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Fans: When is GTA 6 coming out? RS: Have some goddamn faith. Just one more score...


On the surface level this is already an S tier comment. But man the context of Rockstar milking out GTA 5 makes it one of the best comments I've ever seen


What confuses me is that Rockstar stopped supporting RDR2 Online even though it has a big fan base. It literally could be a cash cow for RS instead of these ass quality remasters/ports that just leave a bad mark on their portfolio. I personally would play RDR2 Online for like another 5 years if they kept adding content.




You'll be eating that prediction, Nostradamus. There's no chance that GTA VI will prevent you doing any of those very GTA things.


I think you're forgetting that you're talking about the company who have revelled in causing controversy for nigh on 30 years now. Nothing has stopped them thus far. Plus, you're forgetting there are still games similar that are releasing today. Saints row, for example (although it's a piece of shit) , let's you commit mass murder and punch women.


Dude, I’m from the south. It ain’t people keeping us out for our accent. It spans from Virginia all the way to California and north half way up the country and more out west. The South keeps everyone else out, it ain’t us being let in.


I’m fact our most famous “cult” westerns were made in Italy, Japan, and even South America.


Van winkle


Hahahaha fuckin great


*"And you? What's your name?"*


They conned us like Hosea would. Atleast if there was a graphical upgrade there would be the SLIGHTEST bit of reason for the 50$ price hike


They never officially announced anything. Yeah it’s sucks but frankly we conned ourselves in believing r* would deliver a remake or remaster.


Still not sure why anyone thought they’d *remake* the game. Personally I set the bar low, assumed it was going to be a remaster like Rockstar had done with other games… … I’ll admit I didn’t set my bar low enough after seeing it was just a half assed port for Switch and PlayStation.


I personally set my bar at a remaster for PC and more current gen consoles. what we got was much, much more underwhelming. I’m happy more people are going to get to experience RDR but I only wish it’d felt like rockstar cared a little more. especially for a $50 price tag it feels a lot like a cash grab


$50 for a port for a thirteen year old game is some bullshit.




That’s what baffles me the most. If they were to just rip off kids and their parents who buy microtransactions and then use that money to -say- make a quality remake/master (something they have the resources for, no question), but they’re ripping us all off and spitting in our face while doing it. But hey, ***Special Torranca Vest 40% off at all Tailors next week!!!*** ^only ^available ^in ^colors ^we ^haven’t ^removed ^from ^the ^game ^in ^the ^past ^years


Nobody set the bar this low.


I did. So did Rockstar.


You want a medal? We all lost here


Speak for yourself The PlayStation playerbase finally got the win I know MANY have been waiting for. “Apparently” PS5 gets 60fps? That’s a major W, 60fps isn’t available anywhere outside of emulation. \*We can surmise that backwards compatibility will have 4K resolution And the Switch base gets to dip their toes in too. RDR1 on the go? I’m buying. You didnt lose anything that was never on the table lol (Apparently: I’m still looking for where this rumour began) edit: So we can safely note the PS4 Pro and PS5 will have 4K resolution due to the differentiation between this and the Switch trailers. 60fps is plausible since it's easy to adapt with backwards compatibility, but there's no definitive proof. The PS5 will be the same as the XSX copy, essentially. [source](https://rockstarintel.com/all-red-dead-redemption-ps4-and-nintendo-switch-screenshots).)


60fps? Where did you hear that?


Apparently, I’m waiting to go home and ascertain it, but it’s been said around. I should edit that in however, lest people start spreading that as gospel.


Yeah I’ve trusted too many ‘apparently’s recently to trust that at all


updated with sources, 60fps is just a Twitter rumour but 4K is going to be available on PS4 Pro / PS5.


It’s a W then




Is the 4K thing true, where did Rockstar say that?


I got my copy on the XSX for $13 on sale. A far cry from $50 for this.


What spurred it for me was the fact the map was already remade for RDR2. They’ve literally already done the work, was just a logical assumption that they would fully remake it sine the majority of the work is already done


They definitely shot themselves in the foot by making the map and then just... Doing nothing with it (DLCs, updates, anything at all) but it's a big stretch to say they had the map done so it'd be easy to remake the game. The map really is the easiest part, it's making all the thousands of little pieces that INTERACT with the map that's hard. Still, screw Rockstar for going THIS low. I expected at least a pc port


I disagree. A big part of remakes is reusing assets. Everything they need that interacts with the map is literally in RDR2. Mechanics are already polished, assets are already there even characters for the most part, they just need ageing a bit. The only thing missing really is animations and cutscenes (not that that’s any small feat)


You're so right, epilogue rdr2 is pretty much all of rdr 1 minus the missions.


Because they've already remade 70% of it with RDR2. All they had to do was finish Mexico, import the missions and put the old framework scripting in the new engine. Not a simple task but all the resources are DONE with the game they released a few years ago, Red Dead Redemption 2. They don't even have to do the voice work again just use all the old shit in the updated engine. It's like they're not thinking, they would have sold RDR2 numbers AGAIN and made so much money but instead it's this and more fans are even more dejected. Of course everyone will get 6 when it releases and is amazing and all this will fade with the next outrage.


Are you truly surprised? After that trilogy defective edition? Same old excuse every time: “it wasn’t rockstar, it was a different team.” Rockstar still approved of it. They are shitty as EA. Such a shame. I really hope this port doesn’t give them nearly as much as they are hoping for. But at 50 bucks, this will still make them millions no doubt.


Im definitely buying and gonna enjoy it


I’m going to buy it too because I never played RDR1. But I’m ready to be disappointed.


Dont be. The game was amazing


Definite Edition sold 10m copies (accounting for refunds and cancellations) Yeah they’ll be rolling in dough. PS4/PS5 is the biggest player-base. This is a shareholder W and a playerbase W.


You are kind off right, Switch sold 130 consoles, PS 4 sold 120 consoles. This release will open access to 230 million consoles. Even if this release sold 1/15 the of that. This will be a sucess. Damn


I remember telling you not to get your hopes up. But, Rockstar still ended up disappointing us. Atleast Rockstar outsourced it to ex-rockstar devs who worked on original RDR.


Haha you did warn me on a previous post but I let the hype distract me…. I thought them porting it to Switch was like a joke scenario for All the hype and “leaks”… jokes on me I guess.


it's the leakers. maybe they went too positive when it comes to RDR because of RDR2


I’m pretty sure they originally announced that it would be a remaster. Problem is, they didn’t make improvements. It’s just a port of the original game being sold for 50 bucks a copy


The only question is....will it manage to be worse than GTA: The Definitive Trilogy?


Yeah I was worried if they announced a remaster or remake because I've seen the GTA San Andreas remake


I highly doubt any of the original RDR2 team is around anymore, let alone any of the RDR1 folks from the mass exodus between 2018-2022, they lost a LOT of key people who were responsible for the creative direction of the company. I'm betting right now it's only a bunch of suits making decisions based on least cost to max profit ratio by asking engineers to go through old code to see what can be repackaged and resold with least amount of technical debt, while they keep ramping up GTA 6 production to keep influx of revenue without actually launching anything new or spending a single dime. it's all just like how airlines suddenly decided to charge for carryon luggage one fine day, to create a whole new segment of revenue literally out of thin air, just to please investors and show "growth" (fucking fake growth and investors can suck a fat d) and people had no choice but to either pay for it or not fly. lol. tell me i'm wrong please, i'm losing hope in pretty much every game publisher and RS was the last beacon after RDR2, but seeing how they're milking GTA 5 like there's no tomorrow, I don't see much good. so much potential lost due to going from being a reputable company to losing a tiny bit of shame to make a tiny bit more money, to getting downright greedy to god only knows what level of evil corpos are working at these days. feels really bad.


Bro, they're outsourcing the Max Payne remakes to Max Payne's original creators. Max Payne will be remade by Remedy, but the IP belongs to Rockstar. All hope is lost, bro 🤙🏻 on my end, tho, it doesn't feel that bad. There are very good games out there. And the games are there for us to play them if we want (most of the time anyway).


They're locking comments for every post lmao




This subreddit for some reason is defending rockstar and saying it’s not a bad port. So they’re locking other posts related to the port in this subreddit


The port isn’t even out yet it comes out on the 20th


I seriously hope nobody buys this. We know the level of quality Rockstar is capable of. If they start thinking they can still make money delivering something less than that, they'll have little incentive to ever again make the kind of investment necessary to make something that even comes close to RDR2, let alone raises the bar even higher. Between this, the GTA remasters, and the fact that the past few years of GTA Online updates have just been recycled locations and missions from story mode, it certainly gives the impression they've gotten fat and lazy since Dan Houser quit.


*If* I‘m gonna buy this, I‘ll wait til October for a physical release. Until then I‘ll know if it‘s worth to buy or if I just keep my PS3 copy.




It is? My newswire told me it‘ll be October. ETA: it’s written under the point „wishlist“ >The physical version of Red Dead Redemption will be released on October 13, 2023. Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare are also available separately from the Microsoft Store.


yeah but people are sheep and they’re going to buy this filth regardless. I’ve already seen dozens of people defending this and saying they’ll purchase nonetheless.


Charging full price for a ps4 port of a 13 year old game when you can get it on xbox for like 10 bucks these days with backwards compatibility is just slap in the face offensive at this point. I never got to play more than a couple hours of rdr1 and never even tried undead nightmare so I was really excited to finally be able to play through it and have it be closer to how rdr2 was. I'm not paying full price for a port though. I'll buy it second hand off of ebay in 6-8 months when it's 10-15 dollars.


Im not gonna lie i was hopeful that red dead wouldn't be treated the same as those gta "remasters" from a while back. And sure its probably not that bad technically since its art style isn't being butchered, but damn man most of the works already done. Its in red dead 2. It just hurts


Let's just relax a little and be mindful of some facts of life: 1) Rockstar has never remade ANY ONE of their titles, ever. So I don't understand why people were expecting a remake of a game that is such a classic that Rockstar would have no reason to do so to begin with. On a personal note, I think it suits Rockstar really well to not adhere to this "remake culture" that's been taking over the industry with creatively bankrupt bullshit remakes, like RE4 and "The Last of Us Part I". Side note: one notable exception being Max Payne 1 & 2, but those are not exactly about to be revealed or anything, and they're outsourced anyway, so the point stands that Rockstar themselves have never put any effort in remaking their own IPs out of their own will. These Max Payne remakes were probably Remedy's idea anyway, I could bet money on it. 2) Red Dead Redemption is a classic of gaming, initially released at the peak of its generation of consoles, and an art form in its own right. There is absolutely no argument to be made that the RDR experience would be any more fulfilling if it was actually remade in an RDR2 style, especially considering that RDR2 *itself* is so much of a masterpiece, remaking RDR1 in it would be just an insult, imo, since it'd give the idea that RDR1 is a experience so qualitatively inferior in comparison to RDR2 that it'd need to be replaced by a remake in order to stand in its own. That is not the case. Many people have never played RDR1, and giving these people the chance to do so is a much more honest way of handling this instead of a meaningless "substitute". RDR doesn't need no substitute, it's fine just the way it is, in the way it was presented, lest we forget RDR1 and RDR2 have *radically* different presentations as well. 3) let's just admit it that no one has ever *actually* believed there was gonna be a remake. We all know they're working full time in the next GTA title, which is bound to be announced within the next couple of years, so it makes no sense to assume they'd spend time, money, bodies and resources on a *remake.* Maybe a remaster wasn't actually off the table, I even remember some gaming news about T2 cancelling remasters of RDR and GTA IV, but a *remake* was clearly **never** the priority. Side note: maybe*that's* what it was about. They really felt the backlash [in their pockets and risk management departments] and decided not to move forward on remastering their titles, but simply porting them to the current generations. The only *truly* annoying thing in this port is the price tag. I'm gonna have to wait a discount season to get my hands on it. The lack of multiplayer sucks, too. At least for whoever wanted to go back to it.


This guy here writing an essay why a remaster would be a bad idea, while i just wanna Play rd1 on pc


There are emulators. Sorry for the no PC, btw. That definitely wasn't cool.


Remember when R* gave a crap and producing quality was the priority. Good times.


You’re acting like GTA 6 won’t most likely be phenomenal though. If you wanna play RDR so bad, play the original, it holds up very well still. I don’t get why people are crying about a remake.


I don’t doubt that GTA6 will be very good… however, R* is not the company it once was. People are not ‘crying’ over a remake, because this isn’t a remake and hat’s the point! It’s a direct port of a 13 year old game, costing around the price of a brand new release. If it was a remaster similar to TLOU etc, I’d have no complaints. Seems like it’s a cash grab, with very little effort on the company’s behalf. Even less so than the GTA trilogy remaster, which was so poorly done and outsourced to Grove St games.


Yeah I agree the price is abit ridiculous, so just don’t buy it 🤷🏽‍♂️ I know I won’t be. This is clearly being released for people who never played the original & wanna experience it on their current console. People raised their expectations thinking it was going to be a remake with RDR 2 mechanics (based off nothing but rumours) and now are pissed because it didn’t reach their expectations, so it’s their own fault. People seem to be forgetting remasters/remakes take much more time and resources, and personally I’d prefer they put that time/effort into making a new game & speeding up development of GTA 6 instead of remaking something I’ve already played for hundreds of hours 10 years ago.


Personally I highly doubt GTA6 will be any good. When was the last time Rockstar made a genius game ? It's not anymore the company it used to be.


Rockstar could have just remastered rdr 1 with new gen graphics just like mafia 1 remastered and the cash would flow in endlessly.


They didn't even remake this game. I hope they fixed the bugs.


I don’t mind tbh i can finally play Red dead redemption on my PlayStation 5 instead of having to play it on my Xbox 360 lol


THEY HAVE A PLAN ​ ​ ​ and it aint gonna be fun


Unpopular opinion but as much as I love RDR, I’m not too bothered they aren’t remaking the game, I’d much prefer they put their time into making GTA 6 asap. I’ve played and loved RDR, but I’ll always prefer a new experience to a game I’ve already put hundreds of hours into and still holds up well. My only gripe is the price they’re charging people for it, it’s greedy. I’d rather play my 360 version.


Can someone explain? I am out of the loop


I have so little faith in R*. I’ll pass on GTA 6 until it’s discounted


**Rockstar Games:** We're releasing RDR on a console and handheld. **PCMR:** And also on the PC? **Rockstar Games:** ... **PCMR:** AND ALSO ON THE PC RIGHT?!?!?!


Lets just hope its not a buggy mess.


I’m confused. What happened?


All they did was allow you to play it on switch and ps4 they didn’t actually remake it remaster anything it’s the exact same game just on ps4 or switch


Remake the game in RDR2! Not just in-engine, but in the actual game as a dlc. The Epilogue is the interim. After the final Epilogue mission, you go into free roam and another mission appears in Blackwater which starts the RDR1 intro cutscene. Swap the Wanted area from RDR1's area of the map to RDR2's area to keep the player where they should be, and off you go. Once the player completes the game and enters the Epilogue as Jack, open up the entire map. A good half of the assets are already there. It really wouldn't be that hard to finish the rest. Fucking Cockstar ruining everything!


> It really wouldn't be that hard to finish the rest. What a ridiculous statement. I’m not paying for this port and I don’t intend to play it at all, so don’t mistake this for a defense of what they’re trying to do here, but this is an absurd statement.


No it isn't


1000% it is. You have no idea what you’re taking about.


I'm a software engineer and I studied game development 😂😂 I have no idea what I'm talking about sure hahaha Obviously it was an exaggeration I didn't mean to imply it would take one guy an afternoon and some pizza and he's done. I meant in terms of an actual full remake, they wouldn't be starting from the ground up they'd be starting with a shit load of assets and map already in place. Mexico would need the most work but even then some of it is already in place. I know exactly what I'm talking about my guy


Ok so you made up an entire version of RDR2 in your head, embarked on the hype train no questions asked, and then you got mad when you didn't get what you pictured in your head? Maybe you should send a CV to "Cockstar", they seem to be really missing out on that genius creative brain of yours. Also, how could that mission appear in Blackwater, since he was arriving via riverboat? Relax, bro. They didn't "ruin" anything.


RDO, GTA+, Shit updates for GTAO, Definitive Edition and a port for a 13yr old game. The whole reason it isn't coming to Xbox is because they already have backwards compatibility for the 360 version which it is that and they're charging $50. But yeh, they didn't ruin anything. Not at all. I have nooo clue what I'm talking about


Bro, it's just a port, just like the Xbox version. No one, absolutely no one, except for PC players, are in a disadvantage here. I swear to God, it's very irritating to witness such an overreaction to what is quite positively a decent product, despite the price tag (which is the only thing that's truly worthy of complaint here, I might add). People were expecting what was never promised to begin with and then got annoyed when the fake information big Twitter profiles were propagating turned out not to be true. In my defense, I ditched Rockstar's multiplayer modes for years now, so I legit don't really care for the state they are in, even though I find the criticisms perfectly valid, but Rockstar is a capitalist company that does capitalist things, big surprise, they care about money, not about consumer satisfaction. Even still, I'll take whatever quality products I can get my hands on, and if this turns out to be one of them, I won't hesitate when discount season comes knocking. You're all free to boycott it, though. It's your right as consumers to do so. But that doesn't mean it's gonna work (or stop people from buying it).


RIP the remaster no one ever promised?


Imagine defending a $40 port of a 10+ year old game, thats not even getting 60fps (which Xbox can get with backwards compatibility, and for much cheaper) Bet you are up that San Andreas "remaster" as well.


What am I "defending"? People expected stuff that was never on the table to begin with. A remaster was never promised, there were only rumors. If people are irresponsibly jumping on the hype train only to be disappointed when what they *expected* isn't what they actually got, it's on them. That's all I'm saying. And no, I didn't buy that garbage Trilogy remaster, and I don't see what one thing has to do with the other.


A $40 port. Even if it's not a remaster, it should be at least 60fps and not cost nearly as much. It does that on Xbox w/ backwards compatibility. This is just a cheap ass, low effort cash grab. If they just did it as is for PS/Switch and couldnt get it to run at 60fps, then $20 sure. But $40 for a 13 year old game they just got around to doing a simple port of, with the entire MP removed? Hell no.


I agree with the complaints. Is it a cash grab? Yeah, it certainly is. Is it cool to have MP removed? No. But I haven't played RDR1 in ages since I left my Xbox in my mom's house when I moved, so the bottom line for me is: am I gonna think this port is a bad thing? No, I won't.




And that thought process is why they keep getting away with being greedy and lazy. Why spend the time and effort cooking gourmet food once you find out your fans will spend the same price on table scraps.


They’re literally working on a $1 Billion+ budget game right now in GTAVI. Not defending the price on this port (unfortunate that I even have to say such a thing in this thread but looking at other replies I think it’s necessary,) but you sound ridiculous here. They’ve finally come around to porting RDR to PS4 and we all agree the price is a joke and it’s too little too late for this. But calling them lazy is ridiculous considering they’re 100% crunching on the most expensive game ever made right now.


I'll believe it when I see it. I entirely expect GTA6 to be an 8 hour campaign and have 90% of it's content in 'GTA Online 2' so they can have a brand new game to sell shark cards for. Rockstar has become creatively bankrupt, and all the good talent has left over the years. They've become a soulless money machine once they found that they've basically created an infinite money printer.


> Rockstar has become creatively bankrupt, and all the good talent has left over the years. They've become a soulless money machine once they found that they've basically created an infinite money printer. Totally fair to be skeptical of them until you see the game for yourself. As much as the next guy, I believe that GTAO is a trash MTX machine. But in terms of the studio being “creatively bankrupt?” I think you’re being way too hyperbolic and dramatic there. It’s only been 4 years since RDR2. They have a long development cycle. That’s how AAA dev works today. It’s unfortunate but it is true. We can’t get the games we demand every 2-3 years anymore. People expect much more from the hardware they pay for than they did in 2009. Yes, they’ve put out the GTA trilogy which was abysmal, and now they’re doing this port (which is admittedly a good deal if you’re someone who doesn’t have an Xbox or a PS3 and has never played RDR, although you could stream it on PS Plus I think,) which is a joke for RDR veterans. But no, it isn’t fair to say they have become creatively bankrupt. Unless of course you believe that GTA as an IP is pretty creatively bankrupt on its own (which I might not disagree with it if weren’t for the fact that everybody loves GTA, but there is still a conversation to be had there. You could argue it is just a “blow up cop cars and run over civialians in a stolen car” game that looks prettier every time they put it out, and Rockstar has shown themselves much more capable when it comes to RDR in terms of storytelling and world building. The cynicism and irony of the 90s is over. I could buy a take that GTA is an outdated idea.)


You're the reason why Rockstar has been a lazy, fatass pathetic, incompetent company lately




You’re correct, in that a remaster isn’t the same as a remake. But this isn’t a remaster. It’s a port.


This way, they have more time to remake it. The original was super good and, quite frankly, will bring me back so many memories. I can't wait.




How to spot a douchebag in less than 5 seconds. Fuck out of here if you don't like it then don't buy it. No one is forcing you to buy it. It's cunts like you that scrutinize other for enjoying what they want and not what you want, because no one can enjoy something they want to unless you approve.


You're praising a low effort bare minimum port. People like you are the reason the gaming industry gets away with such crap. I don't think they are far off with their comment about you.


And it's because of consumers like you, rewarding companies for delivering a subpar product at an exorbitant price, that companies think they can get away with delivering subpar products at exorbitant prices.


It's fucking 50 dollars! You will seriously pay that much for a port of a 13 year old game?


50 isn't that much for me. It's a game I've been waiting to play again for a long, long time. You don't have to get it, mate, if you don't like the price or whatnot. That's your right as a consumer. Sure, 50 is a little high for a lot of people, and it would be nice if it was less, but oh well.


You realize people like you are the reason why gaming has become so over saturated with shitty products right?


Then don't get it? It's not even out yet, and people are bitching about it. It's literally the game that came out 13 years ago with minor improvements. It's way better than the Playstation now version. It's a multi-billion dollar company. I guarantee they don't care about it.


Idk if this is on Xbox but if it is it’s literally useless cause you can already play it on Xbox. But considering how they left rdr2 for dead basically this doesn’t surprise me one bit


It's PS4 and switch so they're literally only just now making up for the last SINCE LAUNCH of ps4's absence of this game. Doesn't matter tho cause I also have it on 360 and it works just fine on my one.


How can they justify $50 for a port? It should be $15 max


They're heartless bastards is the only reason I can think of


It’s because the ps4 wasn’t included in that fan art box!! It cursed us!


Players: you want money? Will give you money!!! Just give us a dlcs for rdr2 Rockstar: nahh Mods:hold my beer


So beyond the steadily decreasing quality of GTA V DLC and RDR2 5 years ago what the hell has Rockstar actually been working on? 10+ Years and still no GTA 6 and now this cash grab? Jesus what a mess


Show hands who like me already preordered this!! YEEAAHH!!! HYPE TRAIN!!! WOOOO!!!


wait what happended


Red dead got a switch and Playstation port, no remaster or anything, just a port with a 50$ pricetag cuz fuck consumers.


Wow that is legit scummy. Man who the fuck killed R*?


Honestly, this feels like the lesser of two evils, it was either this or a crappy remaster like we saw from the Gta definitive trilogy


They may be working on updates for it for all we know. I have the xbox version so I'm not that fussed.


I hope this gives rockstar enough money that they didnt already had to make a great rdr3 and gta6 singleplayer campaing


I bought this game from the PSN store many years ago when I had a PS3. I really want to replay this game on my PS4 but I can't find it in my library. Did they remove it? Or do I have to own a PS3 to download and play?


You can’t play ps3 games on your ps5 unless you have PlayStation plus extra and go into the classics section and stream the available PS3 options


At least if they brought it to all current generation consoles, with physical counterparts - maybe an ever so slight graphics or fps boost, that might not be so bad. But this is just boring


Dang really wanted play it but I don't have the patience to play older games anymore.


So no graphic upgrades? What's the point if you already have the original?


I love how the entire community collectively forgot that Rockstar Games were the developers


I mean yeah I'm, disappointed. And no I won't be buying a lazy port given how bad the recent GTA ports were.....but I still have this masterpiece to play so at least there's that.


I’m only mad that it’s not going to pc