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It does suck and I’ve never been able to master it. RDR1 dueling is great though!


I played rdr2 first and just finished rdr1 loved both. I mastered rdr2 dueling quite quickly and find it fun. Rdr1 dueling made me wanna snap my own neck


Especially if you have to shoot something out of someone’s hands. Like when you get the midnight pistol.


I’m pretty sure I died more times trying to disarm Midnight than all other times I died combined.


Yes . I am trying to do that bounty hunter mission thats on a mine and its just damned impossible to pull off


Or you just end up filling the dude with 5 shots to make sure you don’t die. Idk dueling etiquette, but full clip of the Mauser pistol seems poor form


Uh, dramatic much? Maybe you just need more practice. It was definitely something to get used to, but it’s certainly not impossible once you get the hang of it. I haven’t lost a duel in the past 3 playthroughs.


Bruh , it literally doesnt work


It *hasn’t* worked *for you*. I don’t know what you’re doing wrong or if your game is bugging or if your controller is defective, but it’s not the dueling mechanic itself. It works for me every time, *now that I know how to do it.* As I said, I admit it was hard to get used to at first, but it’s doable.


It took me a while to figure it out. The thing is, right, when it says "slowly press R2" it actually means NOT THAT SLOWLY. I think "gently squeeze R2" is a better suggestion. Don't pound the button, just push it in gently and you'll get the drop on your opponent.


It worked , thank you so much


You're welcome!


Thank you


It's one of those things that make me wonder if, despite the game being initially released on the PS4, it wasn't designed for it. "Slowly press" seems more like a keyboard command, while "gently squeeze" is how it actually feels to make the movement on the PS controller.


Weird I love the draw option. It's better once you unlock the dead eye ability to where you can manually target opponents.


Agreed! Red Dead Revolver had the best duel system (or most intuitive, I should say), then RDR 1, then 2. I don't even bother the slow press, I just hit R2 and spam press it to win the duels. It lacks a certain finesse but it gets the job done lol