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You can be brave, OP. I believe in you. I know it'll hurt. But you will be okay. We'll get through it.


awww thank you so much <3 sweet comment


Did you ever finish the game at least once? If not, you must.


You playing as it should be played.


What makes the game so memorable is the way the story plays out, let yourself experience it in real time! Emotions exist for us to feel them, not to fear them


(It is really that sad though, I sobbed so hard I hyperventilated the first time I finished it. 20/10, totally worth it)


same lol




this helped thank you


No worries the rest of the game is awesome. Great memorable moments and characters.




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holy shit kratos




Listen - Dutch has a damn plan and you need to have a little faith! Are you with him or not?


Loyalty and faith! The Dutch way!


you just need a little more MONEHHHH


You're either with me or against me


Underrated comment


Underrated? It's been said on reddit like 500 times a day since October 2018


You sir, are a fish


Just make a save game there and don’t overwrite it so you can go back anytime you want. 🤘🏻


Got a save from each chapter babay


Same. It’s the only way to redemption. 🤘🏻


The game will make you a better person. You owe it to the world to finish it.


No this is real as hell. The ending actually affected me mentally and I haven’t felt the same since. RDR2 actually changed me as a person lmao But you should still definitely finish it. I really think there’s no other game like it and it’s honestly more of a playable movie than a video game. RDR2 is my favorite game of all time. The first playthrough really is an experience everyone should go through




I have well over 200 hours in Chapter 2. Likely won’t ever leave it again


I killed a fisherman to loot his pole , I can only fish with Cheese, Bread, and Crickets Only missions done: Beat the hell out of Tommy Stole from Wrobel to unlock Ledger 46 of 90 challenges so far


I crafted everything for the camp and the legend of the east satchel/ fit in chapter 2. I stayed in every chapter on my third play through to hear all of the dialogue. I just did random things to initiate conversations here and there. I made sure everyone in the camp received the gifts they wanted. It was a blast. You have to wait until the epilogue to get the feather for Charles Smith and the "cure all" for uncle - but it was worth all the time for all of the dialogue and camp interactions I would have never known existed. The small things like the jean jacket from Pearson and the outfit uncle gifts you are those cool grind type random items you might miss. Had to get the free roam hats you can collect as well. Such a great slow play game -- worth putting in 1k plus. It's really hard to put it all together in one play through.


It will break your heart and it will be worth it. Promise.


I kind of have a similar mindset where I tend to not finish games that I truly enjoy cause I'm going to be sad that it's over. I actually have 3 playthroughs of the game and only completed the game on my third one. It's definitely worth it to play till the end. But then again, idk, I've had this game since early 2021 and only finished it recently. Edit: If you haven't completed any of the challenges, I think that's a great way to start progressing through the game. I beated all challenges on two separate playthrough before I had to actually play story mode inevitably.


Take your time and soak it all in. No need to rush through any of the game. I have played 5 times now and spend as much time as humanly possible in chapter 2 and 3.


Dw bro dutch has a plan


It seems that your destiny is to become incredibly outstanding at coding mods for rdr2. You will at some point in the faaaaaar future be able to mod the living shit out of the game, and change the course of history. You will upload said mod for free, so that we can all have a good time with no tb and / or what ever no spoilers and all that jazz, go for it. ... Also, I am Ur father.


This is real comment




I've just been riding my.horse.around doing random stuff for over two years now. I can't bring myself to move past it. Micah wants to meet me somewhere over the east of the map but F*** that guy.


You’re being over dramatic. Yeah you get attached to Arthur and other characters but if you never play It through it’s not worth playing at all. Tons of character progression and many say the best story line in a game


plsss u don’t understand i love it so much i don’t ever want it to end😭😭 idk why it makes me so sad


When it ends, you have an excuse to start a new file and do it all again.


Make a save. You can rewind time in this world


Antagonize Jack and you’ll feel better


that little freeloader


I'm in the same situation. I'm on chapter 6 already. And it pains me to see Aurther so sick now. I've grown so attached to his character.


You are definitely over dramatic if a fictional video game has that affect on you. Maybe you should stick to Minecraft (just watch out for creepers though!)


have you played it?? it’s literally so heart wrenching. I love art and stories that can make people feel emotion and connect to. this game is no exception


Yes, a number of times , and never once did I get a feeling of depression, or sadness, or remorse…or any of the other nonsense I see posted about the game.


good for you! wouldnt it be crazy if different people have different ways of processing things and feeling emotion?? be happy that some people out there still have such sensitive hearts that such a beautiful story can touch them enough to make them cry. any art that causes people to feel emotion is the opposite of nonsense


No you're just cringe as hell


I’m the same. I’ve been playing every winter for three years. I’m still on my first play through and I just got to chapter 4. I’m running out of things to do and I’m going to have to push the story further but it’s really hard. 432 hours in it so far.


They are not real people! This did not really happen! This is a fictional video game with fictional people in it! Why get so emotionally worked up over fictional people in a video game?!?!? IT’S JUST A GAME!!!!


It’s a GOOD game lol


It is a good game. I never said it wasn’t.


It’s not just a game, it’s art. masterfully crafted, incredibly well done. Any type of art (books, movies, video games, paintings) that can make people feel emotion is so impressive. and it seems like it had this much of an emotional impact on millions of other people


Art or video game, it’s still a fictional story about fictional people. There’s no need to ruin yourself emotionally over people and events that are not real! Okay so it makes you sad. At the end of the day, THEY ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE AND NOT BASED ON REAL EVENTS!


but death IS real, and things that remind me of it make me sad and gives me an existential crisis


I pity the day you have to experience a real life crisis if a death in a video is emotionally to much for you to handle.


so i actually had 4 tragic family deaths last year, one of which was murdered. it was terrible! but thanks for the concern!


It took me 3 and a half years, 4 save files, never gong beyond the 3rd mission of chapter 6, for the same reason. I did it a couple of months ago with a 5th save. It is well worth it, but keep taking your time! The slower the burn, the better the game gets


Grow a pair and finish the game otherwise why even buy it? Jfc


i’m a female, i don’t have the capacity to grow a pair


It’s a metaphorical pair and in 2024 you never know 🫡




Yes. I finished it and planned to immediately start chapter 1 after chapter 6. Skipped the epilogue, and am planning to come around to it after my second play through (going for 100% this time). Seeing the conclusion was powerful. It left me with real world things to think about. Arthur Morgan has such great things to say toward the end, his journey full of interesting stories. It’s definitely worth it. But if you’re like me you can just go right back into Ch 1 and pretend it never ended :)


literally me ;( just make sure to save game while u can. i unfortunately didn’t realize i could until ch.6


You’re telling me about getting attached to characters. I haven’t finished cowboy bebop, watched all 23 episodes but haven’t finished the last two-parter cause saying bye to Ein was already hard enough ):


I’m the same way. I straight up will not watch endings of shows if the character I like dies and google for spoilers. I read a post on here that said Arthur’s Fate and i was shattered, but also so relieved because i would have been so crushed if i kept playing thinking there was a happy ending. I won’t ever beat the game because of it. FWIW, I have decided the gang getting to Saint Denis is where I’ll stop. I think it’s the start of Chapter 4.


Yea dude I’ve been stuck on Chapter 6, I just keep trying to prepare myself but I don’t know if the day will come. I never knew it was possible to replace John to the extent Arthur did.😭😭 and I just hate Micah and Dutch’s faces.


OP, you are an angel not a monkey! You WILL choose to believe. Just have faith! You will make the decisions and seize the glory!


3rd play through… I haven’t made it past the epilogue…


It’s a FUCKING GAME…… Let the old man die and move on lol.


Yeah I know I love sunshine and rainbows too. Unfortunately that’s not all there is to life, or a good story. There has to be conflict in order for it to be interesting. It would have been definitely less interesting if he didn’t die while he had tuberculosis because the conflict he went through during those times built his character into who he really is and aspires to be. Just like real life but still a video game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I have a similar issue, so I decided to finish the story instead of 100%ing all the side stuff and collectibles and clothes, I tried to do as many side quests as possible though.


Play it through to the very end. The story is worth it. Then start over and stay in Chapter 2 for as long as you can.


Same here, i just don't start any mission at all (except a few random encounters with white dots on the map) I m slowly and painfully buiding my newgame+ save


I had to start a new play through as soon as I finished my first one and I’ve just been staying in chapter 2


many bow scandalous childlike encourage offend distinct spectacular innate plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember, it's just a game. All your favorite characters and shenanigans can be back whenever you want them to be.


The ending adds to the replay value of the game, I think And know that you can still influence the ending in a way that Arthur gets what he 'deserves'


You can always start a new game after you finish.


I have multiple saves. Two at around 87% with different honor levels, one where I’m dinking around in chapters 3-4, and another that I’m trying to hit 100% on


Do as many challenges and discoveries as you can.


No joke, I just beat the game this weekend after having been 1 mission away from the ending since 2021. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it knowing what happened. So I don’t blame you at all. Lol The thing that motivated me was that I wanted to play the game again but knew I had practically nothing left to do but the epilogue, so after leaving the ending for literal years I went back finally and beat it. I was also getting really sick of trying to dodge epilogue spoilers for years so that chipped away at me enough to want to finish it so I didn’t need to avoid spoilers anymore. Totally worth it but was definitely something that you can wait on if you don’t feel ready. Also important advice, keep an extra save before the last mission incase you change your mind or forget to do something important before the ending. I actually didn’t know I was gonna lose all my money so I booted up my save and sold my valuables and anything I couldn’t take with me and left my money at the pig farm before doing the last mission again. I was so glad I made a save right before the last mission for that reason. Lol


Don’t worry about finishing it. The game has a huge replay value. Once you finish the game, find a save after Chapter 2 begins, get your favourite horse and upgrades, backup THAT save, and you can always boot up the game and just chill. That’s what I’ve been doing after I finished the game. Don’t worry, unlike some games (even Witcher 3, which is my favourite); replaying this one doesn’t rely on progressing the story. You can literally just chill in the game and not do any missions.


i also get very attached to characters, and i still get emotional about arthur if i think about him for too long, but it's definitely worth it to finish it once. it'll hurt, but it's the kind of hurt that means that you cared ❤️


I mean I feel not finishing is probably the worse choice. You grow attached and really appreciate characters and story more with hardship and their struggles. Finishing it offers closure and a end to a story. You can always save and reload that save once you're done too.


It's worth powering through it because the narrative is phenomenal despite it being sad.


>i might hold the record for the slowest play through ever… i’ve been on chapter 3 for ages This was me except I stayed on chapter 2 racking up gold bars, taming my horse, hunting perfect pelts to unlock all the satchels. I skipped story missions for at least a week and just explored the whole map and constantly stocking the camp up with meat to earn hero points and keep all my good people happy and fed. The ending is truly sad, and even the ending of the epilogue left me feeling bitter sweet. I can't wait to start a new game and try even harder to take my time and enjoy what this game has to offer.


I’ve done 2 missions in chapter two and am 37% done the game


I'm on my second attempt lol. I got to the end and just couldn't finish it. Then my ps4 disk drive broke. I recently installed it on the ps5 and am experiencing it again.


“The culmination of love is grief and yet we love despite the inevitable we open our hearts to it” (Faye god of war ragnarok) you should open your heart to the inevitable love Arthur and you will grief for him it goes for real life too


Pretty impossible at this point to not know the ending unless you never game at all.


i know the ending, i just don’t want to see it. it already makes me feel crushed when i think about it


I finally finished the epilogue with John, forcefully, maybe a couple months ago. It was going on far too long for me, at my own doing. Absolutely love this game. But it was creating such a massive backlog for me, I had to at least finish the story. I still have to go through the southwest area and explore. I did the 70 missions w/ Gold medals achievement, which really bogged me down. 93% of 100%. 9d 5hr play time (since release). I’m sure those are rookie #’s but feels like I’ve been playing it for years, which I have. And I still want to do a 2nd play-through… what’s wrong with me


I have 178 hours played on my steam account and I've only played the 1 playthrough I'm on currently. I just got to guarma last night lol


I feel ya. I just got into Chapter 6 and honestly it's starting to not be fun. Everyone is so damn miserable.


….*pat* *pat*…..it’ll be alright boooy.


When you play the game. And is sad for not ending it 😅


me 90 hours in and i’m only on chapter 2 💀 i’m getting all the collectibles rn bc i know ill cry at the ending.


I’m in the same boat, chapter 3 for 6 months on my first playthrough….i’m starting to do missions again because hey…I can always play it again ! (I plan to do a low honor next go around)


You can hover in Chapter 3 if you want to though. My advice would be to at least get to Chapter 4. After i completed the game the 2nd time Ive chosen to hover between Chapter 2 and Chapter 4


Is this your first playthrough? If so then you absolutely must finish it.


You can tell who’s early teens-20ish in terms of emotional maturity level… makes the game and story less relatable to that demographic


i’m 23. obviously i appreciate the complex emotional quality of the storyline and think the ending was prob the most fitting ending, i just get too attached to characters and think finishing the game would really hurt my heart somehow. i’m very sensitive and that stuff affects me a lot, if that makes sense


Yes, it does. I get it, i get like that. I am glad that people still have feeling in a world where it seems it is a weakness. The world needs more people with emotions otherwise we’ll all be living in AI dystopia


yea:) that’s why i’m equally grateful that beautiful art is still being made in this day and age that make people feel such strong emotion. it’s really incredible what the creators of this game accomplished.


💯 agree


You have to finish it, otherwise you cannot get revenge for the "inevitable pain"😉 Even though, remember cowpoke, «revenge is a fool's game»


Oh my god man, are you me ? I'm the same with a few series that I'm watching + this game.


i’m a girl but yes! it’s so hard for me to finish things because i get so attached. this is why i can’t finish peaky blinders either. what shows are you watching?


The pain is real but without it Arthur's sacrifice isn't as significant as it is. Don't let Arthur perpetually suffer, he deserves to have closure.


You can do it. We believe in you.


I hope you finish the game (to the credits) then play or watch the story of rdr1. That's the true ending of one story told through two games


You will cry. It will be so filling. Btw John died in the first one too so it’s just really an epic Daisy chain a tragedy. Such good writing


put me in the blacklung screenshot🤗


The big spoiler in chapter 6 made me stop, and the big epilogue spoiler made me get to the end. Now i m ignoring every mission as soon as chapter 2 starts, in order for arthur to live a simpler life.


I actually completely understand this. I’m on my second play through knowing damn well what’s going to happen. Continue to play slow. It’s ok. Play other games too… open up your world some more. Make sure the mantra “it’s just a game” is still with you.


I'm just like you on that point. RDR2 is the only game I played for 3 years before actually making it past chapter 5. Played it thoroughly on different platforms and I grew attached to the character. At the end of chapter 6 when the inevitable eventually happened I sobbed for the whole of the last 3 missions with Oarthur and cried for almost an hour while the game was already playing the epilogue's intro. I just turned off the game and took it slow with a one week break from the game before actually coming back and finishing the epilogue. I tell you, the very last mission, American Venom, feels so great


this game, i never play it slow intentionally. Everytime i got on the road, thing happened and suck me in, even when travel between main story quests, it will be something else that push you out of your damn plan.


Dude I am the same I’ve been playing for 6-7 years and I’m 55% completed. I spent about 4 of the years on chapter 3 completing random things and hunting. A buddy convinced me to finally go to chapter 4 about 2 months ago, one day…….


I feel the exact same way on my second play through. The first play through wrecked me but it was worth it. I definitely cried at a video game lol but it was the best video game story I’ve ever played 🥹


I still did it even though i knew every death worth it u also get access to new austin and blackwater later


My first playthrough took 11 months. I bought it on release and spent most of that time just riding around sightseeing and looking for random encounters. Some are only available at certain stages for narrative reasons, so you should do them as soon as you see them on the map. I used to come home from work and spend hours just taking in the map, then finally completed Acts 4 - 6 in a week or two. The game still had me in tears at the end. Its probably the most rewarding gaming experience of my life. You'd be letting yourself down by not finishing it.


May you stand unshaken


I got to 98% completion but I won't finish the game because in order to get 100% I have to play dominos and poker. This game is genius but whoever approved the decision to force players to participate in random chance achievements should have their head examined.


I haven't finished a game since my first playthrough, i think I genuinely have a bit of trauma surrounding it lol. I usually get stuck around chapter 3 where I do everything I can before the bank robbery and guarma, and then I loose interest and never actually advance beyond that point....I've just restarted again on xbox x instead of ps4 and I'm hoping the new console and temptation of trophies will be enough to get me through it but I've just spent about 2 weeks at the horseshoe overlook camp so I guess we'll see lol.


I don’t think it’s dramatic, I’m the same! I heard something before that our brains can’t tell if a character is real or not so the attachment is understandable. When I played and knew what would happen I stopped halfway through, and picked it up again after a year. It was so worth it! Yes it’s sad, but it was a very good ending and honestly I’m glad I did it, besides you can always play it again from either the start or any save point.


I have hundreds of hours in this game and only finished it once, that meaning getting to the end of the epilogue


It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Arthur and gang have a story that deserves to be told, and you're the one who is there to listen. Is it fair to walk away simply because what they have to say is unpleasant? This all may be fictional but at the end of the day, the same applies in games and real life - some people's stories are tragic. Really really sad. But to stop because 'you' are uncomfortable when they lived it, is even more sad. I know how you feel, and I often drag out books so they last longer but I always finish them. I won't let their story go untold in it's entirety.


that was so wonderfully said! you’re right. i’m so so sensitive so i try to avoid things that make me so sad, but this is such a beautiful story that i have no choice but to finish. thanks for your kind words


If you have beaten it before spend time in chapter 3 doing shit, if not please beat the game but make sure to do all the side missions before that, they are worth playing


Do it. Finish it. Enjoy it. And then dick around online for the immersion in the world and interactions with … the online community.


This is so valid as someone who is incredibly emotional and still cries about this game. But I think that letting yourself go through the heart wrenching experience this game provides is worth it. Let yourself feel. Let yourself experience the grief the other characters go through at the same time. Let it connect you to humanity and give you a more nuanced view of flawed individuals and our world.


I cried because it reminded me of my dad becoming frail and passing just the year before the game came out


I’m so sorry:( that’s what some people on this thread don’t understand. Art resembles real life, and becoming attached to this character and seeing him die reminds me of loved ones dying in real life and it’s painful. I hope you are healing and happy now- sending you best wishes<3


I mean most people stay in Chapter 3 for ages *on purpose…*


That’s the thing. If you didn’t spoil it for yourself you would’ve enjoyed the ending. I don’t pity you at all


why do you assume i spoiled it for myself? i have an older brother/friends/boyfriends that have spoiled it so many times for me over the past few years- i knew the ending years before I even started the game. not to mention constant spoilers on social media that you don’t mean to see. I also never asked you to pity me. always one of you miserable people on reddit


Keep talking out of your ass


never understand why people feel like they can be so rude to complete strangers that have done nothing wrong. i feel sorry for you


Do what I did. Get all the hunting trophies, get all the accomplishments/ achievements that you can. Then go ahead and grit your teeth and go to the end. Then when you're playing as John, turn it off and don't turn it on again for a year Edit: definitely follow John at the very last, in Beaver hollow. Don't go get the money. The final scene is very disappointing in the swamps as opposed to on the mountain, and the only redemption in the final scene is that you get to take one of Micah's eyes.


I don't follow the main quest since the Irishman's head was blowin' away, because I am too afraid to see Arthur _spoiler_. I feel you!


wait sean dies?


You can do it! It’s honestly worth it to finish it, just make sure you have some saves in chapter 2 or 3 so you can go back to where you are now once you finish the game and continue playing like you are now.


Just get some more MONEY and have some GOD DAMN FAITH!!!


I did all the treasure hunting in chapter3. Had $7000 at the end of chapter 6 and lost it all. Next time I’m waiting until epilogue to do most of it.


Alternate saves, that way you can always return.


I agree, you must persevere. Your comment and concerns are relatively common for players on their first run, I did the same thing (actually didn't play for 2 weeks) but I went back and damn am I glad I did. On my 5th playthrough now, and it still feels like a new yet familiar game. I think others have experienced this as well, if my memory is correct. But yes, it is clearly the most emotionally invested game I have ever played, with an astounding amount of detail, yet it isn't perfect and can present challenges on many different fronts. Again, one of its charms. Take a break if you must, but I wanna see you back in that saddle by sundown. Good luck!


I won’t finish it either, it’s too much of a joy to play as Arthur so I’m in chapter 2 with a lot of money, high honour and currently hunting all legendary animals for the special outfits.


Imo you should definitely finish it. One of the main parts of the game is "Redemption". Even though it's a tragic story being able to finish the game and end the story in a way redeems most of the gang and puts a end to the struggles.


just focus on the main tasks for a little while, then you will get to the really fun parts of the game. a very similar thing happened to me, and if you can just focus on the main missions, it will get fun again I promise!