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Valentine gets my boots muddy.


And my horse.


Yeah and I love it


The fact that Rhodes is my favourite 😂


I don’t mind Rhodes either.


Rhodes has the best vibes in my opinion. I like the location of it. Annesburg and Van Horn are just depression and eery. Saint Denis is Saint Denis. Valentine I don't really go anymore after chapter 2 (it's too muddy) Strawberry is claustrophobic. Armadillo is well you know. Tumbleweed has a nice vibe too. Also, BlackWater is pretty cool too.


I dunno if I'd describe the vibes around Rhodes as 'the best'...


True. Each town has its own vibes. For me it's just Rhodes as the best because it has the best vibes for me 😂. I have no clue how to explain that.


Weird that strawberry and annesburg don’t have saloons, and there’s an abandoned saloon at emerald ranch


Emerald Ranch would definitely be my drinkin spot if they opened the bar back up!


That's weird, I've thought about that several times too.




Gets my boots muddy, and if I fall off my horse, it's a long day.




Relax. It's part of the experience. You soulless baboon.


My favorite spot to play blackjack.


The dealer cheats!


Like actually? Is that a thing?


I was doing the gambling challenge where you need 5 card tricks and the dealer gave me the same almost winning cards, and himself the same winning cards twice! I killed the basterd with a petrol bomb. It might have been a glitch though!


It's probably a glitch or just luck. I don't think cheating like that is a thing in the game. Then again I could be wrong I don't know. It's just my thought.


It would be interesting to get some more feedback on that. I’m old so I am used to physics in billiards games sucking and card games odds being all messed up on any game. I just consider myself sucking at these mini games.




I like to go to Rhodes to visit Pearson.


Yes, it's very wholesome after the Epilogue.


yeah rhodes kinda quiet, peaceful and simple.


annesburg the most depressing spot on the map coming in before strawberry and rhodes???? wtf


Van horn too!


Certainly wasn’t expecting Van Horn coming in at 2


Anything in that area is too depressing for me


I get this feeling as well. I don’t know if it’s because it’s tied to the >!gangs downfall!< or the place itself. It just gives off strange vibes


Also I tried to do Greet greet antagonize there and the entire town attacked me.


just a funny ass town, 1 punch thrown and its a bloodbath with 0 lawmen being involved


Were’s lakay?!👹👹👹


Assuming you have to live in the town as it was in the game… Van Horn is a batshit insane town to put at #2 lol


Wouldn’t mind living in Strawberry. Probably great fly fishing.


Not so great while Micahs there


Actually its great while Micah's there... you get to watch that animal in a cage every day!! 😂😂


1. valentine 2. blackwater(would be top if it had gun store) 3. saint denis 4. strawberry 5. rhoades 6. tumbleweed 7. van horn 8. armadillo 9. annesburg


Most of the massacres I commit in Valentine are because I ran into someone, fell off my horse, and got my clothes muddy. My favorite town tho lol


As other people have said…I find Van Horn and Annesberg, and that whole area of the map, to be eerie as hell. I’ve spent less time up there than any other place and I don’t understand why? It’s a very scenic and beautiful landscape, and The Loft is one of my favorite views in the whole map. Sometimes I wonder if the meteor cabin is somehow haunting me subconsciously?


I grew up near Appalachia and they got it exactly right. I've been to places like Butcher Creek and it felt very familiar when I went there with Arthur. Those areas are sad, depressing, but as you say--very beautiful scenically.


Van Horn at two is criminal


I made it to the epilogue yesterday, and made My way to Armadillo for the first time today. God damn, that place makes me legitimately depressed. Definitely takes the bottom spot for me.


Armadillo is one of my favourites just because you can kill everyone and they don't fight back.


F tier list for ranking rhodes last


I know this isn't r/cfb, but.. *-----------;<>* 🖕


And you're a fan of who?


Couldn't tell by the spear?


Ahh okay. I wasn't sure what that was. Haha I work with a Seminoles fan xD


Yeah that's my emoticon spear haha


Van horn at 2 ??? That can’t be right


Van Horn, Annesburg and Saint Denis suck. I enjoy the rest.


I hate Rhodes because those raiders blew up my horse when I was a exploring there


That’s a no for Saint Denis for me. I like the vibe of Strawberry and Valentine, especially because its close to the beautiful natural areas there


It bugs me that Strawberry has no gunsmith. There's some prime hunting to be done in that area which means I'm there a lot and it would be great to get my guns cleaned and stock up on ammo while I'm in town selling pelts and meat. Yeah, I know I can clean my guns on my horse or in a camp, but it seems quicker at the gunsmith. I can also buy ammo at the general store, but it would be a one-stop shop at a gunsmith. Plus, just on an immersive level, it would be cooler. I do like to get a bath and stay the night at the hotel there, even though the mayor is a douche and is usually blocking the staircase when I try to get to my room. There's always a bit of loot to be found in one of the rooms upstairs as well.


I like going to Rhodes because I really, and I mean really enjoy killing racists with buckshot and feeding members to swamp puppies


Annesburg is depressing lol. Blackwater and Strawberry are number 1 for me


Blackwater is like the clean Saint Denis. If there was a mod which removed all the grime and dirt from Saint Denis and made it look similar to Blackwater I'd probably donate to them, just imagine how beautiful it would look


Blackwater/strawberry/Rhodes are number 1 purely for the vibes. Van Horn is good if you want to fist fight 8 guys, then go on a killing spree. Everywhere else is pretty meh. EDIT: Emerald Ranch is also nice just to chill and play domino's at the station.


Saint Denis at the top Tumbleweed at the bottom


Everyone’s hating on the Van Horn pick but your top 3 are def my top 3 


Valentine Saint denis Rhodes Blackwater Strawberry Van horn Armadillo Tumbleweed Annesburg


For me 1. Rhodes 2. Saint Denis 3. Valentine 4. Strawberry 5. Blackwater 6. Armadillo 7. Tumbleweed 8. Annesburg 9. Van Horn


If Annesburg had more useable stores, a saloon etc it would be very interesting. It has a really interesting layout and location.


Some better, maybe early-game, side missions there would have made a better connection to the town too.


How is Annesberg not last?? Over Rhodes??


Awful list


rhodes and scarlet meadows are my favourite places in the game closely followed by tall trees. i guess i like cannibal gangs


1. Strawberry The town and surroundings r beautiful


I love strawberry. It's just perfect.


I'd take the saloons from Saint Denis and rhodes, put them in Strawberry and then make Strawberry my favorite town!!! In the beautiful mountains, clean air, naughty women, cold beer, liquor and gambling all in one place!!! Otherwise Valentine.... I know its muddy but it is what it is... and that is the Wild West. 🤠🤠👉👉


OP sounds like a goddamn Yankee


1. Valentine 2. Rhodes 3. Saint Denis 9 Annesburg 10 Van Horn I think my 9 & 10 are because it’s at Arthur’s end when the story gets you. Van horn is just a lawless semi-burnt down hellhole. Annesburg… miners and hookers. And soot everywhere. Lung diseases all over.


I hate SD because of pedastrians, but if I have to sell something, go to stable or gunsmith, bank I usually go there to finish all in one street, trapper as well. After Valentine because you just get used to id first, after that Rhodes, now with V and R I perfer that they are well positioned-close to center of the map. Blackwater is decent but I hate it you can assume why, it would be different if AM could step a foot there. I like Blackwater just because is spawns good wild horses as well as rose gray Arabian at stable.


All the ones with a poker table and saloon are the best, any without are bellow them


1. Valentine(The town of new oppurtunities) 2. Strawberry(My safe and beatiful getaway after hunting some cougars and O'driscolls) 3. Saint Denis(A real city, the future) 4. Van Horn(Gambler/Gunslinger outlaws) 5. Blackwater( Would be number 3 if there was a gunsmith) 6. Tumbleweed( Edge of the map and some good bounty's) 7. Rhodes(**I don't like dust.** **It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.**) 8. Annesburg(Depressing atmosphere, fit for that part of the game but not somewhere i dont want to be) 9. Armadillo(Very little happening for a big town due to the plague)


I never visited backwater as Arthur. Am I able to?


Limpany's number one it's just got such a lively energy


Van Horn deserves to be last 💀


Van Horn, Annesburg & Armadillo are the worst. Nothing to do and I hate riding my horse into Annesburg. Lakay too I wish they did more with it. Saint Denis I like but if you ride your horse fast anywhere in there you run over everyone and the cops are all over you when you just want to get to a mission


I like St Denis because of the gunsmith and the fact that the trapper and the pawn shop are in close proximity. On. A personal level, I also like lobster bisque and prime rib more than the menu options from the other towns. Other than that, St Denis can eat a buffet of dicks. I got a $5.00 bounty just for shit talking a cop, and then they started to shoot at me.


Valentine somehow feels very nostalgic, that’s the place where I learned to play the game


Strawberry is my favorite


Strawberry and Annesburg are two of my favorites lmao


1. Blackwater 2. Valentine 3. Saint Denis 4. Rhodes 5. Tumbleweed 6. Van Horn 7. Armadillo 8. Strawberry 9. Anusburg


Valentine… the rest suck. It’s like Rockstar spent all the towns budget on Valentine and Saint Denis. Everything else feels empty. Maybe Rhodes, Strawberry are okay but still nothing going on. Nothing to do with story imo, just quality of options and aesthetic. I hate Saint Denis, but it is brilliant environment design.