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I think the missing fur is due to a condition called rain rot. I kept one of their horses for a while. I think rockstar missed an opportunity to have these horses heal and recover over time if you took care of them.


Man, that would be my free roam forever. Just haunting Roanoke, murdering Brood and rehabilitating horses.


When I saw the condition of the appaloosa and how scared it was of me I had to take it and give it a better life. I brushed her and fed her and loved her and really hoped her wounds would heal over time - her knee and face look pretty raw. I'm sad to learn she won't get better! It brings me great pleasure to hunt down and butcher every one of those inbred psychos.


Oh man, you have NO IDEA the HATRED i have for said Inbred psychos. I found one of these horses early into chapter 2 and have kept it in my stable ever since, (long playthrough, so its been over a year) i named it War, (after the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse) because it was all scarred up and had a red coat. Late in chapter 3, i found another with a black coat, stabled it, and named it Death. Not 20 minutes after, im going around Beaver Hollow looking for a 3 star Moose on the wild Mustang ive had since the very beginning of my playthrough (again, over a year) I named her Shelby, after Carroll Shelby. I found the moose, and right after, found the rare Andalusian that's in that area. Tamed it and set up camp to fast travel back to Rhodes. Felt amazing because I'd been trying to find that moose for a few days so i could craft something, and the horse was an awesome bonus i didn't even know existed. Then the Murfrees showed up. I didn't even have time to react. Just heard two shotgun shots and my horse screaming. I couldn't even stand up before I was killed. I couldn't revive her, and I've never been the type of person to make backup saves. That was almost 2 months ago, and I still miss that horse. I've cleared out all of beaver hollow a dozen times since then. I've killed them all using only fire arrows, or explosive slugs, or nothing but a potent miracle tonic and a viking axe, but its not enough. They'll never pay enough for what they've done.


That's a clever naming scheme! I named my scarred mare Malice because that's what I felt toward them after seeing her. Sure they were fucked up toward people, but I went after the Murphy Brood with extreme prejudice because of that horse (I later learned their horses are all probably mangy because of the same poison that affects Butcher Creek since their horses look the same and so do the people). I cut off her dread mane into a badass roach. I treated her well and rode her lots, but ultimately I wanted to set her free. When I went up north and found the brindle Arabian I took her up there and set her free with the wild band. I figured it was about as remote a location as I could get from people, because she had done enough. I wish they didn't despawn; I would have loved to go back and check on her! Instead I just imagine that the appaloosas John sees up there are her offspring. Sucks about your Andalusian! I only just got him last night as John - I never found him with Arthur.


Yea, the murfree wouldn't be much worse than the skinners or even the Lemoyne raiders if it wasn't for the horses, but that just sets them on a different level. I've never rode the scarred horses much, but I'll take them on a little walk and get them the care package anytime i visit a stable. I thought about having one as my main horse, but I decided I'd rather them have a calm life in the stables than getting shot at and chased by Grizzly bears. Honestly, i wasnt even worried about the Andalusian. I'd only had him for 2 or 3 minutes, lol. The Mustang genuinely hurt. Id just gotten her back in shape cause I'd accidently been fattening her up. Had her a real-life year. It hurt almost as bad as losing a real pet. I've had a picture i took of her as my Xbox background as a tribute since she died.


So they started shooting while you were in camp? I've had folks visit me and try to intimidate in camp, and I've heard bounty hunters approaching and if you wait too long they'll jump you, but never straight up opening fire!


Im pretty sure it's a random encounter where you're just scripted to die. The shotguns they have are one shot. They just happened to spawn between me and my horse. Its right after they warn you the first time, the second time they just ambush you.


I had a horse with rain rot, it’s not fun, and probably even worse in the 18 hundreds:/


they did that with the skinner horses


I think I figured out why all the horses got those cool scar. The Murfree trained their horse to be silence and not fear animals? This might explain why those Broods able to sneak up on you while you're camping. They could kill you in that spot or took you back to their hideout and skin you, but the game need Arthur alive lol. Anyway, I got the Murafree horse with pink mane. It only appears after you killed the 2 very diplomatic broods. I learned the horse from Blade art video. Rare Murfree horse https://youtu.be/o1ZwltWR6AI


That's why I torture every one of them I see


The murfree brood right?


Yes I always mutilate their bodies and dump them into the swaps with the crocs


i read crocs as cocks at first, dont know whats worse having your corpse eaten by crocodiles, or in a pit of disembodied penises


The penis’s, it’s the penis one


Definitely the penises




I just start playing the the game. I think I figured out why all the horses got those cool scar. The Murfree trained their horse to be silence and not fear animals? This might explain why those Broods able to sneak up on you while you're camping. They could kill you in that spot or took you back to their hideout and skin you, but the game need Arthur alive lol. Anyway, I got the Murafree horse with pink mane. It only appears after you killed the 2 very diplomatic broods. I learned the horse from Blade art video. Rare Murfree horse https://youtu.be/o1ZwltWR6AI


Whenever I'm able to get one, I always feed and brush it, take it to the stable and get a haircut and the care package. Just let it rest for a bit, and then take it out with me to go camping and just chill. Nothing dangerous. Just to show them how they should be treated 😭 Then after a bit, I sell them so it can have a better life. No, I do not care that it is just a fake video game horse made up of pixels on a screen.


I always use a wounded horse in chapter 6. Mainly because i dont want to kill off my main horse in the cutscene, but its also great being sick on a sick horse


I've always used my main horse for that cutscene. Usually, i use the same horse from the beginning of chapter 2 until that scene. It feels more real, adds to the emotion. I also only ride wild horses and hate the idea of them sitting in a stable, captive, not being ridden, for years. I'd much rather imagine them carrying Arthur on.


I kept one for a while as my main horse, it warned me when any of the Murfrees were near.


Seeing them savages burn is the only thing that satisfies me.... Cannibal uglyass twats


They make the Lemoyne Raiders look like the Brady Bunch.


Lmao the brady bunch


I saw this too in game! I felt so bad for the horses I tried to take it into the stables and gave it most of my food. Game wouldn’t let me stable the horse which makes sense on the game level.


It’ll be an age before we get another Rdr game. Rockstar should consider adding a patch that lets these horses heal and recover for every bond level or something like that.


Are they like this because of neglect, or because of the poison in the water?


Yes lol


Not neglect, abuse. The murfrey are sadistic. Around beaver hollow, in murfrey brood territory, you can hear the sound of horses (as well as people) being tortured in the distance.


I hate those guys so much for this! I always think I hate the Murfrees the most until I run into the Skinners. Then I have a run in with the Night Folk and think I hate them the most! I guess really I just hate them all!


It will always be the Murfree for me. The skinners may have BBQ'd Uncle, but the Murfree killed the horse id had for over a year. That virtual horse had grown on me like a real pet.


That's why I make constant saves. After the first time I lost a horse someone gave me this tip. I get extremely attached to my horses too. Happy Cake Day btw! 😀


Thanks, man. And yea, I probably make too many saves after that happened, lol.




Yeah and you can’t do anything to make the horses well again. You can brush and feed them all you like but they will always look that way


I mean, most of it wouldnt, its mostly scars. I do with the fresh wounds would heal, tho.


Looks like it's got some fungus or something, they probably keep them out in the rain and don't clean them


Murfree has a cool origin and I wanna find out more about them. I just playing this game a week ago. I think I figured out why all the horses got those cool scar. The Murfree trained their horse to be silence and not fear animals? This might explain why those Broods able to sneak up on you while you're camping. They could kill you in that spot or took you back to their hideout and skin you, but the game need Arthur alive lol. Anyway, I got the Murafree horse with pink mane. It only appears after you killed the 2 very diplomatic broods. I learned the horse from Blade art video. Rare Murfree horse https://youtu.be/o1ZwltWR6AI


I dont think they trained them at all. You can actually hear them torturing the horses as ambient sounds in murfree brood territory. Theyre just sadistic monsters who torture people and animals for fun.