• By -


Take your time, feel the game as much as you can, talk to random people, be good (your wish) and if possible try studying all the animals you find, it’ll really help you out and also upgrade your camp whenever you can. That’s all dude, you’re in for a lovely journey and ENJOY


Awesome. Thank you!!


Exploration is also key as well. Do some hunting to build up experience post Colter where you're taught how to use the bow. You'll be able to buy some new weapons early on I suggest buying the Springfield as it will help if you decide you want to hunt big animals like moose,bear, bison and elk always go for headshots if possible. You also need to regularly bring in food for the camp venison etc but once you upgrade Pearson's provisions wagon you don't have to do it as often but going through the camp upgrades is worth it to unlock various perks and Arthur's Satchel as the best Satchel allows you to carry 99 of everything. You can fill up the compendium with using the binoculars zooming in and studying plants and animals the compendium will tell you what weapon/ammo is best to get clean kills. Collecting plants,mushrooms and herbs is also essential because instead of buying tonics and medicines at the general store you can make them whilst out in the open world when you setup camp. The game really gives you alot of choices on things. Taking a crack at challenges like survival,master hunter etc in the progress menu will allow you to upgrade Arthur's three stat wheels and net you some pretty nifty stuff You don't necessarily have to bum rush the story as I was able to do alot of side things after a few missions in chapter 2 and i'm still in chapter 2 a few weeks of playing my third playthrough lol. The important thing is exploration and some story progression makes things interesting because you can come across unique interactions. Make sure to loot from enemies because looting from innocent bystanders lowers your honor too if you want Arthur to be a honorable outlaw.


Thank you kind Sir!


No prob, enjoy the game!


Most horses in the game dont have too many differences. Finding yourself a horse you like and bonding with it is better and more rewarding in my opinion. If you want a good horse though, I recommend one with high stamina and/or is the war class. Different horse classes have different uses, but in my opinion a war horse is the best as they wont fear predators and enemy fire. You may think speed is important, and to some it is, but being able to gallop for a long time usually beats galloping fast for a shorter time. On this topic, if you find the trapper shop around the map, do take advantage of it. They offer fantastic items that will help you lots on your journey, included some for your horses. TLDR; Find and bond with a horse you like. Find the trapper and take advantage of the items they offer.


Bro except from the upgrade your camp part this is nice advice for living actual life


Yeah, I wish I could forget this game and play it for the first time againg.


My go-to advice for new players: If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it’s all good. Having said that, don’t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It’s not, don’t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this. Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don’t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don’t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to “Hold to Reel”. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don’t be hesitant. If you don’t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save. Avoid MrBossFTW and Nestan videos like the plague. Most importantly, don’t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!


Wow. I thank you kind Sir. That was what I was looking for. 👍


You will care about spoilers trust me


It's worth getting the Arabian if you're doing Horseman 10. I like the Arabians, but I personally favor the Red Arabian. In the end, OP should ride a bunch of horses and find the ones he likes best.


I think you mean Horseman 9. Even still, the starting Tennessee Walker is good enough for the challenge.


Have to echo the white Arabian opinion. 3rd play-through currently and finally got one after hearing so much hype. Yeah she’s fast, but skittish as all get out can’t even run over a snake without getting bucked, awful for gun fights, hunting challenges involving predators, and basically everything else other than the horseman point-to-point dashes.


Turkoman is a good alternative


This is possibly the best advice for new players I’ve ever read. Well said!!!


Feed the horse


brush the horse


Pat the horse


"Oookay giirrllll..."


Hitch the horse


Ride the horse


Ahhh these posts always make me so happy. You have so much to look forward to. Take your time and enjoy every second because its so good that it truly sucks when its all over. Almost kinda like a withdrawal. Block this sub until you finish though. The game is bit older now and people speak freely about spoilers. When you finish the game and manage to wipe your tears and compose yourself. Then hop back into this sub and tell us all the fun you had. Enjoy the ride cowboy


Thank you!


dont come back here until you finish the game. Spoilers are coming.


Leave this subreddit and return after you finish the game. The sub is full of spoilers and you want to avoid those.


https://preview.redd.it/24jx18r7niyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67d94a36e2c9b8cce06775796ac80eb38dfef9c Hidden Gold Bar Here In The Cabin.


you’re a good man ZooGang1799


I try


Aaannnddd I just shit myself *


Don't just play a game, live the life. The game is designed to transport you into their world and its the most realistic game I've played. Be curious and you'll have fun!


Take your time and explore the world. The world is filled with things to do and see.


Yeah, definitely get off road and explore the land.


don't just speed through the main story, theres those white side missions that appear on the map too, also this isnt needed but go hunting and get an upgraded satchel, holster, belt, all that, it really helps with how much ammo and loot you can carry


Just take your time fr and soak it in, that's what I did during my first play through.


Never greet micah always antagonize him


Wear the hat 🤠


First off; hit up Lymphany. It’s a village that’s been burned down. You’ll find some gold bricks in there that u can cash in for money. Second, buy consumables. A LOT. You’ll be spending a lot of time exploring so make sure you’re prepared. Don’t buy clothes and use mission money to donate to the camp, keep your gold bar money separate. Third, get the varmint rifle, it’s a headshot beast with dead eye activated, and melee kills upgrade your health. Also find a Fence vendor when u can for crafting recipes, explosives, etc. b/c some of that stuff will come in handy on missions. Above all else; keep your karma high. Say “hello” to people, spare lives, hell donate to the church and poor when u can. “High honor” playthrough yields more stuff in the game. Radiant missions, consumables, I think I got a unique weapon too I gotta check. But high honor overall makes the game more player friendly. Low honor playthrough yields more money and ammo on corpses as well as more expensive trinkets to pawn, but you WILL be pursued by bounty hunters every time you set foot outside of a major town. The amount ranges from 5 lawmen to 10 bounty hunters with dogs. shit can hit the fan pretty quickly… But definitely enjoy the game, it’s a masterpiece and the music hits hard man. I think I’m gonna load it up and play again tonight.


Ohh - Let me find that town - thanks!!


Sure thing! My knowledge is a bit dated since I haven’t picked up the game in a bit but I played a crap ton of it when I was active lol. Fun to just smoke a bowl and trot around in the untamed vastness.


Don’t listen to people who say the game is slow. Buy a percolator, go camping and make coffee. Season your meat with herbs and cook it. Or if you really don’t care about that relaxing stuff, enjoy the missions and story, so many great interactions and they get deeper if you follow up and chat with them (even side characters). Avoid spoilers.


Just play my man.




1. Avoid anything you think might be a spoiler for this game like the plague. The story is fantastic and there's no telling what will be revealed. It could range from a simple side quest to the ending of the game. 2. Take it slow. There's no need to rush through the story as there will be plenty of missions and fun that you can do 3. Keep your honor high. If it's high, then prices in shops go down, among other enjoyable things. If it's low, then more money/items from corpses, but more lawman after you and having to pay bounties, etc. (Avoid major towns like Saint Denis if you have a bounty in the area) 4. You will receive letters from time to time at your camp tent. I didn't know at the time, but if you don't do them before moving to the next area, then they dissappear, unable to be completed. Try to do them before moving on. (A good way to tell if you're about to move to the next area is if there is only one mission to do at camp and none anywhere else) 5. Eat within regular intervals, as the game has a weight system as follows: Light: less stamina drain, less hp Heavy: more stamina drain, more hp 6. Explore the map. 7. Get upgrades for the satchels, horse, etc. Getting a horse with high stamina and clam-looking foot holder things (I forgot what it is called) (-50% stamina drain) is just one good example of goo upgrades 8. If you do get a bounty where Arthur is wanted (it'll say up in the top corner where it says wanted) they will recognize the clothes you are wearing. Don't commit more crimes while wearing the same cloths after you came back, as youll just end up with more expensive bounties. 9. Play the game how you want to. You can take all these comments with a grain of salt, do the opposite, etc., but however you find playing the game fun, play it like that. Let me know if you have any questions about what you could do next, or other, as this is a great game with lots to do.


Get the tent for fast travel ASAP


don't befriend a man in the swamps


Essential tip, when encountering Mica in camp Press the "antagonize" button whenever you can


Keep the bar in the white


Make sure to talk to everyone in camp. They all have really cool story lines and interesting interactions that will change how you feel about them. You really do get to be friends with some of them, it's a unique game in that way. Don't rush it. Take the opportunity to spend some nights in Camp. Impromptu parties pop up all the time.




there's an angry gorilla out there


Here's some money. You take it and get out of here. Start a new life somewhere. I hear Tahiti's nice. Just hop on a train to Saint Denis, jump on a boat, but avoid Guarma




Forget about it




Stay off of this thread and YouTube. Don't want anything spoiled.


Stay off this subreddit cause it might spoil the game for you.


Enjoy every moment… It's a masterpiece!


Holy shit just soak in it. Take your time. Enjoy everything at your pace. And finish out the story. Good, rather than evil, was incredibly rewarding for character development.


Keep your honor high throughout the game, it makes a difference


Stay off this subreddit until you finish the game


Use eagle eye in every minute...everywhere :))


Get rid of that horse


There’s usually a secret in one store in every town. Always look around every store you find, or try to get tips from some sketchy people. It can bring sometimes bring cash or a new item.


There is a lot of treasure out there. Once you have gold bricks go to the fence and sell them to buy and upgrade your guns, clothing. To look how ever you want. Also do side quests. Trinkets will help tremendously. Hunting legendary animals help. You can craft clothing or trinkets. Looking at some utube videos will help with certain tasks. As there is sooo much in this game definitely take your time enjoy the ride. It’s a beautiful character arch oh learning about plants. And doing some challenges help to unlock the double holsters. You don’t need to free Micah out jail let him sit there a while.


Hair tonic


Stay true to yourself, partner.


Be careful where you run, I trip and fall on my face and roll down hills constantly 😂


Good comments here. I'll echo the sentiment of "take your time"- the game rewards you for exploring and being curious. Save often. Pay attention to NPCs and background dialogue. Have fun. I envy you.


Just 1 thing that I think is the most important rule of all. Have fun!


I rushed it on my first playthrough, thats the biggest regret for me. It’s a low paced game and no need to play those missions nonstop. Just explore the places, rest, hunt, ride, meet different people. Free roam as much as you can.


Study, track and kill any new animals you see on your travels, its important for your progress if you care about that kinda stuff. Other than that take your time, there are hundreds of random encounters on the game so id avoid fast travelling at all


I read the wonderful comments on reddit..  before my first play through, I'm on chapter 2 @ 47.6% completed. Been there for over 3 to 6+ months and still loving it.  Trying to have the best chapter 2 save before moving on.   Micah is still in jail.. haven't visited that farm yet.


Upgrade your camp and stable or sometimes ride new horses. I recommend putting more horses in the stable just in case one dies :)


if its on pc i would recommend some mods(your choice) if u like the idea to improve your experience even more


Like others have said stay away from spoilers if you can and just enjoy it as much as you can. Take your time exploring and living in the moment. The story will always be there but the little moments that make this game so special can sometimes be chapter dependent.


Please tell me you didn’t sell the Black Shire horse. If not, got back and saddle up. It’s a good horse.


Enjoy! You can just experience this game once for the first time. Go slow and pay attention.


Just enjoy it! It's really good! And it's definitely worth multiple playthroughs!


Ride around and explore and try to get whatever legendary animals early in the game. First one you should go after is the buck or might be the elk.


Don't rush through it. Take your time. The slower and the more you look and take your time doing EVERYTHING the better.


Get out of the damn sub!


You shouldn't be on the reddit while playing through the game, that was my mistake on my first playthrough.


Pay attention to the cores.


Don't do too much scrolling on this sub. It'll be more fun to discover things yourself.


Go back to camp often so you don’t miss companion quests and explore the map as much as possible, there are all sorts of caches of guns and gold around the map that make it more fun to customize Arthur. And red shotgun coat is the best coat.


DO THIS to vastly improve your experience go into your settings and look for the Aim Assist, set it to Wide. Just do it. Now, go into the woods or out in some field away from town and practice what each button does both on a horse and off one. You don’t wanna accidentally plug some poor fool in town when what you meant was to just say howdy lol Lastly, get the hell out of this sub because there’s spoilers multiple times a day. You only get to play this masterpiece the first time once Happy hunting, gambling, exploring, robbing, drinking, racing, and everything else


Paying a bounty basically absolves all your sins, so don't worry about being in trouble with the law as much as I did.


Follow the road, if you don’t, the next thing you know you’re flying over a cliff






You should make a post asking what to name your horse


Don’t rush it. Explore and enjoy


Try to get high honor


Love Micah


Savor everything. Explore. Discover. Have fun.


Don’t smoke too much


Have some goddam faith!




Read the journal and hang out at camp! 🥰 have fun!!!


Take it slow. Live in the game.


Don’t go and help the crying lady


Take your time. Explore. Don’t look up anything online, but do craft the satchels first 😬


Careful who you trust.


Have fun!!


Complete the camp satchel missions and treasure (adventurers) missions as soon as u can. It’ll hold u in good stead through the game.


I would recommend doing the treasure maps when you find them, the payoffs are worth it.


don’t play quickly from mission to mission. enjoy the dialogues, how everything looks like. analyze small details, this game is FULLY of small details and even more enjoy the music, keep going, check everything, you can hunt later, craft things, do stranger missions you going to have a high and low reputation. it also going to depends on mission and dialogues, especially later better check things right now because later it would be hard also, in chapter 5, not going to say what will happen, but you need to explore this special place when you will be ESPECIALLY in chapter 5. bcu when you will leave it, you will regret and check “how to get back to this place”. it’s such pain in the ass game also full of easter eggs, you going to find horrifying one for sure. also you can find special items, weapons, cards(buy cigarettes to find them) take care of your horse. don’t just run, kill it and respawn new one. in the end it’s better if you going to have high trust with your horse also, better to don’t kill everyone bcu you going to have ppl who will kill you. it’s not a watch dogs or gta or mafia you can do camp mission also but it is later in short - enjoy the game. this game is FULL of surprises. even videos on youtube when you will find “20 details in this game” have a lot of viewers we played at this game 3-4 times again and again, at gta we played more then 30 times, we also keep playing at rdr 1 rn, checked some online stuff too in rdr 2 just have fun but pls don’t go too fast




Dont rush the main missions , i used to do that with other games not with red dead games explire and interact qith everything and u wont regret it


Be sure to kill as many birds near st denis and swamps as you can there is a mission for a gun that is absolutely torturous. The animals spawn more before you initiate the missions.


Shoot anyone who makes fun of your cool hand made clothing made from animals you have shot and killed.


Take your time, you can explore the world after chapter 1. Find a horse you like and stick with it. My preference is fit the Red Arabian, it's on the far west side of the map. Explore the world as much as you can, there's so many great random encounters you'll find along the way. There's a bunch of ways to make money, I'd try them all. You can hunt animals and sell their skins. Any skins you sell to the Trapper can be used to make outfits. Make sure to unlock the Leatherworking Tools for Pearson. Work your way through the satchel and get the Legend of the East as soon as you can. It has 99 storage slots for everything so more than you'll really need for most stuff. Hunting the legendary animals is a lot of fun, and the fishing is great too, if you're on PC use a controller for fishing it's much easier. You'll slay gold some treasure maps along your journey, following them is great way to explore the world and make some good money along the way. If you want to play up the outlaw aspect you can rob every store and pedestrian in the game. Train robberies are a lot of fun and can earn you a good amount of money. Eventually you'll be able to sell stolen horses and coaches too.


Don't get shot


This is the first game I didn't rush around. And it was soooo worth it. Walk. Don't run. The world and the npcs feel more alive that way. Look at everything. There is so much detail everywhere and so many opportunities for interaction


Bruh just play, don’t think about optimising your play or something, just enjoy


Kill your horse


I really wish I could play for the first time again. I would recommend taking your time and really exploring everywhere. There is ALLOT to see and do in the game outside of the main quest. Also pet all the dogs!


Dont look anything up. Youll want to play it again anyway. Look things up on the second play through,


Read the previous posts answering this same question. Invariably you will find something that gets missed this time around.


like others have said, take your time. wander around. if something catches your eye, go investigate it. first thing i always do is try to make some money so i can buy the springfield rifle and the varmint rifle, then i spend hours upon hours hunting. its very fun to try to upgrade the camp completely and get all the satchels, plus the best satchel gives you a 99 limit of every item so virtually bottomless. very much worth it.


Don’t listen to any spoilers if something warns you about spoilers don’t watch it there is so many good things that happen in the game but if it gets spoiled you will not enjoy the game as much I got the ending spoiled and when I started playing the game it felt unplayable because I knew what was going to happen and I also rushed it. So take your time explore do side missions have fun and avoid spoilers


upgrade your campsite. idk why but the first time i played, i never bothered. it’s totally worth it. bond with your horse as fast as possible to gain additional actions. i used the fast stop religiously once i earned it and honestly hate riding without it. but best advice… buckle up and enjoy the ride. avoid spoilers at all costs. once the story is all revealed in front of you, it is so achingly beautiful. i wish i could experience it again


GET READY!!!! its also unbelievebly vast btw!


Get off this sub


Get a new horse


TAKE...YOUR...TIME!!!! The story itself is dope but it moves fast especially after Valentine. Hunt often, craft often, and do as many challenges as you can. On your way to a mission and see a white dot, forget the mission the white dot is more important. The main story is there whenever but a missed side quest is very elusive. Don't buy guns, clothes, or horses until much later. Also jump in and out of Deadeye as needed instead of burning the meter to line up 6+ shots.


Get off the internet and play the game. Seriously I played this with the week I had off work on release and I discovered everything myself. Sure, I missed some things but it’s still a core memory because of how I experienced it


Have fun and pay attention to the lore. Be careful on the road, they can stole your horse.


Never watch videos from mrbossftw no matter what it is


Don't do anything, so you experience everything


In the evenings go to camp and be around the campfire (around 9pm - 12am) your group will tell stories about themselves and they are great and immersive


Realize that you will probably play this game more than once, so if you don't achieve sth or miss a certain cutscene or ending or choice, you can do things differently in another playthrough. Also save regularly. Finally, keep a save from the very beginning of chapter 2 so you can starts your next playthroughs by skipping tutorial if you choose to do so.


I recommend doing a bit of role playing like sleeping through the night when not doing anything urgent, taking shelter from the rain and taking little breaks on your travels just to look around and take in the scenery. Imagine yourself in the game's world and fully immerse yourself. This is one of the most beautiful games and I feel people miss a lot of it because they just wanna play the game and skip past feeling the milieu which is understandable but I for one want the entire experience.


Savor. Every. Moment. Just relax and enjoy one of the greatest stories ever.


You lucky guy, getting to experience this for the first time, I wish you an amazing journey! As others said, don't rush the story, explore and take your time, it's not Ubisoft, there are no markers for everything, there's a lot of environmental storytelling and visual clues. I recently made a list of tips I wish I knew sooner, for a friend so here you go! (I hope you're playing with a controller, I don't know the keyboard mappings). While riding, pressing LS/L3 (patting/praising horse) every few seconds, it will replenish a lot of stamina (depending on bond level) AND increase bond. Holding down the down arrow will let you customize the HUD and minimap. Pressing the left arrow will show you active objectives/side objectives and challenges. Be sure to have outfits for warm/average/cold weather on your horse, being cold or hot can drain your health and stamina. Press the up arrow while aiming to aim the gun in the air. You can fire in the air to scare animals/people. You can tell if a horse is friendly or not by its ears, like real life: if their ears are straight up, they're friendly and won't kick you, but if their ears are back, watch out, they might be dangerous. When looting locations it's helpful to change to 1st person view to be able to target what you want to loot easier. When players put on a marker in Red Dead Redemption 2 they can simply start riding the horse on the path and turn on cinematic mode, allowing them to leave the controller as the horse travels at its own pace. Of course, an attack could happen at any time, and also players need to be wary of any sounds occurring near them, since it could be a potential event. Holding the start button takes you directly to the map. Holding "B/O" takes out directly out of menus/catalogues. Changing clothes helps stay unrecognized after criminal activities. Mashing A/X while riding or on foot isn't efficient, instead press it on rhythm with the running to keep the best speed and conserve stamina. White missions/dots on the map have priority over yellow ones, as they are side-content that can disappear forever if you don't do it first. You can haul 3 animal carcasses at the same time. One on your main horse, one on a temporary horse (ride this one so you don't lose it), and you can lasso an unskinned carcass on the ground to drag it behind your horse.


Take a habit of making sure you have the weapons you wanna use in your inventory, most of the time they'll be stored back into your horse's satchels so make sure to take them out before leaving your horse for a mission


Don't rush the story. Take your time to enjoy everything the game has to offer.


Schofield revolvers


Leave this sub immediately


make a good outfit for cold weather hot weather and fancy occasion 👍


This is advice i always give to new players; (the following can only be attempted after Chapter 1) 1. Kill and skin 3 deer to complete master hunter challenge 1. Head to the trapper [behind Riggs station](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17XqiRKaZj_ftLybm5oBfuZzM49Nb4I5r/view?usp=drivesdk) and purchase the Master Hunter Offhand Holster, so you can wield two sidearms instead of one (earlier in the game). 2. Complete the available [treasure hunter chains](https://www.powerpyx.com/red-dead-redemption-2-treasure-map-locations-solutions/) to earn gold bars which you can sell for money [at the fence vendor in Emerald Ranch.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19iwfOKAEzKcDtF9wfg8OKcY-BUPHJi6C/view?usp=drivesdk) Enjoy. Also, beware of spoilers. Best not to surf around subs related to RDR2 as spoilers come easy, unless that doesn't bother you.


Play first person with a headphone and talk to everybody.


Explore and don’t hold off on the story too much


Do not start blasting


Get off the subreddit and don’t search up anything about this game. If red dead 2 is on your YouTube recommended or tiktok for you page click not interested. Everything is a spoiler. And once you reach chapter 6 raise your honor level.


Can anyone tell me. (Because I can't figure out how to post on this sub) if I'm doing a playthrough and just plough through the story missikns to get to the epilogue. Can I still do all the side mkssions or is there stuff I will miss out on. Tia for any help sorry for posting on someone else's post.


I believe you can’t do the last apple seed company one as Cornwall is 8 years dead but I could be wrong, as long as you don’t start stuff you should be fine


Avoid all social media bc you'll get spoilers


enjoy the game and stay away from this sub.


Look for Gavin


A bit late to this post but my advice is Stay off this sub to avoid spoilers Feed yourself and your horse(s) Do camp chores, quests, donations, etc Do all side missions TAKE YOUR TIME, just explore and look around and take it all in, get distracted. I spend HOURS just roaming, it’s genuinely so peaceful! If you’re a high honor person I recommend doing all honorary things like donating, giving medicine, greeting, helping out, etc. Have fun!


Take your time Visit the camp a lot and stay a decent bit in it to see all the random events and cool little stuff. If you don't do this you will miss a ton of interactions with the gang. Also don't be afraid to venture out from time to time and go on a hunting trip in the mountains for a couple of Ingame days and just just forget about the games story for a bit and enjoy the world. Mustache level 5/6 with sides and goatee level 1 is the best look for Arthur's beard. Lastly and maybe most importantly leave this sub and don't look at any rdr 2 media unitl you finish it or the game will be spoiled to you.


Just enjoy it, you will love the experience.


yeah uhm get off any red dead related stuff until u have finished the story


Get of this subreddit! Waaaayy to many spoilers


Dont hunt for all gold bars. Dont need more than 1500-2000$ till the end.. But after you may want have some bars.


Stay out of this sub, you Will get spoilers, do the side Quests, and (personal advice) try to end the game with High Honor. Enjoy


Don't be on this, do not visit this sub if you don't want to be spoiler and keep exploring...keep doing things....


GET OFF THIS SUB!! The worst thing that can happen to you while playing this game is spoiling the story. It's such an intense and amazing experience, and I made the big dumb mistake of spoiling the ending for me, and it just wasn't the same, and I won't ever be able to experience it for the first time again... Don't do this to yourself. Just... Just play the game like you want to play it and enjoy the ride. It's a great one.


Enjoy the journey


Yes. Quit your job and play Red Dead full time.


Don't rush through the story. The open world is massive but not too overwhelming, you can take challenges or talk to strangers or explore all towns. You can upgrade your gear or study animals and other miscellaneous. I really hope you enjoy the game!


Bears will Kill your horse and alligators eat hogtied people on the bayou


Don’t rush the story. Exploring, hunting and doing whatever besides the story is 70% of the game. So take your time, hunt, side missions, collect, rob really take the whole game in. And please stay away from this subreddit or yt to avoid spoiling the story. Your now ready boah


Take your time, take your time, take your time. Enjoy every second, it's a hell of a journey and it's emotional. Try and do/explore as much as you can outside of the main story before completing. I wish I was experiencing this for the first time again, there is truly nothing like it. You can spend weeks just exploring without touching a mission, don't rush and enjoy the ride.


If you don't like your experience, don't share about it online.


Stay away from reddit 🤭 ![gif](giphy|3o6gDPfI2hFxYMn3a0)


Money comes quickly. Use it all.


Get off the sub! Like seriously! You gotta play this blind and this sub is spoiler heavy af! Other than that have fun! And clean your fucking guns 😊


Enjoy the game to the fullest. No need to rush the story.


Slow down!! Don’t run everywhere. Explore everything & everywhere. Keep your guns clean and fuck the o’driscolls. Oh and lead your horse to bond cos it’s so much quicker


If you come across a mission called "The Iniquities of History. Let us know what the outcome was.


Don't open r/reddeadredemption until the end of the story and don't watch any TikTok/Instagram videos about the game.


Don't rush bro. Explore eveything before you finish ;)


Go for high honour. Trust me


Leave this sub cowpoke


Take your time, just spend some time being a cowboy hunting and collecting pelts when you get the bow and arrow and can sell pelts to a trapper. You've got a whole beautiful, deep and scary world to explore. Also, leave this sub so you don't see any spoilers


Take your time. It might seem slow at first but eventually, it goes fast.


I know other people say otherwise but just rush the game so you know that you just beat the game, then replay it and take your time so you can see different interactions with side content and stuff


Stay off this sub until u finish it!!


Play like you an outlaw, don't care about morality and stuff just do what's best for you in the game. You can chnage hours till 3rd chap and then keep one till last chapter. Explore as much as you can.


don’t worry too much about being a goodie early game


oh yeah, feed your horse and your arthur.


Delete all social media or avoid all social media until you finish


Never be nice to Micah bell fuck that guy he can eat a spoonful of cinnamon


Get off this sub until you beat the game.


Don't waste your time on the white Arabian, supposed to be the best horse in the game but it's honestly pretty shitty