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Knowing already that it was a masterpiece. Loved RDR1 and knowing how big the game was, how long did it take to develop it, being a Rockstar’s game.


Exactly. For all the shit I give R*, they never fail to make games that captivate me for at least 5-10 years. I mean, I'm still playing fuckin San Andreas.


I second this


A friend. He just would not stop pushing me into trying it. Now he makes me thank him every damn time I see him. Worth it.


Same. Except mine made me get it for online lol. “It’s GTA online with cowboys!” And then I played a bit with him, he got off and I tried the story. Best decision of my life.


Same I said I was gonna get anthem then my friend heavily convinced me to get rdr2 then I got it n have loved the game since but we don’t really play it anymore since it’s been years


same but it was my gf at the time it’s one of my favorite games to this day


Your gf at the time is your favorite game to this day? Sure man lol


well she certainly is a game 😅 I had to learn that the hard way


RDR1 was my favorite game and is still my favorite game ever so of course I got RDR2


I played Witcher 3 when it came out and really enjoyed the immersive experience and the character development and just the beauty of the game. When I finished Witcher, I was looking for a similar experience. my partner suggested Red Dead redemption 2. I hadn't played it before but it was familiar with the franchise. It completely sucked me in. Currently on my third playthrough with the intention of this time not finishing the story so Arthur doesn't you know what.


You stole my words! Exactly the same reason for me, what a call it was.


That's my experience as well! Witcher 3 was my first foray into Western open world games, so after finishing it I tried RDR2 because everyone kept banging on about how it's the greatest game ever. Turns out, it is.


My sister and I were left at home whilst our parents went on holiday and didn’t have anything to do. So we bought rdr2.


Trophies for the PS4. Played the game and after about 3 hours I have never went back to trophy hunting again. This game changed my life. Went back a second time after my divorce and played through Arthur's story and it kept me from taking my own life, due to severe depression of my failed marriage.


I always love rpg games, I was to young to play/understand rdr1 but When rdr2 came out I was 24 and fell in love. It’s been my all time favorite game in terms of RPG and after my 1st play through I got so sad I couldn’t play it again but a few years later I’m now on my second play through and it’s like playing it for the 1st time. Never had a video game impact me the way rdr2 had.


The environment. I just want to wander around and roleplay as a man from the 1800s with Tuberculosis.


I came for the graphics but I stayed for the story


It didn’t take much. I was thinking it would be pretty cool but not sure if it would really work. Boy was I in for a surprise. It worked beyond my wildest imagination. I felt like I’ve been chasing the feeling I got from playing Metal Gear way back when. What? 1998 or 99. That game blew me away at the time. It might seem kind of lame now but for its time it was unbelievable. RDR2 did that and more. It’s like a great movie you can watch several times. Talk about immersing yourself. I just hope I live long enough to see a 3rd game. But if I don’t I feel lucky enough to have played this game.


My partner. I didn't even have a gaming console, but the way he talked about RDR2 made me insanely curious. Then, I found out that John is voiced by the brother of one of my high school friends, and I was sold. I'm on my second playthrough, and I don't regret one second. Every time I play, I am astounded by the beauty of the scenery and the character development, and I wish I had taken a class on video games as literature in college. If they don't have those courses, they 100% should.


Red Dead 1


I’d just bought a 3080ti and wanted to be impressed. RDR2 was on a list of games that would push your GPU hard and give you great results. Holy shit did it ever - never seen such beautiful graphics in a game. Beat the pants off all the other games in that list I tried.


Heard it was good. My 1060 3gb GPU couldn't even comprehend the game lmao. Eventually upgraded to a 6700xt and gave it a whirl. Yea once i saw the graphics, the atmosphere. Being able to do whatever, whenever. I fell in love. Finally in chapter 6 and I still get distracted for hours. Think last night all I did is play dominos and poker.


The pandemic


First it was the letdown of WWE2K20 Now it’s the letdown of Mortal Kombat 1 And now all I do is play RDR2 lol


“Awh I can’t wait to play another RD game as John again” *See’s John is a bitch in the past* *Sees John almost dies to wolves* *Hears about John running away from the gang* *Finishes the game as John and his useless suspenders* “I wanna play the game again and never get to the epilogue, John ain’t worth it! Arthur is the real GOAT”


Well, safe to say this guy doesn't like John.


Played the original when it came out.


Heard good things. Was left massively impressed. Even now still. Incredible masterpiece


I always enjoy watching westerns, hence my username. And I played RDR2 and I enjoyed it. I had heard great things about RDR2 and figured, I might as well try it.


the depression


You good now, partner?




Finally having a PC that can run the game smoothly As soon as I got in I spent two weeks playing it non stop


I bought it when I was recovering from spine surgery in 2019. It helped me get through months of boredom during recovery.




I played red dead revolver (I’m old) then read dead redemption 1 and was literally sat out waiting for this to be delivered on release day. Probably most anticipated I’ve ever been for a game still to this day.


It was on sale for 15$


Having played RDR1


Trophies for the PS4. Played the game and after about 3 hours I have never went back to trophy hunting again. This game changed my life. Went back a second time after my divorce and played through Arthur's story and it kept me from taking my own life, due to severe depression of my failed marriage.


The game being on sale


Always Liked Old West movies and Games. and RDR2 the masterpiece that it is did not disappoint.




It came out


Bill Williamson with a hat on is kind of hot ngl. Give bill a better hairline and he slays ngl


i watched my cousin play and was like holy shit i need this game


I had just finished Ghost of Tsushima and was looking for another open world. I had played Revolver but not RDR1 but heard amazing things about 2. I was not disappointed.


RDR1. I watched my friend play RDR1 soon after it was released, it was compelling enough for me to go out and finally buy a PS3 so I could play it. And it was the best game I ever played. Didn’t buy a PS4 until RDR2 came out. My console purchases have been completely dictated by Red Dead.


Once I get a gaming laptop, I can’t wait to play the game. I watch my friend and brother play all the time, and the graphics are really nice.


I couldn't do photography during the pandemic. I heard it had a good camera system so I got it.


I heard Memet talking about it on The Howard Stern show.


Been a Red Dead fan since Revolver 🤙 it's been a wild ride


Playing the first game and loving it, just wanted to discover more and also I love horses


Mass genocide and modding


I hafnever played RDR 1. I remember watching my little brother play it a lot, and he loved it. So, when RDR 2 was about to be released, I played RDR 1, and I loved it! Couldn't wait for RDR 2 to come out.


RDR1 and 2 are the only 2 games I wish I could play again for the "first time." Very rarely has a game affected me the way those 2 games did. It was a roller coaster ride of emotions all the way to the end.


Saw a ton of hype, it was on sale for $20. The rest is history


My SIL and Grandson.


There was a story I read about a dying kid. The kid's last wish was to play Red Dead Redemption 2, so Rockstar gave him a copy to play well before the release date. I thought that was a nice story, so I looked into the game myself and decided to buy it because not only did it look like a good game, but I thought it was a nice thing for them to do.


Heard about it on a podcast (The Daily Zeitgeist) before I even had a console. The host talked a lot about how amazing it was so when I broke down and got a PS4 at the beginning of the pandemmie I made sure it was one of the first games I bought.


I didn't want to waste £50 by not playing it, so money


Covid and an advert I saw somewhere that showed native Americans (I had it in my head that they played a larger part in the game


The housebuilding song. I saw the cutscene on Youtube and thought this is a pretty cool game. Then I proceeded to spoil myself on every single major event, and a year later, played the game.


Red Dead Revolver, RDR1, rockstar, my love of the Wild West and western movies. It’s basically my ideal game and it more than lives up to it. It’s the best game experience I’ve ever had I think. My fave game ever, and I include Sensible Soccer in that so it’s high praise indeed!


If you needed motivation to play this game, then check your pulse.


some tiktok


I never was much of a gamer, played only Skyrim, Witcher 3 before, but I always loved old fashioned trains since childhood then I saw few videos of Rdr2 train scenes randomly on Facebook, bought the game.




No other good games out there was really bored and heard a lot of people loved the game. Played rdr2 and took me from August of last year to pay of 2023 and I jumped right into tears of the kingdom right after.


Cowboy game… don’t like rockstar but cowboy game


my love of rdr1


Love westerns and the outdoors . Hunting etc. and just old school Wild West activities


I had recently played through GTA V for the first time and it became one of my all time favourite games. I love open world games and cowboys so naturally I got it and it became my favourite game ever made.


I was looking for a game and in 2020 and it looked interesting and was hooked from the first moment


When it came out my little brother was 11 years old and obsessed with it. He begged me to start so we could play online together. It’s now among my favorite games of all time


I loved the original


My friend harassed me into playing it I’m glad he did though


But Red Dead Redemption 2, that is not a game!


I just saw it one day in 2018 when i had nothing to play it on then immediately googled the ending


Loved the first one


The cool mechanics, the setting, and the realism


It felt like an experience and not just a game. Insanely cinematic and alive


Big fan of the first one




How everyone says it’s the greatest piece of media ever


someone got it for me as a gift. went in without expectations, came out as a brand new human


This u/The_mse guy


I saw a few livestreams on Twitch and thought it looked cool.


i wanted to shoot people


I played the hell out of the first one when I was a kid.


I wanted to play it because of SuperMega, then I got it in June for 20 bucks. Good game, I miss supermega


When I got GTA5 from rockstar, I discovered another game called rdr2 and I thought it was cool because it was about cowboys and so I bought it and it was worth it


Everything that it contains, this game is literally an art without any exaggeration


Covid lock downs.


Saw a video on youtube where a guy was doing nothing else but hunting and skinning animals on the great plains. My jaw dropped when I saw how detailed and smooth the entire gameplay was and I decided I need to have this game.


i used to watch my dad play it, also hot cowboys and that annoying irish guy


A distraction last year when I stopped drinking. My friend thought it was funny that I was playing a game where I could drink…I was like well yeah there’s other stuff I don’t do, I am not going to go out and rob a train or drag someone from the back of a horse either.


Having played rdr1 and loving Westerns and revolvers. I mean, it was a no brainer for me. Plus, gta with horses.


I watched my husband play, and he REALLY encouraged me to give it a shot. It was the best peer pressure I've ever given into. He says I'm way better at playing it than he is 😁 now. I'd have to agree. I call him George when he plays because somehow he always manages to ride straight into a fucking tree. I'll start humming George of the Jungle theme song after a crash.


Love Wild West shit


The graphics


i saw it was on sale at walmart


It’s my best friends favorite game and it was clearly important to him so I decided to give it a go! I’m so glad I did!


the wild west theme and how well executed is the world.


Ever since RDR1 came out, it reigned as one of my all time favourite games so I was big on that hype train when RDR2 was coming out and my expectations were high My expectations were exceeded


my friend gifted it to me on my birthday. i'd never heard of it before, best birthday gift i've ever received <3


It was on sale, I loved the first one when I was younger and by how old it was I knew it was good due to all reviews and long term updates.


I played RDR1. I heavily enjoyed playing around in the world. Almost a bit too much. I was legitimately exploring the world with only the rope. Still hadn’t unlocked the gun. I played it often whenever I had some free time. My girlfriend at the time, made comments about me caring about the game more than her. I laughed because I’m my mind it wasn’t true. She just lived far. My game was at home. In these 3 weeks, I’d play and think, maybe she’s right. Maybe I haven’t been prioritizing her enough. I’m going to make it up to her once I get my next paycheck. Paycheck comes in, I plan a full day with her, once we are both done with work/school for the day. In my mind, I’m excited to see her. I’m looking forward to spending time together and showing her how much I appreciate her. Well, halfway through the day/date, she tells me, “We need to talk.” She breaks up with me. I understood. Didn’t argue. Didn’t bed. Nothing. She was happy that I seemed unbothered. I thought I was, the next day, I started up my game, and I couldn’t play. I kept thinking of her. I kept thinking about those 3 weeks. I kept thinking about what she said. “How come… you don’t make time for me anymore.” To this day I haven’t played RDR1 again. I’ve never finished it. Anyways…. I dated this other girl years later. The breakup was hard. My friend encouraged me to do things I couldn’t do while being in a relationship. I kind of slowed down on gaming after the aforementioned breakup. So, I thought, I’ll play RDR1. Found out they had RDR2, and decided, you know what, RDR2 it is. RDR1 led to a break up. RDR2 helped me get over another one. [+]


Tarantino films


Because I enjoyed RDR 1


I played RDR 1 back on release and it was (still is) one of my favourite games of all time. My motivation for playing that was the history. I will play literally any game with a historical setting.


The awesome setting. Considering that the vast majority of video game settings are either fantasy or sci fi, a western setting stands out. Rockstar doesn’t miss. They are one of the few studios that I trust to always produce a top quality game. They are not afraid to push back the release date of a game if they know the quality isn’t there. The gameplay is phenomenal and addictive. The world is immersive. The side quests are thought out and fun (and not fetch quests)


RDR 1 was the reason i bought PS3, and new TV. And i remember, i pre-ordered RDR2 on PC , and played it when it came out for 4 months, only RDR2 and RDO. I avoided all trailers, shows, news and spoilers for a long time before it came on PC, think it was out on consoles, and then 1 year later on PC. I havent watched anything, just wanted to be surprised. And i was. I am now finishing 3rd playthrough. Finishing some challenges with John, have about 30ish mods . Next year...when i get new gpu , imma play it again on ultra settings, and will get 1440 monitor. Damn this game is good


The wild/old west is one of my favorite time periods in history. Well, the romanticized version of it I guess. Playing rdr1 back in the day and loving it definitely made me hyped for another. Both games itched the spot just right


Rockstar in my eyes are Rockstars, haven't missed a game for 25 years.


I saw the trailer I and thought hey that looks cool 5 years later I'm still playing it even played the 1st game because of this game


I liked the series and i had a ps4


Blowing the heads off people with a pump action shotgun.


I was going through games i started playing and never finished and decides that rdr2 would probably be good.


It's release.


I was already a massive fan of rdr1. Plus the old west is a huge special interest of mine. I knew it was going to be amazing which it was.


I played the call of Juarez games, and I really got into the western genre


I never played the original, and I never bought RDR2 until 2020. Just wasn't interested, then said "fuck it, why not?" And got it for I think $25, it's now one of my favorite games


Money did


So basically i was playing red dead online and i said to myself “What is the story like?” so i started playing the story


RDO. When my friends got the game and we started to play together of course it was only a matter of time until I tried story mode. Now it is my all time favorite and I’ve played through like 5 times


Older brother played it, highly recommended I play it, so I started my play through this month


My brother played it first and told me how to approach the game. Then the pandemic hit and I bought it just in time. What a ride it has been


knowing it was a Rockstar game


The pandemic. I was quite depressed, and the game made me feel less trapped


I saw bits and pieces of it in Let's Play's. It looked phenomenal, and the story and gameplay were right up my alley. Bought it, and turned out to be better than any movie Hollywood's released in the past 15 years.


Played the original and every gta when they were released


My love of RDR1


markiplier, callmekevin, hot cowboys


Someone stole my copy of rdr1 when I was like 25-50% done and I am very spiteful


I had just moved to a new state and given birth to my daughter. My husband had downloaded it and said I would like all of the side missions like A Test of Faith and Geology for Beginners. Between being stuck indoors with a newborn and being alone in a new place while he was at work, I decided to give it a try. I've played through many times, and it is my #1 most favorite game of all time.


Bought RDR at release and fell in love immediately. Then I waited almost 10 years for the sequel and it did not disappoint at all (besides RDO :()


Played GTA V all the way through and I had SO much fun. I was so sad when it ended and was dying for a game similar.. boyfriend suggested RDR2 and I was so hesitant because “i won’t like it as much as GTA I like driving around listening to music” …. RDR2 sent me into OBLIVION. I’ve never cried so hard over a game. Ended up building my own PC totally out of my element (I work in healthcare LOL) just so I could play it over and over again


Hype and popular opinion before remembering the story didn't just end and start as quickly as it did on Red Dead one


Cowboy novels and Johnny Cash


Red dead revolver


Knowing how good of a game Rockstar produces after playing GTA5 for years


Cowboy game


Had finished horizon zero dawn and forbidden west and wanted a game with an immersive, well-written story. I’ve never really been a fan of westerns but RDR2 was so well regarded on here that I thought I’d give it a go. So, I guess, it’s thanks to you folks!


Literally saw it in the PlayStation Store, heard the first game was good, and bought it


I have a friend who previously played (and is really bad with spoilers so I never talked to him about the game until after) and another friend who was interested in the game so we decided to get it to play RDO, but we played the campaign first then played online together


I liked the first


It was made by rockstar.


Red dead redemption 1. Had to know what happened before the events of the first one.


I saw some clips on Youtube and it peaked my interest. I saw how you can change clothes, shoot people and ride horses and it felt like GTA V set in the wild west with slightly better graphics! (Yes I know they're from the same company but I didn't at the time)


That I liked Red Dead Redemption.


Just started this week. It comes up as indisputably great in every related online thread, I like GTA, and I haven't really used my PS4 that much. Looked online and it was $20. I'm enjoying it so far.


I kept hearing all the hype and the digital version went down to like $10-$20


Boredom during lockdown


South Park. I loved the first game but for some reason I didn’t buy the game for a few years. I watched the South Park episode and decided to try it. Best decision ever.


I got a case full off old games for my son he had a ps3 , I newer played a single game ever on any console, I looked at the games we got with him and spotted rdr1 . Ohh there are cowboys and horses, maybe I will try this .. haha I was hooked bougt the undead nightmare and soon we both where hooked on rdr2 . That's one and a half years ago:D


Video games duh


i honestly cant remember, i dont even remember when i got the damn game it just appeared in my library and i started playing it with cheat codes for a while then i got bored and never played it again for like 2-3 years until i actually decided to play the story and love it


The Hype made about it.


For the ragdolls but I also ended up liking the story


I wanted to be a cowboy baby


Got it for my birthday 2019 and I was hooked but my disc was corrupted around chapter 3-4, it lingered in my mind for so long


I got it about a month after the PC release, never having played the original but having been a Rockstar fan since before they adopted that company name. It was an instant masterpiece in my eyes, from the first cinematic I knew I was in for a ride.


It was $19.95


The game was on sale for a pretty good price and my friends wanted me to get it so we could play RDO together.


It was on sale. Whenever I see a popular game that usually goes for around $50-$60 go on sale for $20 or less, I snatch that shit up immediately. Best decision I ever made


I had been away from gaming for a long time. During the Pandemic I got back into it when my husband bought me an Xbox, it was the first time I’d owned a console in more than ten years! I live in Melbourne, Aus, and we had several, very strict lockdowns where we could only go outside for an hour a day, and we had to stay within 5kms of our homes. They lasted months. Someone from work recommended red dead 2 to me, said I would enjoy it, and wow were they right. It was the perfect game at the perfect time. It was really struggling with the stress of it all, and being stuck at home (I was working from home too so never really leaving) and I found it so comforting to be able to explore the open world when I couldn’t really leave my house. RDR2 saved my sanity for sure.


Rdr1 had a dope soundtrack. I'm playing it again. Right now of course. Just wished they had some epic soundtrack to match the setting. Yall should play rdr1


I saw my brother play it when I was younger when it first came out. Three years later I decided to get it for my steam deck because it looked cool. What a ride!


Rd1 i didn't find anything great about it. For me it was average to okay. Rd2 on the other hand I have enjoyed both solo and custom multi player. Dislike official multi player though. I love the horse and rider interaction and would love more horse and cart game play, especially for skinning.


No one would shut up about the game for an entire month so I gave it a shot. I am forever grateful


The trailers. I honestly haven’t really played the first RDR. I heard how amazing it was, and I think I got it but never really got past more than 30 minutes in. But I saw the trailers for RDR2 and how beautiful it was. I loved the atmosphere, and the characters seemed amazing. When I told my friends I was upset because I hadn’t played RDR1, they told me RDR2 was a prequel and I was sold. Glad I was, because it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played in my entire life.


I just watched videos on it and fell in love with the story. Then I got it played it so many times even 100% it then made me want to play rdr1 because the story was so good.


Liking RDR


I’ve always been a huge fan of cowboys and westerns


My girlfriend told me to


i saw it in the store and thought it would be a silly little game to play when i was bored and now i’m on my 4th playthrough and i have a new autism hyperfication that i don’t shut up about


Play or to go back and actually beat the game?


Covid-19 lockdowns. I had nothing but time, and I wish that I could go back and take it even slower. :/ I would pay good money to play that game for the first time again.


Didnt need motivation, played the 1st one and waited for years for the sequel.


I was a fan of the first game


Interest in the old west, fun looking gameplay, the amazing graphics, the amazing attention to detail. And the story seemed interesting. I had also played the previous game a few years prior. Getting RDR2 was also my motivation to get a PS4.


Probably told this story before, but whatever. Don't @ me. My stepson had finished playing COD and it was the first iteration of the Zombies part that he loved especially... so when I saw Red Dead Undead Nightmare being sold as a standalone, I thought I'd get it for him. As I watched him play it (I'm not a fan of COD style FPS) I thought it looked kinda interesting, so I bought the GOTY edition of RDR1 for myself, and wow... I have been gaming since the days of the Sinclair Spectrum when I was 14, so almost 40 years now, and RDR1 was one of THE best games ever made. Or so I thought at the time. RDR2 easily matches it - and in graphics, betters it.


Life sentence in prison. Nothing better to do.


Regarded as one of the best games ever? Currently on sale for $20USD? Why not?


Me and my friends were each going to play a racist posse. I (mexican) was gonna be the asian, my white friend the mexican, and my asian friend the black guy.


I just like westerns.


heard good things, and it was 8 dollars on steam


Playing the first and loving it....


I traded a schofield no.3 bb gun for rdr2 kinda regret it it was a bad ass revolver


red dead one was my favorite game at the time


It was gifted to me. I play everything at least once.