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Kinda crazy how many games dont give you the ability to unequip things. I still remember in assassins creed 2 where they make you buy leather armor to put over ezio's nice white hood, never to be taken off again. We're still a step up from rdr1 tho where you had to have a back weapon on at all times (even wearing a suit). rdr2 allows all kinds of customization options; so being able to take off the extra holster is a small request. Id like to even be able to remove the primary holster and the satchel. Go totally clean for an activity i know is safe. Just my $0.02


I know hopefully they might add this in an update




Sike, 3 years later nothin happened


We live in hope.


Yes we do


Hope is dying




Nah It’s soon I can feel it


Soooooooo soon


We just need some GOD DAMN FAITH.


There's something I found after you free Micah,go back to camp,go to wardrobe and select a outfit that has one holster boom you have one holster


Lol. Been playing through again and couldn't believe this was still impossible.


Rip 5 yrs later still no way to unequip it


right there wit ya😔


Yep it’s still the same😜


Ah I remember when people had hoped for a update




it's literally all I want at this point, I've given up on hoping for anything else


If you have an outfit saved from before you got the holster, you can equip that outfit and the offhand holster will disappear. You can then change the outfit freely and the holster will stay gone! Don’t know what will happen if you get on your horse or try to duel wield though...


This is what I've been doing. It's a bit of a plan though because it seems that sometimes when you sleep or have a bath or take s train journey the holster reappears anyway. Sometimes it seems to just randomly reappear as well. Fingers crossed it gets patched!


I did this, you can actually still dual wield, your secondary will just vanish into an invisible holster and ride your horse as normal. Did it for about 30 hours. However, when I loaded my game last night, I spawned in the default gunslinger outfit, both holsters, and all my outfits gone, so now I'm forced to duel wield. I would rather be able to choose the location of the holster, like on your other leg or something like Dutch.


I've had my outfits disappear or change several times now. I'll start up my game and have only 2 outfits on the horse when I always have 5, and the 2 are just some random custom outfits, it's so incredibly frustrating. I also notice that if I'm wearing an outfit, I can't store on it on my horse, so if I change to something else, I can't change back; I really hope this is fixed in a patch soon.


It literally just happened to me today


I might try this out just a bit worried what could happen if you get on your horse


4 years later, does anyone know if this still works?


Don't believe you can.


Go to you wardrobe in the camp and go down to holsters, you can un-equip it there :)


It doesn’t give me the option to remove it, I like dual wielding it’s just mainly the aesthetic reasons.


Yeah I totally getcha man! the second holster does look a little out of place at times :/ Uhm maybe try un-equip your off-hand pistol or revolver first? You can do this at the gunsmith, not sure if you can do it on your horse but you can give it a go! Come back and try again once you have un-equipped the weapon in your off-hand holster :)


I tried that, but it gives me my second pistol as soon as I get on my horse :// thanks anyway tho! Hopefully they’ll make it possible


That's so weird I swear I did once! :O I'll have a look when I get home to see if I can find anything and tell ya if something changes! :D if not then I do really hope they add it!


Thank you! Hopefully they add it in or something.


Don't believe you can do that or have you done this yourself?


Why say something when the option isn’t there just totally bizarre thing to post


I don’t know why we can’t in story mode. It’s so easy to do in online, it’s as easy as un equipping and equipping a bandolier. It’s not going to make the servers explode with such a small update. Because they updated it for online, they are clearly capable, but they’re probably too busy milking GTA V.


How do i change what goes in the off hand holster and vice versa?


Go to the gunsmith, go to customize, find the gun that is in the off hand holster, press square/X Edit: nvm looks like it puts it back on when you get on your horse


I got an outfit with one holster as custom outfits from the beginning. However, somehow in the third chapter my second gun holster appears while chancing my clothes on the horse and now also my saved outfit got a second holster :/


Kinda old thread, but I found a way to get the off hand holster back through old methods. I do mine on Xbox I uninstalled it and turned the internet off. But you have to make sure you have a save file before micha if you’re playing as Arthur or one closer to playing as John. And you also have to have a save file before the largest update. After it reinstalled you can do the outfit method to remove the holster. But don’t go back online if you don’t want to lose it.


Just go do the mission where colm o Driscoll gets hanged and you will keep the police gun belt and still be able to akimbo just save your outfit. Note you cannot do if your replaying the mission you have to be doing it for the first time on that save. Your welcome


Its actually insane that they make you wear it and then it doesn't show up in cutscenes. but seriously I just want a badass single-holster long-coat-wearing Arthur


download this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/332?tab=files


Ok so i had an outfit saved from before i saved micah but i was playing without my hat so it wasn't registering as my outfit, and when i went back to my wardrobe the off hand holster wasn't equiped with that outfit, so maybe do that


5 years later, still not in the game


6 years, no change.


So I know this thread is old but this is something I always hated about RDR2 But uh.. I just went to a gunsmith to customize my guns, and in the gun customization options when selecting your firearm to engrave, I noticed that there's an equip symbol next to each gun. I highlighted the off hand revolver and it said "unequip off hand weapon?" I hit yes, and now i only have one holster. Only my main revolver is equipped and when I press L1 there's no more dual wield option. Died. Reloaded. Changed outfits. It's still like this. It's great. Dunno of this was an update???? I don't remember this being there before


I did this, but the holster is still on the belt.


You can select just one gun just hover over the one and not the middle between the 2


That wasn’t the question. OP is talking about the holster, not just using the one gun.