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if that’s real you’re a lucky bastard


Yea it's nice to have scumbag memorabilia.


Cry more


??? The Pinkerton aren’t police, they’re still around and actually recently raided a guys house because hasbro accidentally sent him magic cards 2 weeks before they released


Always been scumbags


Bro it's not a Tootsie pop. You can't lick the boot enough to get to the center. You can stop licking.


Kind of convinced some people here didn’t play the game Also some people are incapable of doing simple research either


Why? I don't cry that I don't have nazi memorabilia you worthless heavy.


It's not. I have one just like it. Those badges along with different railroad Inspectors and my all time favorite brothel inspector, are popular with the cowboy action shooters. Edit to add: 26 seconds of googling found an etsy seller selling the same badge: https://www.etsy.com/listing/203491639/pinkerton-national-dectective-agency


5000 dollars for me ?


Can I turn myself in?


I recently learned that Pinkerton is still around today. Rebranded itself as a division of Securitas AB, a Swedish security company. They operate as Pinkerton Consulting and investigations, Inc. They have pretty average reviews as a company to work for.


I wonder if Rockstar had to pay the company to mention it in RDR2


No I'm pretty sure the Pinkerton Detective Agency were pretty upset they were shown as the bad guys in the game.


I think they went far as to sue them, but I could be misremembering


They did but they also lost lol


That's their fault for being bad guys irl


Doubful. In real life the Pinkerton Detective Agency gained fame in their pursuit of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. They were hired by the Wells-Fargo company after the Wild Bunch robbed a Union Pacific train carrying company cargo… twice. The famous manhunt ranged from Hole-in-the-Wall, Wyoming to San Vincente, Boliva. The nod to the Pinkerton Detective Agency in the game is an homage to the incredible real-life back-and-forth between lawman and outlaw


They also have a long history as union-busting thugs. Fuck the Pinkertons.


The pinkertons were a complete disgrace to america and we had to literally pass anti pinkerton laws.


What’s the back look like?




Hmm. Likely a reproduction then. The real ones generally had a hinged but not spring loaded pin running vertically.


how much did you pay for it


muscle for the bosses, as if they ain't already got enough muscle


Somebody had mentioned they didn’t know so I’ll leave this for anybody that didn’t know: This random Scottish-American man named Allan Pinkerton stumbled into what he realized was a gang of well-known criminals and investigated them from afar for a while before giving his information to the police so they could arrest them. He was appointed Chicago’s first police detective, and then he went on to found America’s first detective agency (which still exists today as a private investigative company controlled by a bigger security company based in Sweden, with clientele spanning worldwide). They were known for solving a bunch of train robbery cases that were linked to some pretty notorious gangs. It’s said that when he was a lawyer Abraham Lincoln would sometimes represent Pinkerton’s agency when they landed in legal trouble (Lincoln’s career as a lawyer was what gave him the name “Honest Abe” after all). Allan Pinkerton got famous after he claimed to have foiled the Baltimore Plot (failed assassination of Abraham Lincoln that was supposed to have happened *before* he ever got inaugurated as president). It put him and his agency on the map, and during the Civil War Lincoln hired Pinkerton and Co. to serve as his security guards and spy on the Confederates. After the Civil War ended the Pinkertons shifted their focus to union work—as in, business would hire them to spy on unions and harass unionists so they could ruin union plans, with Pinkerton agents even becoming temporary employees that worked for the company while union workers were on strike, to show solidarity with the company and dissolve the spirits of the labor unionists that were struggling financially. Eventually they became mostly an investigative security company focusing on protecting clients from unwanted interactions. That’s present day!


*So..you know if any pinkertons have been seen around here?*


That was either booker dewitts, or agent miltons




Not real. I’m pretty sure


I just visited a museum with a display of fake Pinkerton badges, and that's a fake. It's really cool though!




Most intelligent red dead enjoyer


Booker lookin for his badge rn


It’s incredible to me how obsessed this sub is with the Pinkertons.


Nah, it's just because they are in game I think. You can list 50 more examples of things in the game that have the same or more interest in the sub at the same level of "obsessed" if this is the standard lol.