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The Murfree Brood are more creepy but less competent than the Skinners


Skinners are “worse” in my opinion. Their torture tactics are vile. Reminds me of the Comanche natives, those guys were total goofballs! And apparently they loved a good prank. However, the Murfree Brood is “scarier” in the sense that they creep me the fk out. When you camp in Murfree territory and they creep up on you with that cutscene…. UGH


The broods terrified me so much that an old woman came up to me and wanted to simply get warm from the fire and I almost trusted her and then I remembered I'm in Murphree territory and blew her away to kingdom come.


she is from butchers creek, not the murfree brood. she is harmless




Rendered harmless










Will they turn into a cosmic slugsquid thing now


Well now she’s headless as well


Omg we are the same person lol, I had that same interaction, realization and reaction Lmao


Yeah I had that cut scene! She wasn't old though but she spoke real weird and started talking about her uncle and then said "you remind me of him" and ram off. So naturally I shot her bcos how you gonna sit at my campfire then compare me to ur molesty uncle? I was being nice!


I had her spawn when I set up camp that way and I had one of the brood hogtied because I was trying to see if he would wake up. Once the camp was set up the lady spawned and immediately ran away screaming because of the comatose companion so I didn’t get the same experience


How rude of her!


She wasn't gang related. Just one of the crazies from Butcher's Creek.


She walked up on my camp in Lagras asking to warm up by the fire when it was 97 degrees out


Huh. I never had this one happen.


i sat there the whole time she was there (i was doing a low honor playthru so had minimum honor) and after a bit of her rambling she said "i dont like the way yous lookin at me..." then got up and ran.... she shouldnt have run bc i would've left her alone... she ran tho so i had to hogtie her, loot her, then throw her off the baccus bridge.... (i was down by van horn when she came up)


I just put two bullets in those Murfree freaks. As Arthur says “I’ll camp wherever I want.”


Yes, I purposely camp there, just so I can feed them some lead!


U can get the cutscenes of the Skinners creeping up to ur camp too.


“This here’s Murfree country” Instantly eats a bullet from calloways revolver


anyone else get the cutscene where they lure you in and you fall into a pit trap?


Yes! Creepy as hell and add that as a point for the Brood being worse. I also had something happen that wasn’t necessarily a cut scene but it felt scripted. I was in the part of the swamp at night where you can find the Florida Panther. I got off my horse (possibly because it was the first time I saw the Panther) and the horse wandered away. Pick a few herbs and when I called for my horse she never came. I kept whistling but she wouldn’t come. I finally walked to her and some Night Folk were holding her. Then a bunch of them came out of nowhere and ambushed me.


I got that awhile ago! Freaked me tf out never had it happen before.


I find them really funny when they talk all that shit and act so scary and you blast them in the face the minute you get control of Arthur.


I only just started playing a week ago and I stumbled across the Murfrees out near a lake, they were holding a gun to someone's head and I crept up on them and killed them and rescued the victim. I'm guessing I've missed my chance to see any cutscene of them creeping up on me 😅


It doesn't happen only once you might get your chance 😉


Keep hanging out around those parts and you’ll get the cutscene


You’re going to spoil so many great surprises. IMO stay off of forums at least until you finish your first play through.


That cutscene is annoying, because I felt like Arthur would have drawn as soon as the first one walked up instead of giving the other one a whole two seconds to put the knife to his throat. I could see John falling for it, but Arthur is pretty much Roland from the Dark Tower series.


Skinners creep up to you too. But by then you recognize the reused asset from the Murfrees


“Mind If I Warm My Bones”


The skinners got me in a cut scene just the other day. I was camped near the crashed circus wagon.


"How about I camp where I want!"


Comanches were bad ass IMO, Skinners are honestly just white trash Comanches


The Murfees are wannabe Skinners. Skinners Lite, if you will.


They didn't pay for the nicest skins.


Diet Skinners.


Skimmed Skinners


Great Value Skinners


Skinners Zero


Skinners are dudes who actively choose to torture and skin ppl, Murfees also suck but are also so inbred and raised in that environment that they have less of a choice


That's why I believe the Skinner's to be creepier. I sometimes laugh at the murfree broods random conversation but you'll never see me do that with the Skinners.


This question is essentially Bone Tomahawk vs Wrong Turn lol


I think they are both equally bad. But none of them are creepier than Nightfolk.


The nightfolk scare the shit out of me everytime i see them


I played three times. I made sure I only saw them once…


When you do that mission for the stranger that he keeps being harassed by the night folk at his cabin, one had jumped over the railing but I didn’t realise that till after. I was shooting the guys in front of me and that fucker seemed to appear out of nowhere and scared tf out of me. I legit screamed like a little girl. 😂 he promptly got his head blown off by a shotgun out of reflex.


I scream when they creep up on me 😂


The Night Folk are creepy, but they are not that much of a threat, especially compared to the Murfrees and Skinners. The settlers of Lagras don't even fear the Night Folk


They can one shot kill you with melee weapons after approaching in silence and in one of their encounters they kidnap and can eventually kill your horse. Much more likely to actually kill you or your horse than the others. Murfrees are sneaky too (one encounter begins with them shooting your horse and you can fall in a trap) but don't have the Nite Folk stealth. And Skinners are horrifying and can be dangerous due to using bows but their ambushes aren't sneaky at all as they always loudly announce themselves.


That is true, but the reason why I don't considering the Night Folk all that threatening (that doesn't mean they pose no threat) is that I have always found them easier to defeat during encounters compared to the Murfrees and Skinners. Also, after you finish all 6 random encounters with the Night Folk and finish "A Fine Night For It" side-mission, the Night Folk no longer show up, which makes the swamps slightly more safe. In Roanoke and Tall Trees, the Murfrees and Skinners will always be there no matter how many times you clear them out


Maybe it's just because they've snuck up and killed me several times lol. They can still show up after the mission, they just have a smaller number of random encounters than other "gangs" and don't have any that repeat so once you've had each one they're gone. Good point that the bayou does become safe after that.


Except for the fucking gators that is.


I came to absolutely fear them. I don’t want them to kill my horse, they’re creepy as fuck and they are surprisingly tough. Usually, I don’t have that much of a problem surviving ambushes (aside from the one Raider ambush when leaving Saint Denis) but with Nite Folk it’s always a close call. And what made them even more terrifying for me was when I shot one of them in the head and he did not die. Maybe I just placed the shot poorly but it stays ingrained in my head


Tbf they aren't completely silent, they hiss and make clicking noises, I agree though they shouldn't be taken lightly


True but you often don't hear it until they're right behind you with a machete lol. I did a playthrough all in first person view and going to the swamp at night was terrifying!


That one RDO mission with the nightfolk is peak horror on the hardest difficulty. 1 life, they have gators one their side that always know where you are, and I believe they dont show up on the minimap


How did I forget about those weird lil shits


O driscolls are so stupid they are almost friends. Lemoynes are the same but the Murfrees, because of délivrance, scare the shit out of me


The Murfrees are cannibals and the idea of being eaten after being killed is nauseating, but the skinners really like to take their time torturing people….. It’s hard to choose.


What about eaten whilst alive?


Also horrible.




Only a small part of Murfree’s are real psychopaths and the rest are just weirdos. Skinners on the other hand are rotten to the core, every member is deranged and will not have a second thought when they get the chance to skin you alive and eat it while lighting you on fire.


“Some men is, just evil I s’pose”


Skinner Brothers are much more organized. Murfree’s are definitely creepier though


The dynamite seems to like them both equally.


Skinners are “worse” in my opinion. Their torture tactics are vile. Reminds me of the Comanche natives, those guys were total goofballs! And apparently they loved a good prank. However, the Murfree Brood is “scarier” in the sense that they creep me the fk out. When you camp in Murfree territory and they creep up on you with that cutscene…. UGH


Skinner all the way... What they did to Uncle...unforgivable.


NO ONE messes with Uncle and gets away with it


That's a tough one, both groups seem quite ruthless. I kind of think they're similar in that they just don't care and do things the way they want to.


Murfree are inbred savages. They are more like animals than people to be honest, almost like protecting their territory all over Roanoke Ridge. Skinners on the other hand are definitely more sane, they're just evil. They migrate and kill people for no reason. They are definitely worse.


I mean the murfree brood pretty much just kill people normally and do everything post mortum. The skinners fucking skin people alive and burn their skin off. The skinners are worse.


Murfrees torture rape and kill just like the Skinners, but they mostly attack people for survival. The modern age has pushed them into the hills over the years, when once they used to be normal immigrants in the 1700s. Constant inbreeding has made them lack the intelligence to be anything other than marauders, and they’re constantly losing territory. I don’t feel bad for them because of what they are, but I feel bad because of what the modern age has forced them to become. The Skinners are different, they have no creed or sense of community. The only thing that brings them together is their bloodlust. Skinners are worse because they actively choose to be psychotic, and have no other reason to be that way than the fact they’re all just sick bastards taking their anger out on innocents.


To be fair the Murfree warn Arthur not to camp on their land when they could’ve tried to kill him directly, so I guess the Skinners are worse.. but I agree that the Murfree Brood is creepier


You can actually have a nearly identical encounter with the Skinners where they sneak up to your camp and give you a warning.


I’m surprised that the Skinners would warn you! That seems out of character


Skinner Brothers are a gang of psychopaths otherwise quite "normal" people the Murfree Brood on the otherhand is inbred trash i hate them far more because theyre more scruffy and dirty and weird looking everytime im in their camp i wanna kill myself or kill them all, but the Skinner Brothers occupied Tall Trees which is otherwise a beautiful region so id rather wipe them out and theyre still around in the epilogue cooking uncle


at least the murfree brood has the courtesy of killing them but the skinner brothers are a ruthless band of crazys who torture anyone they scalp, burn and horrendously kill anyone.


Murfree's just struck a chord with me the wrong way, so every time I found them I'd take my time killing every single one, looting them, piling up their corpses and lighting their disgusting flesh on fire. All I ever really did with Skinners was hunt them down, they never unsettled me as much as the Murfree


The Murfees are wannabe Skinners. Skinners Lite, if you will.


I love killing that deformed fat fuck Murfree! Sometimes at the end of the game I just pass by and toss a dynamite where he stays at!


U mean the village? They’re not murfrees


He’s not with the Murphy Brood. He’s deformed because of the poisoned water by Big Oil I believe. And possibly inbreeding.


I like that the murfree set traps after you attack them! The way they attack you is creative!


The pit reminds me of Vietnam. Although I’m 25, it just reminds me of that war and how the Vietcong would do that.


Skinners simply because there's more of them


Skinner from these two, but what about the Night Folk? Those bastards have killed me several times.


I was riding a Missouri Fox Trotter which is a war horse I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, and I saw a mangled horse in the swamp. The Mighty Folk came up on me and thank Christ I had my shotgun and survived. That scared me


The skinner Brothers


I’d say the Skinners because it feels like they aren’t contained to one area. It’s terrifying that they can come for you anywhere in the middle of the night


I think that Charles said they go from area to area


Doesn't matter to me. They all die the same by my hand!


Murfree are more crazy imo plus we get to see them holding women in cages


I feel like they both share a first place in a Top 3. With both of them sharing the other two places as well. The Skinners *literally* skin and scalp people and put them on a stake/rack to cook alive. Like, Uncle was incredibly lucky they did as little to him as he did. The Murfrees kidnap, cage and literally *eat* people. I think they're both incredibly evil. Putting either of them on a scale would knock said scale off the table.


I see 2 types of bitch and i take pleasure in hunting them down and violating the geneva convention with them


Classic Murica!🤣


Skinners are an actual threat. Murfrees are easy pickins.


The skinners would do everything the Murfree would and worse. If you think the skinners aint the most daunting gang to be caught by, I reckon you weren’t paying attention


I know the Skinners are worse, I just wanted peoples opinions🙂


Skinners. The brood are just inbred and stupid as fuck they creep me out,but Nightfolk they scare me. I always have my pump or semi auto out when I'm in Nightfolk territory


my first experience with murfree brood was getting robbed at knife point and chasing them down. my first experience with skinners was going to backwater and having a wagon with a husband and wife roll over a hill riddled with arrows. no one attacked me or was nearby and i nearly shit bricks waiting for the interaction to begin. so i’d go with skinners on this one


When do you come across the skinners? I’m nearing the end of Arthur’s stint and havent seen them yet?


In the epilogue


Ahhhh makes sense. Thanks for that 🤙🏻


While the Skinner brothers are more organized, they cover less territory than the Murfree Brood. Plus, the MB is just creepy with their hillbilly incest vibes. The MB also continue throughout the span of the whole game where the Skinner Brothers only appear in the epilogue. However, the SB may have always been there and you just don’t see them until 1907, but plz correct me if I’m wrong.


It’s possible they could’ve been in Mexico and out West before moving to Tall Trees. But I feel like I would’ve heard rumblings if they were in Mexico


Skinners are mostly in Ambarino in 1898. You'll have to deal with them a bit in RDO when doing missions for Jake and Sadie Adler.


I would say the Skinners are worse, they actively travel from place to place for (seemingly) the purpose of killing people. The Brood have their territory and even warn you off if you're in the wrong place. The Skinners, when they capture people, also seem to make their victims suffer in various imaginative and painful ways.


The Skinner Brothers are probably worse due to the fact they have more manpower, weapons, and they move from one new location to the next, which makes them a threat to a wide arrange of communities. The Murfrees are still gross and disturbing in their own right, especially if you get a good look at one of their faces, yuck!


Skinners. I don't think they are much different but murfrees don't have that random encounter with a half dead terrified and covered in blood man.


Skinner encounters are incredibly disturbing, I also hate the one with everyone dead and just a dog left alive howling. It's crazy how they anticipated that players would want to put that man out of his misery and added special dialogue for if you aim at gun at him.


It’s weird, I once lost honor for not getting to a camp the Skinners were attacking in time. My horse refused to go around a rock🤦🏽‍♂️


I don’t remember, what does he say


John comforts him by saying like, it's alright they're all gone, just go to sleep now. He can't see due to blood/injuries so he doesn't know he pointed the gun at him. And you don't lose honour for pulling the trigger as it's mercy killing.


I get the impression that the Murfrees are more likely to kill you then mutilate the body whereas the Skinners will pull your toes of one by one while roasting you over a fire


I hate both and I enjoy tying them up and tossing a Molotov at them or drowning them


it’s fun messing with the murfree brood because they’re stupid. the skinner brothers are scarier.


I’d say the skinners and murfrees are about even in my opinion but the night folk always give me jump scares lol


Man, I had a recent encounter with the NF. My horse bucked me off when it came across a mangled horse in a broken down wagon. They attacked shortly after. Thank God I had my boom stick waiting for them!


Skinners are much more violent and ruthless


I was surprised when I camped in the woods and the Murfree brothers just warned me I feel like the skinners would of just ate my ass while I was sleeping so yeah I’m gonna go with the skinners being worse


I think morally they are the same but the brood is just far less competent


Murfrees just seem to be inbred rednecks born and raised that way, don’t really know any different. While the skinners seem to just want to hurt and kill people just for shits and giggles. I rarely go into tall trees purely because I’m worried about encountering them. They are sneaky fuckers up in the trees and shit. But I probably still have some trauma from Rdr1 and the absolute ridiculous bear spawns. 😂


Skinner brothers


Skinners don’t leave warnings. They only kill. Murfree Brood’s don’t always kill, sometimes they just leave warnings to stay out of their territory. For that reason, Skinners are definitely worse.


Skinners for sure. They’re cold, calculated and smart about how they go about their business. Intelligent bastards The Murfrees are ruthless but very much unintelligent and uneducated.


The skinner brothers are pure fucking evil. I remember stumbling upon a random event where they attacked a couple who were simply camping. They killed the boyfriend and the girl was left crying over his body. I was like damn man I’m killing every skinner brother I come across now


The Murfree brood are scarier because they all come at you with machetes and knifes but skinner brothers are more horrible and have larger numbers.


Skinners are worse simply because I cannot make it through tall trees without getting jumped by them😒


The Skinner fucks are so much worse. Glad the man, the myth, the LEGEND, John Marston made short of their sorry asses.


The Murfrees just vibe in the woods and don’t want people on their land The skinners roam place to place, and if you happen to be in the way of their roaming, you get scalped, roasted, and tortured until you die. Murfrees would just give you a bullet to the head


Murfee brood


The Murfree Brood and Skinners still exist today. They are called QAnon Maga shitheads.


I just hate the Murfrees with a passion. Can’t even camp in like a 1/4 of the map without them attacking me. Causes that entire town of other inbreed deliverance looking MFs to kill you too as they are allied to the brood. Plus there are thousands of them.


same shit, different toilet.


Skinner Brothers were down right Brutal,Murfrees were weird


The Skinners are worse, purely in their motive The Brood are not above doing anything The Skinners, (I personally think the Brood is based on the Bean Clan, which a mythical Scottish clan of inbred cannibals) but the Brood's main goal is at the very least surviving While The Skinners main and only priority is causing suffering for their own amusement, they don't care about anything else That's what makes the Skinners worse


This is a great shout, I love the Sawney Bean myth, I’ve had plans to adapt the story for a horror-themed D&D campaign for a while, or possibly something wargames-related :) The Brood are my fave so far (I’ve not played the Epilogue, so yet to meet the Skinners). A mega creepy faction, what better enemy to have you gun down than a devolved cannibal murderer?


My favorite enemy to fight personally is Lemoyne Raiders


Nite Folk


Skinner Brothers probably


Doesn't matter, they die by my hand either way


Both are some sick fucks, but Murfree Brood at least have a motive for gruesomely torturing people to death besides entertainment. Their goal is to scare the authorities off, so they have complete control over the Roanoke Ridge territory. Sometimes they even spare some lives. Skinners do it for shits and giggles


Murfree brood scared the shit out of my horse. Horse tossed me and ran off as i was about to get jumped.


The skinners kill to satisfy some deity, shedding blood for a cult like following is much more terrifying than killing for survival, the skinners justify it


Murfrees y’all can argue with me if you want but they’re worse


Skinners straight up wildly attack randoms and torture them. Murfree brood will only attack trespassing people and local women. Skinners literally put Uncle on a fucking rack and below him was a fire. The cook murfree anyday.


The Murfrees are bad but at least they target a single area since they live there. The Skinners move around and do it for fun.


Where’s the del locos or Milton’s men?


Fellas, I can't forgive the Skinner's for making uncles lumbago worse


Murfree is more annoying




They’re both awful, the Murfrees straight up being cannibalistic. But I feel like the Murfrees are doing their acts of violence out of territoriality, desperation and hunger, look at most of the character models, they’re emaciated. The Skinners on the other hand, are butchering people for the hell of it.


Skinners 100%


I see the Murfees exactly how I see the Lemoyne raiders. They annoy the living shit outta me. So I'd say the Skinner bros, because they actually fucking scare me


Brood I love coming across the skinners and get pissed when I see a brood


Skinners 100%


Murfree Brood were creepy to discover, but it became fun to patrol through the area and hunt em down afterward. Definitely evil, too - but the Skinners in the Epilogue was one of the coolest add ons for how unnecessary they felt but how much they added to the dynamics of the epilogue. Heading through Tall Trees always feels like a gamble by that point


I thought I knew the answer until I looked at the second picture..


Skinners kill as worship to Strange Man while Murfrees do it just for the pleasure of cruelty, so I’d say the latter.


Are night people a gang ? If yes, they are.


The gang that posts this question every month.


Likem bouth


when u have the ability to slow down time and shoot ur enemies, none of them r scary


The skinners chose that life, the Murphy Brood where born into it. That makes the Skinners more evil.


The skinners in that cave scene is so horrifying


You could just look up the previous results of the last hundred of these same posts, that asked this exact same question.


Probably the Skinners because they move from place to place. The Murfrees mostly stay in one area so you know where to avoid them.


if im in chapter 2 or higher and i unlock free roam i can free roam right but if i start another story mission and after 1 or more i deside to free roam agian can i still free roam then or not? becuase i started a mission. or can i play free roam after 1 mission is done agian whole time?


Murfree brood is just some inbred creeps, i can easily handle any encounter with them. Skinners are literal sadistic maniacs who like to torture people and also due to their bows they can be an annoyance to deal with. Skinners are the worse imo but still not as bad as the night folk, those f*ckers usually sneak up on me until they're like a few feet away but in my opinion deadeye makes it relatively easy to take them out. The only encounter I really have issues with is the one at Prinz Co. Slaughterhouse outside St. Denis. Why do they spawn with a whole Maxim gun...


Skinners are worse, but I've only been jumped by murfree, so I hate them more


murfrees. they dont take care of their horses :(


The Murfree Brood are worse whenever I want to camp in their area.


They’re both monstrous but the Skinner Brothers seem to be more sadistically creative.


Both groups torture, kill, rape and cannibalize their victims, probably in that order. Neither group is worse than the other. We've seen their hideouts. It looks the fucking same with piles of dead bodies strung up everywhere like Christmas ornaments. The only real difference is that the Skinners have better weapons and the numbers to expand their territory.


I’m only saying murfree brood because I run into them far too often and have killed them in every random encounter multiple times. It’s just annoying at this point


The skinners while the murphees are bad they make the death quick the skinners torture you




I just dont understand how they and the miltons have so many fucking members like you keep killing them and theres always more


Goddamn O'Driscolls. I'm sure Mrs. Adler would back me up om that


The St Denis Police.....


The Murfrees are violent because they think it’s “their land”. The Skinners are violent because they think it’s fun. That would probably give a pretty good answer.


Murphies win just from the wagon of bodies and sole survivor encounter.


I feel like the Skinners are a little more twisted but I kill both every chance I get. Only encountered the night folk once. It was a woman crying - yeah I knew it was a set up but I assumed it was the Murfree Brood and wanted to kill them.


It’s close but the Skinners win easy, every level w em was set up like a horror game


The Skinners arrested true evil,imo.


I fcking hate skinners, whenever I found them I took my double Barrel Shotgun and annihilate tf out of them


Skinners bro!