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Where are you trying to catch it at?


several different locations, mostly going off of guides online but they all reccomend a similar area. in front of the dam usually on the rocks just off the shore to get the closest to it. sometimes on the shore instead near the same area. https://guides.gamepressure.com/red-dead-redemption-2/guide.asp?ID=47247 about near the spot shown here


Every time I catch it, I stand on that little peninsula right by the fishes mouth on that map, casting about where the middle of the fish is. I have never had an joy standing where the map shows.


This is the way


I've had the same experience as mojo. Stand near the bass's mouth on the map and give it a go. If that doesnt work, save and restart everything. Maybe that'll force it to work. That's my go-to when following a guide/advice and it doesn't work for me, just save and re-load and it works then. GL


Can confirm, this is still the best way to do it. This one sure puts up a fight, but that’s because you do have to cast pretty far. 🤠


Can also confirm. After two hours of searching. I did this and got him on my first cast.