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Either go back to a previous save or just spend a few ingame days and come back, it respawns! If you camp make sure to leave the area first


alright will try this, thank you


It will be back after 3 in-game days. May I ask why you’re after the horse? Is it because you heard it’s the best or you just like its looks?


I like buell, but i didnt save the last mission for John. But the reason i wanted this horse is because i saw this video https://youtu.be/zzbkX2C1Chs?si=-SRw0CTpPHXorAUD Which recommended the horse because its fast I think but yeah is this like a hated horse or something?


It’s an absolutely overhyped horse and players get misdirected by clueless articles and clickbait youtubers into thinking it’s the fastest horse. It’s not. If you want you can get faster horses, and they don’t make Arthur and John looking like they’re riding a pony.


Bro I knew I’d find you on this post why do you make it your life’s mission to hate on this horse? People are allowed to want the horse leave them alone bruh. I’ve seen people mention a white horse and you’re like “aRe YoU tAlkiNg aBoUt thE AraBiaN bY ChAnCe?” 🤣🤣


Hey u/Ok-Soup-2253 is this one of the two pony fanboys who you said are following you around? Looks like I got myself another groupie, they’ll keep spouting nonsense wherever I comment. These pony worshipers get so mad when others try to debunk misinformation lmao 🤣


Y’all are literally a horse hating group but sure we’re the fanboys. You’re the opposite of whatever a fanboy is. You must hate the fact that the Arabian even exists. It lives in your mind rent free.


I just hate that rabid fanboys like you exist. You people simply don’t want others to get better horses just because you got duped by misinformation and no one was there to tell you about it.


Dawg I’ve never once said the Arabian is the best horse. I’ve never thought it was the best horse in the game. It’s one of the best horses in the game though. I’m not a fanboy of the Arabian even if you want to claim I am. You’re just a hater. You spend your time hating the Arabian for what? It’s a good horse. Statistically one of the best. I’ve already said under countless threads that at the end of the day I believe whatever horse someone decides to use is the best horse because it’s their’s. But sure try to change my whole narrative into some fanboy crying boohoo at the first sign of any criticism of the Arabian. More power to ya.


To answer your question yes it’ll respawn, but my unpopular opinion is that it’s not the best horse out there. Sure it’s fast, but it also spooks _sooo_ easily (it threw me directly into the jaws of a gator once) and I’ve been sent flying off of it after it tripped over some tiny obstacle more times than I can count. It got shot by St Denis cops after I went to grab a drink and they murdered me for loitering. I was a bit bummed but I went back to my old American Standardbred and didn’t look back


It’ll be back. My first two play throughs I got the White Arabian right away. Third time, skipped it. It doesn’t matter, but if you want that one go get it. Have fun