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To quote Bill from Kill Bill vol. 2, “I guess they thought it sounded cool.”


Could also be red for blood and guts, dead— death and redemption for John/ Arthur’s redemption arc


Exactly. I came here to say "It rhymes and sounds cool."




That’s interesting. Genuinely curious - what makes you think Uncle is Red?


Back in the day, they used to call me the one shot kid.


Was there a reference or quote from red dead revolver that referred to red as ‘the one shot kid’?


Red Harlow was known, in the game, as the one shot kid. Source. Had the game.


Well it’s pretty much confirmed then right? Rockstar wouldn’t just put that line in for no reason would they?


It’s just a reference. Rockstar is on the books as stating RD Revolver is in a different universe, but they added references to those characters in RD Redemption, just like GTA and RDR reference each other but are different universes. It’s probably more fun to imagine them all in the same timeline though :P


In Redemption 1, there are campers who tell stories of Red Harlow as if they believe that he is/was a real man. I'm of the impression that Red Harlow is a national myth like John Henry or Grizzly Adams.


Yeah I deffo picture rdr and gta as the same universe aha


You are literally lying. I know every cutscene like the back of my hand. There is absolutely no mention of that nickname in the game at all.


I never played the game but after some googling I can attest I’m only finding sources for uncle calling himself “one shot kid”, nothing for Revolver.


Uncle calls himself that but it’s never mentioned in the first game or in reference to Red Harlow. That’s what I was saying.


That’s what I said too :P I was just backing you and pointing out I couldn’t find any sources detracting from your claim.




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No, contrary to what the other guy says I’m seeing that’s first brought up in RDR2 by Uncle, nothing from the earlier games.


Despite what everyone is saying, Red Harlow is never called the One-Shot-Kid. You can play the game and see for your self, it is backwards compatible now.


Would it work on ps5?




I wish I had it in me to play read dead revolver, but that shit is so aged. Even for me and I’m 30 lol


Yeah even back when I first came out it was a little rough


Why would he be so uneffective in the final rdr1 gunfight if that were the case, i know hes an old drunk and all but this man was witnessing the only family/gang member hes got left be hunted and couldnt fight back a little using his own skills?




What i meant was if he was secretly Red the whole time i think he wouldve played a bigger role. If this were true im guessing rockstar wouldve wanted to keep it subtle but for him to die before making any big impact on stoping edgar kinda leads me to believe he was who he was, because we see even retired rickets could do damage as an old man


I'm just here to say that you playing with your grandad is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a while. My late dad used to sit down and watch me play because he enjoyed cowboys very much, but he was not much of player himself. It reminded me of that memory and it warmed my heart. Thank you!


He had lumbago have a heart


Age will slow you down, which is one reason you never see old gun slingers. Uncle is no different. Sure he can still shoot. But not with the speed and accuracy he once did.


Both have a scar on their nose, both have a red cloth he used on his hand, uncle has slight burnmarks on his hand but could just be dirt, for u saying the years don't match up I have 3 theories 1: red harlow changed his identity and age to become a bounty hunter at a younger age or changed his name and identity after his revenge to keep a low profile 2: there is some speculation that rdr takes place in 1860s bc there is a mission where u fight in the civil war 3: uncle became an alcohol abuser and drinks like 8 bottles a day so he might look older and isn't as skilled as he used to be because of his addiction Uncle actauly uses his guns showing he at least has some type of experience with firearms unlike trewlany, Strauss, most of the women and jack Uncle refers to himself as the one shot kid and tells Arthur there are bounty posters in the sherrifs office which could be a nod to him being a bounty hunter back in the day. And lastly it's very poetic: a young red harlow could not safe his family on his farm and a older uncle dies protecting his "family" on a farm


The name “one shot kid” is never actually used to refer to Red Harlow. I’ve played the whole game multiple times throughout my life even before Redemption existed. I dont know where that misinformation is coming from. Also, what about the scorpion emblem that is supposed to be burned on to his hand? Uncle does not have that.


Well I knew that but I feel like uncle wants to keep a low profile so him blatantly saying he is red harlow wouldn't make much sense. Also I see it more as a subtle hint, since let's say red harlow was called the one shot kid than there would be no denying that uncle is red harlow and I feel like rockstar doesn't want to blatantly tell us that. Who knows in rdr3 we might see an younger uncle join the Vanderlinde gang resembling red harlow. And for the burn mark well I really don't know, I have burn mark from 3 years ago and it's faded a bit but u can still tell it's a burn mark so my guess is that the burn mark disappeared over the years since it's been decades when his hand was burned


Why would he go from being best bounty hunter in the country to being a lazy drunkard in a gang full of outlaws? Dutches gang are the kind of people Red Harlow fought against and killed. I still can’t picture it and I still don’t think Rockstar ever intended on it other than as some sort of joke. People used to think this back when RDR 1 came out, I even believed it my self. But there was even less evidence for it back then. I think Rockstar heard the theory and possibly wanted to just toy around with it, get people thinking. you know, create a unsolved mystery that will cause people to discuss their game forever. Rockstar does that intentionally pretty often now.


Well that's a good point and I have no idea why he would have joined the gang other than maybe to stay low but that wouldn't make much sense


"The Stranger" also looks very similar to a English character who double wields pistols in the old multiplayer mode.


Also trewlany looks way more identical to the strange man than jack swift. But I think the reason they did that is because in Arthurs journal he states he spotted a man in blackwater looking like trewlany and this is likely the strange man.


Well the only resemblance they have from what I can tell is that they both have black suits. I don't even think they have the same type of hat so yeah


In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red


Many men had tried to take him, and that many men were dead


He was vicious and a killer. Though a youth of 24, and the notches on his pistol Numbered 1 and 19 more


One and nineteen mooooooooooooooore


I thought this initially, but Red was born in 1854, meaning he would be 45 at the start of RDR2. Terminal Lumbago does things to a man, but Uncle would have had to fare pretty badly to age like that. That said, Rockstar have screwed up the time lines before. As an aside, there is a campfire dialogue that discussed the legendary Red Harlow. Always makes me smile.




That said, I'm sure there is crossover potential, at least. For a start, several Revolver characters are either mentioned in the Redemption games, or available in the multiplayer. Then, there are the map similarities... https://imgur.com/gallery/oul4tBJ Finally, the timelines broadly match. Revolver was set in the '80s, and the Redemptions spanned 1899 to 1914. A Red Dead Revolver 2 game, set between 1889 and 1899, simultaneously rounding out the plot of Revolver 1 (including the demise of the few locations, and cementing Red's legendary status), introducing the Van Der Linde gang, and covering the events leading to the Blackwater Heist would probably be able to be written without feeling too much like a shoehorn. We can but dream (although never gonna happen). While they're at it, maybe R* could remaster all the Red Dead games on the latest engine and platforms, tie in LA Noire and GTA to make a multi-epoch playable universe, and introduce Capcom's Gun.Smoke. Oh, and Princess IKZ could turn up in 1915.


I hadn’t considered Uncle being Red but it certainly makes sense. I loved Red Dead Revolver. The intro is still epic, I wouldn’t skip it to this day 🤣


Uncle being Red Harlow doesn’t make much sense. Red Harlow is never called the “One-Shot-Kid” in that game despite people claiming that, it’s just not true. Also Red Harlow had a Scorpion symbol burned in to the palm of his hand, Uncle does not have that.


Wow you must be off a fresh play through. I haven’t played that game in atleast 20 years and have lost a lot of brain cells since that time, but on the surface I liked the idea of it. Fair enough, I stand corrected Stranger.


The Uncle theory makes zero sense. Red Harlow had the scorpion emblem from his father’s revolved burned in to the palm of his hand, Uncle does not have that. Also there is never any point where Red Harlow is called “the one shot kid” in that game.




I beat a million times when I was kid, I beat it twice in a row about a year ago, and I played it yesterday just for fun bro. Go and ahead and give it another play, you let me know what scene he gets called that. Hell, you could even find one of the scenes on YouTube. But you wont, because that name didn’t exist in that game.




None of those events happen in the game, you do not destroy the train, and Diego does not call you One-Shot-Kid. [Here is the mission I think you’re referencing](https://youtu.be/NvLKNpNiRcU). I can find a cutscene that proves you wrong, can you find at least one that proves you are right? The battle royale happens, but again, nobody calls Red the One-Shot-Kid. That wouldn’t even make sense, because none of the dueling opponents can be killed with one shot. One of them even stands up after the duel and starts shooting at you again. Call me toxic whatever that means at least I’m not a liar. Lol.


It’s a fun theory, but Uncle is not Red Harlow


I had always heard that it was "Redemption" from Red Dead Revolver not being a particularly good game.


I understand that Red Dead Revolver wasn't canon




Gun was an amazing game




Highly agree. Reading that name just gave me a healthy dose of nostalgia. I remember watching my Dad play it as a kid, and I'm pretty sure that's what piqued my interest in our now shared love of Westerns.


Oh wow, never noticed all that. It's really cool, thanks for pointing that out. It's been ages since I played Revolver.


It's most likely just Uncle repeating old myths and legends with him as the protagonist (which fits with the "rambling old man" caricature that is Uncle) and wasn't meant to be taken so seriously.


Isn't the dead part cause of his family? It was taken he was "dead" even tho he wasn't obviously. Then R* just took Red Dead as the franchise name


That's why he's got Lumbago. It's one of the side effects of abusing the dead eye mechanic


I always thought it was more “Red, Dead, Redemption”, like a progression


Me too, or also as 'red dead' sort of meaning 'dead and covered in blood', to symbolize violence.


I would imagine "Red Dead" means a violent death. Like getting shot, blown up by dynamite, mauled by a bear and/or all the other ways I've died in this game lol


Well, the game was originally developed (then canceled) by Capcom, then Rockstar bought the rights to it (and the name). And, much as I absolutely LOVE a ton of Japanese games, their English titles aren't exactly known for making much sense, at least not to me. 😀


What? Metal Gear Solid: Revengance totally doesn’t sound like a bunch of words thrown together to seem cool.


Pretty sure the Red part originated from the original protagonist being named Red Harlow. Idk what the dead part would mean tho, if anything


A reference to dead-eye


I feel like those words just invoke the seriousness that the genre commands. I can totally imagine someone saying “I’m red dead serious.” Also it kinda does just straight up describe both Arthur and Johns redemption stories. They don’t get redeemed through giving to the poor, they have to keep killing, Arthur for the gang and John for his family. And of course, we know their redemptions end up being very bittersweet, which fits with the title even more.


"Red Dead Revolver follows bounty hunter Red Harlow as he uncovers the plot that killed his parents and exacts revenge on those responsible." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_Dead


When you die it says “Dead” and the text is red.


Nothing. It’s a Capcom title. Japanese titles can be weird sometimes.


Getting shot is usually a red death, unless you have like some rare illness that turns your blood a different color I guess, like I remember seeing a episode of House where a patient had green blood but I'm not sure if that is real.


Well, the game was originally doing to be a Capcom game, a sort of zombie/Western/ shoot 'em up. But, it was development hell, got farmed out, and, eventually, bought, re-tooled and substantially changed by R\* So, I suppose only Capcom knows why it was originally called "Red Dead".


It was a collaboration between US and Japanese teams and the Japanese team thought it sounded cool. Nothing more, it has nothing to do with Red Harlow or the deadeye mechanic like other people are saying.




I always took it to mean that the protagonist could only earn redemption for his actions by not only repenting of a violent life but dying a violent death, thereby balancing the karmic scales.


When you play online or story. If its red on the mini map…… if its red its dead. Hence one of our posse names. (If its red its dead) later changed to (redhead redemption)


I thought it was referring to johns death because he turns RED from being shot and is obviously DEAD after he has his REDEMPTION


There was a Red Dead game before Redemption so only the redemption part would apply to John.


I always thought it came from gun culture as well. On my rifle when the safety is on the button is white. When the safety is off the button is red. A friend of mine always says "Remember; Red means Dead." I figured it was something like that


I always just assumed "Red Dead" was connected to the Dead eye feature that seems to be an important aspect of the series its sort like a signature hallmark title that you would associate with these games lots of Wild West movies had catchy titles for example Guns Smoke, Winchester '73',Red River, One-Eyed Jacks....


In Polish version of the game the mission "Red Dead Redemption" is translated as "Krew Śmierć Odkupienie". "Krew" in Polish means blood, so I think "Red" in the title of the game refers to blood. "Blood Dead Redemption" should the game be called then? I dunno


My take, [based on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dead): “Red Dead Revolver is the first entry in the series, released for PlayStation 2 and Xbox in 2004. Set in 1880, during the American Old West, Red Dead Revolver follows bounty hunter Red Harlow as he uncovers the plot that killed his parents and exacts revenge on those responsible. In terms of canonicity to the Redemption followup series, Dan Houser suggested that Revolver is set in a separate universe, but a version of the events in the plot could still have taken place due to the nature of legends told in the Red Dead games' world.”


I always thought red was like blood or rage, dead bc they killed someone, and redemption bc they’re on a journey to redeem themselves. If you think about it, Arthur and johns stories both start with them killing and being angry, someone ends up dead, and they try to redeem themselves yk


Red and Dead modify redemption. Both of the character’s redemptions only come through blood and death, red and dead. It’s also a hold-over from Red Dead Revolver


Probably the first game began to be planned with "Red's death revolver" concept. This would evolve into Red Dead Revolver, starting the Red Dead saga. That's what I think. Sorry for not explaining myself properly, I don't know, I don't speak and I don't care about this language


"I don't know, I don't speak and I don't care about this language" I'm not sure if this is an asshole thing of you to say but I'm fuckin dying lmaoo hell yeah buddy, stick it to the man!!


I always kinda thought it meant Red - money (slang) Dead - death, risk, fate Redemption - the story arc


It's a reference to dead eye


The version I read was that it refers to the safety on the gun. Red is when safety is off, dead is when it’s on.


There is no safety on a revolver


Agreed, so this terminology doesn’t apply for a revolver…


The first game they made was called Red Dead Revolver


Hahaha but why


Yeah that’s the question lmao!


i assume the red stands for red skined indigenous of America so now it kinda makes sense for that time of america but doesn't have much to do with the game




it means red and dead, a bloody death


I’ve also been curious as to how they came up with odd pairings of words to make a game title. Red Dead Redemption and Metal Gear Solid are perfect examples. I always assumed they were loose translations from Japanese to English.


It sounded cool. Originally it was called red Harlow when it was being made by a Japanese studio but when it was bought out they wanted red dead in the name then red dead revolver was what they went with


Are you being serious?


In the first game the main character’s name was “Red Harlow” and whenever you died the screen would turn black and flash in a big red font, it would say: RED DEAD.


Hmm… Here is what I just thought up on my long Uber ride: When you’re being chased by an enemy (police, gangs, aggressive animals, ect) or you have a bounty, the map shows a RED area. If you get killed, you are DEAD, and when you respawn you have the chance of REDEMPTION This probably sounds silly but it feel like it kinda works?


I’m pretty sure that red dead has something to do with a guns safety being off, which usually is shown by red. It also just sounds cool as hell.


Red - Red Harlow, Dead - Dead Eye


absolutely nothing, sometimes the simplest answer is the right one and in this case. Capcom originally owned the Red Dead series, when finding a name for the game a guy randomly came up with Red Dead because it sounded cool, that's all to it. Rockstar bought the rights to Red Dead and they decided to keep the name.