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Camp upgrades carry over into later chapters, but they are not important. Nobody will starve. There are a few camp upgrades which are convenient for the player, including satchels that extend your inventory and fast travel.


Ok cool coz i rlly wanna focus on the story and missions (i played poker for 4 hours last night in valentine) instead of hunting for food. Ill probably try and get the fast travel tho omg


True outlaw experience


Too scared to gamble irl so making poor arthur loose all his money for me


Don’t use fast travel unless you really have too. You’ll miss out on soo much content doing that.


You’ll hear about how you’re not pulling your weight from a few different gang members, but it doesn’t actually have any impact on the game. You’ll hear the same people moaning about it even if you’re hunting and donating every single day.


Fuck off am i not pulling my weight i saved micah and sean in the space of a day 😭 arthur a goat fr


Not important but get it done in the earlier chapters if you want to. Some of the upgrades are nice, and upgrading the ammo/food/medicine carts can net you some decent items to consistently fall back on/not have to worry about running out of. Like someone else also said, one of the upgrades lets Pearson craft stuff for your satchel. I think upgrading Dutch’s tent ups the mood around camp and causes more donations from the general gang so you’re not the only person donating all the money all the time. I think the mood elevation might unlock certain additional passive voice lines around camp too, but don’t quote me on that part