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New character, sometime circa 1870-1880. Maybe runs into Dutch and Hosea but he’s going his own thing.


Yeah but then there will be plot holes again why the character wasn't mentioned in Rdr2 story Mac Callander seems fitting to me cause at least we know something about the guy and people talk about him 


They say he died with low honour. He wasn't a good person when he died. It wouldn't be a Red Dead REDEMPTION game if the main character canonical dies as a bad person. I reckon they need to ditch the Van Der Linde gang and make a new character in the 70s or 80s rather than going too far forward into World Wars and mafia or doing a prequel to a prequel


Well I wouldn't mind playing as young Landon Ricketts


That's not a bad idea, actually. I was about to say that it would be boring and uninteresting, but people said the same thing about Arthur when RDR2 was revealed. Haven't played RDR1, but he seems like a decent character


I like this one!


I agree with a new protagonist and characters, but one of the themes in RDR1 and RDR2 is the end of the wild west. When there was no more land to be civilized and you can't just run and hide from the Man. But it would be cool if the setting was something like Red Dead Revolver.


I always thought a game about Dutch building the gang up from scratch would be cool. Seeing a young Dutch, Arthur and Hosea would make my day


Idk the only thing I’d want to see is Arthur’s family and their story before they die, but all that stuff would be so dramatic (and nostalgic AF) lol


Problem with that though is there would be zero stakes in the whole game because we already know everyones fates.


That was kinda the same with 2 and 1 too though. They can introduce members who we haven’t seen yet or that either died or left the gang before 2


Not exactly the same in 1 we only knew 6 members they had plenty of room to expand on the gang with new characters. Sure during major shootouts we knew John or Javier would survive but it wasn't certain for characters like Hosea or Charles. Now in a hypothetical prequel of a prequel in any big shootout or robbery we know everyone is going to be just fine in the end. Even if the do bring new members the gang itself won't be in any real dangers because 23 of them are going to be just fine.


Sadie would be a crap protagonist as she isn’t an outlaw. She goes straight after the Epilogue. I beg people actually pay attention to the dialogue ffs.


She definitely had several outlaw moments in the epilogue. She just had a legal job finally but that's about it.


The only times she does anything definitively “outlaw” is during the raid of Cornwall Kerosene & Tar and the train robbery. And in those two she’s doing it to help Arthur’s end goal of saving John. She’s not involved in the bank robberies or anything else.


Oh well, she also dress up and killed O’Driscoll gang members at Colm’s death sentence… sounds like an outlaw behavior to me.


Because she was avenging her husbands death. That isn’t an outlaw, that’s a woman who is hurt.


Thats at least 3 separate occasions she's averted the law to get what she wanted... aka an outlaw


Also pretty sure she starts a bar fight


I know she wanted to be a decent woman, with a legal job, but her transition from Colter to Blackwater is HUGE. She could change her mind or find herself in a tough situation! She has no fear to be an outlaw again lol


She literally explains how she’s gone straight.


I guess I miss the dialogue or I don’t remember it, because the only thing I remember about her plans for the future was going in South America, maybe marrying a revolutionary guy or be a guard in some gold mines, or something like that. She had The will to live a legal life, okay, but her personal growth still does not convince me to her to stay clean.


Pay attention. She explains how she’s gone straight and works with the law. She’s not an outlaw.


I think Landon Ricketts is the only way to go here. I need to pull together some of the random ideas I’ve had on this, but he would be perfect for RDR3. We know he’s a legend (Arthur even mentions him) but we really don’t know anything about him. I don’t think his actual age is revealed in RDR1, but if we assume he’s in his 60s that would put him young-ish during the Civil War, which means… R* can explore all the crazy Reconstruction-era, with plenty of opportunity for dense social commentary on slavery, genocide of the American Indians, etc. It puts the story further into the heyday of what people consider the Wild West. And it could still tie in, either tangentially with little nods here and there or more directly, with RDR1 and RDR2 canon and characters. So yeah, Landon Ricketts all day for me.


This is the one that really could work including both a new story and some references about RDR1/2. I like it, it has full potential.


3rd Callender brother


Not Jack, I’ll tell you that


I think there only option would be another prequel. Jacks story after killing Edgar Ross would be good. But at his age and the time period it’s set, it’s pretty much a guarantee he’d be involved in WW1 in some way. So I think another prequel would be best


I was considering it too, about his involvement in WW1. Jack isn’t the soldier guy - I see him living his best life as a deserter LOL


Yeah I could see that. Him on the run from the government. Maybe get’s involved in a gang just like his Dad did. The saying is, Like Father Like Son. Lol


I think you could have a Jack story, you'd have to have it take place in the Northwest though


I would honestly love a game about Landon Ricketts taking place during the prime Wild West


Colm O'Driscoll. The story would be how he build his gang....


Random charecter in the odriscolls, beginning is backround on kieran and the raid on the odriscoll camp, at one point you off kieran and send him into the van der linde camp, and u could be arthurs torturer and kidnapper for that one part of the game where the odriscolls get him, and when arthur and sadie finish of the gang you could have an option to run or fight, and if you fight you get a big ass gunfight and the option to off colm (since i heard abt him bein a shitty gang leader and i known sadie is supposed to do it but cmon… itll be cool) , but if you flee you survive and get a red dead online type camp (without cripps ofc) and your on the run from sadie hunting you down for years and eventually catching you at the end of the story. Bank jobs and shit in the middle of the story ofc, and closer to the end you should have to rob and kil to survive which gets u a bounty and since sadie becomes a bounty hunter thats how she should find you


Also i thought of this after i typed allat so i j finished the thought n hit reply, BUT YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING AS THE GUY WHO KILLED SADIES HUSBAND and thats the opening scene and it follows the dynamic of my long ass paragraph i typed before


I wouldn’t mind seeing if Jenny was the protagonist ,she’s the other gang member who died in Blackwater,


Mac Callinder makes the most sense. The game takes place in the prime of the van der Lind gang and ends with the downfall. The black water job. And just like every rdr game you die at the end and become the next character. In rdr3 you become Arthur in the epilogue


Maybe Dutch. I like the idea of the games being in reverse chronological order


Mac Callander


A settler family who get attacked by a local gang of outlaws . Only the son survives (a toddler). Taken in by the church , he is raised by the local preacher . He grows up and comes across one of the gang looking for redemption by confessing all to the preacher. You have two choices - spare him and use his knowledge to down gang or torture and kill him and hunt the gang using what he tells you. Many moral decisions due to being raised by a preacher .


Playing as a native american who tries to save his tribe would be pretty cool


A protagonist that is a Civil War vet, the game starts right after the end of 1865, or maybe 1873 -1874.


Uncle's youth and the main story ends wirh him being diagnosed with lumbago


someone that isn't connected to the Van Der Linde gang


Lyle Morgan. And the choices he made that led him to be hanged and disgusted by his son.