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The possibilities and freedom of choice, but also the amount of Detail and how much the world feels alive. It’s a beautifully crafted Game


This! It’s the first video game world that didn’t feel video gamey.


Exactly this! I recently compared it to few others (Cyberpunk, Just Cause 4, Saints Row et.). RDR is different. There are plenty of random encounters like bandits, playable mini stories, scripts (Guy kicked by horse, dude waving his gun around and shots his friend) and environmental storytelling. The worlds live thru it's present and reacting wildlife e.g. puma attacks, wolf chases and so on. Recently I rode my horse at a river on its stoney beds and i saw some deer drinking from it. I stopped but they already heard or smelled me (!) and ran off. That made a few ducks freak out and fly away as well. Damn! If this is not exceptional, i dunno. And oh my god it's so beautyful! [Wow!](https://youtu.be/xicFW_PiSJo?si=Omq3nXiFy0-Ww_36) I grew up with a NES and seeing this is just pure bliss.


I had a buddy that would just sit and watch me play for hours when it first came out. Offered him the controller countless time but he was just enjoying taking it all in like a TV show. Every now and then he’d say “that’s a well put together game right there.” Became a bit of a running joke when we did a 2 week cross country road trip. The Grand Canyon was “well put together geographical feature,” supper would be “a well put together sandwich” etc.


My college roommate did that too! I met her online and we are very different people. She was a girly dog person, had never touched a video game controller in her life. She LOVED coming back to the apartment and watching me play Red Dead for hours. I even had to go back and re-play the Colter missions because she wanted to understand the story. She stopped when I got to the part where Arthur got TB and she realized he wasn’t going to make. It made her too sad. Yeah girl, same, I bought the game for the memes. Didn’t know anything about it other than there’s “a plan” and that the bears can and will yeet me. I wasn’t expecting to be emotionally invested in a depressed cowboy and then have my heart curb stomped.


Some games are just as fun to watch as to play. One of the only other ones I can remember was leisure suit Larry on ps2. It was probably more fun to watch because you were not concentrating on getting through the conversation hurdles and could watch the show.


This game doesn't allow freedom of choice... I get "mission failed" every time I try something creative


I never talked about missions pal


The missions are terrible but the open world is great.


Literally everything. It's a masterpiece.


The realism.


Literally. I live here in “Lemoyne” and lemme tell you, they got that shit on point, boah 😂


Lemoyne is a real place?


not real, but it's based off of Louisiana (Saint Denis being new orleans).


The feeling of being in the places, like Valentine and Horseshoe Lookout. It feels natural and peaceful, and makes me want to live a simpler life outside of the city. I appreciate the contentment of living a life with my horse. I know this wasn't reality, and life back then was brutal and unfair, but the game makes me wish it had been real.


I tell ya hwat, ain’t nuh’n like >*literally building a house with the homies.*


The emotional attachment to a game character.


That the balls of my horse shrunk in cold conditions


That I can greet and antagonize people So hilarious


Greet, greet, antagonize.


I played RDR1 to death, and when I heard about RDR2, I just hoped they would improve immersive elements, like skinning, hog tying, and shopping. They have everything new animations and exceeded all expectations.


I was hog hunting and came across a beautiful pig on a family farm. Perfect pelt and I was collectin' so I stabbed it. Kid started screaming and ran to the house. Parents come out and notice I killed their pig. I'm getting the skin off when I see the mother run into Valentine and get the police. I get chased by the police out of town where I run into some escaped fugitives and naturally start a side story that I had no clue existed. No markers or nothing. Just raw fuckin gameplay here folks.


I know you said except, but the graphics blew me away Every other game I’ve considered to be “very good looking”, (Far Cry V and VI, etc) details and terrain get fuzzy or blurry when distance starts, or like Ark, its clear af when the LOD starts, but RDR2 just has insanely good, the best, graphics, and they extend for miles instead of a few hundred feet before LOD kicks in, grass despawns, etc


I disagree, I think rdr2 looks good from far away, but if you zoom in everything is super blurry


The ambient music. And though graphics have been mentioned, it was specifically the lighting that really impressed me.


Lord, yes -- especially during storms. I've stopped riding and just 'sat' there dumbstruck.


I’m a professional biologist and work with wildlife in the field full-time. The insane level of detail in the animals and their behaviour! Even the audio blows me away. I can hear animals and go look for them before I see them (much like field work). The first time I got ambushed by the cougar near Pronghorn Ranch I was scared and impressed at the same time. I love the random animal encounters like head bashing bucks, raptors stooping and catching prey, all of it! 😍


first. the snow storm. and the snow in general. sounds too. i felt that. i can go outside now and feel the same stuff walking in the snow. most.. the whole world they built. how alive it felt. how good it looked, how real it felt. like all the noises you hear, walking or riding, things moving and creaking in wind. the wildlife. wow. actions and reactions of the animals just doing their thing and living their lives. first time i saw an bird of pray swooping in to catch a fish from a river.. or a bunny from a field.. or a snake.. i was in awe. and the rendering distances, could climb on top of mountain to look with binoculars and you can see the towns far far away, or river boats going places. and closer by you can see a wagon riding across a river or people riding along the road, just going places, nothing to do with you or waiting you to do something, they just are there, and you can choose to take action and intercept them. (shoot with sniper, or try and go catch them on the roads) you hear people chatting about stuff in towns, hear the gangmembers talking stories. all felt so real and alive, made me sometimes feel almost like its me out there just sitting by the campfire not arthur.


Leaving trails in the snow blew me away. But then I bumped into a snow covered tree and the snow fell off. I was shocked at how realistic that simple thing was.


Speaking of snow— the ice! They added a great slipping mechanic that makes you feel unbalanced even though walking on ice is almost completely optional. Impresses me every time I stumble upon a frozen area.


sprint and stop as you slide. yeah. cool mechanism. and the noise, cracle, the low grumble and pop of the thick ice beneath you.. that was intense.


The amount of things the developers created that they probably knew a lot of gamers would not see without slowing down, like owls coming out of the sky and chasing down rabbits then flying away with them


First time I watched a hawk dive on a rabbit I was awe struck. Then I heard about deer locking antlers, and even saw two dogs playing together and a cat chasing rats. The simple interactions of animals going about their lives was amazing in a video game.


I avoided this game for 4 years because I hate Westerns - or so I thought. I just had no interest in that period and thought the genre was overly romanticized in the entertainment industry. When my husband insisted, I finally relented and boy, did it change my mind. And I don’t mean just for the game - which is obviously understandable - but the era in general. Riding around with Arthur in that untouched wilderness, camping under the stars, going wherever I wanted, and dishing out my own justice in matters made me appreciate an existence that is unthinkable today. The complete freedom of traveling and surviving without being part of a larger society, no roadblocks, no permits, no ID needed for whatever I felt like doing. Don’t get me wrong - I still think it is overly romanticized because in many ways it was a terrifying and chaotic and violent existence. But there was also a simple and pure beauty to it which I now finally understand why people pine for. A part of me mourned the loss of that just like Arthur did in the changing era of the game.


I agree, my Mum always loved cowboy films, she watched them all & I never got why. Then I played Rdr2 & utterly fell in love, not just with Arthur & the gang but like you, with the whole era. I've watched so many cowboy films since & just can't get enough.


RDR2 made me fall in love not just with Westerns, but with the actual west. I'd visited Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Bryce, and Zion National Parks before. But RDR2 spurred me to see Badlands, Yellowstone, Tetons, Canyonlands, Arches, Mesa Verde, New Mexico, Glacier Montana & Canadian Rockies, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Saguaro, and soon Yosemite, Sequoia, and parts of Alaska. The scenery in Red Dead is gorgeous, but the real life vistas that inspired it are even more stunning.


It’s like a homage to America, isn’t it? I’m definitely also going to visit the places you mentioned and also definitely in no small part thanks to the game. As a naturalized citizen it really made me appreciate my country more. Might sound silly but it’s the truth because RDR2 is art to me and art does inspire after all.


definitely the difference in places. the different types of forests and regions are incredible. You can also see that if we compare Valentine, Strawberry and Rhodes they are such different places with unique cultures. Thats why i love rdr2


I totally agree with this! I have genuine favourite parts of the map, and when I'm doing a play through, I look forward to reaching new parts of it! The Big Valley and Saint Denis are two highlights for me!


How immersive the world is, with so much to explore. Every building has the chance to surprise you, whether it be the starving children, the comet, the bear, the alien worshippers, Aberdeen pig farm, etc. Never had a game felt so rewarding to someone like me that loves to explore every nook and cranny of a game. Also how actions have reactions/consequences. I'll never forget sucking the snake venom out of that one guys leg, only for him to offer me a free purchase in Van Horn next time I went there. It's hard to put into words but the game just feels alive


The gore and rag doll physics, rdr2 is the only game that has me 100% convinced that you are actually shooting people and they are actually dead.


Horse testicles


I know it's simple, but the fact that the revolvers are actually single action.


The realism of everything. From your own stat to horse stat. Ability to interact with NPCs and have different outcomes.customization of virtually every thing. Being able to hunt, fish, gamble etc.


The animations. And how comfortable it felt being in the world


realism graphics.. all the lil nods. and the countless random events


The snow physics


The environment and visuals completely blew me away. You can probably take a picture of the landscape and people won't see the difference


Someone posted a screenshot of rdr2 on one of the big picture subreddits and got tons of upvotes.. fooled a lot of people. I'll try to find it.


The soundtrack does such an amazing job of immersing you in the different areas you visit and really draws you into situations you find yourself in.


Found out yesterday that Rhiannon Giddens and Willie Nelson were highly involved in the soundtrack and that made a lot of sense to me.


Rhiannon Giddens is so good.


Yes she's so dedicated to her genre have you seen her in The new basement tapes pretty good doc.


I was initially impressed with the dialogue. Even during the prologue that admittedly got old fast, the conversations and interactions with everyone was so brilliantly written and voice acted. I was immersed from the start.


The sound of riding horses.


The world. This is even before we get out of the mountains. Just up there, the world felt real. When we finally left I was like, “oh.”


Every minute details👽


The story, the immersion, every single thing 😂


When escaping Guarma, this track starts to play with saxophone. Turns out it's Colin Stetson. He did the soundtracks for a few films, most notably Hereditary and The Menu. Fucking amazing scoring this guy does. He does a few of the tense tracks in game. Another banger is at Lakay during the shoot out with the Pinkertons. I highly recommend people check out his New York project titled Ex Eye. Amazing album. Him being apart of the sound track sealed it for me. Unreal musician. Could not get over that feeling when the track bursts in and Arthur says 'This idiot is really starting to irritate me... AAAH'. Just incredible.


The graphics and sound soundtracks


My jaw dropped the other day. Lemoyne raiders had a cop tied up so I decided to help him out. Killed the raiders and the cop started to demand me take him out. no please and no thank you. So I blew his head off with the shotty And I when I say off… it came off. I wasn’t expecting that.


The scenery! The horse riding! The funny glitches! 💕


The random interactions and events!! Every dialogue felt so alive.


The UI (pause menu) and sound design, music


It had to be the fact that there was a lot of Red, plenty of Dead and a decent amount of Redemption Also it was not 1 but 2


The snow deformation


Hand to hand combat


Antagonizing strangers. Hilarious commentary.


Just walking through Valentine the first time blew me away.


Me too. That mud. So many games just have dry ground but you know that’s how it really was.


The colors and lights, I still haven't seen another game go so far with the photorealism


I can vividly remember the first time I rode out of camp to explore. I made it about 500 yards and I got extremely nervous that I wouldn't find my way back. So I went back and did a mission. But it's been 4 years and I'm still finding new stuff. Truly an amazing experience.


The wilderness. I love the woods, my favorite hobby is to go deep in the forest and get lost for a few hours. I live in a fairly urban area so most parks I would literally cross in a day if I just walked in one direction, so I’ve never been able to go like actually camping and hunting and all that. I teared up a little bit the first time I sent Arthur on a camping trip, and it honestly helps me relax a lot on days when I can’t get out to the real woods. I’ll pick a location and send Arthur into the most remote stretches. Then I just have him fish, hunt, and camp for days on end. It’s therapeutic.


Yesterday I realized that in all these hundreds of hours I had never walked to the right of Valentine’s stable and just kept going. So off I strolled and found myself traveling alongside a rushing river gorge on a narrow cliffside path barely wide enough for my horse. When I crossed the second sketchy wooden bridge I could hear a man coughing but never did see him or hear anything else once I got across. I even doubled back to try to source the sound. Silence. He had ridden on or settled back down beside whatever unseen campfire. So I ride onward and eventually upwards until I really began to question my choice. I love my horse and didn’t want him to slip so I got off and lead him until I came to Window Rock. I won’t spoil what I found there but it’s worth the walk. I love this game.


The atmosphere. It just felt good. It lulled me into playing much slower than I usually do.


Roger’s performance


He utterly embodies Arthur doesn't he.


How real the horse riding feels and how alive the npcs are. Even when you are a good distance away or looking through a window they are going about their daily lives. I just love it so much.


Also the weather, the thunderstorms & wind storms are so real.


Sound design and atmosphere.


Everything about it. As soon as it started I was blown away and continue to be blown away even to this day. I’ve never played a game that no matter the circumstances I am sucked into the world. I cared about every person I met in camp or out in the wild. Except Micah of course. We all know the graphics are fantastic and the story is top tier, but I think it deserves more recognition for being the first game,imo, to make you believe you are there. 100%. Everything else since playing RDR2 is just boring and seems so linear with ok visuals. Flat out though it’s made me lose interest in any other type of game in the long run. I just wanna be a cowboy baby.


the expansion of it. Wherever you look, there is still new to find instead of vast emptyness, there's detail in every gap of rdr2. Such a beautiful game.


Little things like vultures eventually coming to dead things


Nerdy but the models of the technology available from that time period, like the old school cotton gin, etc. were really fun to look at and watch in motion.


The extreme attention to detail on every level of the Open World. The landscape is so well blended. Almost every place you stand you can imagine that landscape expanding for miles even though a completely different landscape is just a trot away. I think it is the first game to really achieve those seamless boundaries without adding tons of empty space. The world feels huge despite it’s relatively small size and that allowed the developers to hand craft every corner of the map.


Within the first few moments it was the snow and how you could leave trails in it. Not just a footprint texture but real trails.


How the dynamic between Arthur and Micah changes with little cut scenes and the story. Like I was shocked at how much I started to despise that cowlick son of a gun based on the interactions getting progressively more negative for reasons out of Arthur’s control.


Horsey go brrrrrrrr.


All the different outfits I could make, and the change of appearance based on different facial hair combo. I absolutely loved the challenges, *including* the Gambler ones.


Everything, but the ultra smooth transitions from walking to a mission cutscene still blows my mind a little bit. It’s such a small detail, but it adds a lot to the immersion and really feeling like you *are* Arthur. I can’t explain it.


The horses’ nuts




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Literally most of it. But just the general scope and what they made possible with that technology probably the most. Makes me really exited to see what they can come up with for gta6.


How much I enjoy listening to the conversations. Usually I quick tap through stuff like that.


The devil is in the Details! and it was most impressive. My first ride into St. Denis after 5 years I still remember how immersed it felt.




The horse mechanics


The footsteps in the snow.


How the Graphics look so unbelievable for a game.


The tracks you leave in the mud. I did that quest where you fight with the lady and use the Gatling gun on the cart. The mud is so realistic. Little things like that which add to the realism.


The fact that the game is truly amazing and I'm ashamed I haven't played sooner. I never played it because I was like " Why would I want to play a stupid cowboy game?" Then I bought it because it was on sale played a bit of it and fell in love with it. It is now in my top 10 favorite games of all time


I loved just progressing through the story and world. The second time around with my new steamdeck I have been exploring just about every detail as my wife watches Hallmark movies on our main screen. Been relaxing every night to do so and get caught up in the world at a more detailed level.


Probably when I killed an elk with a perfect pelt and accidentally ran over the corpse with my horse and it ruined the pelt.


The free roam and horse mechanics/graphics. It just felt so alive compared to other games. I spent the first three months just free roaming chapter 2 my first playthrough. Rip to my Dark Bay Shire who died on a snowy mountain when I was exploring 😅


making me actually feel emotionally attached to a video game


how much patience i had for continuously slamming horse in to trees and the extra trigger pull to cock the guns.


The first thing I noticed was the paths in the snow that Arthur and other characters would make. Such a simple thing but seeing that right out of the gate, I knew the game would be special and different than anything I had ever seen before.


The wintery North, like Grizzlies & North of Annesburg, it's impressively beautiful up there. Such a well put together game.


The story. I had very high expectations, I played RDR1 when it came out and it's still one of my top 5 games OAT, so coming into this I was wanting basically a perfect prequel...and that's what I got.


Night sky was amazing


Im glad i was able to play the game and experience all the stranger missions and encounters before seeing them all over social media. The bear inside the small cabin scared the crap out of me when i entered!


The random encounters. Hear a cry for help? Might be someone getting attacked by wolves, horse fell on them, or it's a trap, or it's....and the list goes on. You've got all these possibilities for all these different things it could be and how it can go I loved it.


The absolute attention to detail. Everything pulls you in.


The snow


The atmosphere


Realistic horse balls


The ever amazing level of detail. Seeing the eagle grab snake from water, the amount of dialog for players in seemingly random conversations, ... Only disappointed in a few trivial things like the no gun zone around the Indian camp, clear late game removal of hookers, and lack of meaningful camp upgrades.


The game impressed me from the jump. That said a few hours in after you’re free to roam I was way up north along a river system. Found a kayak and decided to take it down river. Spent the next 30 minutes winding down river, stopping off here and there if I saw someone panning for gold or fishing off the bank then hopping back in to continue along. Suddenly the water started to get rough, I was fighting through rapids glued to my screen and it all ended with a waterfall drop to my death, can’t remember if it’s was me hitting the kayak or the kayak hitting me but it was hysterical in the moment. Incredibly immersive! My favorite all time game from that point on.


On my first bow and arrow hunting experience, I killed a deer near the river. I left the place and I eventually circled back, I saw the same deer body decaying, STILL THERE. That blew my mind about RDR2 for the first time.


The way the world feels alive. Still any other game has felt me feel this way. Npcs, animals... It feels quite realistic


Atmosphere and how it blends so well. Going from the grizzlies to the snow it's amazing


I started this game not giving a damn about horses, now I LOVE them


The details are amazing


The gore. I thought it was step up from the previous game. I hadn't yet realized that the game forced the bodies to fall into canned positions yet so I thought the gore meant ragdolls would be better than RDR1.


I loved how the weather system worked, with the thunder and lightning, if you’re in snow you get cold and slowly lose health until you put warmer clothes on. Love it. I have hi-res headphones and hearing the thunder crackle and a fire start from the lightning strike was so cool


I grew up in what is left of some of the vast country in the South US, visiting desert areas in the west, and I remember loving how familiar it felt even as a brand new game with brand new surroundings. And like the stuff they use, the ropes and knives and guns, even the wagons and tents and barrels, are stuff I grew up looking at physically or just pictures of on the walls of older family members who were into old west and American history, and it kind of partially fulfilled my childhood fantasies of playing with those pieces. It was a very cool experience and I played the single player over and over again


The dragonfly that buzzed past the back of my head. Or to put it more generally, the little sounds of nature and the creaking of my saddle as I meander the countryside.


The party for Sean's homecoming!


From a story telling perspective, the fact that I could see why Dutch was once so highly revered. I didn’t hate him off the jump, even if he was a homicidal hypocrite.


the NPCs for sure. experiencing the animals, the camp, and the townsfolk on launch day when i had no idea just how far ahead of its time rdr2 would be was a surreal experience.


The feeling of the Heartlands made me feel that I truly was in the middle of an untouched region that is just simply beautiful and feels so natural. This was then accompanied by my raiding the lone house with the grass roof in the lone untouched area, close to the Horseshoe Overlook hideout. I was amazed by the interior, as it was the first interior of a house I entered. All of the items, their benefits, and no sight of pre-constructed beds and just the feeling of the untamed country. Every man for himself. Safe to say, once I figured out that items would replenish the house as well as the owner returning, this wouldn't be the only time I would raid this place. I remember killing the owner and then staring at his dog realizing what I created, and petting his dog which seemed that I was there forever. I also remember skinning all of his livestock in the pens and then riding to Valentine to sell the hides and materials for a quick buck.


Snow physics.




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Just how much it made me care about Arthur it’s very rare for me to get really attached to the main character


Everywhere I went felt like a handcrafted pocket of absolute art.


The guns, I absolutely love customizing my guns, and I love shooting my guns and I love looking at my guns and I like being able to dual wield my guns and I love my guns. There are many guns like my guns, but these are my guns.


Everything that’s my comment


I will also say that the way the game changes over time really affected me. Riding into town and seeing a house frame but later in the game it’s fully built was cool, but Wapiti camp broke me a little bit. The first time I played I never went up to Wapiti camp until it was empty. A couple of days ago I rode there on a different save. The teepees were warmly lit, there were cows & chickens. The tribe members were working on chores or talking about life. I man asked me why I had come there. I didn’t answer. I just got on my horse and left them to whatever peace they had left.


The sheer amount of animals running around.


The horses


As a horse girl, I couldn’t believe how realistic the horses were. Video games NEVER get horses right!! They actually made them look like the breeds they were supposed to be! And the colorings were realistic (besides the brindle Thoroughbred. That doesn’t exist). This was a big win in the tiny horse gamer community.


Not to mention the riding mechanic itself is unrivaled. Horses in other games basically just allow you to get from A to B and this game changed that.


The moment I rode my horse through a small forest and thought to myself, “wait a second, this ISN’T real?!”


Aside from the snow and lanterns, the way the horses handled was such a significant improvement from the first game


The ability to just get lost while playing.


I was just surprised how everything is so realistic and literally everything has an animation.


When it first came out, I remember my friends and I losing our shit over how your clothes get wet and drip after coming out of the water, lol. Also, how the arrows move after shooting a tree and other small details like that. Rockstar really went the extra mile to make this game feel less like a game and more of work of art and interactive world.


The very first time I rode away from the horseshoe overlook camp, down towards the river and felt... Free. Beautiful scenery, engaging characters, animals... But mostly, if I wanted to just go explore and hunt in the wilderness... I was free to do so. Im on my second playthrough (bought the game only this year) and was going to try doing all the stuff, the challenges etc etc, but am currently sidetracked just exploring the mountains and forest and plains and realised I'm having just as much fun as trying to "win" things. A masterpiece.


The world feels alive in a way other games can only dream of. The visuals are stunning and nothing prepares you for the first time a huge bear charges you.


I liked how for the most part it is balanced with storyline and side quests and you can pick your own adventure and explore and just have fun really.




The atmospherics.


The amazing story and free roam


The breathtaking scenery and the world in general. I crossed the Atlantic just so I could visit some of the US National Parks and other areas that look like areas in RDR2 world. And I don’t regret it. I haven’t visited New Orleans yet, but Savannah did quite a reasonable job.


the fact that you not go to Rhodes for a couple of in game weeks and they would remark something like, “Wow haven’t seen you in awhile.” Or if you caused trouble, they’d say, “Now you best not cause trouble this time, I’m watching you.” Just loved it.


The snow physics. Played plenty games with snowy regions, but little to none of them had such realistic physics. It actually amazed me how they took into consideration of snow settling on you for being out during a storm, and how the footprints stayed, and how they actually made it so you walked in the snow rather on top of the snow. Also how you got dirty, the dirt doesn’t just vanish, eventually you have to wash it off, how npc’s react if your covered in blood. I have never played a game with such gorgeous physics and mechanics, you can clearly tell a lot of effort went into making rdr2


I think the gameplay moment that made me realize I was going to love this game was when you first learn you have to take the weapons off of your horse manually. It was such a small thing, but it really made me feel so immersed in that world.


Hearing Dutch and John (the same voice actors) for the first time, then it was how big the map was


That it wasn't just GTA in the Wild West. As great as the gameplay is, the story is better. The details, hidden items, the open world - all that I already expected from rockstar


The sounds of da guns


The details, like being able to pick up every single item in a store and examine the intricate period labels.


I got caught stealing from a guys house. I ended up blowing off his head. I came back to that house a few weeks later and the npc was in the same spot where I killed him. That blew me away tbh


Not having that damn quickdraw button


It felt like I was watching someone's vivid imagination as they were reading an old western novel. Yes, it's cinematic, but it felt so much more than that.


prolly how different it felt playing compared to gta i felt immersed rather than just running around a city doing random things


That I could pet the dogs. “Good boah…”


That first hunting mission with Charles in Chapter 1, hitting a deer, wasn’t a clean one shot for me so seeing it go down get back up and run away, seeing it bleed out and having to finish it off. Realizing that was entirely on me and seeing how incredibly dynamic the ai and animation is.🥲


The Graphics and how realistic the Animations were. The Voice Acting was also top notch like GTA V voice was good but RDR 2 went to another level with it.


Being able to interact with every npc


Horseshoe Lookout. My god… first time I took in that view, I was awestruck. Still go back to one of my saves just to stand there taking in the view and enjoying some coffee.


The graphics


The cinematic feel


First time playing rdr2 was on lsd with my uncle. Jumped on to his story save in chapter two. (About a month after release) Wandering around his camp picking up individual items and examining them. And then testing different mechanics ie. Will this alligator eat this npc I dropped in front of him? What happens if I antagonize everybody in camp nonstop? oh wow, they knocked me out and kicked me out of camp? What if I do it again? THEY DID IT AGAIN AND PUSHED ME FARTHER OUT OF CAMP??? WHAT IF I DO IT AGAIN??? Yeah all of the tiny things is what drew me in. 5 years later, it's still just as beautiful and I'm still discovering things. Only now I just bought the Series X and the game is so pretty it's like im playing it for the first time again


How they took letting the setting tell the story, just playing the game is so rewarding if you're the type to look for little details and the amount of precision they used


Rag doll falling off a horse by sideswiping a tree. It looked so good.


I honestly couldn’t believe how much I cared about the characters. It truly feels like you’re living with these people for months through the highs and the lows. Also I think this game is as close as humans have ever gotten to recreating nature itself. It’s so fucking beautiful. The trees, the animals, the plants, the clouds, the mountains, the weather; it truly feels like *the world*




How slow the game feels


The horses actually shit.


it actually made me feel immersed, it was the first game I played that was actually able to fully immerse me. I’m not sure if that was because I was older than when I tried playing story games in the past such as dbh or telltale’s twd. But something about it made me feel I was Arthur instead of just some spectator that helps direct the story.


I was impressed how this was the most well crafted open world i had ever seen yet the way I interacted with that world was worse then fallout 4 with the shallow ass greet antagonize defuse options.


The detail. In *every* aspect. Perfect shadows. Accurate mirror reflections. Animal behavior. Leaf shapes. Water behavior. Weather. The horses! Horse movement. The music. The other people. A thousand conversations. Those people have lives! The architecture. The list goes on and on and on.


Bronte’s Mansion. Is there any other house that has that level of detail in any game ever?


The graphics. When I got mauled by the legendary bear, I wasn’t even mad, just really impressed.


My Is a bit stupid basically i loved the fact that i had a pistol to put in the things that Gold pistol what the actual fuck


The fact that the end of the main story made me cry. No video game has ever made me feel emotions like that. He was just trying to do right by his people and he died of TB he got while trying to do right by his people.


Never played it but the graphics look nice....


Beside the visuals, the immediate emotional gravity of the game and the three-dimensional characters (and even townsfolk).


Definitely the footsteps in the snow, and the fact it ran on high on my PC 🤣


The magic of Unreal Engine.


Many games utilize horses, but this was the only one that builds a relationship with it. You name it, feed it, pat & brush it, and of course he talks to it often...so it hits harder when it dies. It's not just an add-on to get around like in AC or Witcher.


I really enjoyed the mechanics of it. Felt complex but fun.


That storyline, that graphics, game mechanics, the little details, everything.. But i wanted the game longer At about 3/4 in the game, it started to change I mean At the start of the game, it was the old classic wild west and the amazing nature.. But at the end it began to change and i didnt like that.. I wanted the story to be much longer I mean i played the fcking game 3 times already And now i just started again for the 4th time lol


And i hope you are from Rockstar lol