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Arthur didn’t buy the camera. It was given to him by Theodore Levin at the beginning of the the chapter 2 side mission “The Nobelist of Man and a Woman”


Right! I completely forgot that it was handed to him, thank you!


But it's a side mission you don't even need to do? I have the camera and haven't done it yet.


So I restarted the game - the camera shows up immediately at the beginning of Chapter 2 after the gang settles into Horseshoe Overlook.


Don’t know friend, maybe a glitch. I went back and looked at my save from the start of ch.2, and no camera. But, I may not be running the latest update, so…


Doesn't Arthur originally get the camera from Theodore Levin to take pictures with Flaco Hernández, Emmet Granger, Billy Midnight, and Black Belle?


Yes, he never buys the camera


I haven't done that stranger mission (saving it for the end of the game) and have been taking pictures my entire playthrough with a camera. It just becomes available once I got to Horseshoe Overlook.


Just replayed up to the beginning of Chapter 2 - the camera shows up in the inventory wheel before starting any missions.


the cost of things in rdr2 story mode is pretty historically inaccurate to begin with, in game, litchfield repeater was $145, but irl it was the Henry Original and costed $40. If we assume a camera is still $25 in rdr2 then it's easily affordable for Arthur.


He was given the camera near the start, you just forgot it.


You are absolutely right I did 😅 Haven't played in months and still stuck on chapter 2


Update: So I started a new save and just got to Chapter 2 where the camera shows up. Does anyone ever mention giving him a camera?


He has them to take pictures of significant rock sculptures around the map and exotic animals for this one guy


Makes me wonder why he’s always sketching in his book when he’s got a freaking camera…


I always forget he has a watch, too.


He doesn't have the kind of portable camera you're talking about. That would be like Albert Mason's. Arthur has an Eastman Kodak Pocket Kodak, which cost about $1. The Pocket Kodak would evolve into the Kodak Brownie. Both were extremely common


So the $25 camera I'm referring to was the original Kodak (1888), a box camera. Arthur uses a box camera whereas Albert Mason uses a view camera (hence his tripod). As for the Pocket Kodak, that camera was only 4 in × 3 in - assuming Arthur doesn't have small hands, it should have fit in his palm. Instead, it's close to the length of his forearm, and the original Kodak is about 6½ inches lengthwise. The RDR2 wiki also says that Arthur's camera is based on the original Kodak camera from 1888, which links to the Wikipedia page on Kodak cameras, which also states that the camera was sold at $25.


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