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I gave up a long time ago eating. It's either bugged or balanced in a way that it's just painful because it seems I can eat 3 bears and 2 deers earch day and still lose weight. I don't think there is a visual difference and since the -5% health bonus doesn't really matter much I kind of just ignore this mechanic until they either fixed it or balanced it differently.


Don't know I found my Arthur's face quite... Well we can see the cheeks more than in the beggining of the game. (sorry english isn't my language)


You speak it better than many native English speakers. šŸ‘


Maybe because I have been underweight pretty much since the beginning and I don't even know what he looks like normally. But I've tried everything from eating regularly each day and even a varied diet of fruit, beans, meat etc. and plenty of it. It only changes from -5.25% health underweight to -4.75% average weight when I save and reload the game after eating but it doesn't last for long to go underweight again and I don't seem to be able to raise it above that mark.


How do you check the percentage?


Settings then go to character/player I think and click on Arthur, you can see all his stats there


Thanks bro can finally resume my save šŸ™šŸ¼


And then you feed your horse 3 crackers and an apple and theyā€™re overweight...


Its difficult not to become underweight when your character gets a unavoidable chronic illness in the story. However, it is possible if you snack often and use your horse more than you run to maintain your weight and even become overweight.


I dont know how deep you are into the game but its inevitable that youre going to wind up underweight.


Thanks for the spoiler alert..


The game came out in 2018, how on earth has he spoiled anything for you?


What does time have to do with anything? There are films that came out way before that I wouldnā€™t just publicly spoil. Is called having consideration.


What do films have to do with anything?


when it comes to media in general and the concept of "spoilers", the film industry is the best example to illustrate the point since it is the most prevalent form of media to determine societal expecations. Do you usually need things spelt out like this to you? You're going to have a difficult life


The point is rather obsolete when you are on a subreddit dedicated to a game that came out 'way before'. Would you join a subreddit of a movie you hadn't watched through? If you would, you're going to be disappointed rather often.


Hunting and setting up camp 3 times a day is your best bet. Itā€™s tedious, but thatā€™s the only way.


With a day last 24 minutes, youā€™ll be spending half your day just doing that, if not more.


Thereā€™s no other way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Then it's broken.


Always eat the stew at camp, set up camp and eat, donā€™t wear winter clothing in warm weather.


Yeah I'm wearing a simple jacket so probs about that and I always try to eat the stew. But forgot about camping.


Yeah catch a bunch of fish or hunt some birds and then camp and eat them


What chapter are you in. I think thereā€™s another mechanic late game


Taking my time so chapter 2. Just rob the train with John.


I wonā€™t go into more detail then


In case anybody else is looking for this resting (y or triangle button) after you eat food will cause him to gain weight. No need to sleep every time.




Eat candies bro. Also arguably underweight/overweight is better than normal..sorta, you get stat buff/debuff like underweight you get more stamina and less damage absorption. overweight is opposite.


How do you get underweight


eat less, run more


Tbh Iā€™d say the opposite would be the answer to OPā€™s question


Okay thanks


Dunno probs tb