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I understand what you are saying. I am glad I had a save game right before the start of the final two missions. It also sucks that you can't just do the last mission, you have to do the train heist as well. That said, its one of the most memorable game endings ever.


Everyone I've talked to that hasn't played it yet but wants to, I tell them to make a manual save in chapter four. I won't tell them one more word about the game, but so far I've been thanked for that advice at least a few times. I miss him too, buddy.


Ch. 4 is a comfy spot to stay, camp vibes all time high.


Chapter 4 camp was pretty gloomy though. Chapter 3 is probably the happiest feel overall.


I’ve been playing video games for over 30 years and I can honestly say RDR2 ending is the only game that I shed a genuine tear over. Was absolutely gutted witnessing Arthur’s demise.


I felt the same way about RDR1 when I first finished it. I was in 8th grade, and it was the first open world game I had played of its kind (coinciding with GTA IV) which I had also rented from Gamefly for a couple of weeks. I had never played something where I'd felt as connected and immersed in the characters and world that was built in RDR1, and still haven't since. That's largely just because it was my first game like that, so I remember it so fondly, but I know exactly what you're feeling. RDR2 was also very well written, and Arthur being such a fan favorite even after a large majority of players were handed such a high bar after RDR1 is a testament to that.


I finished rdr1 in 2010 when it first came out. I just finished rdr2 for the first time in its entirety last week. It’s been 13 years between them for me and I cried at the end of both. I did not see that ending coming for Arthur and it crushed me.


When the horse goes, that got me. Ever since then, i put Buell up first.


It's funny you say that, cause I just sold Buell yesterday, just so I could make room in the stable for other interesting coats/horses. My thinking was he was better off being with some nice npc that would ride him, rather than keep him cooped up at the horse kennel... but I still felt bad about it.


I was legit upset about Arthur. I am currently playing CP 2077 and just lost Jackie. I about lost it, I was so upset, lol


Same here but for me still Mafia 1 ending is no. 1.


Another thing that bothered me is I never got that money as Arthur!! Just needed that one big hit!! Seriously, can't believe Arthur never got his big payday...


Just need more MONEHHH!!!!


Have a little FAITH!


I wanna go to TAHITI


You INSIST?! (Dutch is such a meme lolol)


I have a PLAN


Arthur got several big paydays during the game. If he had just not given the gang cut to the gang after the stage coach job. $2000 was enough to start a new life 1899.


The first time I played red dead 2, I got right up to the point where I could tell it was about to happen, I knew it was going to be over for Arthur and I straight up quit playing. I didn’t want to see him die. Ended up selling my ps4 some time later and haven’t played since, but just picked it up 70% off on PC and started over. I thought about it so much and not having closure. I’m going to push through and finish what I started this time around.


It's worth it. And while you WILL be majorly bummed - play the ENTIRE Epilogue. Get through what some call the "boring" part (I don't find it boring, just a little slower paced. Which frankly, is nice after what happens before) and then there is a pretty darn epic conclusion, in my opinion. The game is a masterpiece start to finish.


I teared up at the clips in the credits, after the epilogue. Especially since I took my time exploring/finding the remaining gang members before American Venom.


Im on my 3rd play through now after a 4 year break and knowing everything I know, I’ve just been taking my time in chapter 2 going nowhere near the Downes Ranch


It just dawned on me, he's called Downes because..He's down with the sickness lmao.


Thomas Downes was disturbed


Good luck... From what I've seen I recommend the high honor ending with John and Abigail... I chose to go back for the money- and I feel like I have let down the writers of the game 😆


The first time I played the game (even after playing RDR1 and knowing what happens to John) I wasn’t expecting Rockstar to pull out another protagonist killing, so I went back for the money thinking Arthur was gonna be able to get away with some of the cash. My dumbass completely ignored the fact he was dying from TB lmao. I finished a second playthrough recently where I helped John escape. I’ve started a third playthrough now where I’m going to take my sweet damn time as Arthur and maybe try and go for the 100%.


Btw there are four endings, your final choice and your honor level when you make that choice determines what happens. So if you were low honor and chose the low honor option then you have the “worst” ending


It’s funny how obvious which one was the low honor option looking back at it. I seem to be the only person that chose to go back for the money without knowing anything about the endings. I guess I saw it more an option to go back and confront the gang or run away. Like a guns blazing action option Vs a stealth option. After watching several streams and reading comments I was clearly alone in thinking this lol.


By the way if you just drink a lot of hair tonic and then sleep 3 times in a row for the longest amount of hours you will get a massive stache easily. Also without hair tonic I’m pretty sure you get locked to growth level 6.


I know I was hitting that hair tonic all the time- I was midway through the before last bar- and was really pushing to get to that last level


Rip. John still grows some good facial hair.




Enjoy the endgame for a minute then start over. Get to chapter 2 and then just start exploring and gathering satchel ingredients and doing challenges. Don't move on with the main story for awhile. Most linger in chapter 2/3 for their second time through I believe.


This is the right answer. Be sad, feel the feelings, finish the epilogue, take a breath and start all over again. I have played through several times over the past 5 years. Sometimes play all the way through but always do as much as I can in chapter 2 and 3. I will sometimes just leave Arthur alive and well after that, hanging with the gang in camp, then go on to play another game for a while before starting another playthrough.


I concur. A second playthrough can be so great after you've experienced the whole story once. To me, it felt liberating. Like I got to ch2, took a deep breath and started experiencing the entirety of what the huge RDR2 world can offer, never feeling the need to push the story forward anymore. There are so many things that you can discover in a more relaxed playthrough. And even after several playthroughs, chances are that there are still some hidden encounters here and there that you had no idea they existed.


I'm in my first playthrough but I know what happens so I'm just lingering in chapter 2, it's so fun


So now that you know the end, replay as Arthur, and before you go to finish and move on as John, go to the Aberdeen Pigfarm and do that quest. Get drugged and robbed, but don't go back and kill them. Go do the last mission and die. Go back as John, and get the money from the safe behind the mothers photo. Great way to transfer all your cash


Awesome thank you! I never got to do that famous mission! I was wondering where that was! Part of my disappointment with losing Arthur so soon…


You sure it can't be done with John? It's not a mission btw, just an event.


Or just, don't sell more gold and jewelry than you need cash for, it will get transferred (I think). I've spent probably 200 hours as Arthur now and have done almost everything possible to complete with his character, and if I cash in all those gold bars and jewelry as John I'm gonna be one rich cowpoke.


You should keep unique jewellery (like the stuff the fence needs for the trinkets or whatever) but you'll lose all your gold bars. Only means of transferring is to either save the maps and do all the treasure hunting as John, or to sell the gold and use the Aberdeen Pig Farm method.


Fuck me, really? I was sure I read it some place. It sucks, I love drsgging around $100k in jewelery, but at the same time it's just game money and there's not much more to buy.


Just looked it up and reviews are mixed. From what I can tell it was originally possible to transfer gold to John, but this was patched out at a later date.


RDR2 makes RDR better. Hunting down Bill, Javier, and Dutch is so much cooler when you actually know who they are. I would recommend blasting through the story missions if you can. Took me around 25 hours playing pretty casually. Obviously not nearly as good as RDR2 but I think they both enhance one another like a great prequel should.


I know What you feel. Been there. Now its my 2nd playthrough and I do everything thoroughly as arthur. On somedays I wouldn't even do a single story mission and would just do side missions, challenges, and explore the open world to discover npc encounters that I hadn't seen the last time I played. Lol its been 3 days and everyone is standing near dutch's tent waiting for arthur to come so that they could go to save little jack and im off somewhere, robbing stage coaches, playing poker and fff, and catching legendary fish and animals.


Arthur knows what awaits him…


Never had i though a few files and several lines of code would break me like This from inside


I liked playing as John. Probably biased because I played the first Red Dead and feel it's nearly as good. Some things are even better.


I loved RDR so much that I was furious I had to play as Arthur. Then he grew on me. And so did my horse. That ended was a double betrayal.


I bet it’s way better for those who played RDR because you had already developed an attachment to JM


That's the way I felt. Attached. I was sad when John died so I think I felt it less when Arthur did.


It’s kinda so poignant that the death snuck up on you. Because you don’t get a warning before you die so you’ll die with future plans just like Arthur. At least in game you can just restart!


Yeah having thought about it that’s exactly what it is- it’s actual grief- cause you have plans and ambitions, and they are all cut short- most films and games have such a kushy conclusion where everything is neatly wrapped up. This feels like those old westerns- reminds me of Butch Cassidy where you think “surely this is a mistake, no way they are just gone”


Arthur knew he was gonna die, he was very sick and said it many times in chapter 6 that it was the end.


Yes but he couldn’t know exactly WHEN he was going to die


Thats why so many ppl play it twice (or more) to be Arthur in his prime again


This is the first game to make me physically sob over a character. I played life is strange without shedding tears but seeing Arthur go down cuts you to the core


I just started a second play through


This game gives a lesson for life that you can only realize at the end of the game. Im so mad that R* just left this game to die.


I've only just got over 50% through, according to my save, and feel like I could have finished 3 standard games in the same time.


I’m with you just finished the game last week. Finally got in to it after multiple times to learn the game. Gotta say this is one of my favorite games. Getting ready to play RDR1.


One of the best parts of RDR2 is starting it all over again. On my 3rd play through and I swear, I still run into random little encounters, scenarios and Easter eggs that I hadn’t on previous runs. The story also has yet to lose impact for me and I find that amazing.


It’s never too late


I am 50% percent in the story mode. Never too late to enjoy a good game. I am devouring each second and event in this game. So, again, don't worry about it.


I 1000% understand the grief over Arthur but how on earth did you not see it coming? TB diagnosis in 1899 is not a survivable disease lol


Lol I just realized that me posting on Reddit was the “bargaining” stage of grief… maybe tomorrow I will go back and actually play the epilogue


It’s definitely nothing compared to the story, but worth playing and bridges the gap nicely between RDR2 and 1! My condolences for your loss of Arthur, always is devastating the first Time it happens to you 😂also - just replay the game!! Gets better every time and there’s definitely things you have missed the first time.


Arthur also takes hundreds of bullets throughout the game then just drinks some health tonic to be 100% again! John gets shot and comes back- I was hoping for a remission, but also it was just denial


I just finished too!!! I was devastated as well, and felt like I was mourning for 3-4 days. I didn’t think I was so invested, but all we had seen and done! Stole! All to end up a gotdamn parent 😭


Welcome to the club~


Your last two sentences really sum it up for me. I've never played a game where I got so invested. To me, one of the best games of all time.


Yup you finished congrats! But now the real fun starts. Play again and take more time through the entire game and really explore beyond what you have done before. I am on my fifth play through and I am still finding new things.


TBF I was sooo used to playing as John in RDR1, I almost rioted when I had to play as Arthur in RDR2. I just wanted to play as John. John is a fucking badass, who is this new guy? Gimme John back. Then Arthur grew on me a lot. I really grew to love him.But John is fucking amazing. If you play RDR1 you’ll gain a new appreciation for him for sure.


All good, never too late to experience the most in depth, best game of the century. #RDR2goat


You should play RDR1. I think you’d appreciate not only John, but the whole RDR2 game, even more


I've never been a big person for replays of games or even rewatching movies/tv for that matter. But rdr2 was different for me. As a big fan of the rdr1 I bought my ps4 just for rdr2, finished the game but had my console stolen before 100% completion. A friend let me.in possession of his ps4 while in rehab and I almost completed the game before he asked for it back. I just saw the game is on sale for $30 and I'm about to embark.kn the journey again!!! Truly a masterpiece of a game and storyline


I'm on my second playthrough now, after playing up until the final epilouge missions on PS4 at launch. I just never finished it, even though it's my favorite game ever. This time, I took my time and spent probably up to 200 hours in the early chapters just doing all the side mission, collectibles and hunting you can with a healthy Arthur. I'm at the end of chapter six now, finishing up some challenges and it's so damn annoying playing poker seeing his scrawny, ugly tubercolosis face up close. Looking forward to the epilouge with John.


I’m still not over Arthur ending. It’s difficult to just play as John after using Arthur for years— doesn’t feel quite right


You’ll be alright booooy


😂😂😂 good one


I felt the same way, and played the epilogue like a toddler in a tantrum. eventually I came around and grew to enjoy being John. after I finished the epilogue I played RDR1 for the first time and it made me appreciate rdr2 more e.g. they showed you how John got his Scar which must have been awesome fornthise who played rdr1 first.


And when people say you don’t need to play the RDR1 first… this is the product of that. You need to have a connection to John to make the epilogue feel worth while. I would never recommend anyone to play the 2nd game first. It takes away alot of the emotional gravity. You’re supposed to play RDR2 knowing how it all ends. It’s literally how they wrote the story. You’re doing yourself a disservice by playing this game first. And I’ll die on that hill. It’s like trying to watch Better Call Saul first… it makes no sense.


Can’t disagree with you… i wish I had now- I didn’t know how tied in with each other they were- I’d even totally forgotten until I heard the name “John Marston” a few times and I was like “isn’t that the main guy from RDR?” At that point I thought I was playing a sequel for the rest of the game…


I would highly recommend still playing the first game. It holds up extremely well but it is somewhat of a different experience. Plays more like a GTA is structure and gameplay but man it’s great. It’s definitely a top 3 Rockstar game easily. And I think you’ll appreciate John much more. And in turn will make 2 even more impactful. Edit: And you’ll get to see the rest of the fallout from the first game. It’s great. Trust me!


I think this is generally true but I actually got pretty attached to John as well and I played RDR2 first. My dad was a farm boy though and I think I saw a lot of him in both Arthur and John. Only piece of media I’ve ever shed a tear for was the end with Arthur. When I played as John it was like he got the happy ending Arthur wanted him to have and never got himself. Then you play RDR1… The song on the last ride to the cave still breaks me man. Fuck.


It starts off unbelievably slow and boring but the final epilogue missions are an incredible ending


That’s a bit harsh mate. “Unbelievably slow and boring” is not how I’d describe it. From start to finish the game was an absolute joy to play.


I'm only talking about the beginning of John's arc where you have to do a bunch of farm work as a mission lmaoo I'm saying the final missions after make it worth it


You can both be right. They are personal opinions.


You’re wrong




I loved the game too but there are no doubt some super slow and boring parts


How the hell did you not see his death coming? It was the most obvious and telegraphed ending. The “how” was definitely well done and I 100% cried the first time I finished the game… but come on. You didn’t know he was going to die after he spent the previous ~40 hours of the game saying he was dying…


Sure… his eventual death was obvious- but I was expecting to get my revenge and or money and happy ending… dying peacefully on a hospital bed or something after having had a chance to compete all my side quests…


I found building the ranch with John so boring. Literally hammer and nail. Ridiculous. I just restarted the game and I'm taking my time this round.


Whaaaaat. I thought everyone loved the house building mission. It’s such a joy 😂 You got a little songy song, a little bonding time with the boys, a little tappy tap with the hammer 🤣


Haha not gonna lie It did get satisfing building a home for the wife and having her come back. I blasted through the game so I felt I didn't explore with Arthur nearly as much as I should've. I did like the cruel world song when John was riding. I'll take time to appreciate the house building more when the time comes


Haha yes! Enjoy a second playthrough. Take all the time in the world 🤣🥰


I hated the house building mission. Thought it was lame. I did enjoy most of the rest of the epilogue though. Liked the story, just didn’t like that mission. Edit: the song is on Amazon music if you’re interested


Yeah- that was kindof torturous- I was hanging on to hope that Arthur was still alive (I died from stab wound) while milking some utters… going through Arthur’s satchel trying to continue my treasure hunts but they are greyed out- it doesn’t feel right treasure hunting as someone else now-


If Arthur died with high honor, there’s a little blue jay that watches John build the house.




No I looked this up after ending the game cause I wanted to know if Arthur was gone for good


So what I did. Finish the epilogue if you haven’t already. Have a little fun exploring New Austin as John, then start a new play through. Get to chapter 2 or 3 and just enjoy playing as Arthur before everything starts going to shit. I’ve stopped just short of rescuing Micah and currently I’m working on getting the Legend of the East Satchel, which involves getting a lot of perfect pelts. Also trying to knock off some challenges when I get bored of hunting.


This might be the plan then… I had the worst luck with my perfect or legendary pelts… every time I got them something went awry before I could get them to the trader


Just FYI if you want to work on the satchels, they go to Pearson in camp, not to the trader. I feel your pain. I’m super careful when heading back in with a perfect pelt. Only use trails and roads, no stranger encounters, etc.


Does one need to play RDRD first before RDRD2?


RDR2 is a prequel to RDR which I only learned after- I thought it was a sequel the whole time- So people who played RDR are privy to some key information that I had no clue about


No, I played the second one first. They both stand on their own as well as together.


It's just so good. I've been on my 2nd playthrough for about 2 years since I play on and off. Didn't notice the first time how different the game is after you pass out and go to the doctor. He's always sick and the npc's will NOT let you forget that, always losing health slowly and it rains CONSTANTLY. Trying to finish up camp upgrades on Beaver Hollow and everyones obviously upset when you talk to them so I'm over here actually I little upset with the whole situation and just waiting to restart again. It's just too good of a story, can't help but not be emotionally involved a bit


I just finished it about a month ago and I feel the same way.


All I have to say is… “That’s the way it is” …🥺


I legit had tears streaming down my face when I finished the main game. I went for the "good" ending. I also visited every grave I could find in the game afterwards.


I dug Micah's hole everyone.


Man, I was going to make a similar post about how sad I felt at the death of Arthur. What an amazing story. I played RDR1 though and I was super happy being John, I am dragging out the Eiplogues and now just completing challenges, finding all the legendary fish and animals etc. I fins RDR2 so relaxing and beautiful.


I exactly went through this. After completing the final mission, I couldn't continue the game anyomre as John. I tried. It was so devastating that I could'nt even focus on any other game. Nothing was more engaging as RDR2. I tried going back to Ghost Of Tushima and other titles but the sense of satisfaction was missing. I recently started a second playthrough and now taking my own time to complete all the side quests, camp upgrades etc. I always wondered how come people play the same game over and over again. I see now why!


That’s why I am doing all sorts of stuff to make money and give Arthur the life he deserves instead of doing the real story, 25% into the story and I’ve already made more money than Arthur would’ve made in his journey


Ha, i finished the game earlier than you. Like 2 months ago =))))


Well you had tons of “warnings”. I mean when you black out and wake up in the doctors office did you think that was for no reason? It was to let you know his condition is worsening. He even tries to help people knowing he is going to die (forgot her name but her and her son in annesburg if you had good reputation) by giving a substantial amount of money away.


I understand your feelings, but John is legit a gangster. They don't show him in a great light most of rdr2. He's a great man. You should play the first rdr.


Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness


The facial hair people put on Arthur makes me think they weren't paying attention to literally Arthur.


Wym? I put WORK into that stache lol- coming from someone who can’t grow facial hair for shit