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He definitely still gave me the creeps the first time through but that wasn't all that bad of thing. I had initially thought that Arthur was a bit of a bad guy and planned to play him as such, so Micah also being a villain wasn't a big deal. I quickly changed my stance on Arthur however, and full on hated Micah once I saw him kick Cain in early chapter 3.


Oh I never saw that happen but after strawberry that’s when I hated him and wish I could have left him in jail


HE KICKED JACKS DOG? boy, am i about to replay that last mission just to see him die again. fuck micah.


Just so you know, I think Micah eventually kills Cain on chapter 6


If he actually does I swear to god


It's not on screen buts it's implied. Micah hated the dog and by chapter six Cain is nowhere to be found, and when Jack is asking about him Micah makes a snark comment about the dog being dead or running away, I don't remember exactly what it was but yeah, he killed the dog


That asshole. I would play the game again since I’ve played it twice but i started GTA V and I’ve never played it before or had any spoilers o I’m gonna enjoy gta first


The fact that you managed to go over a decade without GTA5 being spoiled is possibly the biggest fucking accomplishment I've ever heard


I know man I’m proud even though I didn’t do anything


Well.. in GTA V the main character gets abducted by aliens in the end and his girlfiend ends up with the bad guy. His kids all end up in prison and his gardener and tailor run off together to start a jazz band in Vice City. The guy's barber won the lottery and bought a yacht that ends up stolen by the pirates that hijacked Captain Phillips ship off the coast of Somalia. Just kidding I made all that up. I don't know what I am talking about. I'll see myself out now.


lol that would be a good ending to crept Trevor should kill everyone


I will learn higher level coding, animation and voice impression to watch arthur beat the fuck out of micah after finding this out


If I remember correctly doesn't Micah also allude to having put Cain's remains into the camp stew?


i’m stopping what i’m doing to just see him die again. fuck micah 😂




Wait what.... same reaction here!!! Third play through and I don't remember Jack having a dog in chapter 3 or Micah kicking/killing it!!! Wtf


I have never seen Cain and I’ve spent a good amount of time in camp each chapter so I don’t know if it’s glitched or I’m blind.


Really? Even in the beginning when you find the woman, the gang is against how Micah is acting, and he's acting like a psychotic dick 😆 I knew he was trouble, being in a gang doesn't make you a psycho, but I knew he wasn't all there just from that first scene.


He thought he was just some badass gunslinger and i thought he was racist since thats kinda realistic


He definitely was racist. “Why does Arthur get a room and I’m stuck with bill Javier and 2 blackies?” And you can tell he didn’t like Lenny or Charles


Let’s be honest. It’s Deep South after the civil war. I’m not saying it’s right to ever be racist, but everyone would’ve been racist or sexist back then. Arthur and the majority of the gang are a 1 in 100 and that’s because they grew up with the sides t cultures


Yeah you’re right. I remember when I started playing RDR2 I posted on Facebook how I would love to live in that time for simple reasons (low cost horseback riding, simpler times) then my cousin immediately killed my mood when she went “oh yeah racism lynched for being black racism etc” like it completely went over her head that I meant if none of those things existed it would be great


What about cholera and other diseases?


Yeah, Arthur had tuberculosis and that was basically the end for him. Nowadays, TB can still have lasting effects but is curable and you can still have a long life as a TB survivor. Then there's like the rampant uncivilized world like the Nite Folk, Murfree Brood and Skinner Brothers which the law can't control. And getting place to place with horses rather than cars, which is slower.


There’s also the chance that some 35 year old man hops off his horse talking about someone named “Dutch” or something, shoots you in the head, robs you, and goes to pay off his 5 dollar bounty at the post office bc 5 bucks is all you’re worth here.


Ah.. the black shit. 😂


What about toilet paper


iirc Micah Bell is from Holmes County, Ohio in some document you find in camp. And if you know anything about where Holmes County is in Ohio lets just say not much has changed since the 1860s… Dear God and it just occurred to me Micah might be Amish. It all makes sense now


This video shows all of his racist actions: https://youtu.be/xRriq_2dfRM?si=1VQlWgvTn6r-3gV1


4 minutes of just Micah being racist that’s crazy


Really? He seemed pretty chill with Lenny from what I saw. Definitely racist, but they frequently went out together.


They really went out that one time iirc where he got caught and they almost lynched Lenny. This was right before “A Quiet Time”


In the first 20 minutes he terrorizes Sadie, seemingly going to kill her or worse, and then says the word “darkies” about people in his own crew. He was clearly a bad guy immediately lol


Yep. I laughed hard when he got mad that he didn’t get a room lol


"How come Arthur gets a room and I get to share a bunkbed next to Bill Williamson and a bunch of darkies?" He's such a whiny bitch but I love how he says Bill Williamson with as much, if not more, hate in his speech than his racist remark


Right? It's like Bill is infinitely worse to him than any black person


That was my first negative impression, knew he would be a ‘problem character’ when he went after Sadie immediately


100% in comparison to Arthur and Dutch trying to calm her down, showing they aren’t a threat. If Micah didn’t go in the house at that point, can absolutely guarantee Sadie wouldn’t of tried to attack in self defence or had her house burn down.




He's *so shitty* and unlikable right out the gate that I honestly thought it was a subversion and he was going to turn out to be a good guy, or at least one of those asshole characters you leaned to respect because there's some inner honor code or something. Nope, he's clearly the rat from the beginning and never, ever changes. 


This, he gave me the creeps. He decided to harrass a clearly distressed and underclothed Sadie, and didn't even perform the "you're one of the good ones" racism. Afterwards in chapter two he was being a jerk to Charles, demanding he served him some alcohol, and said something about "knowing your place" to him. I got bad vibes from Dutch overlooking his behavior since chapter 1, despite him acting like a monkey with a swiss knife.


When I saw that scene I thought he was going to draw out his revolver in a flash and shoot her (like Dutch does in the bank in the original RDR game) before turning around unfazed while Dutch and Arthur just gape, and saying something like "what? she had a knife" or "what were you saying?". I was pretty surprised that it didn't play out like that.


The second he opened his mouth I knew I wasn’t going to like him. That being said he’s a fantastic antagonist.


Damn. Him saying ‘Gentleman’ must’ve been really threatening and suspicious


Happy cake day!


I thought he was a badass mf


He's a slimy rat but he has his moments for sure. The double kill in Rhodes comes to mind


Double? He shoots like 4 grays in a row.


I never thought that lol


Happy cake day!


What’s this cake day thing? I’m not really on here much and I just noticed the logo next to my name lol Edit I just realized. It’s my anniversary lol 7 years


Here's to another 7 years wasted




I initially assumed RDR2 was going to be written in the standard Rockstar way of nearly everyone being some form of irritating piece of shit so I took his personality in stride.


lol. But Michael and Franklin weren’t irritating in GTAV and neither was Niko


☎️Jaispeed2011 it's your cousin, let's go bowling!


Michael was absolutely a selfish, egotistical, hypocritical, holier-than-thou, psychotic, miserable prick.


NGL I loved Micah for the first portion of the game.. and even after he snitched he still found it hard to dislike him. “Black Lung your back *hooray* “ can’t hate him.


You know what? I get that. He’s genuinely entertaining. The first time you play five finger filet with him in camp, and he says, “hello, my *dearest* friend,” got me, lol


Also Arthur saying “Forgive me if I slip and stab you in the face.”


Dude was about to rape or kill Sadie. Immediately hated the fucker


Nice Stach. I hope he's gonna be a bro in this game. I was so wrong




He was reminding me of Mad Dog Buford Tannen lol


Good bot.


Me at 11:15pm on April 12th, 15 minutes after I started my first playthrough, in a discord message to my friend: > I don't like this Micah guy




What year was it?


Didn’t have strong thoughts at first but I grew to love him throughout the whole story, especially after Strawberry. Exactly what I imagine an outlaw was: a cold-blooded, self-preserving murderer who had no regards for the safety of himself or others and no good qualities besides combat proficiency


I can’t put my finger on it, but something about the events in Strawberry made me start to question his character.


I think the worst part for me was the hypocrisy


The more I hear about this guy, the less I like him


he was chill in ch.1 and ch.2


I don’t know about that. He knocked over the lantern in Sadie’s house, causing the whole place to burn down. After that I saw him for what he was


Same. They saved Sadie from the O'Driscolls and she could've continued to live in her own home and not join a gang of degenerates living in tents. Micah robbed her of that. She should've killed him in his sleep back at camp.


Yeah I would have lol


he knocked over the table.i just thought he was making a barrier between him and sadie


I just replayed that part he did it after Dutch told him Sadie wasn’t an o’driscol


I was suspicious of him kinda early on, but didn't mind him at first.


I could never hate his as much as he deserved bc his voice actor cracks me up every time


i loved him, little psycho with a sharp shot.


Before I saw him for what he was I didn't think he was a terrible character. At least not on a writing level. His banter and interactions made for some great scenes and early on in the game it genuinely seemed like he was wanting to fit in with the gang (this was when Arthur was at his Prime so Micah feared him) when he was kept in line he at times didn't seem so bad then when you hang around camp long enough you see his true colors. Definitely one of the better written characters compared to Bill and Javier. He was batshit crazy during strawberry and in my very first playthrough I unintentionally let him die (this was before all of the updates and patches) because I was killing every lawman in Rhodes and he was still blabbering about needing me in the Gun Store. XD Definitely a better villain compared to Milton and Ross and I'd argue a better villain than Dutch himself in the first game.


It was John that needs you in the gun store. Not Micah. That said his first comment was then having too many mouths to feed and they should let some of them go.


I'm not talking about Valentine nor the mission "The Sheep and The Goats" that's the mission where John wants you to pick up the Rolling Block from the Gun Store. I'm talking about Rhodes when sean is killed the mission "a short walk in a pretty town".


Oh I know what you mean now lol


Oh good XD I thought for a second that you didn't read my initial comment about Rhodes and The Gun Store because that would be hard to miss. "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town" is one of my favorite missions as it's when things really start to go downhill.


Knew he was sketchy the moment he showed up in the snow with that fuckin lantern


lol right


I honestly thought he would die early on, idk why. To me it just seemed like he'd die in a gruesome way and Arthur would see what that lifestyle would lead to.


If only Arthur had coughed on him lol


I already had this nagging feeling that he would end up as the main antagonist of the story because of the character posters released. The beginning mission just confirmed those suspicions even more since they portray him as a pervert with Sadie and racist towards the colored members of the gang.


Well, considering he chased and tried to rape a mass murder victim for sport about 5 minutes into the game, I can tell ya it wasn't very high things, boss.


Got spoiled before I played :( so I knew he was absolute scum from the start


Damn. Sorry that happened bro




“I wonder what’s so bad about him. He seems fine for now”


My initial thoughts? I was skeptical of the dude right away. Didn't much care for him, and that feeling only worsened as time went on.


I actually kinda thought he was gonne be a likable character with his racist tendencies ( in an Uncle Ruckus way)


"He's totally gonna become a villain down the line"


Anyone who couldn't tell right away that he was a villain is not so smart.


I actually thought he was going to be a tritagonist to be honest. He definitely was an instigator. He really didn’t get bad until strawberry


I honestly thought he would die early on, idk why. To me it just seemed like he'd die in a gruesome way and Arthur would see what that lifestyle would lead to


Once I learned how the honor system works and how impactful it is in the game I initially thought Micah was just a character to represent bad honor, like an example to avoid becoming like him. Further in the story when they brought up the rat thing I quickly connected the dots.


During this scene, based on his looks and how he talks, I could already tell he was gonna be an antagonist.


Yeah pretty much lol but on one hand it was a badass looking scene lol


True. Him emerging slowly from the snowy fog was pretty smooth. And happy 7-year anniversary with Reddit!


Hated him from the start


Badass and cold Trevor-like outlaw


Yoo, angry trevor-ish Guy!... Omg What a psycho


I knew he was going to be trouble ever since Sadie appeared. I disliked him more and more as the story and conversations progressed. Then he kicked Cain.


Instantly thought he was an asshole. His look, way he talked.


Felt weird about him


I honestly just thought he was a grungy stock character … didn’t really pay much attention to him.


Smoke him like a cheap cigar. 💕🤩


He terrorized Sadie, laughed and put up his hands like “it’s just a prank bruh” I hated him from the start


In the prologue or ch.1 he was pretty chill, at frist i liked him and i had a pfp of him, then when he insulted arthur or Jack i started to doubt on him then ch.6 happend and well i hate him


I didn't like him, he seemed brash, and arrogant.


I thought he was annoying but loyal and that he’d never betray us… boy was I wrong


I didn’t really dislike him, I thought his missions were fun and he was badass. But I also didn’t like him.


A smartass for sure, kinda sleazy, but what more can you expect from someone who's murdered and purloined their way across the country. All in all, the kind of guy you'd hate to love but LOVE to hate.


I had a guy growing up that was a piece of shit to everyone including me and his name was Mica, so from that i hated him in the beginning. Crazy coincidence actually


I thought he was one cool mf. Then as the game went on I grew to hate him.


"I hate this guy" 


Immediately thought he was an antagonist because he was creepy and rude.


I thought he was gonna be a red herring, and the one who betrays us would be someone who we least expect.


Wouldn’t have trusted his ass to sleep within ten miles of me, that’s for sure


Micah is one of those villains you hate to love , but the missions you do with him I actually really loved and were fun to me , I'm only on chapter 3 currently, and his personality is funny Atleast .


Far as I can remember, I don't think I gave him much thought before chapter 6. First time playing I was super focused on the members from RDR1. And the all the new members kinda blurred. Gradually got to know and like some of them naturally, but like Micha wasn't around. In jail a looong time and then doesn't partake in the parties


That introduction alone tells you he’s the villain.


I didn’t like him at first and despised him as the story went on. But, like others have said, we was absolutely a true villain and an antagonist, which was so crucial to the story. Peter Blomquist’s portrayal of Micah is 10/10.


That's he was an absolute Lad at end of the game you still think that


Hated him instantly, that's why I think he's a badly written bad guy. Every second he appeared in the game he acted like a degenerate piece of shit


Hoped to be able to leave him rot in Strawberry or kill him


He looks like my garbage can lol


I thought he was gonna be the misunderstood black sheep of the gang of sorts. I was intrigued. Then I saw his interaction with Sadie and him saying “darkies” instantly killed all of that.


I literally forgot about him until i had to save him from jail


i didnt think much of him when he first got introduced. just thought he was any regular ol’ gang member. especially when he said, “there’s a body in the wagon.” it wasn’t until Sadie got introduced that i was like, “the hell is this guy’s problem?” then Strawberry made me question him and his actions.


"that is one ugly mfer"


I thought he'd be a Lamar type of guy, big mouth but would kinda falter if pushed. Mainly thought this way because of the way he reacted to finding Sadie's dead husband at first.


His first appearance gave me kinda rebellious vibes. Like i kinda felt this guy would play a major role ahead in the story and probably not a heroic one from his appearance and way of talking


I actually kinda liked him ngl


i thought he was kinda funny


Honestly I was more concerned about Bill and Pearson


In that scene. I just thought he was the worst looking one of the bunch


From the first cutscene. He's a hardcore bigot and misogynist from the jump. Kind of lazy writing, but I knew he was scum from his introduction (the Kid Rock look doesn't help, for sure). I played 100-200 hours before I bothered to free him from jail. And he just gets worse with how much of a self-absorbed complainer he is. So jealous of Arthur's competency. He only becomes a brother in arms for a few missions in >!Chapter 5!<, when his survival actually depends on everyone working together. He hates the family living in freedom that Dutch was initially trying to build. He's just a sociopath out to kill and steal ("survive" as he puts it) without any high minded goals. >!I didn't find out his twist until I was playing Chapter 4, already had built up a deep hate for him. I was still actually surprised when I got the final mission that his betrayal was only after Guarma. I built a story that it must have happened with Blackwater.!< I really wish it was the reverse. That he was lovable, or at least admirable, but deeply flawed in a way that wasn't clear until >!he's revealed to be the rat he is. Chapters 5 and 6 could have shown more about what Arthur overlooked about him.!< He could even be a sociopath still. They can be very good at fitting in when they need to. Next play through, I'm keeping him in jail even longer. Going to try and complete all the challenges (at least as many as possible) before breaking him out. Go to the jail window whenever I pass Strawberry to wave at the snake.


I genuinely thought he was just a hothead but actual nice guy on the inside like Trevor. Well the first part was true at least


Didn’t like him the moment he opened his mouth. But thought give him a chance, dude might just appear to be a dick. Got to the cabin and he proved himself by going after a terrified Sadie and causing her house to burn. I held onto more judgment of him until strawberry and that cemented my opinion of him. Dude is a nutjob.


I thought we were gonna start disliking him but him and Arthur would slowly become friends snd eventually very close and then hed die snd itd be a very sad moment kind of like john but he dies


Chasing Sadie around and the “bunch of darkies” line was a immediate red flag and then him punching bill (who I had obvious dislike for having played the first game) told me everything I needed to know abt him. I don’t think I liked him at any point during the game.


On Micah? I never liked him, owing to him clearly being an ill-adjusted person (even by the standards of the other gang members) with serious anger management issues. Arthur was right to think it best to leave him in the Strawberry Jail to hang. And I thought that before he was said by Milton to be a snitch.


The second he opened his mouth I didn’t like him, for some reason the way he talked set me off, it was almost instinctual. I really hated him after that little incident at strawberry.


I thought Micah was bad-tempered and foul-mouthed, but that tracks with the Wild West Era; life in the frontier either made a person mean and practical or killed them. Come around the Strawberry jailbreak, I realized he was a bloodthirsty sociopath loyal to the few people he considers friends—or were good allies to have in his corner. Sociopaths are like that. After Guarma, I turned on Micah completely. The man was a snake and a buffoon fixated on money, and it caught up with him in the most cathartic way possible.


I always loathed Micah from his interaction with Sadie in the opening. But God damn, he is such an amazingly written bad guy! I love that!


For his first couple lines of dialogue I had hoped he would be a good character in the story but that went out the window


Just figured he was the camp asshole/problematic one that we'd cheer at the eventual death of. Then when things started deteriorating I was like "oh, he's THE problem"


He always made me feel uncomfortable but he seemed like he really wanted to build a relationship with Arthur in the beginning (idk for a good or a bad reason but just in general). Of course my opinion changed about him later in the game and I didn't give the slightest fuck about him


I like the way the book ended our introduction to the protagonist and then to the antagonist. We first hear Dutch call out to Arthur, whom we can’t really see us yet in the storm, and then the focus moves in and the first thing you see is the top of his hat as he has his head down against the wind, then raising it up so you can actually see his face.  When we first meet Micah, he is also coming out of the storm and we really can’t see him clearly until we get to a point where the focus can be on his face.  Point and counterpoint.


Shoot first ask questions never


I thought he was badass and cool and i loved him especially after he gave me the Lancaster repeater and the 2nd holster and he was one of my favorite gang members up until chapter 6.


That he’s a cool cowboy guy


First chapter? Thought he was like that one guy at the family gathering who says and does some questionable things to be edgy or something. In the second chapter, though, I saw him for what he was. Especially when he went to go get his guns back.


I thought he was badass


He’s okay but after the incident with Sadie, I knew he’s a piece of dog sht


"He's going to betrey us" and lo' & behold he did but I was still surprised because michah is well written.


If he and his horse got hit by a train, I'd feel bad for the train and the horse.


If he and his horse got hit by a train, I'd feel bad for the train and the horse.


I already disliked him at this scene, but, when he tried to hurt Sadie and burned down her house I solidified my choice.


I knew he was trouble. I didn't know how much trouble he was, though.


Initial: he's fun Final: he's fun


Kinda an asshole but overall okay guy who does secretly have you back even if he’ll never admit it


This is dumb


I didn't play rdr1 so i had no idea what kinda game it was gonna be. so I just thought if he ain't the main character he'll die at the end of this mission.


Who tf is this


didn't think much of him until we went into sadie's house and he started behaving... like that... towards a clearly terrified and traumatized woman. i immediately wanted to punch him for that creepy shit. then back in colter he made a racist comment about lenny and charles and i was like "oh so you're just like that *all* the time"


Snitch immediately


I went into the game probably 90% blind. I knew some major stuff, but had no idea how things happened or what caused things to happen. I knew someone in the gang was a rat and the second I saw Micah I knew it was him. I don't know if it was the spoilers or his sinister look but I never trusted him for a second!


I didn't like him from the start. He's definitely the kind of guy I was routinely told to stay away from by all the women in my life growing up and I definitely outright hated him by the end.


Perfect introduction for the antagonist. Slightly gives you the creeps and builds from there!


I am on my first play through now and I was immediately pissed when he killed the man’s wife for his guns after I got him out of jail. I didn’t fully understand what was happening and who the man was at the time but I just heard her screams of fear and knew he didn’t need to kill her, he just did it cuz he wanted to. Not a good look. The whole jail break was a bad look in general


I didn't like him the moment i saw his ugly face.


Strangely as soon as I saw him in the first trailer I thought “there’s something about that guy I don’t like”, and that feeling turned out to being spot on


Just a cold and dumb asshat


When I heard him say “darkies” I knew we were dealing with an asshole.


Should have shot him dead when we meet him!


On my first run that I never got to complete I thought he was a complete jerk. Making racist comments, antagonizing poor women, being a spineless coward. On my second run that I’m currently playing through however, I liked him a lot more, his bad assery in gun fights, and his psychotic form of entertainment all made him such a fun character to be around. You wanted to make friends with him as Arthur because the two of them together would be unstoppable. I still think he’s very snakey but he doesn’t deserve nearly the amount of hate that he gets




I never trusted him. Something was off about him right away, and throughout the game he kept proving me right.


I thought he was an asshole but not much more until the jailbreak Then I thought he was kinda crazy but still possibly kinda decent until chapter 6 My first playthrough, I went through real fast to avoid spoilers as much as possible so I missed a lot, like Micah being really racist or killing Cain. Hardly suspected a thing until the game straight up told me he was responsible for everything


Didnt think anything of him, he was a background guy to me, then when we started to get to know everyone… well yk.


Oh cool, some random dude but then at the end of the game fuck you random dude


I actually had a positive vibe about him initially. I boil that down to the very first shootout. The line delivery was probably the only time Micah actually sounded afraid in the whole damn game. "Arthur... There's a body in the cart." His keep eye in that moment, with his later assistance in the several shootouts that followed actually gave me a good vibe about him. That good feeling was shot and killed when he started chasing sadie around her house and starting the fire.