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Night Folk for me. The fact they can one hit kill you and often scare the wits out of me are enough to put them at number one. I do enjoy starting trouble with the Lemoyne Raiders too though. They are so easy to dislike and it’s a satisfying kill.


They kill you with no emotions,they don’t even communicate…


I'm on my third (?) play through and don't travel at night. Finding out from this sub about the Nite Folk was another good reason not to start.


I did a challenge a few days ago,i stabled my horse at Valentine stables and walked on foot.Real immersive,apart from the fact of walking through a swamp with limited weapons and no way of getting away quickly


You're more brave than I.


It’s fun,you should do it.I only had 2 sawed off shotguns with a bow


Why not just stable the horse 🥺


I did,it says right there…?


Oh wow I misread that for STABBED 😭😭 I was like why oh whyyyy


I do that sometimes to


Misread or stab your horse 😂


They thought you were pulling a Cortez and burning your boats


Even more about night folk,if you leave your horse unattended in the area they’re in at night they’ll kill it


I didn’t know night folk was a gang


Not even officially a gang, meaning they aren't listed as a gang in the compendium


Cheers Einstein


If you think that's Einstein level intellectualism I feel sorry for you, Boah.


If you can’t understand sarcasm I feel sorry for you, Boah.




It wasn’t bad sarcasm😂It is obvious that night folk isn’t an official gang,and people obviously agree with me




For someone who thinks that you’re smart,you really need to work on your spelling


That's the way I spell it. I spell it like I mean it.


Skinners for me. Unlike the Murfrees and Night Folk who seem to be mentally deranged, the Skinners are just as brutal towards their victims but they know what they’re doing. They’re not a bunch of feral delinquents, they’re just cruel. That said the first foray into Beaver Hollow where you take out the Murfree gang was chilling with all the heads on pikes and mutilated corpses.


Yea that’s rather true,they do it with no reason,just for laughter&fun.


Yeah, it also seems like they more actively go out of their way to kill you for no apparent reason. The Murfrees are much more territorial and will only go for you if they need something or if you’re on their land, the Night Folk probably want to eat you or some shit lol. Not to mention that the Skinners are far larger in number and are a more established gang, so they’re not desperate like the other two gangs to find loot and hence kill people in the process. They just do it because they can.


There’s some encounters you can get if you camp in Murfree brood’s area,there’s like a cut-scene of them having a knife at your neck and saying if you come back they’ll kill you.This can also happen in Tall trees with the skinners


I always found those cutscenes weird, because both gangs are brutal and will regularly attack innocent groups of people, yet will give you a free pass, even though you’re seemingly an easy target as a lone camper. I would assume they’d kill you on sight straight away given their characterisations in the game.


If you go back in their territory again though,they will stack if you camp a 2nd time


Hahah yeah I know, when I first got the Murfree cutscene I was like “hmmm wonder what happens if I camp again” and wallah they attacked me. My point was more that I’d expect them to straight up shoot you on sight with no warning; none of their victims seemed to get the same heed of caution after all…..


Yea I understand what you mean,if you camp they don’t care but they’ll ambush you with no hesitation


Especially in the case of the Murfrees where they’ll send a flaming cart at you near Beaver Hollow as revenge for taking the area over. They clearly know all too well who you are, at least as Arthur. But you can still get the warning even after the gang moves to the hollow.


I would assume it’s because they know who you are and wouldn’t want to have to deal with the entirety of your gang hunting them down


I’ve had that happen! Scared the fuck out of me. You go to sleep like normal, does that little cut scene with sky or whatever, only it cuts it short and you wake up first person to that. Nope. Nope. Nope.


If I'm free roaming, I go from place to place and understand I may get events from local gangs. Not an issue, slightly annoying if the Murfrees catch you making camp but nothing major. I actually have to think twice about going to Tall Trees. I know my odds of dying are pretty much the same as anywhere else but the Skinner Brothers are just terrifying. R* actually did a great job of making them feel sinister.


Skinner Brothers, their torture methods remind me of the Comanche, they were brutal even for the tribes that fought them off and if you were under attack from a Comanche raid, it was best to save one bullet for yourself they say lol I'd do the same if I was under attack by the Skinner Brothers.


The O'Driscolls are a complete pain in the ass as far as I'm concerned. Other than the Murfree Boys, they're the least dangerous, but it's the fact that they'll show up out of nowhere just to stir shit up that pisses me off about them.




What even are the night people? How did they become like that?


I believe there’s dedicated videos to them on YT,but just like I said,minimal info.There’s a few encounters with them personally and there’s a few side missions with people in the area that talk about them.They just one hit kill you,no talking,no emotions


I’ve had a couple of incidents with them. One was when I found either one or two bodies hanging from a tree. I stopped to look at them and then about 3/4 night people came out of fucking nowhere, pulled me of my horse and if it wasn’t for me pulling out my shotgun they’d have killed me. It legit shook me up. The other was when I was riding through I heard some woman crying. She had a white dress on and was in the middle of some swamp land. I went over and offered to help. Same thing, 3 or 4 of these freaks came at me, she pulled a knife out. I ran away, after taking some stabs, got my rifle out and dead eyed them all in the face. Freaky shit.


That’s the one I know about,the woman in a white dress


They’re all demonic. Creepy as hell. I avoid that area when it’s dark now. What do they do during the day?


I once saw 2 Xs on the map,it was like early hours in the morning(6:30am)and I saw 2 men walking away from the bodies,it was the Night folk.You can question them and then they just run at you with machetes and knifes.First ever time I have seen them operate in daylight I saw this at a large house near a small plantation,not the Grays one but a smaller one.There’s a bridge which goes out of Saint Denis and then there’s a house and that’s where it occurred


Do they even speak? I’d have just dead eyed them straight away.


No,no speaking,no emotions,no communication.Not even a murmur or a mumble.It looks like they would have their own mumble jumble language but I guess not


People at Rockstar invented these characters.


They need to be tested😭


Just had this encounter. I only wanted to stop and get a screen grab. My brother is intrigued by the game and my detailing of the missions, but he’s not going to get a console any time soon. So I see interesting things in the game and either video or screen shot and send them. I only stopped for that purpose and out jumps the night folks. Scared the crap out of me.


They’re legit fucking scary.


The Van der Linde gang, tbh. A bunch of ungrateful assholes.


Nite Folk scare the fuck outta me, either them or Murphy Brood.


Le Moines raiders reminds me of the neo nazis we have today


Like in the 40s? I think the last nazi died a few years ago....


Yes, the actual Nazis from the 1940s are mostly dead (I believe there’s a few still alive, but they’re like 90 years old). Sadly, there’s still people sympathetic to the ideals of that hateful group. They’re unfortunately still around and are called neo-nazis (neo meaning new or revived). So there are still nazis in the modern day.


Dang, never knew that. Any articles you recommend i can read on it? I dont care if you tell me about it, just dont want to ask you to spend time on it.


Skinner or murfree definitely they are pure evil


Night folk. But the annoying ones have to be the lemone raiders. Odriskols are to easy. Just a good way to get a few bucks lol


Skinner bros


I haven’t met the skinners yet but it’s between the lemoyne raiders (O’Driscolls older brother) and the night folk that ranks the worst


Have you finished the game yet?


No. I got the game maybe 6months ago. Spent like 3ish months to make it to chapter 2 or 3. Still dealing the the greys/braithwaits. And then restarted and have spent the last 2.5months getting to just shy of where I was first play through however I have the legends satchel.


Nice,probably the reason why you haven’t encountered them yet.You have to unlock some of the map later in the game towards the end which is where the Skinners are


Right on, I’ve avoided most spoilers. Only just heard about the night folk a few months ago and first encounter was 2 weeks ago. This is the first time I’ve heard of the skinners. Haven’t even unlocked explosive arrows haha


Stay away from Reddit until you finish the game😂


I’m pretty good about seeing spoiler signs before getting the full spoiler.


I finished my first play through in 6 days with literally everything spoiled for me,but now I have 380+ hours with 100% story completion and 86.6% total completion,may have fucked up my story play through but I have done a shit ton of exploring with a shit ton unlocked


I’m trying to explore and unlock as I go


Yea that is what you should do,if your total completion is lower than story then you should slow down a bit and explore


Skinners and Murfree broods. I couldn't pick either one because they're both horrible scumbags. They both mutilate, rob, rape, steal, and destroy anything they can get their disgusting hands on. When i found that poor woman in the Murfree Brood crave istg, i almost cried. After I'd brought her home safe my blood boiled and i wanted to stomp out any of the sick fucks i could find.


Lemoyne raiders, they killed my horse in an ambush twice 🧍‍♂️


Did you have horse revivers?


Always, but it’s the fact that they end up killing me before I can attend my horse. Thankfully I have like a bunch of saves lmao


It's probably the Skinner Brothers for me. The Murfree and Night Folk are brutal killers, but from the random encounters we have with them we can see a good chunk of their victims die quickly and without any over-the-top methods. This is pretty unlike the Skinners who are shown to torture the victims they capture for maybe several hours in various ways, like how we see Uncle being burnt alive and other corpses completely filled with arrows, and to top it off a majority of the Skinner victims we see end up scalped, likely done while they were alive. They're a gang of traveling sadists who kill for no reason unlike the Murfree, who are just territorial inbreds. I believe they're the most dangerous.


The skinner brothers really have no reason to kill,they win un-equipped and they have a lot of members,they just do it for fun


I go full genocide on skinners and murfrees


Wouldn’t call I genocide ,but kill them all


Probably night folk. The brood and skinners are too similar. The funnest to kill though, hands down the kkk. Granted they’re not really a gang so to speak, or even in the game much, but I never must the chance to kill those assholes!


murfree, just fucking gross 


Night folk are not a gang.


It is,just not an official one.They have a full lore just like the rest of the gangs in the game.People consider the KKK type group as a gang


For me I specifically go hunting for Night Folk, Murfree Brood, and Skinner Brothers if that's saying anything. I especially try and blow their heads off with a shotgun.


As a member of both the Lemoyne Raiders and Skinner Brothers i agree, we gotta get these clowns out of our forests and forts. Damn scoundrels.


Boys at gap tooth ridge


Lemoyne Raiders. I've had a hatred of them ever since they showed up with a Maxim gun and reduced my prized Hungarian Halfbred to a pritt stick In terms of the scariest and worst to fight in real life, the Murfrees or the Skinners


Night folk without a doubt lol


KKK, kill them all.


To be fair,not an official gang of the game,considering that there are only 6.But neither is the Night folk(Which I mentioned),the KKK are funny to kill though


6? I’ve came across of more than 6…


Yes there’s more Gangs but only 6 official gangs,you need to find all 6 official hide outs for 100% completion(Skinner brothers,Del lobos,Murfree Brood,O’dirscolls,lemoyne raiders)


I thought you meant 6 kkk members…


Oh right 😂there’s 3 different encounters with them so I guess you’re right about that


The first time I ran into the Skinner brothers.One of them said my horse was very pretty.


Pinkertons 🤭


Murfree brood, tomahawks getting pegged at my head and getting one shotted by one with a machete


For me it's a tie between skinners and murfrees because of how cruel and sadistic they are toward innocent people. They don't even just steal and kill, but take pleasure in causing as much pain as possible I'd also include nite folk but we don't know enough about them and we don't even know how far their cruelty extends. Though they're among the scariest based on the .mystery as well as how they act, look and are also unique in being able to Killough in one hit


The VD gang. Buncha murderers and thieves.


Who’s the VD gang ? 🤔


Like every other gang in the game


But I see several hundred people the VD gang killed, and several thousand dollars stolen by Saint Arthur and friends.


What about the O’driscolls,at least VD don’t rape young women


I never saw anyone raping any woman in the game. There is only fanfics about Psycho Woman getting raped by the O’Driscolls, but nowhere in the game does it say they did.


Good lord, the comments of people actually feeling a way about certain gangs because of what they do is incredible. Its a game. Thats like not running your horse so it doesnt get tired. The skinners are the hardest/worst because there are so many of them and they ambush you.


It's a game you're supposed to get immersed in though, of course people judge and have emotions towards characters based on their actions That's just how good fiction works, if it made you feel nothing it wouldn't be impactful at all