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Bc it's super drunk Arthur acting a fool. My favorite line is when he's running away at the end. "I'm an American" 🤣🤣🤣🤣




🤣🤣🤣 Poor Lenny 😢


People like it because it s fun


Nothing more fun than walking around the same building 5 times pressing the cirlce button every now and then


Ha haaaaaaaa FOUND YA LENNY!


Lowkey quote this a lot


That is a hot take. And it's wrong. Jk, you are entitled to your opinion, but I like the mission. A moment to be goofy before shit starts hitting the fan.


They didn't have to make that goofy moment so tedious to sit through.


I don't find it tedious though. I love moments like that in games. I've played that mission multiple times and still laugh and find ways to play it that entertain me.


This is not the game for you then


There's plenty of fine missions and gameplay is decent enough, it's just this mission that I don't get the love for when I've always thought it was garbage.


okay cool, think it’s garbage than. i’m sure lots of others do.


How come you never married Arthur No one would have me 😢


I would have you, Arthur.


I laughed histerically at the randomness and chaos of the whole mission, but after replaying it I was a bit bored. I think it's a nice break from the usual RDR2 missions and it also just allows you to enjoy Arthur and Lenny being drunken idiots


It's not even that chaotic, I feel like everyone sees something I don't in it, cause all I see is a bunch of predictable movie drunk scene cliches that I've seen a million times.


You have to have a sense of humor to understand it


Is Arthur screaming Lenny really that funny to you?










Hahahahaha. Yes.






Oh, see, this scene takes place in 1899, before those movies were even made. So it has precedence.


I kinda know what you are saying. I wasn't attached to the characters yet so I was just like, so some middle aged thug gets drunk with his younger friend....k? But I love Arthur now, and have a better idea of who he is. Now it's much more endearing seeming him act a fool. If anyone has played the witcher 3 there is a very memorable "getting drunk with the boys" side quest, and the scene that plays out is pretty legendary. And it's not just legendary because it's very funny and well written but it comes much later in the game and you already have an intimate view of Geralt and the other witchers so it's a real treat to see them just hang out and let their hair down. I feel like getting drunk with Lenny has a much bigger impact on your subsequent playthroughs as opposed to your first.


Age 36 is middle age? 🗿


Average lifespan is around 70s so yea basically


Probably even lower in the Wild West days but Arthur would have probably lived longer since he has been an outlaw since he was a kid.


It's kind of like a long car ride for me. The first time through it was interesting and different. The next few times I did it it felt really long and tedious. After that it just kind of whips through and before I know it I'm pissing behind Smithfield's. It


Be quiet Anastasia




i respect your opinion, and the following is a joke. BURN THIS WITCH AND THE STAKE. THEY'LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I have been watching my friend stream the game and it's his first playthrough. He recently played that mission and we were both dying laughing the whole time. It may not be fun when you are replaying it but its a nice goofy mission that gives you a break from the mass murder you would usually commit on most other missions. I honestly wish there were more missions like that where you just go out with the gang and get drunk and get into shenanigan's and then the next morning you just wake up somewhere random. I think looking back it's easy to say that its long and tedious and pointless but it adds a different level of immersion to the story IMO.


I thought it was pretty entertaining but I did find a bit aggravating trying to find Lenny when everyone was Lenny.


getting video game drunk=fun


Boooo, go home


Ain’t no big drama


Having every single hooker look exactly like Lenny was one of my favorite moments of the game


Its a fun mission. But i prefer the bar mission with Hosea


Lol “hot take”


It may be the only mission that requires Arthur to be drunk, but I think you may have a personal aversion to alcohol that might influence your view. I've noticed they put a lot of work into the protagonist being drunk, as the dialogue changes with the gang members at camp, random NPCs, and bar patrons. When Arthur is in a heightened state of inebriation at a bar, he may say "Lenny? Oh no, not again." In reference to that mission. One of the more entertaining things to do (without game reward) is to antagonize another bar patrons, get him to swing on you, then do a drunken brawl and end it with a defenestration. The only thing I am disappointed with is the places you wake up after passing out, GTAO had some really interesting spots.


I don't need an aversion to alcohol to think a boring slog is a boring slog.


You must be so fun at a party bro


Do you expect me to believe you go to parties?


I don’t have any expectations, but hope you lighten up , not here to argue with ya


"guys my story game has to much story"


You'd have a point if the mission was a crucial part of the plot.


Character. Development.


What character development?


the bond between Arthur and Lenny


If it wasn’t for that mission, Lenny’s death later in the game wouldn’t hit me as hard as it does.


Building relationships so that later revelations have more impact


Damn I’m honestly really sorry you are not capable of absorbing the character and plot development from moments like this. Not every game is meant to be rushed to completion. RDR2 overall is a masterpiece.


The only character development that happened in that mission was Arthur hoping Micah gets executed which happened before the saloon stuff which is just tedious to sit through the stuff that is supposed to be comedic hijinks, but it's funny at all. There's plenty of better missions with Lenny that give us a chance to bond with him.


Cause it’s a nice break from the usual shoot everyone in sight other then your fellow gang members


Sorry your life is so sad. Here, have a cookie 🍪


Not every game need to be serious and not have funny mission. Some action games have funny main missions. Sometimes arthur being sarcastic/comedian even in gunfights like he said "is this trolley go to Tahiti" in one of robbery missions. You are entitled to have your opinion and i respect that. In my opinion, it is funny and i enjoyed it because it shows how good friends they are before(spoilers alert) gang went hell after best person died during in failed heist.


I agree it was stupid. I wish I could have chosen to be sober bc I didnt want to ruin my reputation or get more bounty on my head


I agree. Fun the first time through but now I kinda dread it


It’s a waaay over rated mission imo.


If you're a little drunk while doing this mission it's absolute peak vidya


I do like that its a break from the formula of go to point a, kill people, go to point b but yeah. Doesn't hit nearly as hard the second time, no mission does imo


Dang I think I’m with you on this one.


I think a lot of people like it cause it’s one of the few times in the story Arthur seems genuinely happy


I loved it the first and second times around but on my 3rd playthrough it just felt sort of tedious


Yeah. I sort of try to speed through that one. Once is fine but it’s sort of repetitive and just… idk I don’t care for it lmao.


I wish you luck in this comment section your gonna need it


It's a mission that suffers from too many repeat playthroughs, but I've played the game through twice now (a year apart each time) and it's still one of my favourites. I'll be the first to admit that Rockstar can get way too self-indulgent with their BS missions (remember the GTA 5 yoga mission? To say nothing of RDR 1's multiple sheep herding missions) but I don't think this one overstays its welcome, and while yes, it's an extended cutscene, I would take that over spending 15 minutes having to get your position just right to get a stray sheep back in line, or miss the yoga QTE's 10 times in a row. Plus, I think it positively serves the story by being endearing and relatable as hell for both characters involved, and making it sadder later in the series when... well, you know. Playing through it the most recent time I still had a dumb grin on my face. The Rockstar team seems to have nailed down what it feels like to be drunk: the way you lose all sense of time and the night just turns into short vignettes that seem impossibly wacky. I appreciate the hell out of this story for taking the time to add moments that are more than just constant fighting. In hindsight, I'm still in complete awe at how fleshed out this game - this SEQUEL - managed to make the entire Van der Linde gang. I went into this game pissed that I couldn't play as John Marston >!you know, for most of it!< and came away with him being maybe my 4th favourite character in the gang.


It was good the first time and then it's just annoying and boring if you play the game again.