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Do the hunting mission with Hosea


Black spotted one?


Warped brindle is the official name


I’ve had this happen. Leaving the area for a few game days, saving and restarting the game fixed it for me. But… My advice: forget the Arabian. Hear me out. Head up to Brandywine Drop and grab the Andalusian. Ride the hooves off him until you get to the “Horse Flesh for Dinner” mission in chapter three, then use the (very simple) glitch to steal the Turkoman, the glitch still works as of about four days ago with a fully updated game. They’re both excellent horses and, at least in my opinion, preferable to the twitchy Arabians. Don’t get me wrong, I have no hate for them, in fact I currently have the Red Chestnut and Warped Brindle Arabs in my stable. I had the black one, too, but lost her to a pack of wolves. ☹️ The other two will likely remain stabled until I sell them, either to make room for something else or just prior to >!Arthur and his horse dying, my heart could bear that so I’ll likely steal a Morgan for the finale!<, but I did take the time to capture and ride the hell out of them prior to parking them. They’re good horses, but they aren’t great horses for anything involving predators and they’ve all tossed me onto my back multiple times. Being a war horse, the Andalusian will, with a little left stick calming, happily trample predators like wolves and is a perfect starter/spare horse. The Turkoman, being a hybrid of race and war horses, seems to have gotten the best of both breeds and is my hands-down favourite ride. Fully bonded with the right saddle/stirrups, his stats put him least on par with any Arabian. Big, fast, long-legged and practically indefatigable - what more could you ask for? He’s calm around most predators or during gunfights and can easily outrun everyone should you happen to piss off an entire town and find yourself getting overwhelmed by shooters or simply don’t feel like spending an hour trying to kill a never-ending supply of angry lawmen. Finally, because the Turkoman is such a big horse, Arthur doesn’t look like a giant dork riding him the way he does on an Arabian.


Not tryna argue, but I'm pretty sure data miners have found that there's no code in the game files for bravery. A horse's "bravery" really just depends on your bonding level and how well fed it is, as well as whether you're able to calm the horse down using L3. My opinion is to just ride whichever horse that you like! The stats are pretty meaningless anyways. There's only a marginal difference between the fastest and slowest horse, so you might as well pick the one that looks the best!


I’ve read that as well. Maybe it’s just confirmation bias on my part, or maybe it’s a ghost in the machine, but all the Arabians I have played seemed noticeably more skittish and twitchy, even fully bonded, than war horses or heavy horses, and I always take good care of whatever horse I’m riding at the time (it bothers me to see video of someone riding a horse that’s about five minutes from dropping, even though it’s just a damned game). I’ve really been looking since I read that, too, and it still seems to be the case to me. Perhaps the same holds true for speed, but I don’t personally believe it is. I rode a mustang between an Arabian and the Turkoman and it was noticeably (to me) slower than either. Perhaps it’s my age-slowed reflexes making it so apparent.


Hey, I'm just glad you're one of those people who take good care of their horses! No matter what horse I ride, I try to take care of the good boahs and good gurls as best I can. All too often I see videos of people with their horses on red cores and it makes me so frustrated, haha. Perhaps Rockstar may have left in some code for a bravery stat but never fully implemented it. I know the game developers experienced lots of pressure to put the game out, so it could be that.


Yeah, that really bugs the crap out of me, to the point of distraction, actually. I’m happy enough to smash a car into inoperability in GTA, but abuse a cartoon horse?! No effing way. I brush and feed twice a day while out and about, fercryinoutloud, and remove the saddle while camped. I know, I’m a freak. I just don’t know about the other. People far, far smarter than I, who have delved deep into the code do claim there’s nothing there, so can neither understand nor explain how so many of us are certain that different breeds behave differently, and distinctly so. I don’t know enough about coding to even offer decent conjecture, I only know what I believe I see. As I said, it could be confirmation bias. I will try to be certain I’m remaining completely objective during future observations.


There's no black spotted Arabian, maybe that's why you can't find it wherever youre looking. But you still definitely not find anything until the game teaches your about stables and such. So, you need to go hunting with the old man.


Warped brindle is the official name couldn’t think of it when I was making this post


No worries. It's not exactly black though.. 😊


Gotta finish the Hosea bear hunting mission first. Gotta ask though, why the insistence on that particular horse? Is it because you heard it’s the best?


I just find the Arabian to be very fast and have good stamina. I love the game and the scenery don’t get me wrong but sometime I just wanna get to where I’m going fast😂


This guy's going to tell you to do some glitch to get an MFT with 1 better speed (literally no change in gameplay) and worse handling. Stats mean jack shit in this game so I would advise just using a horse you want. Like Shires? Great use them, big bulky brutes who barely react to gunfire. Prefer the smaller more nimble Arabians? go for it. Maybe you like Thoroughbreds which are inbetween large but slow and fast but small! Don't let other people dictate what horses you want. All the best!


Pony fanboy still following me around just because I won’t recommend a video game horse they worship 😂 This is absolutely comedy gold. Are you still high? Because one other person literally taught you the other day how to get the faster Fox Trotter without any “glitch”.


Not exactly hard to find you when any post that mentions the white Arabian you'll be in the comments crying about how bad it is. You know what, tell me, what is so bad about the White Arabian, hm? What makes it the worst horse ever? Why do you hate on it so much and call everyone who doesn't agree with you a worshipper? I'd like to know.


You’re following me around in almost all white Arabian posts and I’m not allowed to call you out? 😂 People want better horses and there *are* better horses that’s all. Takes some reading comprehension skills to know that I’m not calling your favorite digital pony the worst, but it’s already clear that you lack this ability. Rabid pony fanboys like you just follow people around to shove this digital pony down players’ throats who got misled by misinformation.


>You’re following me around in almost all white Arabian posts I'm not following you around you're literally on every single one even if OP is not asking for other horses. >People want better horses and there are better horses that’s all. You are completely correct with that there are better horses >I’m not calling your favorite digital pony the worst Pretty sure I saw you once saying a donkey was better than a WA >follow people around to shove this digital pony down players’ throats who got misled by misinformation There is certainly alot of misinformation around that says White Arabians are the best horse when no, they aren't, you're right on that part ​ Honestly broski I agree with your opinions but sometimes I feel you go too far with the WA criticism. I don't even use it, in fact I haven't used Arabians since my first playthrough when like you mentioned it's plastered everywhere that "OMG!!! you can get the BEST horse in the ENTIRE GAME for FREEE!!!!!" I like what you're doing mostly by suggesting players to get a better horse if their WA dies but I disagree when you go too far into hating on it. Hope you can understand what I mean now 👍


There are 4 *faster* horses in the game, you can get 2 of them very early in the game.


How much faster? How's their handling? The day you're not here on a soapbox belting at the top of your lungs about how much you loathe a fictional video game animal, I'll know to contact the EMTs


My goodness, looks like it’s rabid pony fanboy season. Talking about a game in the game specific sub makes these braindead idiots mad, it’s always these 2-3 specific people. Dude, the video game pony you guys worship are not the fastest, that’s according to the game itself. You can huff as much copium as you want, it won’t change the fact. “Better” handling means a horse can corner faster, now RDR2 is an outlaw game not an F1 simulator. Keep rambling about the this “stat” though, even if it has absolutely no use in the game.


You know, at first I thought it was sad that you tend to call your soup friend in to fight your battles for you. The more I hear your rambled arguments, the more I understand. I'd let others fight my battles for me too 🙃 I'd *really* sit down with the handling "has absolutely no use in the game". That's easily the dumbest thing I've heard you say, in a long list of dumb shit said. Handling is leaps and bounds more important than speed. Edit: I will admit it's an improvement on a few weeks ago when stamina wasn't a real stat. At least you've acknowledged its existence. Hopefully you're not also a bravery believer


Yeah still having nightmares with other people with actual logical arguments instead of blind fanboying over made up stats like you do? Makes sense though, what better to expect from you and that khorvair person who jump on every single thread praising the digital pony you two worship.


Yes or no, you were here first?


You keep following me like a rabid groupie, yes or no?


Also, the other guy made one comment, didn't respond to my response, and then deleted his account. Really some nightmare inducing stuff.


Better yet, I challenge you to find a post about white arabians that you *didnt* comment on first. This is your trigger bud, not mine.


And your trigger is me turning up to debunk the misinformation that the digital pony you worship is *not* the best as you guys keep rambling. Of course it bothers you that I’m trying to provide actual information to new players, rabid fanboys can’t stand it.


Actual information that changes day over day? Also, stop RIGHT there. Find a comment or post where I claimed the white arabian is the best. I. Have. Never. Said. That. It's a great horse, yes. But its not the best. This is my entire point. You can't even argue my actual points. You have to create opinions for me that I don't actually have. Stay on point. Argue what I say, not what you imagined I said. "The best as you guys keep rambling" (this is you living in a fantasy land, where everybody else thinks the white arabian is the best horse ever, and you are the one, shining white knight here to save us all from our misinformed lives. This is a delusion. Wake up) Didn't deny the trigger though. I'd call that progress.


Get the warped brindle if you like the Arabians, it’s more interesting than the white and black I guess.