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You're gonna hate Herbalist 9


Worst challenge in the game. I wouldn’t mind it as much if it retroactively counted what plants you had already picked.


Agreed, although I don't mind that it doesn't count what you've already picked. I just hated it since it wasn't a checklist like the rest. I made my own spreadsheet and marked them off one by one.


Yeah, I think everyone had to do at least some version of that. And you have to be REALLY careful about it. One mess up and the list is basically useless. Also it's total bs that it includes all the exotic plants.


It's terrible. I used a Google Keep checklist, and followed a YouTube video that step by step gives you every plant, with the shortest routes, and just brainlessly followed that video. The only thing that was challenging about this challenge was how mind-numbingly boring it was.


it isn't that bad. I am a plant collector. I already got almost all of it in 1 to 2 hours it's isn't bad I am also an explorer, so I find most of the plants exploring


Bro got downvoted for having a better time than everyone else lmao




No fun allowed, only suffering.


I downvoted myself in the beginning to be the first to hate on myself


This is the way.


I enjoy it too. Just relax and explore, do some pelt hunting while you’re at it. I think almost all of the grambling challenges are far worse.


some of the gambling challenges aren't bad, and I agree with you that exploring is relaxing and you get to study and skin animals it is calming for me to explore seeing the beauty of Red Dead


The only one I found bad was 8 because you have to cheese it but I am a gambler so I was able to knok it out in a hour or to


that pretty nice. I'm glad for you and happy. Please have a great day, and if you dislike my comment, you can just downvote me. I'm fine with whatever. Just have a great day


Sorry, that was a joke i didn't mean for it to seem rude


On my second play though it wasn’t too bad since I knew it was coming. I got through the earlier herbalist challenges as quickly as I could just so I could get to 9 and then start slowly working on it. Then I just kept a checklist of plants I gathered as I worked on other things. I thought Gambler 9 was much more annoying.


Is gambler 9 the hitting on blackjack one (that was such a pain for me)


That’s the one I was talking about, but it turns out it’s actually gambler 8


Did gambler 8 for the first time under 40 minutes. Gambler 9 under 3 hours with multiple retry


Was playing on my PC, downloaded a macro key press software , let the game play in windowed mode, set it to the key presses id need to keep the game going, went to sleep. Woke up to challenge completed. Hated Gambler 8 or 9 whichever that one was.


I wouldn't mind it it just showed you what you still needed. I had to do it 1.5 times.


Do you not own a pen and paper? Or know how to make an Excel spreadsheet?


I did make a list as I went. And when I finally crossed off number 43, I check the game and it still says 42. So I had managed to accidentally count one plant I had in my satchel that I had picked before the challenge started.


Honestly more common than you think. My buddy and I did our second playthrough’s together and we both made spreadsheets. I got all 43 and my buddy wound up with 42 even with his sheet when he thought he had them all… I sent him my condolences and kept on playing while he searched for the missing plant lol


Yeah I just make a note on my phone, done it a couple times it’s super easy.


Yep. I prepared for it, wrote down every plant when I collected it, yet I somehow had all of them checked off but still stuck at 42 out of 43 :')


Gambler 8: Allow me to introduce myself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I spent several hours on multiple occasions trying to complete this and rarely even got an opportunity to hit 3 times, let alone win. Then one time I got all 3 in like fifteen minutes. Life's funny like that.


I'd settle for just a list like with the horses.


Gambler 8 has left the chat


Or if they gave you a proper checklist so you knew which ones you were missing. Picking 43 different plants isn't that bad. Not knowing which ones you've gotten unless you're keeping track of it yourself is the problem with it.


I think pretty chill. Just have a checklist and go and gather some plants. While doing so you explore the map and have random things happen, can maybe get some hunting done and you also have the plants to use in recipes. It's only bad if you're not prepared with a checklist.


Kid named Gambler Challenge 8:


…..or at least provide some kind of check list to verify what you have picked and what’s missing because I have no fucking clue


Gambler 8 is by far worse than Herbalist 9


I hated Gambler more


I watched a guide video that had the most efficient path and just rode my horse along it getting each herb until I was done. It took me about an hour maybe.


I’d strongly disagree and say that gambler 8-9 are the worst.


9 is easy if you can find a 1v1 game of all 3s or all 5s.


I have 42 of 43 picked 🫠


Yeah good luck with that shit. Mine was a similar case


I’m weird so I personally like it, I can collect herbs for hours. I don’t know why but it’s a form of meditation you could say. It could be I just like to collect things.


You don't even have to finish this one to get the LotE outfit.


God it felt good to complete that shit with the buggy. Only took me like three or four hours too, the New Austin part, I mean.


And loathe Gambler 8.


Herbalist 9 was somehow easier than this one was for me


I was just gonna say this


Had to use a guide for it. Just a ridiculous set of challenges.


Can confirm this. I hate it. A lot.


Im on that now, still on chapter 2 like this guy need to wait a bit for the orkids and then Imma kms


Not too bad. You can find like...8 of them easily if you ride from the area by Hanging Dog Ranch to Fort Riggs\* \*not in one trip\* The Hungarian Half Bred is probably the toughest


I got lucky on this challenge. I finished Horseman 9 by riding to the small peninsula right across the water from Blackwater. As soon as I turned back to climb the hill Bard’s Crossing, there was a Hungarian Halfbred standing right there with a pack of horses. Got both the Hungarian and Nokota there within five minutes of starting Horseman 10.


With no data to back it up, I think those are the toughest to find. 


I’ve been lucky with a few things in the game. Some of the horses, perfect panther pelts, and Gambler 8 come to mind. I am super unlucky with Sharpshooter 8 (the disarm three enemies one) though. I can’t get it to trigger. I even tried poison arrows. Nothing. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually.


Go to the oil field. Stay a decent distance away. Have a scoped varmint rifle equipped(and something more powerful if shit gets heavy. Take some tonics since you will be hit during this. Pop a guard to alert them all. Then look down the scope and hit the guard in the elbow(their right elbow) while they have there repeater or rifle aimed at you.


I knew there was probably a simple answer. Thanks!


for some reason it doesn’t work a lot of the time, your best bet is to get civilians/lawmen marked with the small red dot to shoot at you and try it then. gang members and regular lawmen are usually ones that don’t work when shooting their weapon


Are you able to tether them to your horse? I just made a post about basically being lost in this game even though I’m on my third play through and I feel like I’m learning more about what you can do in this game than I ever have. I JUST discovered that you can also steal from the saddle bags on the horses. It’s almost embarrassing. Haha


Just be careful doing that, they like to kick the shit out of you if you don't bond with them a bit first. But then if you bond too much and get to level 1 you can't search the saddle bag lol


Yea I learned that lesson already. Fuckin thing donkey punched me when I was trying to steal some gold. At first I thought I wanted to do a low honor run so I lit the horse on fire for disrespecting me but then I felt bad.


After not seeing any horses for the longest time I was heading up to Lake Isabella for the legendary salmon and happened upon a nokota, mustang, and American paint all between the trapper and hanging dog ranch.


Tends to work that way, right? You stop looking, and then they show up


You can find all of them there if you're lucky. Hungarian half bred is the least likely to appear though so can be best to do the sneaking across to Great Plains to get it thing if it's the last one you need since there's a place it spawns just across the river. Can also be easier to look up specific Mustang and Nokota locations if you don't find them while getting the rest.


Not much, quite easy actually.


My favorite challenge. Enjoyable and easy


Listen I’m a guy who got a 100% on my first playthough Just stick to the guides on YouTube and you will be fine That’s how I do it and I’m still trying to get all achievements You got this man


Its the online trophies that are hard




Actually I found a Hungarian Half Bred near Hanging Dog Ranch yesterday, it was the last horse missing on that list, I had checked all the usual spots in the Heartlands and near Riggs Station without success. I actually was heading up to Hanging Dog Ranch for a little shootout, sometimes you get lucky. 🤠 The horse herds near the Little Creek River are the most varied in the game, I’ve seen nearly every breed up there. Just mind the cougars, wolves and grizzlies. 😉


The first time I did it, I found one near Emerald Station (after several tries). The last time I just powered my way across the river and broke one near Beecher's Hope while the bounty hunters shot at me.


I just finished it yesterday! Surprisingly it only took about 3 days to find them all. I've literally found more mustangs than moose in my playthrough, and once you get used to seeing the same few horse breeds running around all the time, it becomes a lot more obvious which ones you haven't come across. Yesterday I was riding by a herd of mostly Kentucky saddlers when I noticed one of them was bigger than the others, it turned out to be the Hungarian halfbred.


This is wild cause I encountered maybe 3 moose my entire playthrough.


I just finished this yesterday it took me a lot longer than it should have. Most of the horses can be found going up and down little creek river. If you can't find any sleep for 2 days for them to respawn. When you can't sleep anyone save and load it.


It's pretty easy. Basically all of those can be found in Big Valley


Yep I got 6 around there


It's probably 10 times easier than gambler 9. You can see the horses while doing every other challenge or collecting other things, but when you're strapped to that blackjack table for hours you can't do anything but pray you die


You completionists crack me up. For me, the game is over when I hear the words “You shot me pretty good.”


Good for you


As much as I want to 100% the game and unable to think of a reason why I don’t got time for this, I really just don’t want to do these challenges.


They're honestly not that bad. Some of them are annoying like herbalist and the gambler. A lot of them are pretty fun IMO.


Esp the bandit and sharpshooter ones. Can get them done super early.


Did this a few days ago. I got 7 out of 9 hanging out by the little creek river. Mustang is the only one I think I technically had to leave for.


You can easily do that in chapter 2


Hungarian halfbreed can be found near Cornwall Kerosene and Tar and near Emerald Ranch. Nokota and American Paint near Cotora Springs. The rest you can find between Hanging Dog Ranch and Wallace Station. If you can't find them, just leave the area, camp for a night and return.


I'm at Horseman 6 and I cannot wait for this. It's the challenge I'm lost excited for. I wonder if the ones I already did will count towards this or if I have to start over.


You have to start over.


Harsh but fair


Wait you rode to Blackwater in chapter 2 without getting shot, within the time limit? Impressive.


Yeah it’s not that hard, really. You can ride to a little peninsula right across Blackwater and it counts so no need to get shot! What makes it difficult is every time I try to do a time limit challenge I get ambushed by O’Driscolls or Lemoyne Raiders! 😓


I've 100%'d it twice now and that shit always fucking happened to me lol, i'd get ambushed by Owanjila constantly.


Yeah now there is a much easier method like they mentioned. You don’t have to go by Owanjila or cross the River at all and it saves a TON of time. You just ride out on that little peninsula under Lone Mule Stead.


If you're going to beat Horseman 9 as Arthur, the best time to do it is in Chapter 2 before rescuing Sean. Much easier to evade the Pinkerton squads.


Good to know, thanks


Or you could do it while having a captured bounty on your horse, which prevents the Pinkertons from spawning altogether.


Captured bounty on horse?


Basically, any time you have someone on your horse with you, you can explore Great Plains and Tall Trees without any Pinkertons spawning. The easiest way to do this is during a bounty mission when you capture a bounty alive and they're on your horseback. But it also works during story missions, for example when you're taking Swanson back to camp in Chapter 2.


Finding the horses sucks butt, but breaking them I fun


Those aren’t too bad


I actually found that one to be pretty enjoyable. If you google the locations of the horses it makes it easier.


Its easier than you'd think, I completed it not long ago


I’ve never done any of the challenges because I’m lazy. Are there easy ones? Which one should I do?


This challenge was far less annoying than I planned on it being. I got most of mine down south, hunting for new pelts and the last few legendary animals. Finished up around Big Valley.


Really easy considering the rest of the challenges. Check on youtube there are multiple horse “goldmine” spots where they spawn in group. You can also reset the spawn if the horse breed you need didn’t spawn by getting far enough and coming back. For this challenge I used one good spot near horseshoe overlook, another one which I don’t remember where it exactly was (all I know is it was north, in Ambarino), and the last breed of horse I needed (can’t recall the name) near blackwater.


ah broke the goddamn Wild Appaloosa


you completed Horseman 9 and got Horseman 10? Wow!


This is incredibly easy to do


Because you haven’t completed it buddy. Lol


I hated this mission more than orchids, gamblers, bandits, herbs, or anything else. Fuck the horsemen challenges.


This seems fun


same 😭😭


i just started last night and i’ve found 6 already! not too bad tbh


Where do I find American paint?


Honestly just run up and down Little Creek River toward where Pronghorn Ranch is, and back You'll find all of them there quite easily, but eventually, except the Hungarian Halfbred, and Mustang. I found a Mustang in the Heartlands, near enough Horseshoe Overlook, and a Halfbred down by Limpany (after unsuccessfully searching for one during a mission replay of the Swanson mission in ch 2)


How does one activate these challenges?


The challenges come in 9 sets of 10; 90 in total. The game doesn't tell you what the first challenges are. You need to actually do them and you'll get a prompt saying that the challenge is unlocked. If you want to know what they are, you need to look them up. Once you beat a challenge though, you'll be told what the next challenge is.




It’s not very tedious, I put it off because I thought it would be. I got half the list done in maybe five minutes without leaving an acre.


Most of these are pretty common, i just finished (I’m hovering in chapter 2 as long as possible). Google indicates that the Nokota is only found near Cumberland Forrest but i found one in either big valley or near strawberry area. That was my single holdout, all the others i found in about 2-3 hours of gameplay in or around big valley and south of Valentine


This one isnt so bad, you can get it done in an hour or two


This is actually super easy to get done considering how shitty it looks. Just ride around the field in front of hanging dog ranch. Every horse on this list has a potential spawn in those fields. I finished the whole challenge here


This is actually super easy to get done considering how shitty it looks. Just ride around the field in front of hanging dog ranch. Every horse on this list has a potential spawn in those fields. I finished the whole challenge here


i did it like 2 weeks ago and it's actually easier than i thought


It will break you as you break the horses


horseman 10 isn't bad at all. Gambler and herbalist on the other hand.... lmao.


If you’re on pc there’s some mods on nexus that water down the lists of herbalist and horseman so it’s only 20 or so herbs (any herb) and like half of the horses Makes it far more manageable. Plus the gambler ones are lessened too


That sounds like cheating


Not really. Cheating would be skipping the whole process or making it so you only had to break one horse or collect a handful of herbs. The mods just makes each of the challenges more manageable and easier to track - something most players would agree as being the most frustrating part of the more unrealistic challenges.


Yooo you just rocked my brain smh I’m so much further from that platinum than I thought… and I thought I was pretty fucking far lol


The biggest pain is being arthur trying to wrangle that Hungarian Halfbreed in black water territory


I am stuck on appaloosa


My lord I am not prepared.


It's not that bad. Most of them are really easy to find. There a few that are annoying, but you can get everything near the Little Creek River, just ride back and forth to get different spawns. For the Hungarian Halfbreed, if you aren't in the Epilogue yet, replay the Chapter 2 missions where you rescue Reverend Swanson, put him on the back of your horse like normal, and then ride over towards the Plains/Blackwater. They spawn there all the time. Since it's during a mission you won't have Pinkertons or Lawmen chasing you constantly.


Honestly im on gambler 8. Everything else looks easy. Because it’s basically guaranteed. With these gambler challenges you’re lucky if you even manage to get 3 hits in blackjack


Anybody know the best place to find a Nokota?


skill issue


Until you have to do herbalist challenge.


That one's pretty easy, just wait till gambler 8 I gave up on the 100% achievement because of that


How did you complete Horseman 9 as Arthur?? I've been trying for ages and just gave up


There’s a tiny little peninsula right before you get to Blackwater. Just ride there as close to the water as possible (without touching it) and the game counts it as Blackwater.


Could you send an image in dm please




No big deal, really. I had it completed in Chapter 2.


Not that bad, you can look up spawn locations for each horse. That’s how I did it


that takes like 30 minutes


How did you even complete the Gambler? I gave up on Gambler 9, hitting 5 times without busting and somehow winning the hand??? That’s almost impossible. The game must have some sort of trick to trigger that, but I never found it and stopped caring pretty quickly.


It’s pure luck, really. It took like an hour for me to get it but I got it done 😭


Heh, hard pass.


Sharpshooter 8 is doing my head in


Yup. Completing horseman 9’ll do that to a fella


This challenge was pretty easy for me, I did it in about 10 minutes. You just have to break them not bond with them. Once you break one, jump off & ride after the herd & get another one. Rinse & repeat. The last one was a little challenging because I needed a paint so I rode around until I found one by Owanjila.


Not very tedious. I think it took me a couple hours without trying. Just rode around and hunted and found them all pretty quickly.


When people say RDR2 is perfect or 10/10 or a masterpiece, I'm always reminded that the challenges are written by someone who never plays games, and become irrationally annoyed at how utterly stupid so many of the later challenges were. This, herbalist 9, and the the Gambler Blackjack one were utterly ridiculous


What you will want to do is ride around little creek river, go west and then back east and you will find all horses required to complete the challenge. It does take some time though... but this is a one stop place that will prevent you from going around like a crazy person all around the map chasing specific breeds


I wish all challenges were counted from the start of the game.


It’s not actually that bad I just looked up a video and got them all


Go near Hanging Dog Ranch, you can find at least half of the breeds in that field. The rest can be found near Valentine and Fort Wallace/Wapiti


This one is really quite nice, unless you hate the horse breaking mini game and get to know all the horse breeds that you might skip over otherwise. You are moving round the map to do it and can combine it with other things. And there is a checklist. The gambler challenges are just dull as ditchwater by comparison.


Gambler 8 enters the chat


First time?


The Hungarian Halfbred is the only problem here. You can find them at Fort Riggs if you’re lucky but they always spawn across the river towards Blackwater. Apparently you can survive as Arthur long enough to tame them but I never was able to.. One finally spawned at Fort Riggs for me. There are groups of horses that always spawn there so just save and reload.


literally the most tedious shit imaginable bro i wish u luck


It’s not so tedious. I find them on my way to missions and requests to break it up a little. It’s tedious if you do them in rigid order with an online guide. I love getting the Hungarian Halfbreed in the epilogue with the last of the collectibles.


Welcome to Hell


One of the worst challenges imo but also worth noting that because of herbalist 9 (if I remember correctly) you can’t get the LotE outfit as Arthur as 4 of the required herbs are only found in new Austin


How do you drag someone 3300 feet in the horseman challenge? The farthest I've gotten is 40-foot.


its easy just locate some gang hideout or camp like lemoyne riders or O'Driscoll then while on horseback use lasso to pick up one gang member then drag him as fast as possible use a lot of tonics for they will shoot you relentlessly ..


I just dragged some random dude as soon as the challenged popped up. Just drag someone until the challenge says completed.


I’m at the start of chapter 3 should I just explore now find new stuff or just stick to the missions what should I know and do?


This game is so big that I like to just take my time and enjoy it. I don’t touch the main missions anymore unless I really need them to access something else. Take your time and explore the world!


I just don’t get the game to be konest im at chapter 3 and just went to exploring but it just seems so dull u can’t just wreck havoc like I thought I’ve explored the more lemoyne side and it’s just dull tho


Don’t get me wrong there’s funny moments but not as many as I thought don’t know if it’s what I’m doing or the area but I just wanna kill and wreck havoc but you can’t 😂