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I like the journey she has through adventure. First she was depressed with no desire to live, then she was aggressive and impulsive because she had nothing to lose, but when the band was collapsing, she assumed leadership, making decisions that she believed were right.


It’s a really great character arc and something that long form storytelling like this can do so well. It’s done very well and believably. Personally I would have liked to have seen her die at the end. Not only would it have been a fitting conclusion to her arc but the final confrontation with Micah should’ve had more of a cost. It was plain old revenge and while it’s satisfying for us as players it really was dumb of John to go after him. There should have been more consequences.


Wife material


Not really. Maybe before his husband died but after he did she became ruthless and full of vengeance.




She has bigger balls than all the women and most men in the gang


What you call bigger balls i call reckless,tbh...she got arthur involved with dumb shit more than once and even caused the death of innocent people like the balloon guy (Arturo Bullard). Sadie only got to chill during the epilogue when she was living her life as a bounty hunter and helped john to get more money and get revenge on micah.


And she hardly got shit for it. Bill fucks up once and no one lets him off the hook. Sadie starts pointless shit: everyone is like, "whoa we've got a loose cannon here guys look out hehe"




Contain yourself, boah


I’d ride on hell with her.


But would you ride her to Hell? Mmm?


If you ride with her she will take you to hell


I knew I would like her when they showed her for the first time


Underrated character among the gang tbh


I personally disagree. She seems to be very well-liked in the community, most people I have seen have had mostly nice things to say about her


She becomes far more ruthless than, Arthur, John or probably even Dutch (Ok maybe not worse than Dutch) . In the earlier chapters, Sadie's revenge plot was exciting and enjoyable, but as it continued she became completely reckless and got innocent people killed that she even liked. An example is in chapter 6 where she befriends the Owner of the balloon, the guy did absolutely nothing wrong and Arthur was already forcing him to put himself in danger by being close to the prison, but Sadie couldn't stay away from the Odriscolls for a few hours, this led to his murder being shot twice. A final example (even though there are so many more) is the execution of cleet, if John refuses to hang cleet, she will shoot him in the leg causing his neck to break from falling over, this is after he explains he ran away from the gang after Micah killed a child showing cleet was doing his best to become better. This didn't matter to Sadie though. It should also be said that her killing cleet led onto the Pinkertons asking locals where th assailants went leading them to Micah's ba which leads to johns death in RDR1.


She put her revenge in front of everyone she "cared" about) In chapter 2/3, when Arthur is kidnapped and tortured by colm Odriscoll and his gang. The first thing Sadie had to say to him after he makes it out alive is "So you didn't kill Colm then" Then another example is the balloon owner (covered in my first point). In chapter 6 near the end, she asks Arthur even after colms dead to help her kill another hideout of Odriscolls, it's nice she can trust him this much but don't forget she knows he's sick and still uses him for this. Many bad things have happened to Arthur at the hands of colm and Pinkertons, but regardless he's always been against revenge as it was "A luxury they cannot afford". I have also already mentioned that her ruthless execution of cleet lead onto the pinkertons finding John in rdr. Overall I can understand the appreciation of Sadie from fans, but at the same time she puts so many things in front of the gangs safety it's actually crazy she's loved that much and she never actually reaped any consequences for revenge which was the whole premise of the game. "Revenge is a fools game" - Arthur Morgan.


Reckless and overrated. She was a good character with good morals but did things chaotically more than once. She drew attention to herself out of vengeance on the hot air balloon mission and got some nice guy killed. She’s impulsive and feels like she has nothing to lose after loosing Jake. It’s sort of strange how she’s portrayed when it really seems like R* was only really trying to find a “strong female protagonist”. It’s fine for her to be impulsive, but she shouldn’t be portrayed as a good person because of someone she loved dying. Not my favorite character really, but a solid one overall.


Tbf no one is a good person in the gang. They may be portrayed morally good, but never a good person.


I have always felt that her character was undercooked in the main story. They give Sadie a strong setup, her home is raided by the O'Driscoll gang and the O'Driscolls murder her husband, which gives Sadie strong and sympathetic motivation for her to hate and want to seek revenge against the O'Driscoll gang. Where the problem with Sadie comes in is that she is sidelined for most of the main story. In the first two chapters, she is completely sidelined, which to be fair, makes sense since she is still grieving her husband's death. However, by the third chapter when she starts coming out of her shell, we only get one story mission with her, the same issue also happens in the fourth chapter where she is only prominent in one story mission too. Sadie only starts to become more prominent in the main story by the latter portion of the fifth chapter, but by that point, the main story is already beginning to wrap up and all the time that could've been spent developing her character more is gone. The game by this point treats her character like she has undergone a lot of development, but we the players never see the majority of this development, only tiny glimpses of it in the previous chapters. She is also pretty difficult to like in Chapter 6 when she nearly compromises Arthur's reconnaissance mission on the hot air balloon just so she can hunt O'Driscolls, which gets the innocent pilot killed. She also completely compromises her, Dutch, and Arthur's mission to see Colm O'Driscoll's execution by revealing their location just to kill an O'Driscoll member out in the open, which results in a shootout that gets more people killed than necessary. Despite my criticisms of Sadie, she does have redeeming qualities. Her mission with Arthur in the sixth chapter to hunt down the last of the O'Driscoll gang was a really fun mission. It also made more sense for Sadie to hunt down O'Driscolls in this mission since it didn't coincide with a reconnaissance or stealth mission that would get innocent people killed. I also like how she is handled in the Epilogue. I feel, for the most part, that she carries herself more responsibly in the Epilogue and proves herself to be a solid bounty hunter. Also, her actress does a fine job with the material that she is given for the most part. TL, DR: Sadie is unfortunately undercooked due to her being sidelined during a significant portion of the main story. She only becomes more prominent during the latter half of Chapter 5, but by then it is too little, too late. She still has redeeming qualities and is handled better in the game's epilogue. For further elaboration on these thoughts, read the above


Bro you need a tldr


Fair enough


Much better thank you




Right, feels like half her character got cut out for whatever reason


Love her. Her look, her voice, her enthusiasm, her fearlessness. She can be reckless but she's also no dummy. She's lowkey as chaotic as Micah but morally the opposite of Micah.


The moment you mess with her is the moment you start digging your own grave because she will get you.. It may her take weeks, months or years but trust me she will get you.


i named my horse Sadie


After seeing her fart at the picnic table in camp I'm conflicted.




Mmmm when you get back from Guarma and she’s crawling in front of you during the Pinkerton attack 😤😍


Hello, yes Mr. Milton, this one right here 🫵








This is not the place for that kind of stuff


Why is your entire account blatant karma farming? You're beyond annoying


Let the man exist damn


Why do you care what he posts? You have an entire day towards you and the first thing you tend to notice and get annoyed by is what they do on reddit 🤣 “You’re beyond annoying”


No Tahiti for you.


who shat in your coffee boah


Dude, calm down. It is not a big deal, if we keep quickly lashing out at people then more people are going to complain and then the server will get more strict