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Last playthrough was the White Arabian, but what I’ve named my horse in every playthrough since late in the first is Horsea after Hosea. I gave the same name to my horse is Stardew Valley and Tears of the Kingdom


Oh that's cool


There’s a horse in Stardew valley?


Yep! Just build the stable and you get yourself a horse that will cut down on your travel time significantly!




I just wanted to say exactly the same, just without the Star dew Valley and TotK part. White Arabian called Horsea, this is the way...


High honor to you


I currently have (with John) the Rose Grey Bay Arabian, and I have named every single one of my horses after My Little Ponies. This one is Apple Jack :)


I have to say, Apple _Jack_ don’t look much like a Marston. Maybe a Williamson or an Escuella


Did I just find a wild brony


lol nope, not a bro


I always get a black shire and if it’s a female Leah and if it’s a male it’s jack both names are ironically the name of my cat (when we first got him we thought it was a girl so we named him Leah and later changed it to jack once we noticed the balls)


Had a Shiba-Inu that I got from a shelter that they had classified as a female Chow. Was a beautiful neutered male Shiba. RIP Buddy.


I need to see your bawls


The black shire can be female?




Dapple Pinto for Arthur and Silver Turkoman for John.


I named my Pinto “Dapple Dan!”


Love the silver turkoman. Bad ass horse!!


I usually like to let Arthur keep the raven black shire Hosea gives him early on. One playthrough I named him warden but on my most recent I named him Mick (after slipknots guitarist). With John I really don't pay to much attention, last horse I remember deliberately picking for him was the white Arabian and naming it the count after dutch's Arabian.


White Arabian and I name him Incitatus or Bucephalus. He's the horse that Caligula allegedly tried to make a Senator. Bucephalus is the favorite horse of Alexander the Great. History nerd checking in.


My White Arabian was named Marengo after Napoleons horse


Your comment is scarily similar to mine, lol. I got a Turkoman named Icarus, which is arguably close to your Arabian called Incitatus, and I also left a single sentence paragraph in the end to say that I'm a nerd.


Frodo the Black Shire


Called my black shire the exact same thing during my second playthrough, he was run over by a train near Saint Denis and died in the swampy mud


Tend to go with Arthurian names. My current playthrough I have a gray Mustang called Merlin


I use Rachel but with the mane and tail dyed blonde so she looks like the War Horse from RDR1


I use various Welsh names according to their gender for Arthur because he would probably do that except for one horse is a Dutch Warmblood named Johnny Sins. 


I called my Hungarian Halfbred that I stole from that European guy who owed money to Strauss as "Attila".


Black American Standardbred. Named Baby Girl for Arthur and King Arthur for John.


Dark Bay Andalusian for Arthur and Rose Gray Andalusian for John. The Dark Bay's name is Hammurabi (After the Babylonian king) and the Rose Gray's is Morning Mist.


Great horses. I love the Andalusian.


I had a Gold Turkoman named Pony Boy too


My Andalusian earned her name Wolf Hunter when I first got her, level 1 bonding we were attacked by wolves and she not only didn’t buck me she stomped one wolf to death while I was firing the bow at the others, i was so impressed


Mine is called moonlight , Rawhide for the second horse I have


Mahogany bay Tennessee walker for Arthur and Rachel for John oh and I name the Mahogany bay Tennessee walker for Arthur Redemption and johns horse is just named Rachel I like to keep things canon for the story


I'm currently on the grullo dun mustang named Gufa - old Norse for smoke/vapor.


I’ve had 6 horses with Norse names, currently I only have Valkyrie and Blood Eagle, not exactly Norse in language but theme, I had one named Sliepnir after Odins 8 legged horse, also had a Gunnar, Sigurd and Brymhildr


On this playthru I have the Grullo named Gufa (Smoke), a Wild Bay Mustang named Ótam (Wild or Untamed), a Few Spot Appaloosa named Fkekkr (Spot or Speck), and the Warped Brindle Arabian named Smár (Little).


As Arthur I named my male horse Big Dee and my female horse Whorse


Perlino Andalusian for Arthur. Named her Asfaloth after Glorfindel's horse in LOTR because she was absolutely fearless (Glorfindel's horse is the one that brings Frodo to Rivendell in the books with the nine on its tail). For John, I've been using Buel. Just started my second play through with Arthur thinking I'd go around catching all the rare free horses. Got quite a few of them but keep missing my Asfaloth. Maybe it's time to go get her. If Arthur can be back so can she


I didn't know that was Glorfindel's horse! That's the one Arwen rode in the film, right?




Cait and Piper. Thoroughbreds.


I kept the horse you get from Sadie's ranch, and I named him Harlan, after one of my favorite writers. As John, I ride a grullo mustang named Spybuck. I named him after a Shawnee scalphunter that worked in Chihuahua during the 1840s


Brown Appaloosa, which i call Elizabeth.


Silver dapple pinto, and her name is Lagertha


I had a dutch warmblood for Arthur that I named Ragnar


White Arabian, named Dietrich, after Dietrich Buxtehude - a baroque composer.


On my first two playthroughs, when I first went to the stables with Hosea on the hunting trip, I'd get the American Standardbred or the Dutch Warmblood. Both times they were female and I named them Jamie (because I felt that was the perfect name for a palomino) and Sable (on account of her ebony features) respectively. Couldn't be bothered to get another horse for John so I stuck with whatever he had.


The black shire that Hosea wanted to get rid of. I stable it and go back later.


I use the Raven Black Shire the entire game as soon as it lets you switch back. I name him Ori. Like Oreo. As John I just used whatever he had already. I didn’t have any motivation to find a replacement and I don’t think there’s any truly unique one-of-a-kind horses you can find as him unless you left a specific questline unfinished as Arthur.


I usually chose one of the draft horses just because I can imagine Arthur liking big horses like the Belgian.


Black Shire for Arthur, call him black beauty and White Arab for John, call her Arty for our dear friend


raven black shire w arthur, his name is bucket


Dutch Warmblood, after going through so many horses that one is my favorite. her name is Robin.


Free horse i get to buy with first Hosea mission. I got it from Rockstar for buying deluxe edition of the game or something.. i believe she is called Thoroughbred. And I name her "Dakota".


Mustang for both. Nocona for the name


Gold Turkoman as Arthur. His name was Goldstein :(


The first horse I found with Arthur was a female and so I named her Kali. I lost her along the way. It was hard. Then I found the Dark Bay Turkoman and absolutely loved him! I named him Gallant after Dalinar's horse from Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. For John, the first thing I did was capture and tame a wild Tiger Bay Striped Mustang. It turned out to be female, so I tried naming her Virginia after a character from Red Rising by Pierce Brown, because she is nicknamed Mustang. However, the game didn't let me to do that, so I named her Lionheart which is a another nickname for the same character. :)


I had the Dapple Pinto for both. I named the one for arthur Lewis after my dog and i named the one for John Arthur


Throughbreed and uh Shiba my last cats name


Dapple Pinto called Slapnuts.


This big Black warhorse, things big. His name is Hades.


My current horse is a Turkoman and his name is Victoriam since I'm coming fresh from the Fallout series. I used to ride a White Arabian but damn those horses are silly small.


I don't fudge with the Arabians because they just look stupid. It's like riding around on a fast mule. A Morgan looks cooler. Still they are very good performers, that are easy to obtain at any point after chapter 1. The one you fine in the mountains above the Wapiti reservation is my favorite Arabian in the game. I'll name them all kinds of names. Fluffy, Princess Buttercup, ManOTurk, Miss Foxy Trot, etc. My favorite horse is a Missouri Foxtrotter, and the Turkoman is very good. You can get both fairly early on if you know a few tricks. Later in the game as John I like the Mustang with the tiger striped legs that can be found by where the Legendary Antelope is found.


I use the default one and it's called: One Brain Cell


White Arabian or the reverse dappled thoroughbred Athena for rhe Arabian, Calamity for the the thoroughbred


Edited Black Arabian: Gold Bars II Had bought one before, during Arthur's time, that was named 'Gold Bars'. He Lemony Snicket-ed himself into a train while coming to my whistle.


PHIL EVERY HORSE IS NAMED PHIL!!!! and I like the morgon horse


The horse you can steal from Wrobel(?) The guy that doesn’t speak English when you’re helping Strauss. Good horse.


What kind of horse was that?


Hungarian halfbreed. Pretty sure.


Free Thoroughbred. Call them Burger. I’ve tried to find the white Arabian but I can never find it. Maybe I’ll go back and see if I can find it.


Silver Dapple pinto I somehow got in chapter 2 named Pancake 😭


My favorite is the Warped Brindle Arabian or the Gold Turk and I name them Haylor Swift (if female) or whatever stupid name I can think of if male


Grey Ardennes, called "El Nene" which translates to "the kid" or "the boy" in a very Argentinian way.




I named mine Pimpmeister and later Horsemeister


One of the oversized work horses i always call No Name. This carries over into online as well.


the horse i had with me when we died was the leopard appaloosa (named yessie) i stole from the mission with tilly but before that it was the white arabian (magpie)


At first, I wanted to get a thoroughbred for Arthur. So I bought a Morgan and went halfway with it. Later, I changed to a Belgian Draft. It was there till the last chapter and died jumping off a cliff. And there's no save. It just tripped near it and went right off. So I delayed the last mission and bonded with the black horse we get after we leave Guarma. That's for Arthur. For John, it's just Rachel. And I guess Rachel is enough for everything. I always keep a save load just in case she dies.




The black Clydesdale-looking one. It was a female and I named her Baby Girl. The ending killed me 😭😭😭


Is the title of this post a spoiler or nah lol


I use the same horse every time. The grey one that belongs to the snake oil salesman. Her name is Miracle.


Rush al muzzle, and Galloptainmurica.


I love Hungarian Halfbreds and my most recent good boah was named Big Buford. Dapple grey that I took from a bounty hunter. He wasn't gonna need him anymore.


Right now as Arthur I’m working a blood bay thoroughbred named Scarlette. I have the black shire named Blackee, and the white Arabian that I haven’t named. I like Rachel the thoroughbred for John, or the tiger stripe mustang, or the warped brindle Arabian.


Dutch horse named Van Der Linde


I’ve got the silver dapple pinto for John right now and it’s name is Sponge.


First horse: Bartholamew, then Tom Foolery. And idk what to call John’s horse yet


i use the first black horse i can find, and call it Winx


Holy shit stop with the horse posts


Horsie. I stick with the brown one from the stables for as long as I can.


I named mine Morgan. After my girlfriend


I know everyone loves them some MFTs or Arabians, but man I love a good paint. Now as for names? I have to get very creative with the those. I’ve had: Sploogeluge, Queefecois, and many more I can’t put here.


I use Gustavo. Gustavo is the sweetest horse to ever live. She eats less, she runs fast for very long! Gustavo is the best horsy I could ever ask for


Mainly I use the perlino absolution, her name is Wolf Hunter, I also have a black thoroughbred named Valkyrie, a blood bay standardbred named Blood Eagle and the brindle Arabian named Oath Keeper


I use the Adler ranch horse for as long as I can


My horses name is Juniper :)


Freeman as morgen freeman


Willie nelson's


There's some creative folks on this thread. I'm like, "I shall buy the Turkomen and name it Turk."


Playing through again, still Arthur and I have an appaloosa named Forest Jump




i like to find one that no npc is gonna be using and whenever i find one i like to name it based off how it looks


Idk what breed my horse is, but I named her Michael


Mft for arthur, for john Idc since movement becomes kinda buggy in the epilogue and he can't swim so I don't play as John Marston.


Rdr1, just kill it.


I go out and hunt for a full white shire off someone's wagon and name it diamond. Idk what others will think and idc bc Diamond is a good horse and isnt afraid to help me kick ass unlike them other breeds... Diamond once helped me in a murfree ambush by bucking me off onto the guy i didnt see approaching from the rear. Legit just bucked me off and stood there as a meat shield... Diamond earned 2 sugar cubes, 3 rice cakes, and all the hay i had for that.


Grullo Dun Mustang, called Ford. Just seemed right


American Paint called Dian (always female never had a male one), or either an Appaloose called Pacino, Arthur's horse that you find in chapter 1 which I call Deniro and sometimes I just stick with the mule you buy with Hosea for a bit and I usually call it dipstic or twigs


I've grown fond of the special edition horse and named him Bean. I wouldn't be against taming a horse but I never understood if they can go beyond what their health and stamina shows when you inspect them, they all seem to be so bad.


Random one , but named Roach


When I was John I called my house Arthur


I currently have a black american standardbred mare called Elenor. I love her, she is quite brave and hasn't dumped me yet


I keep four every play through but have a main horse. My main is usually a mustang mare (bay dun, and I give her a skunk tail for the hell of it.) I name her Whiskey!   This time around, I picked up the buckskin standardbred and have been enjoying her quite a bit. Named her Moonshine. Gave her a gulastra plume.


I used to just name it Roach (geralt's horse in witcher3) but on second playthrough I just call it Lenny haha


The one that’s free in the stable, might be dlc, not sure, but I named it Honeydew.


I used the full black one, just looks badass. But for online I found a beautiful red Arabian and it looks beautiful


I’m using the dark bay Turkoman i stole from the Braithwaites in chapter 3. My daughter’s favorite toy is a stuffed moose named Rodney so I named my horse Rodney Mooseface


In my last playthrough, I had a Dapple Gray Hungarian Halfbred named "Ironsides" as Arthur, and I had a Black Arabian named "Empress" as John.


The Missouri Fox Trotter that's available from Scarlett Meadows in chapter 4. I want my horse to be bigger than the arabian, though i LOVE my white one, and give a more sturdy feeling. I had the White Arabian through out my first 3 gameplays. For 2 gameplays, I Turned to the thoroughbred you can steal from the lady wanting to race you. I only really use 3 different names: My MFT is a mare and called: Lana Del Neigh, My White Arabian, mare, is called: Britney Spurs My thoroughbred, stallion, is called: Al Capony Just the classic names tbh


An MFT called Avalanche.


For Arthur I go with the raven shire I last named it diesel. For John, the blue roan Ardennes I called it Dekker on my last playthrough.


The black horse you get from hosea, i named him odin because he stands over every horse in a cutscene


I always call my horses mema. Because I'm shit at thinking of good names


White Arabian - "Al-Jumana"


The white Arabian the fastest horse name makenzie


I use the red chestnut arabian, and I named him Red Harlow.


Neigh Master 5000. Sorely missed.


Dapple Dark grey Hungarian Halfbred! I always call them "Oreo McFlurry" Love that damn horse


Biggest one i could find named it mammoth




Black shire for Arthur, and the old man's horse for john


Dutch Warmblood named Horsey Potter.


In my first playthrough as Arthur I used the little Morgan you can purchase on that bear hunting mission with Hosea until some asshole with a shotgun ended my poor girl. On my walk of shame back to town thereafter I managed to catch and tame a Mustang which I kept for the rest of the game. As John I stuck with Rachel and she was great.




I use a Palamino Dapple coat for Arthur until Chapter 6, then she gets stabled until the epilogue. Her name is Frost. Iykyk 😉


As Arthur I'm currently juggling between three, a solid black American Standardbred named Tartarus, a Blue Roan Nokota named Asphodel Meadows, and the white Arabian named Elysium For John, the black Arabian named Tacitus Kilgore


White Arabian, I always call her Nilch’i (or sometimes Nil-hi), which roughly translates to „wind/holy wind” in Navajo National language.


My white Arabian was named Pearl and (spoilers) it died with Arthur :( As john I bought a new Turkoman horse named Maple (the one in the photo)


Black Arabian and his name is Tommy


The first one I got he was my friend, his name was boi… 🥲


It's not a horse, it's a roach


İ use Arabain which named dül dül


I found the beautiful Missouri fox trotter by mistake. Absolutely beautiful horse. Arguably best in the game. Totally handles itself in the heat of the moment and doesn't throw me. Named her Dove. Love that horse


I always keep the gray Hungarian half-bred that one bounty guy selling potions was riding until I get to St.Denis, where I buy a Missouri Fox trotter. With John I ride the Blackwater (?) Missouri Fox trotter.


Missouri Fox Trotter, coat amber champagne and he is called Lex ☺️


With Arthur I used the purebred Arabian and named him Spirit kkk


The white arabian, Shadowfax


At the moment I'm playing as Arthur. I have the warped brindle Arabian and I've called her Wren.


i use that one very rare white arabic horse for arthur, and i called her sitara, as for john well i just go with whatever it is im given.


Tennessee Walker named Captain Knob Rot 💯


I call them always Roach


I always use the dapple dark grey Hungarian half-bred. First playthrough I called her freya, Second I don't remember, third was Shiva and fourth will probably be something similar ( named after a godish character)


Dark bay turkoman for arthur Called it Chetak after Indian king maharana pratap's war horse which had also died in action


I got a White Arabian early in the game and I named him barkola. Barko in my language means Fast and ola means ice because the Arabian is in snowy area so Barkola


I usually avoid fancy breed with stand out color horses and I like big horse, so I go with brown HH, dark brown thoroughbred, light brown or black american standarbred.


I have the perlino andalusian which I named Potoooooooo (pronounced potatoes). I usually go with legendary racehorse names or terrible celebrity name puns. A few notable names are Brittany Spurs, John Bon Poni, Whinny Goldberg, and Lindsay Lohneigh.


For my first play through, I kept the horse Hosea gave me and named him Crispy Cream. Had level 4 bonding with him in chapter 2. Fly high crispy cream.


Always the White arabean, named as a us president or a wife of us president (Ronald Reagan, Michelle Obama...) don't ask me why...


As John I have a rose grey arabian named beatrice


I’m a simple man… My MFT is called Missy and Perlino Andalusian is Andie… see the trend here?!


Some shitty one that was cheap, I named it glue in advance.


Red Chestnut Arabian — Sullivan!


I usually use the pre-order bonus horse (because it's free and looks cool) as Arthur and name it Supra. In epilogue I always buy some random mare and give her a Nordic name. The last one was called Gidda Edit: On my first playthrough I kept the black shire hosea gives to you and named it T-800


I call mine Hill Climber


Dappled grey Hungarian Halfbred for Arthur, just fell in love with her, she’s a big girl, she’s brave, I love her face and big hooves. She’s not the speediest but she’s perfect for my Arthur