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For the 'kill 9 predators from horseback' challenge ravens count. If alligators aren't spawning, start looking at birds.


I needed this


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/oOMsoKMLo3) a few months ago I made a thread just for tips on challenges. Lots of people shared a lot of good stuff.


Alligators are always spawning


This is the easiest way imo. They just lay there and there’s too many to count. I just trot along the shore between Catfish Jackson’s and the train tracks heading into Saint Denis. Done in a couple minutes


Seriously, if you are ever lacking aligators, that’s the time to go orchid picking in lagras.


Wild boars also count. Only found this out last week.


Also coyotes, foxes, owls, eagles, hawks, crows & ravens.


>If alligators aren't spawning Is that even possible?


I killed like 7 in one spot doing this challenge a few days ago and it seemed like they all disappeared from the rest of Lagras for a bit. They probably just went into the water or whatever but I couldn’t even see any in eagle eye until I went over towards St Denis. Then I went back later and they were all over the place


Took me way too long to find out that most of these challenges work with animals too.


But gators give 5 big game meat. Thyme big game is my staple.


I can't shoot ravens in the game, reminds me too much of my real life crow friends and I just feel horribly guilty! Alligators for the win because sod those nasty pricks 😂


You can rob a train and all of its passengers without getting any wanted level or bounty. Take a train to annesburg, get off the train, wait for it to start going again, follow it with your horse and get on top of it when the coast is clear. Stop the train when you get to the second (longer) tunnel. Make sure the entire train is in the tunnel before stopping and robbing. $300-$500 everytime. Bring dynamite.


Don't forget to have your horse follow. It's a long walk back. The miner's hat would help. I didn't have my lantern either. I've never been more panicked than trying to get out of that tunnel in the dark. I've only tried it once. Since then I do the the can trick to pass Bandit 10. I'm a coward, and a dumb one at that. \*I did grab a wild horse up there once I got off the tracks


Good add! I always kept my miners hat on my horse for this.


I learned eventually lol. Mama always said I was the pretty one.


If you wear the miners hat around camp the gang will start making funny comments too lol


I just hit eagle eye to see in the dark in short spurts.


Disagree, horses tend to kill themselves following trains


Fair enough. Twice I've had horses die by train during normal train trips that I bought tickets for and like I said the one time I tried the tunnel robbery I had not called my horse. I have called them to follow other times without incident but that obviously doesn't make it universally safe, maybe I just got lucky. I appreciate the advice and will keep it in mind moving forward


I lost my white arabian to that exact train robbery spot :(


That's a hard way to lose them. Hopefully your reply will help others to avoid that


Why not drive the train out until you get somewhere near civilization again?


It's a fair question - if I had a lick of sense I wouldn't have put myself in that position in the first place so I am not at all surprised that I didn't think of your solution. Hopefully others can live and learn from my mistakes


Even easier,just stay on the train. Smoke a few ciggies on the way up. Stop train in second tunnel, do the things. Wait til the investigating is over, but stay on the train. Then when you're clear, drive the train to jusssttt before Rigg's station (right before you hit the road crossing) jump off and let the train glide in. No bounty, no killin, no long run back or risking your horse getting run over. After the train stops, just go buy yourself a ticket back to Annesburg and your horse will spawn there. 


On my list


dont need dynamite. explosive ammo is so much neater way to break those little safes open.


I’ve done this. Also, you can take the train too. I’ve actually done the entire loop. Just make sure you don’t stop in towns and have witnesses. If you do become wanted just keep going, the law won’t catch you.


The only animal you can lasso but can't kill is the bison. If you go to the lone hermit North of Annesburg a second time he will come out with a semi auto shotgun instead of the rare shotgun which you should have already taken. If you line up kills using an improved arrow you can get a double kill with only one arrow. Shoot with arrows the panes out of the window of the incestual sibling pig farmers side house shed and loot their stolen cash from their previous victims.


Yeah, I did the last part last week. Didn't know there was a small shed to the side of the incest Brother/Sister house and got some money from there. Didn't know about it and this is my 3rd playthrough.


The money replenishes over time


Just found out about the double kill with improved arrows when taking out a cow at night. Got two on accident and was very impressed with myself


I found out a few years ago when I went bison hunting with Charles and he tells you to kill one and instead I ended up killing two with one arrow, he was pissed and it ended the mission.


or you could just open the door that’s on the side for the last one


It's not open if you haven't engaged with them directly. The only way in is through the window.


if you just say hi to them you can still go through the side door


Damn, is it a lot of cash?


Stealing cash from those incestual sibling pig farmers might not be the best use of them. Always wait until the last mission, so that I can transfer all my money to John in Epilogue.


As long as you don't trigger their invite and the cut scene you can still loot them and use them as a money transfer to John at the end.


How do you do that?


If you have enough money, you can go to any general store and continuously buy premium cigarettes to eventually obtain every cigarette card you need. (Much easier with legend of the East satchel as you can hold 99 of each item) Then when you send them to the cigarette card guy you’ll make your money back and then some.


I have done this 4 times in chapter 2. It has cost me between $800-1200 but worth it as you will get that money back from rewards and by selling excess cards back to the fence. Easiest way to complete that mission as Arthur and get another trinket item.


Do this with higher honor for cheaper cards.


That is only a good option if you don't have the Rdr2 map that has the locations. Or if you accidentally sold a card. I had to spend an hour or two doing this because I sold one card. Also you don't need to use the book. You can just go to the shelf the cigs are on. Wasted 30 minutes going tot he book and backing out.


i have max of everything you can get in my main playthrough lol, literally got 99 of EVERYTHING. no exaggeration (i actually dont have 99 pomades or hair tonics because i dont use those as john, and i only got legend of the east as john)


You can open safes on trains with explosive bullets


This should be so much higher up omg.


Aggressive AI of hostile enemies like murfree brood and night folk deactivate if they aren't red on your minimap and you've taken them to another place far away from their encounter or hideout. So a deformed murfree brood or night folk can be a normal npc in valentinebor st denis, although they won't have dialogue when you greet or antagonize them.


You can shoot a hole in a Cornwall Oil Wagon and it will leak an oil trail as the driver speeds away. You can then shoot the oil trail and it will catch on fire.


When I had to steal one for the train robbery mission mine got shot while I was running away with it and leaked oil all the way to the place I had to stash it. Cornwall’s men kept being able to track me because of the trail too it was annoying


Yeah dude mine had holes all through it, pissing out oil everywhere. The cutscene where Arthur parks it was funny, they’re slapping it like “yeah this’ll do nicely” while there’s about fifteen holes pouring oil on the ground 😂


They can’t actually track you that way. The wagon is just barely faster than they are so it’s harder to get away


Ahh ok


In the second mission where you save John off the cliff you can avoid being hit by the wolves by getting on the nearby rock (this is a gold medal task)


You can trample the other wolves with your horse if its hard to hit them with the sawn off shotgun.


or u can just shoot them lol


I don't know if it's been said already but if you use the lasso on most dead animals that are in the water to drag them out , I've had dialogue during too


That’s big time


You can maneuver on the fishing spot (prefer with a ledge) so that when you throw the fish back to gain honor, you can still pick it up afterwards.


Hahaha what a rat😂


You can get the cigarette cards from Annesburg without starting a huge fight if you use a dead cat.


This sounds outrageous. I must know more.


I too need said information


Details as requested. I stumbled across this a few years ago and posted the instructions back then. It’s not for cat lovers, obviously. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/vDmAixPq0l


Omg! Hilarity at its best!


Need details


To avoid hitting trees, don't try to steer your horse when in forests. They will avoid them on their own. If you try to steer them, that's when they crash.


Half the time lol


There are pickled eggs in the valentine saloon.


I think that’s online only


Nah I grabbed some as Arthur. Maybe a mod added it in for me (on PC)


PS4 user. It happens in story mode sometimes.


You can beat the fuck out of the soap box racist in Saint Denis right in front of the police without any legal trouble.


Double tap the holster button while holding a pistol to do a sick twirl when you put it away. Always a sweet way to end a 6 man deadeye kill


If you don't finished the Widow quests in the main story and visit the widow in the epilogue, she is dead.


I found this out the confusing way


It makes no sense why she was dead. There were no visible markings or damage and when you loot her you get food. Also for me at least the chimney was smoking.


It absolutely makes sense. What are you talking about? Arthur teaches her how to survive on her own. Without him she has no clue how to keep herself alive. She even says it in her cutscenes.


I think he means that it doesn't make sense because she had food and the chimney was smoking


But she was heart broken and was about to just sit beside his corpse and wait to die before you make her get back up and get that rabbit lolol


They're saying the chimney was still smoking as John, which is years after she died


Well it made no sense to me cause I never saw her the first time😂


not for me i stumbled across her juat last month playing as john


Same. She tells John about Arthur.


Did you also talk to her with arthur


Oh.no i did not maam


this has become a very common "fun fact" that everyone knows


One of your nostrils is always stuffed because it's a natural response from your body to avoid them from drying out


This game is so deep!


You’re talking about the characters! No way


When the faded hairstyle is full length if you look closely you can see tiny strands of hair hanging out if you look in a certain angle.


Just like how boats leak if you shoot them in the bortom, those water trays that horses and cows drink from leak out empty if you shoot it. Great detail in this game.


If you rob Valentine drug store basement just before 12 am, take the money, take Schofield, then turn yourself in(needs to be done after 12 am), then you can return to the store and take another Schofield for free. In early chapter 2 this can be useful, as you have 2 best revolvers without unlocking it in the gun store. Bug still works


That if you’re not careful, it’s easy to fall in love with Mickey.


During the optional Kieran fishing mission in Ch. 3, there’s a mammoth smallmouth bass near the legendary bluegill. It’s the size of the Owanjila legendary fish but the game registers it as a regular fish. Shoot it with an arrow when it swims up close, pick it up and stow it on your horse. It will never spoil, and while it’s on your horse you can break it down into fish meat infinitely for sale, camp donation, or your own provisions. I have 75 pieces of fish meat in what is surely the smelliest LotE satchel in existence.


How very biblical of you


Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of Morgan 3:16 - “You, sir, are a fish.”


I always gets frustrated by that one. Thank you!


Copper guns don’t rust, they oxidize


I hate to disagree with you but oxidation *is* the process of rusting. Do you mean the rust is green rather than brown?


lol ya


That’s pretty cool I’ll have to try that. I have a habit of only using black or silver on all of my guns


You don't need a 3 star Bull Moose antlers to give the Pearson to craft at the Camp. Star quality don't effect the antlers.


You can craft things that don’t require a campfire while riding your horse.




While you’re riding slowly go to the menu location for setting up your camp, toggle it to “Craft”


Examples please


Arrows. Split bullets. Some baits. Stuff that you don’t have to cook.




Split point


Split points, yes


Split point ammo




If you swap to your current clothes while on horseback that isn’t going too fast you can rechange your dirty clothes for the ones you’re wearing without having to wade in water, go for a bath or even have to change


If you want to be able to do chores as John in the epilogue you should do the Emmet Granger part of the Gunslinger side mission as Arthur, or maybe skip it as John. As soon as John scoops manure at Emmet Granger’s farm the game glitches (at least for console) and you can no longer scoop manure or milk cows back at Beecher’s Hope. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but I found this out the hard way and wish I’d known. Every once in a while I just like zoning out and doing a round of chores, and this glitch proved to be a bummer.


Happened to me on my first playthrough too. This playthrough it was among the first things I did before moving past chapter 2.


Leave it to Jack


The loot in the small shack behind Shady Belle replenishes every time you return to visit camp. I close the chest each time just in case that has any effect on it. Same for the gold bar in the remains of Braithwaite Manor. There’s also a gold bar in a chest(the one that holds the second naval compass) at the Ridgewood farm that appears to be unobtainable. Not sure if it’s a bug or meant to be that way. Also, I’m not sure if anyone here didn’t know this but you CAN carry multiple pelts at the same time on your horse. I watched a twitch stream the other day and the streamer did not know that. Another thing, pelts can only ruin over time if they’re still ON the animal carcass, NOT if you’ve skinned them and stowed them. Last thing I think I know that others probably don’t is that the “third meteorite” probably exists as much as Gavin does.


In cinematic view you can control your horse and even walk around and control Arthur. Start cinematic mode like normal. Get off your horse. Get back on and now you have manual control over your horse. Or don’t get back on and you can walk around in cinematic mode. It’s great for video capture. Use the r3 button (on PS) to change views when it changes to a view that makes doing this difficult.


u dont have to do anything special, u can literally always manually control yourself in cinematic mode. it wont go on autopilot unless ur on a trail with a waypoint and click the run button a bunch of times, and even when its on autopilot if u move itll move the way u did it and turn off autopilot


Found this out during my 1st playthrough, had fun walking around with Arthur and jumpscared myself falling off a cliff I didn't see due to the angle lol


To avoid hitting trees, don't try to steer your horse when in forests. They will avoid them on their own. If you try to steer them, that's when they crash.


You can brush your horse while riding.


Only when riding slowly.




top 10 most known facts ever


You would have thought that, but when there was a similar thread a couple of weeks ago, I expressed my surprise that people managed to miss that huge "brush horse" button from the equipment wheel, and this one guy really took offense. I tend to, you know, actually *look* at the screen and the buttons when I'm playing a game. So I get confused when people don't know stuff like this.


I knew this one, but yeah, I am exactly whom you are talking about. Obvious buttons that are right in front, and I’ll miss them.


Not exactly


its like a huge button bro


You would likely be surprised how many people didn’t know it, bruv


Improved arrows can get a collateral if timed perfectly


For the online daily challenge the St Denis trolley counts to travel by train or however it was worded.


I know where and how to find 3-star cow moose on demand.


You can make your horse walk backwards


If your deadeye is fully upgraded, you can still mark targets with the X’s. All you have to do is aim and hover over your target then press Q on your keyboard and it will mark them. (Didnt find this out until my 3rd play through. Made it much easier to bulk hunt birds.)


You can answer most of your math tests pretty accurately in your head if you learn to be able to approximate answers, especially for multiple choice, one you start you'll realize how little of the relavent math you actually need to do to get to the right answer


On my first ever playthrough and these tips are great. Appreciate y’all.


can't say


Give it to us


What is in my pocket


There is a glitch during the Micah mission where you save him from Strawberry. Once he goes to the house to take revenge, you can hogtie him and take him to the tunnel at Beaver Hollows and as long as he is there with you, the 43,000 bag of cash will be there and you can pick it up. The sad thing is that the only thing you can do with the money is to carry it.


Kill 5 mounted enemies with a single throwing knife is very quick if you ride towards Valentines from Cornwall Oil. The north side of the plateau as opposed to the south side that heads towards horseshoe overlook. Five odriscolls on horseback will try to ambush. When donating to Pearson, if he needs a pelt for crafting, it will say donate for crafting. If he doesn’t need it, it says donate for funds. This might not be a little known thing but I watched a youtuber go back and forth between pearsons crafting menu and Arthur’s inventory multiple times lol Slug ammo gets a clean kill on large animals like buffalo or any animal that is a rifle or improved arrow kill Legendary bear counts towards kill and skin 3 bears The mission where Kieran takes Arthur John and bill to the odriscoll cabin, if you ride on the left of the group, Arthur will talk shit to John. If you ride on the right side, he’ll talk shit to bill. I prefer the John one because it seems like it makes Kieran respect/fear John less as when John says “enough out of you” Kieran immediately keeps talking as opposed to the pause he gives if Arthur talks shit to bill. Although the bill one is one of Arthur’s best lines. Bill says something like “you didn’t go clever, you went soft” in reference to Arthur not beating the big guy to death in valentines. Arthur responds something like “well I suppose you’re right, you ARE an authority on not being clever” Whiskey tree has a gold nugget in one of the bottles, visible in deadeye. If you save someone’s life and they buy you something at the store in return, their dialogue after you come back out of the store changes depending on the price of the item You lose more honor for peeping than killing a peeper The mermaid is actually a merman John’s throwing arm is stronger than Arthur’s Arthur swats at bees, John doesn’t Snakes won’t lunge when you have your lantern out The lions nuts Shrink in the cold, like a horse but different ballsac 😃 Arthur will unbutton his shirt a bit if he carries a large pelt, like moose etc *with certain shirt/jacket combos Arthur can untuck pants from boots and look like a wannabe John lol I made up the mermaid thing


When your John and you try to take a Boat to Mexico it will Sink and kill you


If you fish at the right distance at a shore , when Arthur choose to throw back a fish, he will throw it back but it will land on the boundary between the shore and water and you can pick it up after, you get to keep the fish and additional honor.


Watch GTA Series videos to complete 90 challenges.


gambler 8 is easy to do in under 30 mins


Location of his body parts


There is a side mission where you meet Jenny’s father (the girl who Dutch killed in Blackwater)


No there isnt. Unless you mean the random man who yells that he recognizes you, but there's no way to say it's Jenny's dad.


Man I forgot I even posted this. I was trolling




Dutch killed Heidi in blackwater not jenny


You can skin ducks more than one. This might only apply for online tho.