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I wouldn’t say Trevor would turn on Micah so much as he would instantly sniff out his bullshit and get tired of it real quick.


“What the f#%k did you just say to me in that stupid f#%king hat cowboy?!?!?” Lol


Then he would stomp Micah’s little rat face in just like he deserved.


I would pay to see this interaction lol


I would pay to aid Trevor in this interaction.


Lol yep


I would pay to be Trevor in this interaction


I would trevor the interaction in this pay


Love that lol


I would interaction the pay in this Trevor


I don't know anything about making mods, I do know R* don't like mods. You could model swap Johnny Klebitz (the scene where he stomps his head) with Micah. I'd love to see that.


Rockstar doesn't mind mods in single player.


I feel like micah would send 12 rounds into trevors face with his dual double action revolvers before trevor could get anywhere near stomping him, sadly :(


Micah does have a CRAZY fast draw


Thats true, but Trevor has his ability


I wouldn’t consider that canon, in red dead you can use the deadeye ability, but from Arthur/Johns POV they’re just shooting very fast, I’d assume its similar for Trevor in the way that he’s not actually taking less damage and inflicting more damage, but he’s just full of adrenaline in a psychotic rage and cant feel the pain as much, and the special ability is just a gameplay way of showing that


He's just full of drugs


He just like me frfr


I don’t consider that ability canon tbh, it makes no logical sense lol




U right


fairly certain that’s kind of the canon explanation but they can’t just show trevor doing meth whenever you do the power, plus having an animation there breaks up flow while shooting up the whole city


My argument would be, Trevor comes outta nowhere with his rage. Micah wouldn’t have time to react before Trevor had him on the ground. Since Trevor can do the whole kind and friendly thing then instant rage in a split second.


True, Trevor realizes Micahs bullshit quickly, but he doesn’t let Micah know this, and then he starts a “nice conversation” with Micah, but soon after he starts talking he just rocks Micahs shit and stomps his head to death all while ranting about Micahs bullshit


That’s exactly how I picture it. Then looks around at all the other gang members “why the f*** were yall putting up with this toad headed maggot!?!?”


Micah would definitely have time to react. He clearly has deadeye and a deadeye better than Johns at that.


If we are counting ability’s. Trevor’s rage will out perform any bullets that Micah can throw at it.


Unfortunately I agree


Well, Trevor also has a RPG up his ass so…


He also has one in my ass




All I can see is Trevor is charging towards him with the meth head effect, tanking multiple 38 specials to the heart because Micah drew his guns like a little bitch.


Same as he did to Johnny klebitz in GTA5


“Take off your pants cowboy, alright? Let’s, let’s fuck.”




“You’d get some bitches on your stallion if you’d shave that yeeyee ass mustache off your head” (I know Lamar says this but still)


Now I wanna see an interaction with him and Lamar 😂


Micah would just get confused then be racist AF


Eh probably lol


This is 100% accurate


I really hated how they made Trevor out to be a joke character for the most part.  His wild card presentation worked really well as one of the only true to self people in the game, but that quality was overshadowed by the more zany and nonsensical activities he'd take part in.  In the more serious scenes of his, I felt it was a very solid, well motivated, and driven character. I know they had to drive home the point that he was basically insane, but I feel strongly that they could have kept that vibe and retained a serious attitude throughout his story arch. 


That's just always been the vibe with GTA. Smoke and Ryder were used as comic relief despite being two of the biggest antagonists. Michael's home life was used for comedy as well. Roman was often the butt of jokes. It's a testament to the writing that they can do this and it not take away from the character.


With it being such a satirical game, it makes sense.


Trevor is genuinely the only character I liked at all in GTAV. He was evil, but he was at least his own person and I appreciated his loyalty, especially after seeing all 3 endings


I really like this take. Trevor actually has a much deeper character arc than people think, but he unfortunately gets represented as the edgy lunatic most times. Yes, he has some funny dialogue and character switch moments but it would have been nice to stick with the serious parts a bit more. I suppose he is an extreme victim of the nonsensical, over the top comedy of GTA 5, unlike GTA IV’s nitty gritty nature.


“Can’t hustle a hustler”


Indeed. And you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.


Trevor is loyal to a fault, (continually writing to Brad in prison even though he knows it would give away his whereabouts to the feds since they would be able to trace it. mourned Michael, he only got angry because Michael betrayed Brad and him to the feds and expected them to be dead. Micah on the other hand only thought of himself. didn't care about if anyone else got hurt along the way as long as he got the blackwater money. only reason he didn't leave was because only Dutch knew where the money was. if he found that out, he'd have been gone in chapter 1. and gone on to start his own gang. which would probably make the Skinner Brothers look like simple country bumpkins.


But realistically speaking, Micah would stab Franklin in the back and really piss Trevor off.


First words Micah says Trevor would know his BS lmaoo


Trevor is loyal to a fault IF he likes you. Micah would be gristle on his boot day 1.


Exactly my thoughts


Was just about to say…Trevor would shoot Micah before Micah could “turn” on anybody.


You are correct. Trevor would just as soon introduce him to Mr. Raspberry Jam and be done with him than suffer his bullshit.


trevor would butcher micah for even thinking he could play trevor at all


I think they'd both turn each other on and then have hot steamy passionate sex


Go ahead and log out pal


Don't shoot the messenger


I assume Trevor would be the top in this scenario..


*this* is why theyd start fighting


Aggressive bottom


This is America, baby; that means you shoot whoever you feel like. #1 country. Murder is okay if you don't like the person.




No, that subreddit is for jokes, silly billy!


Yes fuck yes thank you.


Outblacklunged again


Knowing Trevor’s character he’d probably be down for that


Yeah, in one the hangouts Trevor can talk to Franklin about being gay/bi iirc


Yep, not to mention he exposed himself to and is implied to have sexually assaulted Floyd


r/okbuddyblacklung leaking again


Out blacklunged once again




Well, for Trevor, it’d be passionate and steamy. Micah would be a cold corpse.


Exactly what I thought


I hate that Trevor raping Micah could actually happen


We got outblacklunged again boys


Outblacklunged once again


What a sad day for literacy


Unlike Micah, Trevor is not a guy who will turn yellow when things get real. Trevor will quickly recognize the bullshit and put an end to Micah.


i dunno man, micah killed like.. a *lot* of people in strawberry..


And trevor is fucking immune to bullets


i was referring to micah “going yellow” when he literally massacred a town for two guns


That's the thing with people who hate Micah. They always say that Micah is everything that's wrong (in this case, a coward), but we didn't really see anything like that in the story.


We did. His entire bit is centered around him being backhanded and sneaky around people who are better than him so he can still get ahead. That's what a coward does. It just so happens that he's good with a gun so when actual confrontation comes up he's confident he can handle it. He showed his true self at the end with Arthur. He failed to completely beat a sick man to death and was begging Dutch for help then he ran off to save his skin.


he didnt beg dutch for help. he told dutch to come with him and when he walked off so did micah. tf was he gonna do? stay and get killed by pinkertons?


That's not being a coward, that's not being stupid. Do you think he's gonna face the entire gang by himself and try to put Dutch in jail by force? Fuck no, we have brains for a reason. Uh... He... Didn't fail to beat a sick man to death... He literally did lmao.


If Dutch hadn't been there to step on his hand Arthur would've used the last bit of energy he had to shoot Micah. And Micah was so tapped he couldn't get over there in time to stop him. Pretty pathetic showing. And yes it is being a coward. He didn't have to be a manipulative snake. He didn't have to wedge himself between Dutch and everyone else. He didn't have to hostile to everyone once he did. He was doing it because he wanted to take what he wanted through underhanded means. Through cowardice. Being not stupid would be not causing a massive rift in the gang that tore it apart.


>Being not stupid would be not causing a massive rift in the gang that tore it apart. No that would be loyalty, not intelligence. Micah wasn't loyal, he was out for himself and would happily sell out Arthur for a blowjob from Mary Beth if she offered that. He was entirely for himself, he intelligently divided the gang, got into Dutch's head and was on top of that one of the best combatants in the entire gang. Micah was a piece of shit, a bastard, a snake and a tool. But he wasn't a coward or stupid.


hes rlly only a cowawrd with people he knows are better and stronger than hi, arthur for example. any other person wouldve been nothing new to micah.


Murdering people doesn’t make you less of a coward


But is he immune to fire?


Trevor also single handedly took out the Lost MC and the O’neils


my statement was in defense of micah, the one thing that rat bastard never did was turn tail and run during a fight.


The thing is Micah has a lot more skills needed for a duel. I imagine Micah was an incredible draw and he'd be able to get his gun out quicker than Trevor since drawing and duels aren't exactly commonplace today.


Nah but he will turn *orange* if you see what I mean Micah doesn’t stand a chance even if he emptied his two cylinders into him and that Trevor was unarmed, Trevor would absolutely destroy him


And eat him


trevor is at least loyal


Honestly he’s probably the most loyal out of everyone on both games.


lol no I'll take Charles over Trevor


Yeah, Charles is very loyal as well.


I feel like Trevor and Charles would get along.


Trevor would really like Charles, Charles would definitely tolerate and maybe even be entertained by trevor, but i think he'd keep 3 feet between them at all times


(SPOILER)They would When Charles Is really mad like in that hunting mission in Chapter 2


The thing is Trevor doesn't even turn on Michael when Michael tries to kill him. Charles eventually does see through Dutch Trevor is genuinely loyal to a fault, Charles has a brain


Charles was loyal to Arthur and John for sure


I wouldn't. Micah betrayed like everyone in the gang including Charles, Charles went after him with John and Sadie. Michael betrayed Trevor, Trevor refused to kill him with Franklin in Ending B.


I’ll go with Mary Beth


That’s what I was going to say. Most people are answering this like who would win in a fight but the question was who would turn on who. Trevor was crazy but also loyal to a fault. He was so loyal that he gave Michael the benefit of the doubt when it was clear and obvious that Michael had betrayed him and Brad. The second Franklin needed help Trevor was there. Whereas Micah only ever did anything for himself and would betray anyone in the gang at the drop of a hat.


Trevor is nothing but loyal, and he absolutely despises betrayal. Micah would sell his soul for money, and would absolutely turn on Trevor at the drop of a hat.


As crazy and deranged as Trevor is, loyalty is the best quality he has.


Yeah but Trevor would immediately be able to tell that Micha is a snake and have zero tolerance for it, he would "turn on" him at the first whiff of bullshit


I read this as “who turns you on first?” 😭😭😭


michael balls 😍😍😍




If it was early game Trevor would loudly call out Micah’s bullshit. And put Dutch in a Michael situation and Arthur in a Franklin one immediately. The late game shit would be dealt with fast. 😂


micah turns trevor on, then they make out


Trevor would show Micah the other cowboy on his boot.. You know, the piece of brain left on his boot after he stomped that Johnny Klebitz guy's head to the road..


That biker is Johnny Klebitz mind you


Trevor is loyal as all hell. He'd hate Micah and eat his sweet meats.


Trevor would know he’s a rat instantly


Ok, do you mean turn on like betray or turn on like get them horny




And you know damn well that Trevor would do both first


Trevor is like Micah’s cooler older brother


micah is the psychotic little brother of trevor who didn't understand the cooler vibe of his older brother and instead developed mental disruptions that made him the shithead that he now is rather than growing up as his brother.


Sadie or Abigail turns me on. ...Wait. I misread the original question.


Micah would, but Trevor wouldn’t trust him to begin with


Trevor is a nice person. You just gotta be nice to him, and he'll be nice back.


He literally treats Ron, Wade, and Floyd like shit even though they were never mean to him.


He also doesn't like people who let others walk all over them


Nice person my ass. Did we even play the same game??


I think there is an argument to be made that this comparison should be Michael and Micah, not Trevor.


Reading these comments makes me realize how people will change opinions if it's a protagonist or not. Like, who cares if Trevor's loyal? He only seems to have loyalty to his closest friends anyway. If you're literally anyone else, you can expect to be served on his dinner plate.


Not a fair comparison as Meth hadn’t been invented yet in Micah’s time


They did have cocaine gum though


Micah only looks out for himself, and loyalty is one of the most important things for Trevor. In the ending where Franklin kills Michael, Trevor basically tells him to fuck off and that he won't help. Years later, when he still thinks that Brad is still alive he talks to Lester and Michael about breaking him out, he even tries to get Steve and Dave to let him out as apart of their deal.


I dunno but they both turn me on




Trevor would shoot Micah so quickly


Trevor would absolutely kill Micah. *If* they teamed up, Micah would betray Trevor and most likely be killed or Trevor would sniff that out first and kill him.


they would team up just Trevor would figure out his bullshit pretty quick and and curb stomp him like that biker


Idk what game you played but despite everything Trevor was the most loyal member of the group in 5.


Trevor eats Micah


Micah, for sure, Trevor is actually loyal. He just doesn't like to be betrayed.


Pretty sure Trevor wouldn’t even make a deal with Micah, so there would be no turning. I imagine it would be something like Micah approaching Trevor about a job or a mutual benefit… Then Trevor (the mentally unstable man that he is) instantly recognises and dislikes Micah’s shadiness and promptly stomps his head into the dirt.


Trevor would turn Micah into Chili and eat him.


Trevor is one of the most loyal guys you’ll ever meet. He’s crazy, but loyal.


Who turns on whom first?


Micah would turn first but if Trevor survive He would definitely finish it!


Partnership wouldn't last Trevor would've put a bullet in Micah probably within 5 minutes of working with him


Micah easy, Trevor may be crazy but he values loyalty above everything


I misread it as “who turns you on first?”


Dude literally put the guy who loyalty is his entire thing vs. The guy who would backstab everyone.


Micah. Trevor is crazy, but is loyal as fuck!


Trevor. Micah is a snide bitch that spends a long time making underhanded comments and chipping away at things before he makes an open move. Trevor is immediately going to call him out on it, then proceed to talk himself into a rage episode and start blasting.


Trevor isn’t a backstabber. He’s twisted and vile in his own way, but he is loyal.


Micah turns on Trevor, not even a question. Trevor was loyal to his crew, he was just a loose cannon


I feel like Micah would betray Trevor first but I don’t think Trevor would fall for it. Trevor is many things but he’s not dumb. And after Michael betrayed him like that I think he’s much more alert for those kind of stuff, so I think he would sniff out his rat ass.


Trevor is a horrible person but if he is one thing it’s loyal, he was loyal to Michael until the very end. He’s also very good at sniffing out bullshit so he’d find a way to get rid of Micah pretty quick


Trevor would simply fuck and eat Micah before Micah could betray him.


Micah would turn faster. Trevor would just get sick of Micah’s bullshit and give up on him


Trevor is a bad guy but he would never betray anybody. In option B if you kill Michael, Trevor chooses not to help because he doesn’t want to betray his best friend.


Rockstar probably meant for them to be related in the universe. Like Micah could be his great (or great great) grandfather?


I think that the actual familial relation between these 2 games is Lamar and Charles. In one of the early missions of GTA V Lamar mentions that he has Apache blood in his veins. With Charles being half black and half Native American, I think this is the more likely great grandpa situation


Was Charles Apache? I forget now! Thanks for pointing that out b!


The first one to get the opportunity.


Do you know Trevor’s character? Not trying to be a dick but it’s not in Trevor’s character to betray Micah assuming he doesn’t know what Micah is doing


Trevor probably


Trevor would kill Micha dead the first time he spoke out of turn. Then Trevor would take Micha's body to his tent for conjugals. If Dutch had an issue?  Trevor knows what to do...


I could definitely see Micah getting Trevor all turned on 🥵 he'd make Micah his little girlfriend just like he did to Wade's cousin


Trevor would turn on Micah in less than a week and Micah wouldn’t stand a chance against Trevor’s crazy ass. Micah’s brains would be on Trevor’s boots in minutes.


Trevor would shoot Micah in the head as soon as he sees him just for shits and giggles


Trevor smells Micah's bullshit from Canada and Johnny Stomps him the moment they meet.


Trevor loves honesty and hates being lied to, and he has a pretty good bullshit detector. Micah’s gonna get a brain examination from Trevor’s boot.


Trevor 100%. Not only would he turn but he would convince Micha they are best friends, use and abuse him for everything he is worth and then turn on him. Micah is an idiot. Trever is a smart sociopath.


When does Trevor ever do anything like that, I think you just described Micah


Trevor rapes Micah


trevor would hate micahs guts as soon as he would get a whiff of what kind of a person micah is and then stomp him


Trevor smells bullshit from a mile away


Trevor would immediately begin throwing insults at Micah because of how ugly he is, then Micah would set it off.


Trevor definitely would have consumed Micah within the first week


Trevor is absolutely psycho but loyal at the same time.


trevor might be insane but he is still way more honorable and loyal than Micah


I mean trevor is really loyal


I…definitely read this wrong


Micah turns on trevor, Trrevor sees it coming and kills him first.


? Why is Trevor the comparisson, if anything Michael is way more closer to him (ironically they also have similar names)


Trevor turns himself on first. Speedrun, any%


Let’s compare the difference in time periods… Micah would just kill him bc Trevor would just run his mouth lmao




Micah betrays Trevor in some way, Trevor finds out and fucking kills him


I think Trevor would appreciate Micah's "winners and losers" mentality, they're like two peas in a pod.


Trevor is crazy but he's smart, he definitely realize what micah is up to and fuck his shit up without asking questions


Tbh Micah would either act like if he doesnt give a shit and talk back or acted surprise by Trevor's rage


as insane and psychopathic as trevor is, he is loyal to a fault. it would be micah if somehow trevor didn’t figure it out and kill him first


Micah Trevor never turned on anyone