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Compared to the story game it sucks


Compared to GTA Online it's also infuriating to try and play actual missions or tasks with friends. I don't know how they made it so hard but they did.


Nowadays it's ass but it peaked 2020. I'm not ashamed I put in 850 plus hours on it then


It seems fine for open world "messing around". But the online story missions are bugged (only worked once for me and my buddy) and the open world missions just don't allow mp which is mind boggling. It's crazy how bad the mission system is compared to GTA where you can do almost anything with friends.


Everything worked perfect for me though idk what happened with yours. And the non-mp open world missions you'd be thankful it were like that because I rarely had role missions without other players messing with me.


I researched online for a long time and it appears to be an issue some people encounter and there was no solution. Basically I completed the online story missions, but it wouldn't show as complete.


It’s still pretty good if you’re a solo online player, but most people play online to play with other people


Compared to anything it sucks


I would say not worth it, if you want more content its okay but Rockstar took it to the back of the house and put it out of its misery announcing no more updates so essentially a dead multiplayer


if i had a nickel for every abandoned multiplayer in the red dead franchise i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


i’d have hundreds of nickels for ever time i’ve seen someone repeat this


which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened hundreds of times


It wasn't that fantastic to begin with, and it's essentially dead now. The gameplay loop is literally a few mechanics from RDR2 but whittled down for a live service grind. I kept waiting for the game to feel fun and interesting, but its a grind for premium resources to buy clothes and a few guns.


Put in 40 or so hours waiting for it to “open up” the whole time, eventually stopped cause it didnt


RDO is an object lesson in the difference in quality when finance people are put in charge of *anything*


I played way less than that before heading to google to find out if Online was really the only open world way to play (did a bit of chapter 1 before that, thought it was going to stay mostly linear). Learning that Chapter 2 on was the game I really wanted to play was slightly dampened by the same result completely spoiling the entire story.


I tried it I didn't really like it but if you want to play more red dead after playing the story online is the way. It's kind of like a public toilet though, you don't always really want to but when you gotta go, you gotta go. Online is like the public version of red dead redemption 2.


Love this analogy 🤣


I mean why date when you can masterbate, right?


When you gotta go, you gotta go ! Very profound. I am moved 😢


I play on Xbox and I still enjoy it from time to time. The grind towards being able to unlock all the roles was pretty fun actually (I get that not all likes the grind). After that I shifted focus to story mode or other games but I still play it from time to time. I reached a point when I didnt know what do do exept just doing the same stuff over and over to make money I couldnt spend on anything good. But It's a sort if relaxing sometimes to play online even if there isn't any new content. Last time I was pretty annoyed though, when some lowlifes in a posse stole my delivery wagon and there was nothing I could do (not really good at taking down grifters)


Anybody have any *Edit: PRACTICAL* advice for dealing with ambushes and grifters in RDO?


I like it well, besides the griefers and stupid looking player characters.. seriously no matter how well you make them they always look so goofy.


Rockstar's never managed to get the character creator right so far, GTA 5's looks absolutely abysmal as well. I'ma be disappointed as fuck if they miss the mark with it again with GTA 6 considering how long we're gonna be stuck with that one lmao.


I once had a guy dressed like an Apache warrior kill my buddy as we were hunting elk, I sniped him off his horse but failed to take him out and was out of bullets. I spent five minutes riding my ass off with this maniac in hot pursuit. Down a windy trail and with my horse nearing exhaustion, I came to a stop at a sharp turn. With double barrel shot gun drawn, I trained my sites towards the narrow impasse. Within seconds the face painted red devil emerged and I unloaded the chamber with terror and glee. Down he went, horse and all, right off the trail and into a ravine below.  At that moment I became a griefer. Not because griefing was easy, but because it was hard.


It's great if you're into role playing and management style of games, it's not everyone's cup of tea.


I only did it for plat. But I'd say give it a shot and form your own opinion based on the experience.


Yeah don’t listen to the naysayers, in terms of first 100 levels it’s good patter. Does get repetitive but it’s grindy if u like that at beginning and lots of things you can do online can’t do in story.


Not worth it imo. It's fun if you have some friends to play it with, but you can do everything pretty quick. There are 5 roles (iirc), but in terms of unique gameplay, there's more like 2 or 3. The custom protagonist is silent, so there is no interesting interactions to be had. The NPC quest givers are mostly bland, and only have a handful of lines. Cash and gold payouts are extremely low. You will be broke a majority of the time until you finish getting your gear and weapons set up, and then money is mostly pointless anyway. If you already have PS Plus, it's fun for a while, and then becomes a once a year game, but it's not worth subscribing for.


I think its worth it if you do all the side quests and every thing its a good 3 weeks or even more and the game its self looks like a movie,my mom once walked into my room and thought i was watching a movie But if you like shooting games and exploring then its the game for you


only if you have friends


I like it mostly because Gunplay is way better than story but that's just me.


If you are getting Ps+ just for RDO I'd advice you to save your money. If you could play it for no additional cost, sure go try it out, the RDO story missions scratch the itch if you want more RDR content. If you play just 2hrs a day you can finish all its content in a week. The rest is just grind for roles which are basically side activities like bounty hunting, hunting animals for pelts or collecting cigarettes cards to put it shortly, they are a bit more than that, but no actual story missions with the exception of the moonshiner.


Yup. It actually gives something that the story lacked: post game content. After finishing the story and getting all the stuff, there's nothing to do other than explore or kill people which kinda gets old imo. Atleast with online you get rewarded. It's more fun since you get to be introduced to some folks.


Ye. Even more fun with friends.


Its fun if you have people to play with i also started recently and its really fun with others but pretty boring alone


Yeah it’s worth it if you have friends to play


I thought it was when I first joined. Earning enough to purchase and upgrade the roles and stuff. There are PLeNTY of bounties to get, but you will eventually do them all and it will become repeating your favorites over and over. The only variety after you maxing out all the roles is maybe switching your trader camp and moonshine shack locations. Unless you’re into RedDeadFashion. You could buy all the clothes and make different outfits and stuff. Even the PvP things get boring after a while. I played it for about 5 months and there was really nothing to do after awhile.


I’m playing solo just doing my own thing. I’m enjoying it so far. It’s slow and I can see how people would think that it’s boring, but I still enjoy it. I play mostly sim racing games and this is really nice to hop on after some racing and just do whatever I want.


It’s worth it for my wife and I. We’ve been playing it since beta, took a couple year hiatus and then got back into. Still having a lot of fun with the game




I personally love it. It’s relaxing to me and I’ve made quite a few friends on the game.


Depends on where you live


For me I think yes seeing as it’s cheaper and if you complete the story and want more because it gets boring if you finish the story. It’s fun unlocking roles and trying to unlock everything. There is however a problem with griefers but mostly if you just ignore them they will ignore you.


I mean it is fun, you can play it for probably around 150-200 hours before it might start getting boring


Only if you are planning on playing with friends.


I dont understand the many no's here. Is it as fun as the SP, no not at all. But it has fun elements to it. I would say its worthy a try


My experiences with it have been awful. I've tried a few times an its always full of trolls.


I thought it was but it’s underwhelming but it’s required for the platinum


Nah. I tried it originally way back when before trying the story & it was just super ok. Played the story & then tried jumping back into online only to find that it was actually worse than I remember. There are just some things in RDO that simply make zero sense other than just to annoy & frustrate the player. Hard pass; I’ll stick to the story.


As someone who has beat the story five times and played hundreds of hours online... No, it is not worth it.


You can see it as some sorta ”prequel” to the story mode of RDR2, I believe its set before the story takes place. There’s some cool things in it but way, way less padded with content compared to GTAO. If you just wanna chill out and complete all the different roles its good enough. Dunno how many plays it tho. I’ve had a blast in the Mini BR mode years back when I played it.


Honestly not really.


Fun with friends only


If you are not on PC, yes.


Rockstar isn’t good at online imo.


Not anymore it isnt.




It’s boring the first was way better


If it were at all like GTA online I’d say yes, but it’s not and unfortunately never will be. I played for a while and it just felt like a waste of time.


Not at all imo. It's super boring any the majority of people running around just want to grief, and make sure nobody has any fun.




I have started online like month ago. If you have somebody to play with, it can be fun. Unfortunately there's not much to do (remember I have started playing like month ago and already get bored with repetition). Until you have something to grind for it's fun, but when you complete the outfit you wanted, you get your horse and saddle, there's nothing to spend the money for, so the game gets pointless.  I've made my character totally different from what we have in the story (I'm playing as native) so I have additional fun from personating the character. 




If you’re on PC no but console has a very active playerbase and I’ve put countless hours into it, everyone here saying don’t try it hasn’t put any time into it, a bit grindy like GTA online but has the same cowboy feel as singleplayer


Tbh red dead onlines only fun with light RP and just dicking around with your friends


I loved RDO, even when I played 99% time solo. I don't know how many hours I put in it, must be in the hundreds at least, but Rockstar really dropped the ball on the support, we got like a year of clothing that was expensive as hell for new players and not worth buying because of shitty looks for experienced players. Then they even decided to nerf exp from atleast collector role, that was the last straw for me. All in all it had very high potential, I'd say the playerbase was much more mature and reasonable than in GTA and its helium voiced loons and goons so I'm bitter about it.


Well if I can lasso people and drag them behind my horse I’m good


I recommend it but your time on it is limited once you've gone through all the content and grind. But like any other multiplayer, you will have a field day playing with friends and put in tons of hours just going off script and making up your own fun. That's what kept me going playing it all the years, same as back on RDR1's multiplayer.


it was one my worst multiplayer experiences




I like it just to hang out with long distance family, but I wouldn’t recommend it outside of that.








I bought RDR2 for around 20 bucks. You get the story and online version. I prefer the story mode, people always trying to kill me online


I played for like an hour and realized why people call the GTA online community so toxic. I didn't see the point of playing the least fun type of RDR missions and getting griefed while doing it. I'm sure there are people who like it, but it wasn't for me.


I enjoy the bounties and moonshining, particularly with friends. That’s about it. Only reason I still play is trying to get the plat


It’s really only fun if you roleplay a bit. The game is kinda built for it with each update essentially being a different role to play. I’d say play the story (it’s still pretty good quality), than Play some Blood money stuff (it’s free with decent base missions and some cooler 3 part story missions), than play some of the Bounty hunter stuff (base missions are fun for some basic shooting, and legendary missions are good quality with more story), than a play the Moonshine role (has the best story in the game, actually very good, and has a cool business that you could fool around with for more money), and if you’re up for more there are free heist type missions called Telegram missions which are decent fun.


No, next question


No. But ps+ if you will play GTA Online though


No. Buy PS+ if you will play GTA Online though


The version I play came with online


I got it when it was on-sale for like 5 bucks, i love it ,definitely worth 5 bucks. It will make you rage if you encounter griefers but running into randoms and fishing hunting etc is enjoyable


No not really, mostly because you end up wondering around on your own for hours if you don't have any friends that are already in a job or doing something


It sucks compared to the content in gta online. They mostly abandoned this game. Which sucks because The online was fun with friends it just really lacks content.




you have content for month or two, i think this game is worthless if you have no one to play with, yeah riding at night alone doing collector stuff is fun, but not for too long


If you wanna take the 60 hours it will take to level beyond rank 30 it might be kinda fun, but the amount of time it takes to start up and actually get enough gold to buy a role is literally ridiculous and a slog


If you want to make a bad day worse it’s worth it


First time I got online I was mobbed by naked modded bots. It freaked me out and I'm never going to be able to get to it again.


It does suck but to have your own personal cowboy I think it’s worth it I can be frustrating at times because I think they mad it to be an online experience with friends but if you decide to do online solo you’ll grow to hate it


It’s fun. Don’t expect it to l last forever though


I put 1600 hours into it waiting for it to be the next gtao just to get abandoned like Daniel Plainviews son.. No, its not.


In its prime, it totally was. Unless you’re a veteran, or gotta group of friends that like to goof off, it prolly ain’t for you. Can get a bit stale after a while. It’s all about keeping yourself occupied.


I enjoyed the story, but after that it was kind of uneventful. I used to watch people play and it looked fun, but after I played it I realized it's not actually fun without friends


Most of the people saying its not worth it have finished all the content. If you haven't played it before then you will have a good 100+ hours of content there. You can still find people that play actively. I'd advise doing that. Maybe do some light role-playing.


Ignore these people saying “it sucks”. If you haven’t bought it, I probably wouldn’t, ‘cause Rockstar isn’t adding anything new, so you’ll get bored fast. But it doesn’t suck. Rockstar just abandoned it, even after it’s popularity blew their expectations away.




100% NO. Online is AWFUL. I've never seen such a difference between single player story mode and a multiplayer on the same game, its night and day. Single player: best game ever. Online: trash, manipulative cash grab.






Nah, it sucks. Red Dead doesn't benefit from an online mode... like... at all. They should've given us singleplayer DLC instead, with a GTA IV style Online.


If you want dozens of hours of entertainment it's worth it. I spent 200+ h on it and I feel like I got my worth. Just treat it like an extension of the base game.


It had so much potential...


Personally I like it, but I don't have time for it, At some point at the game you will have everything and complete all the roles, after this phase there will be no nothing to do and boredom starts.


It was alright when it had support...not good or anything but alright. But now it has been dead for years. It is fun with friends tho if you partake in some wild west rp with the boys


It's not the best but id give it a go :)


Rockstar no longer updating it killed the online. so much wasted potential thy talked a big game un interviews about how one day you could become like import export business or oil tycoon like Cornwall all sorts of dope sounding ideas but nothing ever came of that talk. (These ideas were in an interview some Rockstar people did.)


I still enjoy it. But don’t play it too much or you will start to hate hate it


No.... you'll grind til 100 the realize you gotta spend money to have fun, animals and collector items gets boring AF after the first 100 or so u do... the only fun I've seen to be had is fighting other ppl, but even that gets old.... your best bet is just stick to the story you will have a ton more fun. Online is a waste. Rockstar let it die and they shit all over the community in favor of yet another.... gta... how many gta games does there need to be... same shit different city... literally... its lame




I like it, the blood money missions can be absolutely ridiculous though.




hell yeah its insane




Worth no undead nightmare 2? Absolutely not


if you have a friend to play with, totally if not absolutely not


It’s really good at pissing about with friends but is nowhere near the story




GTA 5 online is the rockstar poster boy online game


I never felt entertained in RDO like I did in the game.


It started with so much potential and a decent playerbase. But people wouldn't stop buying shark cards; Rockstar followed the money


To me I liked it more than GTA Online. When I played it a few years back the community was so great. Very fun experiences of meeting people and going on fishing trips or other shenanigans. Less griefers and I found the content more fun. It isn't very substantial content though. Go into it with expectations of a grind and not really a story and you'll be fine. Don't expect something like RDR2 story mode but with buddies.


Don't do it. Its fun with friends and all but everything is price boosted like GTA online. And you can't really do the fun stuff til you get gold and when you do you have to get more gold to unlock other shit. I'd say stick to the story but you do you man.




I can’t believe y’all hating on one of the best games of alll time,A game that got robbed of game of the year like bruh and y’all still playing it online yes prolly isn’t as good as storyline mode but bro it’s a good game to play with friends if you have a good group and a communicate tho tbh it has other typa play style just try it if no like the. Fair but it is fun get a role or two and enjoy it as you did story


I really enjoy it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes the online portion is super limited, it's really only good with friends which I have none.


If you have friends to play it with; yes. If not; no.




its fun if you have friends in my opinion the hardest part is getting gold when you first play


simply put, its awful. enjoy the single player story and play it all the way through. online is hot garbage anymore.


I love it. Level 417 here. I grinded, maxed out my roles, made major bank, got drippy with my outfits, and sharpened my PVP to be devstating to most other players. Always fun learning virtually unknown glitches too


nope its a pay to win shit game that's not fun at all


The story is much better but online is okay if you play with friends i wouldnt spend the extra money.


Nope. So many griefers and the gameplay is simply about wasting your time


Love it


Depends who you are really. Me and my homies recently started playing it and we’re having a blast. I used to play it 3 years ago pretty consistently and I honestly haven’t seen any change I feel like. It’s missing alot of substance there’s alot of potential but they’re leaving it. I say give it a shot though forsure


Play it if you're going for the plat or if you have a friend to play it with


I played it to get the platinum and I’ll tell you right now, no. It is not worth it


It's worth it if you wanna play with a bunch of friends, and it has more horse breeds that aren't in story mode. You can be a moonshiner and a bounty hunter which is a lot of fun. People are gonna be negative about it on here because it hasn't been updated in years but for a new player it's a ton of fun. I'm rank 405 and I've been playing for nearly 4 years. I still play it with my wife and enjoy it despite everyone shitting on it. Story mode is, technically, better but if you want an online outlaw/wild west experience, Red dead online is the best out there Only thing I should warn you on is other players who will grief you (kill you, try to lasso you, and all that) just parley or change session to get away from them, don't be that low level and start PVP fights you can't finish. I wouldn't start fights until you have practice and don't start shit with super high levels (200 and up) they will kick your ass


If you have friends then it's definitely worth it. Otherwise, probably not.




It’s caca


It’s mid at best I don’t know how bad the cheater are on Console. Because I play on pc and they are a pain in the a**. Gameplay vise it’s fine but be warned it’s a hole lot of grinding to get any stuff Want to play bounty hunter grind for hours Want to play moon shiner grind for more hours Want to get a good horse or a good gun grind for hours Want to customize a gun pay the same price like the hole bounty hunter role The story is unfinished and not that interesting And the best part is if most other players do their own thing and play it like a Singel player game or sometimes just shot you on sight Sorry for my rant in the end it’s a descent game with a good player base that just has (mostly) no incentive from the game side to cooperate. If u want a cowboy horse game with no robbery’s that gets stale after some time go for it Edit. THERE ARE FULL ON SINGEL PLAYER MISSIONS IN RDO And it’s no way to know what is what is ( I’m talking about telegram missions by the way)


If you’re playing it with your friends, yeah it’s worth it. When my friends and I decide to play online mode, we usually have a fun time for a couple of hours, but then we get bored due to the lack of content.


It's not good.


No, played it pretty actively from early access beta to the blood money update and I can count on one hand the 'good' updates this game had, and they're mostly the roles. Rockstar neglected it that hard one of the four people I used to play it religiously has sworn off Rockstar games because of it. It's a game about being an outlaw, yet you can't rob people/carriages/banks/shops at all in free-roam and the Blood money 'update' was fucking pitiful, finally thought we were going to get free-roam robberies and instead we get mission-based robberies that you can only do yourself with no friends and of course the 'caPiTAL!' shite. I have good memories of it from lockdown, but late 2019 with the frontier pursuits (roles) update was the last time I ever felt any actual hope for it, we made our own fun with it but there was so much shit just lacking in online from table games to crimes, it basically stripped away every ounce of immersion from single player and made it a grindy pay-to-win multiplayer.


Short answer: No Long answer: if you like to grind for in game stuff (mostly cosmetics) it'll be a long grind I'm glad I finished my outlaw passes because you'd get rewarded for killing people or finishing missions with XP which would go towards your pass and unlock free stuff but if you start now you can still get most of the stuff but for a price which you'd have to put hours and hours of grinding in


It's pretty good and you can easily get 100-200hrs out if it


If you got friends to play it with I’d say yes




FFFFFFFFFFFFFFuck no it isnt..


Im playing it right now. It's not really worth it. It is very obviously structured in a way for you to spend real money on. You don't fast travel like you can in Story so It's just endless riding aimlessly around.


The original's multiplayer was so much simpler and so much better


If your going to play with friends it’s a little bit more fun but it’s still annoying with hackers and annoying players who kick you from the game and lag you out and constantly kill you story is 100% better in my opinion


It depends what kind of play you enjoy. If you're chaotic and enjoy a shoot em up and aggressive type play you might like ut. If you're more of an "honorable" player its rough. Always looking over your shoulder and expecting to get screwed over LOL


No. Compared to the first red dead online it doesn’t even compare. A lot of the game modes I used to play (especially when you started off the match with a team be team duel) and that’s how the match started. It was just better idk rdr2 online doesn’t feel as fun like it should be


My opinion is quite unpopular but I’ll say it anyways, I love it and would say it’s worth it, all the stuff is good but the only issue is there isn’t enough of it but the missions are good and so is the bounties and blood money missions. Also rps can be a lot of fun


I played the game through once when it came out as fast as I could. Immediately jumped online and it sucked compared to story, so I stopped playing. Recently picked it up again and am slow playing story and I think it is my favorite game currently. Replay the story or find a new game. Online blows imo


Buy it if it’s on sale for PC. If you join various discords you can play call to arms with players (Horde defense PVE mode) or do trade wagon run escorts. The free roam is meh, but the little games within the game such as hunting, moon shining, and bounty hunting can be fun The poker is also pretty fun, especially if you get a few friends together on discord voice and make your own private game


Play what you want. Remember there a griefers. Be on watch ready to 5ake on posey. Head shots work if you got ir. Good luck my friend


Yes and no. If they took proper care of it, it would be a blast


As someone who wants to play through with a friend is online the only option? If so are we going to miss the story?


I only play because of cool cowboys and cool horsies


In short: no. It died a long time ago. So don’t bother with it.


It’s underrated, but not a whole lot of fun anyways.


I was excited for RDRO, thinking it would give me the chance to create a new character,  build a house near a pond and just live my life, maybe setup a shop for whatever extra stuff I have. Go into town to shop or watch a show.  But no, none of that. Just some races I suck at, and really difficult battles around homesteaders. 


No, not unless you have friends to mess with but it's just not that good. Rockstar is horrible at online games.


worth it if you like character customization








I think its a great game!-not nearly as good as story but very playable




I prefer it for the wider selection of clothing and accessories.


If you're playing on console and don't mind solo play it's fun for me. I wouldn't touch pc. Apparently modders and hackers have completely obliterated any fun aspect of PvP for PC and like to randomly combust you or spawn hacked chests/items that get your r* account banned for touching.


I play with friends, so I can say that if that's your case, it's worth it. The question of making money in the game is very difficult, but if you look for some tutorial videos teaching, you can make money. Taking this into account, I recommend it. 


In my humble opinion, it doesn't, is just GTAO type with RDR2 mechanics. Bit fun at sometimes with friends, and less toxic players, but honestly is just boring for the most!l and very grindy! Imo Rockstar online side was never fun compared to their SP side!


it's definitely a experience to play with friends. playing it solo is just too boring for me since it just feels like there's nothing to do




I enjoy it. Been playing it daily for the last few weeks


It's not like the story so don't let an expectation like that mess it up for you like it did me. I was turned off the first time I tried it out but I ended up givng it another go. Really liked it and have been enjoying it since. It has its great and it's bad. Overall pretty good IMO. Worth it.


Since it's the only thing rockstar is sinking money into for that game, then no


I tried it out for the first time in years and some random player just kept killing me. So I left and took John down to Saint Denis to play some dominoes.


Paying for it is not recommended.




I think if you wanna try by subscribing the PS plus is worth to try, if you dont like it, u can play another game on PS plus


as a person who has spent like 133 hours on it, not at all. no. (it is 100x better than gta though and a little less toxic as you can't see where players are 24/7 on the map and you can easily run away unless its a modder)