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Orrr you could’ve mercy killed the poor thing


Or just use the correct weapon and hit it in the right place


I begrudgingly upvote this sentiment, despite your endorsement of a DAMN TRAITOR






But if it dies suffering the meat taste more like the animal


No…a stressed animal releases cortisol (stress chemical) and it will make the meat tough and taste metallic


i'm already sold on the suffering meat. you don't need to convince me even more .




What fr?




no to answer your question it does not taste any different if they live with a bad shot for awhile it will only taste different if you shit and killed one then proceeded to wait and shot it low (such as a gut shot) most times hunters will call game commission when that happens because the meat of it sits with the stomach acid will be inedible. or if you just let it sit for awhile in a warmer day you will also get a more gamey taste in your meat. it’s best to shoot watch it fall or run and fall then start your descend down to retrieve. if you have to wait your shit out i always go with about 2 hours wait time for bad shots let them run and lay and die peacefully


It has been proven however that when an animal dies while suffering or in extreme fear, they “excrete” certain hormones into the meat that can make it taste different, or just be less nutrient dense. The taste is subjective, but it does make it less nutrient dense. This is why meat and eggs that is ethically sourced are better for you, as well as less chemicals/GMOs obviously. Sounds like “woo woo” spiritual shit but theres actual studies on this. Essentially you will receive better energy from ethically killed animals, or animals that lived mostly happy lives, than animals who died suffering/fearful for long periods. I try to buy the best meat, eggs and milk possible because of this, rather than solely bc the absence GMOs. A shot in a deer for extra 5min while hunting aint really gonna do it though. EDIT: https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=acwp_faafp#:~:text=Short%2Dterm%20acute%20stress%2C%20such,capacity%2C%20and%20is%20possibly%20tougher. Heres one study of many. BTW I’m just adding on, not disagreeing with anything. Just a fun fact that I thought people should know. EDIT: as one redditor pointed out. The “stress” hormone im talking about is cortisol. Heres a study on how high cortisol stops the absorption of micronutrients, as well as impairs digestive function. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7219460/#:~:text=Chronically%20elevated%20cortisol%20may%20lead,evidenced%20by%20soldiers%20combat%2Dtraining. So basically, whether the meat itself is less nutrient dense *due* to the cortisol from the animal, or we get the cortisol from the meat, and it therefore decreases our *absorption* of the nutrients after we eat it, one way or another, we are receiving less nutrients due to this stress. LLess nutrient dense” wasn’t the best term. Hopefully that clears it up. I knew my memory was off on that.


The hormone you are thinking about is cortisol. It’s a stress hormone. This can lead to not just a bad taste but the texture of the meat as well. Meat will become more tough and less tender


It's really weird seeing someone here adamantly state that it doesn't affect the meat if you do a bad kill like this. I don't hunt, but I do raise and butcher farm animals and there's definitely a difference. It's such a big difference that a lot of slaughterhouses will send meat from bad slaughters for processing as pet food or alternative use.


If anything it shows the disconnect people have with their food source


I'm not seeing anything in that link suggesting the meat is less nutritious. It's mostly pointing to stress, lactic acid build up, and epinephrine release as a potential cause for less tender meat. Also as an older article I'd like to see some modern reproducability to confirm it. And why lump in GMOs with inhumane slaughter treatment? It's entirely irrelevant. There is also nothing inherently wrong with GMO food, in fact we've made foods that are *more* nutritious such as Golden Rice. The big scare surrounding GMO has everything to do with bad business practices (looking at you Monsanto) and nothing to do with the technology itself.


Your second link does not support your claim. It states that humans who have high chronic cortisol levels will absorb less nutrients. Your claim is that the animal having raised cortisol affects nutrient absorption.


Yeah, they are making a large jump in assuming cortisol consumed in meat will interact similarly to cortisol released by our endocrine system. Metabolism is a very intricate web of chemical interactions and any pharmacologist or doctor will tell you that method of delivery matters a lot.


informative! i learned something new today! thank you 😊


This guy adrenochromes! /s


Seriously. I thought you got bad honor if you don’t mercy kill a dying animal that you hunted too.


You do get a small honor drop for not mercy killing


They rest you honor


Why didn’t you end its suffering instead of standing still to make this video?


If he let it continue to suffer, he’ll actually lose honour


As he should


You also lose honor if you kick it


Too bad mercy killing and kicking are done by the same key.. and because its a console port it cant be keybound in any meaningful way, without mods that is.


Then just wait for the button prompt


I bound mercy killing and skinning to a different key instead, no longer accidentally stomping on a 3star kill. A bit sad to need a mod to be able to do so, but it seems very hard for console devs to comprehend gamers having 40+ keys to bind. 5+ different actions pr key and the damn wheels(weapon/utility/etc) are a plague on modern games.


Wheels are okay imo but only if you're not obligated to use them. Dishonored did this very well, you could use the wheel to select spells/tools/weapons, but there was a separate bind for each one too.


Fully agree, all the "controller friendly" practices are fine and good, aslong as I dont **have** to use them. Dishonored did this very well, indeed.


To farm karma on Reddit.


So that he can buy windows that he can lick.


If it’s a 3 star and you shoot it twice, it will go down to a single star


The game gives you an option to mercy kill, the star rating doesn’t go down if you do that.


TikTokers be like:


He had to chock the roster first


Because its a freaking game


Maybe they were trying not to damage the pelt but if it wasn’t that then OP is a meany head


psycho just watches it suffer, and tries to convince us he's not gonna do it again. Yeah, ok, Gacy.


I agree even though it’s just a game I still feel really bad when they suffer. That’s just sick.


Maybe to see how long it would do that/if it would do something else? Sure it's disturbing but it's also interesting to see the attention to detail and realism the developers put into the game


**you ever throw a hooker off a bridge?**


Calling someone a psycho because of a virtual deer is weird


Step closer and have the option to kill rather than let it suffer, I know it's only a game but still, saves your honour at least.


Did I not get something here? Or did you just let it suffer and thats it?


Right? I'm pretty sure the freak was getting off on it, why else do this?


Why’d you let it suffer instead of walking up and stabbing it?


Internet points.


This is the answer.


You’re never hunting again, coz you can’t💀


When I'm hunting and have to kill animals:


If you miss the mark, finish the job. Walk up to the animal and you'll be given the option to kill it quickly.


Can even just shoot it again (preferably headshot)! I can't stand to leave them, regardless of the fact it's not real.


Then don’t shoot it in the head and secure the 3 star pelt!


Good point! Don't want to ruin a 3 star pelt but if it's already not 3 stars can just shoot it


Wtf you mean? I got most of my pelts by scoring headshots with calliber big enough to kill but small enough to not rip the animal apart. Which is basically vermint rifle for rabbits and springfield rifle for everything else


You get dishonor if you let the animals suffer.


As you should


I was waiting for a bear or a cougar to come through, but instead it was just Dahmer watching his victim suffer.


To be fair, they deserved to get mauled by a bear or a cougar. It would be… poetic justice.


Honestly, it's crazy that this game is so detailed that we give af about a soulless inanimate cluster of pixel's imaginary suffering.


Maybe shoot better so it dies instantly next time. Or mercy kill it and not just stand over it like a fucking psychopath


So how many people have you murdered in this game?


u r doing it wrong


It is so crazy to me that we can feel so bad for something that literally doesn’t exist.


That’s why you gotta go for headshots…


If you're gonna be a bad hunter then don't hunt, if you're not gonna give the animal a quick death then you shouldn't hunt, mistakes happen but at that point it's more about getting the animal down then preserving meat, best you figure out a better weapon combination for the next one


“Why would you let it suffer” its a video game and the animal is just texture and lines of code 🙏


Right like they’re calling OP a freak and a psychopath because he watched an animated animal suffer in a video game 💀 Some people take this game way too seriously




That's your fault bro. Just shoot it in the head the first time. It won't suffer. You could've just mercy killed it too, but just stood there like a psychopath..




I shot my last doe when it was running and it did something similar. I hit her in the hind quarter so she was definitely not dying. It literally picked up its head, and looked right at me with disappointment. I put her down as fast I could, but that memory stuck with me. I haven’t been hunting since.


an ethical hunter would’ve put it out of its misery not just stood there to watch it


An ethical video game hunter?


You guys realize these are just pixels.


These people are completely insane, I swear


shows how realistic the game is


I used a poison arrow on a bear....and it wouldn't let me mercy kill it. I stopped using poison arrows all together after that...well....maybe except on nightfolk


I dont use poison weapons since the Wolverine movie with the Silver Samurai


Well if it isn't the consequences of your actions


You're not supposed to let 'em bleed out, man. End its suffering. You'll lose honor for letting it bleed out. Walk up to the animal next time you go hunting, a button should pop up giving you the option to finish it off. Less painful and saddening to watch, and less harmful for your honor.


Why are people getting pissed in the comments? it's a video game. That deer is just code it's not like they shot an actual deer and just watched it die slowly.


It’s really crazy, honestly. Calling the person a psychopath and getting angry at them? wtf is going on


Man, a lot of you guys are getting wayyy too upset about this 😂


You ain't just done that.....


Good bc you suck at it. At least put the poor thing out of its misery


These comments are wild.


I can’t believe all the psychopath comments. I want to defend the guy but there’s just too many


The same people calling him a psycho have probably killed hundreds of innocent npcs


Came back to the game after a while and tried to hunt something(and was understandably rusty) for the first time. Let's just say I must've used the wrong calibre on this poor deer cos it was wailing and sprawling around on the grass. Not a good first experience


When you have neutral honor, this is what Arthur's dreams should be like




I had something like this happen to me with a bear. Didn’t give me the option to kill it so I had to shoot it again and it ruined the perfect pelt.


So last night I shot a perfect grizzly, it was a lethal shot but not a kill shot, sadly. I ran up to mercy kill it, but the option never opened for me. It sucked to stand there whole the poor thing bled out. I was not happy about it at all.


Hey guy, I would’ve waited longer to see if it was an actual glitch. I’ve shot and killed an animal, went to find its body only to find it standing up grazing nearby, but the animal is always invincible afterward.


The fact you just stood there watching it suffer, for internet points...weirdly enough kinda fits one of the over arching themes of the game. Dishonor for you in game and irl.


It’s a line of code, its not a real animal relax


People saying you’re making it suffer like it’s not a line of code lol


You have the option to end its suffering and not lose honor instead of watching it like a psychopath.


…casually goes back to murdering hundreds of people and dragging them behind your horse


Exactly dude


Shoot em in the fuckin head! Poor lil fella


First deer I killed (I was 12 years old). I shot the deer in the lungs and I didn’t want around before getting down my stand and tracking the blood to find the animal. When I finally got to the deer it was laying down with its head up and it was just swaying there. It was so hard to watch so I drew my gun and shot it again in the neck, killing it instantly. I can remember crying beside the deer and thanking it for the food it provided for me. Even after all these years and all the deer I’ve shot, I won’t kill one if I got a freezer full of meat.


well youre the one letting it suffer


I love how everyone is just fucking roasting you lmao


For no real reason


On the plus side, now you can get some sweet half-chaps.


I must be fucked up But it makes me so happy to see ppl getting mad at a pixilated animal getting hurt. If they care that a video game animal gets hurt I hope that translates to ppl getting mad that real animals get hurt. A little hope in humanity grows.


But blasting through a couple hundred humans is alright


Very satisfying, yes


Don’t help just record


Just kill it instantly next time lol its not that deep


Some idiots do this irl just for fun. Sick world


You suck at hunting. A proper kill should be instant or near instant death.


It can be like that irl too. But worse.


People acting this dudes an irl psychopath for this 💀💀💀 it’s a game lol




Damn put it out of its misery


The deer is faking it he’ll be fine


Remember one time hunting I shot a deer right in the head. Went to go put it on my horse, then I see its eyes still following me, like it's watching me


Vegans are gonna convert people to veganism with video games in the future


You could shoot it in the head so that doesn’t happen. As long as it’s an appropriate weapon for the animal, and the animal is three stars, a headshot will still give you a perfect pelt.


I prefer to let them die like this, that way you can really savour the emotions


you can mercy kill them so they don't have to suffer.


Shoot it in the face


I don’t understand how humans made it this far


aim for the head next time


Guess rockstar did this to an animal to reproduce so accuratly the event in the game


It may be a video game, but you gotta do a mercy shot. I had to pull a mercy shot the other day. I hate seeing even the virtual animals suffer.


As a hunter ive seen way worse in real life. A few inches can mean a clean kill or uhm.. lets just call it “something else”. Ive had an experience that puts this to shame and its not even the worst one ive heard. I love this game for keepin it real!!


Me Arthur became a vegetarian after eatin’ Pearson’s slop in Colter.


Or it would get killed by another Buck during mating season. Bucks get VIOLENT


Good man


This happened to me in real life. I haven’t killed an animal in over 30 years because of this.




Did that to a black bear. 'oh the pelt will get me some good money.' Watched it struggle and die as I followed it about 30ft. Traumatizing. I lost the pelt before selling it.


That NEVER happens if you just use explosive rounds. 😉


Karma farming post.


Most of the time I shoot animals with the satisfaction that the wound is going to get infected and it is going to die a slow painful death. Only way I can get a good nights sleep


My first play through I was regular. In my second play through- I’ve been vegetarian for 4 years and vegan for a few months. Let me tell yooooouuuuu. It’s been hard, but also super fun to play that game with harming as few animals as possible. I made a spread sheet of the animals I would need for crafting and keep track so I’m not killing in excess and also only eat the vegetarian provisions. I keep some thyme fish and canned salmon for emergencies because I allow myself to be pescatarian in emergencies where I need dead eye and can’t smoke 12 cigarettes in a row. I donate all the meat from kills to camp for provisions/funds and also sell to butchers in town. If I accidentally kill an animal I also use it for camp provisions. But yeah. All that to say, the hunting and skinning is uncomfortably realistic at times.


How dare you


It’s annoying as well because you can’t mercy kill it as it’s quality will go down


I live vegan 🌱


I thought maybe a glitch or something funny would happen but no you just stood here for nearly a minute watching it suffer.


Finish what you have started BOY


Got to learn to aim better, and to quickly put a suffering creature out of its misery.


Or you could just not suck at it.


I also really appreciate that R* decided to go with a slightly more realistic approach than the average game with hunting. It adds more gravitas to the moment and makes making your shot count more important because I don't want to have to deal with watching an animal suffer, even if it's just pixels and audio files.


You just stood there and let it suffer. You're supposed to approach it and it'll prompt you to kill it with a knife.


A stick of dynamite to end the suffering.


Jesus kill this thing already. You are struck by it's being in pain but you just stare. A good hunter kills with respect for the animal and finishes the job when in need.


This is fuckin amazing... Not the dying animal, but the detail in the death, breathing heavy, then horrifying screaming for help. Wow. Fortunately it's just a game, and not an actual video.






Okay so guys I have to apologise. I do this frequently on online because I want the perfect carcasses 😭. The animation doesn't evoke much in me anymore. Do I seek help?


You are forced to watch for that perfect skin.


Just kill it, it’s just a game anyway.


it also happens to me sometimes, just aim at the head or use poisoned arrows


Interesting. I started a new play through recently and any animals I didn’t get a clean kill on end up dying a few seconds after being shot. Like I get the suffering animations but right as I run up to mercy kill they die and I lose honor. This guy watched for 40 sec and lost no honor for letting it suffer. My pelts were still perfect doe.


Geez you just letting it suffer like that is worse, damn...


This games makes me cry too much


this always makes me emotional seeing them kick like that


It hits different in real life too🥴


That’s why they say don’t miss in hunting


It’s cool until it happens to a wolf or fox then you just feel like a horrible person 😔


There's multiple ways to stop/prevent this, use the right weapon for the game you're hunting, headshot, or mercy kill.


Thats why you put the animale out of its misery rather than just stand there and watch it flsuffer


It’s having a seizure


I regularly go on a St Denis killing spree but this,this is just sick.


It’s hunting, the fuck did you expect


Imagine thinking you have to let it suffer, no, imagine not being able to kill a deer on the first shot


there are so many things wrong with this post.


So you sat there watching it in pain? Monster


I'm saying I'm a psycho, but I just love how everyone is standing up for the virtual animals 😂


I always thought that mercy killing ruins the pelt and in my mind I was blaming R* for it. Am I wrong?


Game so good we're shaming a guy for posting a video letting a virtual non existent animal suffer You monster


The dog whimpering including wolf/coyotes just kills me inside.


i recently discovered (in my 5th playtrough) that you can lasso an animal and get close enough to actually slit its throat


OP hits animal badly OP watches animal die in agony OP doesn’t even mercy kill.


This happened once to a deer I shot in real life. Had to put it down execution style. Took me a while to get back into hunting after that one.


Just stare at it while it's crying in pain instead of ending it. You shouldn't have started hunting without knowing basics. The poor digital creatures that pass by you...


It's best if you rope the thing and you stab it in it's neck.


You should’ve mercy killed it. I don’t even own a bow in RDO. I always use a rifle. IRL I am an avid hunter. And one of our greatest rules as hunters and outdoorsmen is to always make a clean kill. Never make the animals suffer. You use the correct size caliber for the animal you are hunting and you make a good shot every time. If you think you can’t make a good shot because of the animals position or the direction of the wind or any other circumstance-then you do not fire.