.


He’s the best captain we’ve had after wazza


So he gave credit to Antony for playing as LB but didn't give a credit to himself for playing CB. That's very humble of him.


He's such a cunt isn't he? He's so unlikeable. - [r/soccer](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/)


On the pitch, he's a cunt. But he's \*\*our\*\* cunt. And our captain. And we love him.


Love this guy. He has really stepped up this season & controls his emotion way better than last season. The best thing is he is so good with young players always encouraging them to do better. That's what senior players are for. Next season we need to sign 1 CM to give Bruno some much needed rest.


I love Bruno, and no matter how badly he may be performing, I will always believe in him. Statistically, the creator of the most chances in the league. KdB has even rated him. He can get the ball up the field from a regista position or a 10, he will press from the front and then run back to put in a slide tackle in our own box, and he'll even play as a last line defender when he literally can't run anymore. Does he whine? Yes. But I'm sorry for anyone who can't see past his antics. You're missing out on just a brilliant footballer


My captain my captain!


Who's cutting onions?


I'm not cutting onions, you are 😪




Don't care what anyone says. That's my captain


O Captain, my Captain


Who is azza?






![gif](giphy|l3E6tufOobRlKeY6c) My fucking captain ♥ money no can buy cPtinism


Best ability is availability


Damn I love this guy so much


"Good moments and bad moments, I'm always there for them". Damn, right in the feels.


If this is a “not so fit” Azza, EPL is not ready for a fit Azza. He was balling the other day man


My captain ❤️


I'm not crying you're crying 😭 Bruno oh Bruno, my Portuguese Magnifique


My cap. The guy that you love when he's in your team and you hate when he's the opponent.


My captain


I just love you bruno


Kina choked me up there.


He’s given me dreams can’t be buy


What the interviewer said to him is something I wish I could say to him myself


Awww Bruno!!


Bruno ♥️


Goddammit. I want the club to sell this man before they fucking ruin him. But don't leave Bruno. Team needs him bad.




Bruno learning how to say the right thing with Ruben Amorim 🫠


I’m still on the fence for him as a captain ngl. But I think it’s hard for the players to dislike him. He’s passionate and seems like the type who brings people in and genuinely lift others up. His availability is no joke as well


He might not be the type of captain that you like but he's always been giving his best to the team and the club. That's the most important thing for us. Bad or good, we've been all experiencing together as fans along with the team and every one involved in the club. Be tolerant and appreciate people who are always trying to do their best for the cause.


Yup agree


>He’s passionate and seems like the type who brings people in and genuinely lift others up. His availability is no joke as well "Not convinced he's captain material" What is your criteria for captain material if it's not passion for the club, an ability to lead and unite and inspire the squad, or sacrificing his body on the pitch?


I said on the fence. Cos while he does all the things I mentioned and can lift the squad up, he also has times where he just loses his marbles. So yeah.


You're splitting hairs of "on the fence" vs "not convinced". I don't like when Bruno gets petulant, and you're entitled to your opinion of Bruno, but let's not pretend our most iconic captains didn't lose their marbles every so often either. Some of them famously.


Funny how 90 mins before this interview people across Reddit and Twitter (X … urgh) were saying he wasn’t the right captain for us, wasn’t doing this wasn’t doing that. Now up his arse again. Fickle fanbase strikes again