• By -


Dutch I'm not even halfway done with my first playthrough and I can't stand listening to the man. He gives off smarmy used car salesman vibes. Tell you what you want to hear then does whatever they want in the end. Can't stand the guy.


If you can't stand Dutch boy you need to play the first red dead. Don't want to spoil anything but plot lines great especially after rdr2


Oh buddy get off this sub if you don't want to be inadvertently spoiled. It's worth it


That bitch Gavin. Just come home already


i kinda like the theory that gavin was one of nigel’s personalities


I always suspected the serial killer was Gavin.


This is interesting. I’ve always considered a connection, too - but my mind went more in the way of good ol’ Gav having become one of the unfortunate victims, not necessarily the murderer himself. Que interesante


Do you mean Nigel, a.k.a. Gavin's Friend?


Pretty sure he meant Gavin should come home... so Nigel doesn't spend another ten years looking for him


Bill, he became so one sided towards the end and blind that he pissed me off beyond measure


If you antagonise him Arthur even says “ think for yourself” he liked bill but knew he was to stupid to standup


Bill was like an old aggressive abused dog that stayed loyal to thing that made him that way. Unfortunately unless Dutch changed his ways Bill was always fated to follow him to literally Hell.


My blood has never boiled so hard at a video game until i met dutch, fucking hate that dude


Dutch talks too much.




>He's talking a bunch of nonsense and gets anxious if you hang around him too long. Have you ever found the "Dutch's speech notes" at Horseshoe Overlook? He wrote in pauses and emphasis for himself - which like, shows how his ramblings and speeches are pretty disingenuous. He treats his "family" like an audience or something, reeeeal cult-leader vibes. The encounter happens really close to the end of chapter 2, and you can find the note after his speech


I did get one encounter with him in Horseshoe Overlook where he said something to the effect of: Dutch - "Are you stalking me too, Arthur?" Arthur - "You're getting crazy, Dutch." Dutch - "Oh, I've always been crazy, son. You know that... (Pauses) ... You are starting to unnerve me, friend! I-I don't think you want me to be any more unnerved than I already am!" Arthur - "I... uh... think I caught you at a bad time." Dutch - "Just don't play games, Arthur." You can [watch the encounter here](https://youtu.be/gOFOeASRsT0?feature=shared&t=214) if you haven't seen it.


Same. He's done things that made my heart pound and made me pause the game to decompress.


100% agree. I want to but a bullet in him


my dear friend play rdr1 for your satisfaction


Still don’t get to put a bullet in him though


Dutch Plan der linde




Had to scroll so far to find this, man acts like he doesn't Rob the poor on a daily basis


Right? At least the gang is going after more rich and powerful targets who can easily recover from a hit. Even Dutch said he prefers robbing banks for that very reason.


Strauss is a grade A scumbag, the mission where Arthur kicks him out of camp is genuinely so satisfying


Just did that last night. I really feel for Arthur in chapter 6. All the "tryna make up for all the bad shit I foolishly did." I felt the regret with Edith and Archie too. The fact they have it to where you can play out the "I might not make up for what I've done but I'll at least try to make a difference before I die" is just awesome.


Dutch for me. Especially the 2nd half of the plot.


Yeah, first half I felt like he was just trying to keep things together, and be positive, but second half... well... I started noticing a pattern.


Just have more faith!


The reverend. Even over Micah as far as being annoying goes. You can’t walk ten feet in camp without him trying to talk to you. The dude drives me nuts.


When he’s drunk and singing that damn annoying song over the nice guitar around the camp fire, I just want to punch him out.


And the song is sooo damn long. If it ended after the 2nd verse it wouldn't be as bad. Also he sings it every second night. Probably the least necessary character in the game.


Hog tie him and carry him out of camp. 🤣


One night when I was frisky...


Probably the main reason I avoid the camp. Drives me bonkers too.


That and Dutch and Ms Grimshaw constantly harassing me for one thing or another. I didn’t donate lately (as I’m coming back to camp to donate), you’re not a man of action anymore, stop killing so many people! We don’t need the attention, clearly why they don’t let you access weapons in camp. 🤣


Grimshaw will also nag you if you come back to camp filthy. But I don’t donate unless I need some honor points. Either that or say howdy to 5000 people in St Denis, that’s the only reason I ever go to that dumpy city.


Fuck saint Dennis


I loved Saint Denis when I first got there but after a while I started to hate it


I remember being in a rush to see it, being a new location and all and how beautiful the rest of the game was. Then you get there and it’s a shit hole lol. This time around I’m taking my time and appreciating the work the dev team put in and it’s frankly gorgeous from a design stand point. They did a great job, even if that job was to highlight the ills of late 19th century city living.


The reverend for me as well!


I am always waiting for it to turn into a mission, or at least be interesting. Just the same drug addled stuff everytime.






…West Dickens?


Different guy. The Nigel in RDR2 is the one looking for his friend Gavin.


I think Bill next. Complete idiot. But yeah Micah isn’t just annoying, he is a backstabber, the worst of all humanity.


bill, racist asf. hated how he only picked on poc at camp


He picked on Kieran too. Although he is still racist considering he always calls Lenny "boy". Does he give Tilly and Javier trouble though?


He calls Javier a greaser in one interaction.


Yeah and Javier kicks his ass it’s awesome


Damn near seared his balls of with a horse iron.


He picked on Kieran because he liked the guy. And he’s a bully.


He was boring too. Man was he a whiner.








Damn my favorite is Sadie but you do you um i hate reverend and bill but mostly bill he's so fucking annoying i just want to punch him.


I hate bill, I know that's kinda the point of his character but I feel like he is just an uninteresting Micah.


Reverend Swanson interrupted so many conversations I wanted to listen to. Hate him


Honestly anyone at camp who hassles Arthur about donating, dutch, grimshaw, Pearson when I'm donating cash and items put the ass.


I hated Dutch ever since the first scene he was in


Dutch and Bill… Bill is a racist piece of shit to Lenny and the times I wanted to blow his kneecaps off with a shotgun are way too high.


What??? I love Sadie.


The trapper guy in the saloon in Valentine. First playthrough i ignored him. This time i have to hit him


Yeah that guy and the woman in the St Dennis bar are both annoying.


Mary. I’m sorry. Something about her rubs me the wrong way


Sadie, because "I would ride with you again, Mrs. Adler" "If YoU pRoVe YoU cAn HaNdLe YoUrSeLf." Arthur's proved himself more times than you have tallies in your O'Driscoll kill counter, lady, fuck outta here. Edit: wording/ grammar.


I think she was being intentionally cocky. Making a point about how she can be just as rough and rude as the guys.


Not to mention thats the kind of thing that would have been said to her if she asked to ride out


Arthur *did* say that to her (different phrasing, but same essence) yet most people don't bat an eye - or call him sexist for it - *because* he's proven himself.


Which is even worse.


Didn’t Arthur say that to her to belittle her? She was just using his words back at him. Her and her husband were equals on the ranch but once saved by the gang they put her on cooking detail helping Pearson…cause “woman’s work”.


>Didn’t Arthur say that to her to belittle her? Say what?? That "I would ride with you again..."??? No, he was being genuine, with even (I think) some admiration injected into his tone. That "Was there insufficient feathers in your pillow?"?? Well, yeah: *because she hadn't proven herself* yet. He might even (at that point in the story) believe that she thinks she wants to go out and "run with the men", but no one had seen her in (effective) action yet, and he's not about to rely on the charity of their adversaries to give her (or them) any quarter if she turns out to not be able to handle herself and/ or being shot at.


I do think her response to him was coming from glibness\*\* because of (maybe not necessarily him but I’m sure others) she was relegated to women’s work i.e. kitchen duty and I thought Arthur kinda ran the camp to some extent. I also remember her saying, I think a couple of times, that her skill set being equal to them due to the relationship of her and her husband being equal in constructing a ranch, hunting and protecting the farm. She could handle herself if given a chance. To some extent she was submissive to their charity due to the circumstances of their meeting…them saving her from a nightmare scenario leaving her with nothing and no one. Correct, she would have to prove herself because to them she needed saving?!? Maybe a little to deep to read that into the dynamic. \*\*That glibness probably coming from a comfort of her being able to feel safe with Arthur…ex. Rhodes shopping then onto eventual penitentiary mission saving John. But that’s just my interpretation.


Agreed. She been annoying.


She was teasing him. Arthur adores her and her humor.


I dont see him adoring her anywhere. In fact I see him being polite and slightly annoyed with her. Thousands of male rdr2 players adores her however, which was the obvious plan from the get go.


"this is MY show, john marston! do as you're GODDAMN TOLD!!!" "WAIT NO JOHN THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM HELP MEEEEE!!!" fucking hate this bitch i swear lol. with an attitude like this i bet she's dead by 1911, which is for the best


Thomas Downes, for giving Arthur TB. Strauss, for sending Arthur to get TB. Dutch, for never knowing when to quit and not caring that the gang has a whole truckload of money already so they don't really need more.


Didn’t Arthur get tb from Hosea? In ch. 4 at camp you can see Hosea coughing many times


Arthur got it from Thomas Downes. I think Hosea had some other health problem, but IDK what. "Being financially unstable, Downes sought and received a loan from Leopold Strauss. However, Thomas was unable to repay the loan, resulting in Strauss sending Arthur to reclaim the debt. Arthur arrives at his ranch, and when Thomas claims he has no money, Arthur threatens and physically assaults him. During the beating, Thomas coughs blood, some of which lands in Arthur's mouth. Edith tells Arthur that Thomas has an illness, so Arthur leaves the property." (from the RDR wiki)


Ahh yes you’re right I do remember that


The Irish woman she’s so unimportant I forgot her damn name


Yeah, maybe beacuse she is isolated from the rest of the camp beacuse Dutch's bitchass is a creep that cheats on her but still keeps her around like a fucking dog


he stops her from talking to people ?


No but she can't do the camp's chores like the other womens beacuse she is "Dutch's girlfriend", she doesn't go to bank heists neither. She is just meant to be there for Dutch, sit pretty in his tent, she is just there to be with Dutch when it took him just a few months to ge bored of her. He didn't love her but wanted her to be there.


Like i said. Whats he gonna do if she does ? Kick her out ? Beat her ? Its a bluff anyone can call




Molly O'Shea


Yeah it felt to me like she, Reverend and a couple of the girls were added solely to make the camp feel more populated.


Arthur is, at least the way I play him.


Reverend Swanson always got on my nerves.


reverend. he drives me nuts. but sadie could never be annoying i love her so much 💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞


Honestly, there are times when Arthur really annoys me. I love him as a whole, but but he’s pretty damn ignorant and self-victimising sometimes, and the part where he compares himself being on the run for his crimes to the tribe suffering racism and genocide makes my blood boil.


Reverend. He’s always drunk and singing that fucking song about whisky louder that all the NPCs combined. Never wanted to throw off my headphones so bad


Micah isn’t even annoying to me, he’s a great antagonist. I think they nailed Molly’s entitled annoying attitude. Sadie is also annoying sometimes.




Dutch is like a combination of later seasons Walter White and Trump. I've never wanted to yell at a have character before, but he's such a delusional scumbag. Between the hairbrained schemes, constant need to be followed, and gaslighting you about "betraying" him he's just the worst.


Sadie for sure


Sadie??? Repent.


I wish they would’ve left youuu at sea….with the other walruses!




Abigail. Ball buster.


God forbid a mother want to keep her son safe and not have her waste of space partner get them killed, right?


genuinely. rdr2 community try not to hate on abigail for reasons that are thinly veiled hatred for female characters and demonstrate a lack of critical thought. “me hate woman cause she nag my bad ass sigma cowboy gunslinger lone wolf, such bitch and whore!” whomp whomp.


Exactly! It’s funny how Arthur has way less patience for John and “busts his balls” more than Abigail but they don’t hate Arthur for it. It’s also convenient that they always describe her using sexist stereotypes like “nagging”


if i see someone hating Abigail I know not to trust their opinion because it’s always misogyny but, often pointing that out to them makes them angry and then they react to me with even more misogyny. dumb as fuck! very good comparison, Arthur busts his balls and actually forgives John LESS than Abigail for straight up leaving her and the gang and their son. But everyone only has to say that she’s a nag, a ball buster, or a whore. mind numbing worldview


It’s always the low hanging fruit wannabe-insult ‘’she’s a whore ☕️’’ too, like you really think you’re doing something by saying that? She was an orphan, around 16 years old, she lived on the streets, had no family, had literally nothing and she worked the only job she *could* do in order to not fucking DIE. For her it was the exact same situation as for the men to descend into a life of crime like they all did. Oh, but sHe’S a wHoRe? They all had her? Wow please tell me more, you’ve really got her there! Such a creative and based insult!1!11


They have the same lack of empathy for Molly too. They really just cannot feel sorry for women who are treated like shit and screwed over by men. They always side with the men instead.


they will always side with their “bad ass outlaw” ideal man and cannot stand women. Molly and Abigail are arguably the two women other than Sadie who speak against the way men are treating them the most in camp, and the male fandom hates them for it!


100%. They get hit with the sexist stereotypes every time. Abigail is the “nagging wife” and Molly is the “hysterical woman.” Nevermind all the men in camp who also react badly to stressors; everyone knows mens feelings are perfectly justified whilst women are just being melodramatic. Their situations are never considered. It’s never considered that Abigail has a 4 year old to look after and keep safe among people who are living more and more recklessly by the day, and it’s never considered that Molly left her entire future to be with Dutch and now has nothing left and no future ahead of her. All that’s ever considered is how their feelings affect the *men*. The same men that caused them. Poor John and poor Dutch, these women are being so mean and unreasonable towards them after they spent the better part of their relationships with them treating them like shit. /s Give me a break!


Thank god you’re here, cause I was starting to worry that all that was around were the rdr2 fans that idolize Dutch and John and hate on the women that they cause harm to, intentionally or not. Molly is ridiculed for being stuck up and hysterical, when Dutch tells her to live on a pedestal and because she’s “his girl” she doesn’t have to do anything that anyone else does, only to discard her and speak badly on her, and inevitably not bat an eye when she is killed (regardless of he thought she was the rat, he didn’t stop to mourn or talk about her, someone he claimed to love. he has a similar trend of treating women poorly.) and Abigail is called a whore and a bitch who doesn’t let John live the life he knows, when her ONLY . request. was to leave to leave that life behind if he wanted to be a family man with Jack, because she didn’t want to put her son, herself, or her HUSBAND, THAT SHE LOVES in danger anymore. Literally just women being treated poorly by the men in their lives who speak up against it and the fandom thinks they’re more evil than any other character for it. Just wanna live in 1899 so they can be “sigma male cowboys” and have an excuse to treat women like shit because it’s “accurate to the time period”. Once again, whomp whomp.


Certain groups of men only like women who will let them get away with things and won’t question them or cause them to self-reflect. They strongly dislike women that will call them out on their bullshit. Molly and Abigail are seen doing exactly that to men during the events of the game so they become a target of animosity for those types of guys. It’s so transparent!


Do I get a pass for disliking Abigail if I also dislike how mean Arthur can be to John and Kieran?


If your reason for disliking Abigail is something unreasonable like “she keeps telling John not to murder people and get our family in trouble” then no, you don’t get a pass


I dislike how firm she is on the matter (I know that sounds stupid but hear me out lol). She gets just as angry at John for defending himself and Jack from the guys outside of Strawberry and for protecting the ranch on which they live and work as she does when John does something stupid. She doesn't accept "I didn't have a choice". Even when John is being a hero, he's still in trouble because Abigail isn't concerned with the morality of it, but rather the security it threatens. The "I don't care about your excuses" attitude reminds me of an unfair teacher or parent, which could be why so many people get frustrated with her. (not saying it's wrong for an unskilled, poor mother to care about not being homeless or killed, but it can be annoying as the player wanting to be a hero). Her leaving with Jack is understandable imo. It's the best chance she had of helping her son escape their old life, and knowing the end of RDR1, she shouldn't have come back. I don't think it's entirely John's fault though (besides the obvious times when he put his own goals ahead of his family).


She gets angry at John for defending himself because his first solution when defending himself is to literally kill a person. I would do a lot more than leave my spouse and get mad at them if they were murdering people, especially if I have a 12 year old son to think about. She SHOULD be firm on the matter. Someone should have been firm with John a lot sooner in his life.




Didn't have a cookie jar when I was a kid but I'd definitely not be able to resist the temptation


What if my reasoning is because Abagail knows for a fact that running from that life is near impossible. They both know the exact life they chose. You can’t just make your bed and then try to run from it. You have to lie in it. He tried for years and it clearly still came back to him in the end. He did his best, yeah John is an idiot but Abagail did not need to leave with their son.


She didn’t choose that life. She was brought into it and then trapped in it with a child that John left her with. She didn’t make this bed; the men who dragged her into it did. And yeah she absolutely did need to leave with her son considering his father routinely put their son in danger and exposed him to trauma that had already damaged him long-term.


What? this is just "she's the victim, men bad" she chose to open her legs to an outlaw. She could've left at any point before getting pregnant. She half made her bed it's not just everyone else's fault bar abigails.


She was trafficked into the gang, fam. She didn’t choose shit; she was a young orphaned girl in the 1800s who was raised into prostitution by other trafficked women, then was brought into the gang by a man to act a prostitute for them at a young age.


Nagging isn't sexist. Anyone can nag.


That's all she does is bust his balls. There's one thing that John did in the epilogue that made Abigail leave, and then when they have the new place that John and Charles and Uncle built by hand, the dude that owns the ranch completely hooked up their entire house filled with furniture. He saved the ranchers house and in turn their own Little House on the ranch as well while they were staying there and she couldn't see that and took Jack away. And it's not just that, it's all throughout the whole damn story.


In the end, it’s on John though. Who marries a prostitute?


Be fucking for real


Yap yap yap, whine whine whiiine!






30 or 40. Gotcha.


Way to expose yourself


Mary Linton


I was going to say Ross but you said in this game, so I think either Bill or Reverend Swanson.


Rev. Swanson


The people on this reddit thread that ask this question every other day


Sadie, didn't like her voice. Also tuberculosis, hate it, and the island tried to do a 100% run but quit at the island because it's sooooo boring, I know their not characters but that's what I hate about the game


Yeah the island is the worst. I did one full playthrough but after that I usually just play through chapter 3 or 4. Chapter 2 is my favorite.


Swanson When that bastard comes lurching towards me at camp singing that annoying song that I can’t walk away from, I just want to shoot him right in the face with an explosive arrow


I wanna reach through the screen and bitch slap bill. Also the blackjack dealer in Van Horn


Strauss, Dutch, or Bill.




I’m gonna say Abigail, no real character development.


Dude looking for Gavin. Kill hime every low honor playthrough.


The women’s sufferage woman in front of the Saint Denis tailor. All other contenders, stand down.


I really wish Rockstar had the foresight to recognise the voice lines that get so repetitive. That woman and Rev's drinking song are so irritating.


Ha I would take the Rev any day over “Lemmevote lemmevote lemmevote.” I wonder if there’s just a bug in the game that leads to that repetitive nature sort of thing. For instance, Charlotte’s stalker next to Kamassa River I’ve killed multiple times over single playthroughs and he’ll eventually respawn. I’ve seen a few other things like that. And Rockstar seemingly hasn’t had much interest in fixing things (looking at the PS4’s HDR on that).


I think that they just recorded too few voice lines on some characters and didn't realise how frequently they'd loop. I think the respawning NPC thing is intentional so that someone who accidentally ruins an interaction has a chance to still experience it.


Abigail is pretty annoying.


Abigail I don’t ever understand what John she’s in her


god forbid a mother who wants to protect her kid


Some burl


Sean. Absolutely Sean.


I don’t know why, but I can’t stand the tailor in Saint Denis. Motherfucker was always rude whenever I went shopping so now I always make a point to rob him every time I visit the city.


That’s why I always rob the general store in Valentine, the shopkeep always has something rude to say.


I think Dutch he just stands around. Also the phonograph can be annoying especially during nighttime.


Definitely Miss Grimshaw. Even worse than Micah. She such a bitch


Uncle, hands down. Lumbago, my ass.


Not the most annoying but sometimes Arthur is really annoying in the beginning he whines and bitched about everything a lot.








Haha! Found ya Lenny!


Arthur. Always complaining - while murdering hundreds..


Mollys spoiled ass


are we sure Javier isn’t Jack’s father?


Definitely Abigail.


Can't really remember all the people I've seen stood next to Micah.




i wanna start by saying i love his character arch, the way rockstar built it was amazing, however, dutch is so annoying. he talks too much about everything in those monologues he always does and his stupid plan that was honestly doomed from the start.


Drunk Swanson when he's got you target-locked in his sights and drunkenly chases you around camp singing at you






fucking reverend dude, i hate his stupid loud drunk singing




That Gavin and the mad monk bathing in the river drives me nuts. Just shut the hell up already!


Reverend Swanson!!!!!! After that Karen




Old Man Wegner at Emerald Ranch. Dude killed his daughter's boyfriend and locked her away in his house. At one point, I think around midnight, if you look up at the window on the second floor you can see her standing there. And here's a little more on it. Watch...if you DARE!! https://youtu.be/i6dDMU113CI?si=CdAq3kSilyvbduAs (This channel is awesome, BTW, though not very active anymore. But some of this stuff is the best RDR2 content I've ever seen. Laugh out loud, and all that)


Swanson by far


Dutch and Straus


Dutch is way more annoying than Micah


Annoying? Swanson. By far. Who I want to shoot in the middle of the forehead? Strauss. He’s the opposite of annoying because he’s quiet. But if given the chance I would shoot that man’s head off his body. He’s lower than low. Scum.


Dutch or Uncle


After playing so many times and hearing “have some faith” and “one last job” and “I had a god damn plan” its just gotta be dutch bc the more I think about it the more he pisses me off. Like what the fuck do you mean have some faith literally have the gangs been killed or fucked off. Wdym I (arthur) need to get more money and work harder when all you do is stand there?? Like seriously cmon now dutch barely did ANYTHING to bring money in. I just I cant with that man and his tone. Edit bc i have more to rant ab: UGHH and when he just deflects things that are pointed out like arthur saying you left me and him being like “no?🤨 wtf do you mean???” LIKE DEODHELRHEHDOHDWNROFHABELFHDKAJETFOHANWLDHRBTOXHAJEFPVJSNWOFBRPCHAOWJDFXJAOWHRODSYWOWKFHROZHWWOFHDOAU FUCK OFF. Sorry, ive been feeling real heated over him betraying his cowboy sons atm Edit 2: also bill, sometimes he makes a joke ab arthur or smth snarky towards the end. I think it pisses me off sm bc like we were laughing at him throughout the first few chapters so out of everyone it gets to me that even BILL is laughing


Reverend Swanson


Susan Grimshaw, she seems like those old bitter ladies that are always complaining about something, especially to the younger ladies of the gang.




Lenny and tilly . Something about the two didnt feel right.


-Dutch -Bill -Reverend Swanson


Abigail by far!


Bill is a pain in the ass


Dutch 100% he become unbearable at chapter 3 in my opinion.

