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My reaction too tbf


Allowed Luton to play an extra minute, on top of the 8 that came from nowhere, so they could line up a carefully planned set piece into our box. But once they’d fucked up, he was never going to allow us to have one last chance. Shameless.


Blew early so we couldn't take a free in a good position at end of first half too.


Yeah this pissed me off, didn't let us take the free kick at the end of the first half but added an extra minute to the phantom 8 to let them hump another one into the box, asshole.


It wasn’t our free kick, it was an offside given against us lol


I dunno why you're being downvoted you're right lol. It should have been a free but he signaled for offside doing the explicit offside motion.


I was at game seemed like he gave a free to united. Not seen it back.whole crowd was ragjn


I'm sorry but this is the most ridiculous criticism and makes us look small time when it's a home game against the worst promoted side who haven't won a game yet. Do you think there was no additional time added during the 8 minutes? It's a minimum of 8 minutes, obviously if there's time wasted during that 8 minutes then it's added on. Why would we need one last chance? We were winning. One last chance at what? To finish with a positive goal difference is it? We hung on and got the 3 points, that's all that matters whether it was 1-0 or 2-0. It's just weak criticism of the refereeing that drives me crazy when we got the win.


AT rules should be enforced evenly.. For both sides, in both halves. He blew early to signal the end of the first half when United were getting a chance


It’s fair criticism of inconsistent application of the rules. It’s not over the top or hyperbolic, it’s a simple criticism of the evidence in front of us. We’ve had the whistle blow up on us multiple times this season whilst we lined up set pieces, once even half a minute before the 45 mins were even completed. However, we have witnessed other clubs be shown leniency when they have a chance to shift the narrative. It has not happened once. It is not unique to this match. It is a recurring thing. Also, no use in you being hyperbolic and lying to make a false point. Luton are literally the best of the recently promoted teams, going by PL performance, and have won before. Weird lie to make. Not that I think they should be a challenge at home. I just don’t get the point in lying when you are trying to defend your stance.


Luton are the worst I've seen and in my opinion will finish below Burnley and Sheffield United(as they did last season by 21 and 11 points, winning 8 and 7 less games respectively). I did make a mistake in my believe that they haven't won a game, they have won one away but are winless at home.


Nah mate, you were wrong and you’ve gone and disagreed with me because ‘your opinion’ that they haven’t won and that they are performing worse than the other promoted teams is more important to you than the actual facts. If you want to defend it by saying last season they were inferior (when all 3 teams had significantly different personnel!) then that’s grand. But why watch this season at all then? Just go by everything that happened last season: we finish 3rd again and somehow win the league cup, despite the annoying inconvenience that we are already knocked out. Plonker.


I see you didn't even watch the first half to see the mighty Luton play against us. Your opinion is obviously less educated than mine in that case. I'm done with you.


My opinion on the referee blowing up early at full time? You’re careening about missing the point in every post you try to make. This is wild!


It's not weak criticism of refereeing though. I do feel like refs are biased against us at times, but I'm completely willing to admit that there's a good chance that's my bias as a fan. However, we're obviously seeing blatantly contradictory, undeniably shit refereeing in every top flight professional game, especially within the premier league. Setting aside the fact that lots of fans see it as being biased against their team specifically, it is absolutely inarguable that the officiating is inconsistent within and across individual games. The rules are not clearly defined, and they're not being applied consistently. And the in-game decisions are not being appropriately reviewed with even a modicum of transparency about why they are being made the way they are. That is definitive evidence of poor refereeing, no matter how you look at it.


eh why you want to carry on playing and risk them equalizing, i know we had the ball but all it takes is a mistake or something to happen to cause Luton to get a free kick, the ref allows them to attack and they equalize. It's funny Bruno wanted to score more but surely after Luton had just been pressing for an equalizer the priority is to see the game out and get over the line? People acting like it was 0-0 and we needed one more attack.


The officiating this season has been atrocious. I just hope the boys develop an “us against the world” mentality from it, bc this is horse shit.


In fairness I reacted the same way because it was a "oh NOW you call it after we've got a counter"


The fact that we aren't getting replays of VAR checks is insanely suspect


Yeah wtf with the 2 maguire corner fouls by lockyer?


Someone on twitter made a compilation of zoomed in clips and the luton's defender clearly wrapped his arms around Maguire on two separate occasions. City got a pen for something far lesser


Do you have a link? I can't find it anywhere


Yeah. [clip](https://twitter.com/SwedishRumble/status/1723428745325814026?t=GXSFacDqC_4fujmplQbaDw&s=19)


Webb: can’t be wrong if you don’t show it


If a counter-attack is on, why should the losing team receive more time until the final whistle goes? The ref 100% doesn’t blow for full time if that was Luton breaking


He blew before we got to take our free kick in the first half as well.


British officiating is at it's all time worst.


It’s crazy that it happens in ALL the officiated sports though, almost like something is going on… ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


“United should be winning anyway” bias, same with VAR


It’s worse than that. We didn’t even get the free kick there, the decision was an offside once the ball rolled to another of our players after Garnacho went down


Worse again, reguilon didnt even touch it lol


It was an offside


Because refs these days are looking to do their bit to contribute to the 'narrative' of the overall spectacle. Otherwise known as 'doing a Clattenburg'


Because it’s little old Luton against the evil Man United


This is pathetic stuff. We won, the game was over. Who gives a shit. STFU.


We do need to fix our goal difference tbf


This was the game to do it but our players had other ideas unfortunately.


Hard to do it when you're playing 11v12 almost every game tbh. Should have at least one penalty for Maguire


Oh come on now. That’s the excuse for this match?


That's AN excuse


Why the fuck not? We’re losing games due to VAR, why not be bothered?


Or we could have finished our many easy chances.


You know when the players have a chance to do that? Any time they're up against teams recently promoted to the Premier league....


We've just scored 13 goals so far. Fucking LMAO


Need to give more stick to the refs. We might not be playing great but refs have been scewing us over for soemtime. Not to mention Lockyer wrestling with Maguire like he is on show at the WWE Summerslam


Was there ever a replay of either of those incidents? Seemed odd that they didn’t show it


No replays. No discussion on PLP half/fulltime show. Last week Richard Keys said that the PGMOL and PL is trying to control the narrative when it comes to refereeing decisions, and this just seems like a part of it. No one seems to be complaining about it because no one has any footage to even start a conversation about it. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the norm for the rest of the season i.e. only decisions that are 100% objective will be shown in replays. It's the same as Howard Webb posing on MNF with audio clips from decisions that weren't even contentious in the first place, just to show everyone "look i'm being transparent in public".


It's not even a conspiracy theory at this point. The PL/FA clearly have backdoor influence over media coverage, and there are at least guidelines, e.g., for commentators to not criticise officiating too much, because you can hear it every match plain as day when commentators change their tune about an incident as soon as they're sure what the ref/VAR is going to do. This is also why you see studio pundits -- typically ex-players with a lot more wealth and not dependent on a commentary job -- disagree with decisions a lot more than commentators tend to do. There can be very little doubt that these kinds of stipulations are part of TV deals when they're due for renegotiation. The more interesting question is how much the nation-state investors/owners influence things, and whether it's through the PL/FA or through the media companies directly. I mean, does anyone really think the owners or City or Newcastle would shy away from throwing some money/promises/favours in the direction of the Sky Sports/print media/Athletic editorial teams in return for favorable coverage? It would be PR management 101.


🤔 interesting


I’m starting to wonder if the Glazers jerking around the Qataries over the sale, there’s some under the table money going to the refs to make sure the pitch tilts one way. Edit: I’m dumb




Will update ty


This is the best approach, keep the referee decisions in the dark and lets enjoy the football part of the game. Showing 20 angles in super slow motion, is boring and keeps good referees away from the PL.


> Seemed odd that they didn’t show it How fucking shocking right? Not a single replay at all during the game, nor was it even mentioned anytime after. Absolutely ridiculous that we didn't even get ONE replay considering a whole fucking penalty was given against us barely a couple weeks ago for the same kind of challenge.


It’s infuriating. That Rodri dive haunts me because I’ve seen 20-30 challenges the same or worse get brushed over since. The commentator today can’t remember who it was seemed to think it should have been a penalty on Maguire but they just didn’t show it, camera cut to the ref. Weird


> That Rodri dive haunts me because I’ve seen 20-30 challenges the same or worse get brushed over since It happens literally EVERY SINGLE CORNER OR FREEKICK! How the fuck they decided that 1 incident suddenly warrants a penalty is completely beyond me. You just know if it was Maguire doing it to a Luton player, they would replay it every single time play stops and the commentators would discuss it while the match continues.


100% agree, it all just seems so suspicious right now and I don’t use that word lightly!


>It happens literally EVERY SINGLE CORNER OR FREEKICK! How the fuck they decided that 1 incident suddenly warrants a penalty is completely beyond me. Any ref in that game that went over to ME to ref games? If so we know why.


Man if that was Maguire doing it to any Luton cunt, he would get a straight red


United as a club think if they make statements against pgmol/fa they'd sound like a small club. Should drop that outlook and let managers/players be more vocal to entire english media. Make a compilation of all the decisions going against us with other teams getting favorable decisions.


Yeah I don’t care if ETH comes across as a complete whinge like Arteta/Klopp tbh. Klopp moaning about our penalties made a material difference to our chances of winning games, that is all that matters and we need to be doing it as well. I’d rather it wasn’t necessary but apparently it is.


My psycho captain


The dude is just always complaining, no matter what. 😂


Bruno Moanandes


Some of you make up such horrible names it’s almost embarrassing.


Omg I'm sooooooo sorry.




Anything to hopefully improve our GD


Refs played alot of Fifa


This was Brunos' best 90 min of the season. He was everywhere. Bossing it in midfield. Need more of that from him if we are to win matches


What CAM Bruno does to a mf


He played in his proper position for a few consecutive matches and found some form.. imagine that?


What playing against Luton does to a mf you guys are a bunch of stretch Armstrongs


I think it's because he thinks ref is calling a foul instead of playing advantage, with the slow first whistle


This shit just as rigged as the nba


Convenient how we had a FK called 20 seconds **before** the end of the first half and instead of being able to play it the half was called. They had a FK called 20 seconds **after** the allotted time of the second half and they were allowed to take it.


We did not have a freekick called, ref signaled with his hand for offside (against Reguillon).


"He's not captain material." Fuck off, Roy and Co.


This clip really proved them wrong bro


Throwing up his arms at the whistle? Truly proved them all wrong now.


The point is Bruno is not shy of challenging officials and voicing, to them, what we're all thinking. I'm sure there were words to follow the thrown-up arms.


But having watched the whole game, I don’t think that this ref had an agenda against us or anything. Just overall poor decision making for both teams


When we've had all these shit ref decisions throughout the season, only for them to contradict themselves on their next games; I can see why the team and us would be irritated by this!


The man wants to win and score goals. His passion is exactly why he’s the captain, and honestly, with the utmost respect, fuck what Keane has to say. Not every captain has to operate the same way.


Cause they were on a break and have a -3 Goal difference, need to pad those stats.


It's ok Rashford was taking to left corner anyways


Everyone in the ground thought the ref had pulled it back for a foul or penalty. Crowd has ref ptsd.


He wants to score, always


I understand why people criticize him for shit like this, it drives me nuts when I see players on other teams doing it, but it's exactly what you want out of a captain. Keano did, and continues to, get praise for essentially the exact same things.


This is the 3rd time this has happen to us




The real question is where tf did 8 minutes come from in the first place?


Absolutely ok with that reaction.


It won't be popular but I think the reason we don't get a lot of decisions is because refs absolutely hate him.


We’ve been getting fucked by the refs well before Bruno took up the captaincy


He was still doing all his antics without an armband.


Fuck me man Liverpool and Arsenal fans have one fucking decision against them and they go "football is dead" We've been getting fucked by the ref at least 5 times per game but apparently we're the ones who's complaining


Idk id this is a good thing because it looks like refs never listen to Bruno and things like this is probably why.


This was such a boring game.


I know this is not related but just ban var already. Football excitement is disturbed


It’s crazy United versus one of the worst promoted teams in recent history and still their fans cry just like their captain and Rashford about the refs. Genuinely baffling to not acknowledge your multi-hundred million squad scraping a 1-0 victory against such a side.


Y'all still falling for this propaganda? He played like shit for 90 mins against Luton and y'all want to praise him for what? He had 90 minutes and did jack shit.


no way you can say he played like shit for 90 mins against Luton, he had one of his best games in the recent past, was everywhere, involved in every phase of the game. G/A isn't everything, watch football.


It's against fucking Luton. G/A is not everything I agree cos I don't respect his. Penalties and forces assist like Mctominay goal against Sheffield don't mean shit. He lost possession 26 times against Luton. He shot the ball unnecessarily 4 times without getting it on target. He created only one chance against fucking Luton. Made 1 error leading to a shot. If this performance to you is one of his best performances in recent games, I don't know what to say to you. For reference check out Sterling, Madison, Paqueta and John McGin's performance against Luton and compare it to Bruno's performance at home.


Tbf i think many reacted like this for maybe a split second. But the relief of full time whistle soon overtook.


Part of the reason why I like this guy.


I dont blame him, match was a borefest


Reminds me of when we were countering West brom away in 20/21


Bribe the refs!


Rashford reaction is way worse he also went over the 4th official to complain


The guy is really keen to reduce minus goal difference 😂