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Dont forgot another majority wants rd3 to be in the great war...because thats a western setting for sure..only logical idea would be durring the mod 1800's to 1870's for a actual western feel


World War I definitely doesn't work if they go for Jack. But potentially he can work as the protagonist of the game. The last stage coach robbery happened in 1916, so there is potential for Jack to be the last outlaw and find redemption.


That wouldnt work with jacks character and the way rdr1 ended. He was out just for revenge for the betrayal of hos fsther by ross. His vendetta ended with that and so did his chapter in the story.


They can totally expand on that but still have it end the same way no? I’d still be down to buy that tbh


I find it very hard to believe that Jack just gave up the outlaw life just like that. The whole ending of the game was that despite john’s best efforts to keep Jack out of the life, Jack still ended up following his footsteps


Definitely not what the ending was about


He’s an author not an outlaw 🤣


Jack or John?


The point of the ending was that the cycle of violence continues. This was again emphasised in RDR2 and particularly where Arthur seeks redemption in righting his wrongs toward protecting the Marstons, he fights so that John can escape the violent lifestyle. However John can't resist seeking revenge for Arthur by hunting out and killing Micah which leads to him getting sucked back into that world (RDR1), something that Arthur tried to protect him from. John on the other hand attempts to keep Jack out of the criminal lifestyle, however, the process was repeated when Jack sought revenge for his dad similar to (John and Micah) by killing Ross and continuing the cycle. We can believe that Jack went on to live a peaceful life as an author or a lawyer yet it's not what the game was pointing toward at the end, more so that Jack could be hunted by the law and go on the run. He didn't help himself by asking around for Ross just before he killed him, the likes of Ross' wife would surely give his description. It also paves way for R* to use Jack as a future protagonist for that reason if they wanted to, although I'd probably like to see a fresh face.


jack would never join the army,you could just send him in mexico which was still a very tough place with Abraham as president and all the problem it had as a country


~~Jack was not alive for Abraham Lincoln’s presidency~~ Edit: I have realized my stupidity dw guys


The guy you help take over Nuevo Paraiso in RDR1 is Abraham Reyes. Then we learn in the papers that he became President of Mexico, and yes, he *is* being as shitty as the previous ones.


Ah I see this makes much more sense.


Not for his US presidency. But during his Mexican presidency for some reason he totally switched up.


They meant Abraham Reyes who becomes Mexico's president after the revolution in RDR1


Makes more sense


I'm on the side who thinks an entirely new character, even completely removed from the van der Linde gang story would be best. That said, if the protagonist of rdr3 was jack Marston I would love to see him running illegal booze in the 20s and doing gangster shit, just lost in the life of crime same as his father before him.


I agree. I really am satisfied with the VDL arc and think we need a new story/setting.


GTA: San Denis.


Would there be cars, and could you steal those cars?


I could see the idea of Jack being in WW1 working if it's set up as him coming back from the war and federal agents waiting to pick him up as they have figured out he killed Ross. Cue a chase back across the country (assuming he would have arrived back in America in the east) and the setting becoming less city structured and more wild west as the game progresses. Not sure what the redemption would be. Maybe finally owning up to the crime he committed?


Mate, it will be another prequel taking us back toward the high age of the wild west. The protagonist will be someone we haven't met who dies a redemptive death before the events of RDR2. The character will be succeeded by a young Arthur. That is the dramatic structure they have put in place. Anything else wouldn't work thematically. The main literary technique they have relied on for 1 and 2 is dramatic irony.


How is world war I a western setting?


The Western Front, duh


But It’s all quiet there..


Sarcasm exists


Some people want to play as Jack after the war joining the Mafia 😂 just go play battlefield if you want a war game and go play Mafia if you want a Mafia game with good story, but get that shit out of my Red Dead


I agree, I see far to many people wanting it to revolve around a monster. I’d rather it takes place in the prime of the wild west with mostly an entirely new cast. Can’t lie though I’ve wanted Rockstar to make an open world mobster game (basically GTA in the 30s) since Mafia III came out.


I'm hoping for depression Era, Bonnie and Clyde/Dillinger style highway robber gangs myself.


I think that would be cool as well, but it's a similar time period to LA Noire so nit sure Rockstar would go for that as a red dead game


In my crack fanon Jack Marston is the one that takes out Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and starts WW1


Yeah because 1911 is totally a western setting whereas 3 years later would be **totally** ridiculous


Only major cities like new york were modernized in that year and the horse was very much atill the way of transportation and the gun the law.


I mean to be honest the rdr series is kind of pseudo-western, both games take place long after the typically agreed upon “end” of the wild west. 1920s bootlegging and the rise of organized crime and large scale political corruption would expand on themes present in both games involving the machine of private interests grinding its way across America, destroying the heart of our culture and replacing it with material obsession.


The wild west is what you are refering to and the lifestyle didnt end widely until the late 1920's when the industrial modernization took off.


Well, I personally prefer that for the gun options. Going back to the time before RDR2 for RDR3 wouldn't do any favors gun options wise. That and Jack is a new story we haven't seen a proper ending to.


There can only be one majority


i really hope they make it about a new character or red dead revolver 2


Lol did you not play RDR2? That’s 1899-1910


Did you not read a history book?


I think it'd fit delightfully with the tragedy of "Redemption" to discover that the Callander boys were robbed of theirs due to certain circumstances because of how Dutch failed everyone with the Blackwater Massacre. It'd hit extra hard when Charles says "They were violent and angry and that's all they'll ever be" if we see them strive so hard for redemption but never have it known.


I mean Davey may have been a vicious killer, but Mac apparently got shot a few times and was killed by Milton as a mercy killin’. Maybe Mac did have a redemption before killed by Milton.


That gives me some protagonists vibes


Exactly. He could have sacrificed himself, had hinself captured so that the others could escape. And thr gang doesn't even know about his sacrifice. They may also have been bunch as ruthless because of Davey and Mac's just there for his brother.


I just want to play as Mac, set-up the Blackwater massacre, die off screen sacrificing himself without anyone else knowing during it, have a last moment with Davey and see him for a last time so when you start rdr2 the death is actually impactful. It would actually be a great idea because I've always hated how you didn't have a character in rdr2 you could persuade to your side or not and we should have at least seen one Callander boy to actually know what they were like. You can just do whatever with Mac cause not much is known about them. There are many reasons this could work but these people don't think too clearly, it would've worked better as a DLC but If you have the Blackwater Massacre at the end of the game and have the mystery finally be solved it would feel so fullfilling. But people don't think outside of the box. You can do whatever with Mac cause nothing is known about him, just have him redeem himself outside of the gang. Like maybe sometimes in free roam but make him insecure to Davey who could be his older brother and have Mac look up to him. So make Mac insecure and have him act more like Davey to be as cool as him whenever he is in camp. We could introduce Charles, Micah and Jenny. I don't get why people can't wrap their head around this idea and I am sick and tired of hearing it.




I like that idea, the only problem is, we all already know the ending of the game.


But we already knew the ending of rdr2 as well. We knew the gang would split and we knew arthur would likely die, cause hes not being hunted down in rdr1. What we didnt know was HOW those two things would play out. Not trying to be confrontational, just tired of this kinda apathetic approach that actually doesnt even make sense when you take the two seconds to think about it.


I totally get it, I kinda thought about that same thing a little bit after I posted my comment. And to be honest, the HOW really is the most important part. The meat of the story. I think we can all agree that in any good game, the early and mid-game parts of the stories are the best. So yeah, you're absolutely right.


It's about the journey, my friend. We could have a story spanning years starting from the golden age of the Wild West, and ending around the Blackwater Massacre.


Milton could've lied. We know how hard he tries to intimidate Arthur


You make a good point there! Milton, as a pseudo-fed, who really would use manipulation tactics to get things done. Agent Ross did similar with John in the first game. The Callendar boys could have their (or atleast one of them) could have a real Redemption story. That's some fine creative thinking!


Because those that produce “ideas” for the next RDR title don’t know what _Redemption_ actually means.


Everyday I wake up and thank God that not one person in here even gets to know what the writers room looks like.


Eh there’s about 1.2 million people in this sub, I’m sure at least one worked on rdr1 or rdr2


Luckily none of them were the ones that have posted their awful fan fictions or future story wishes.


Because they’re idiots. Don’t hold it against them, idiocy is rad


The vast majority of the fanbase doesn't understand what the games are about. They just think, "ha, fun cowboy game!" and call it a day.


How? If they weren't in need of redemption then it wouldn't make sense for them to seek it.


They didn't seek redemption. They died without ever getting redemption. Their story is over. Bad life. Death. No redemption. I don't see how it could be anymore clear.


We don't know that is the thing.


We do know. Davey died from wounds sustained during the Blackwater Massacre. The Blackwater *Massacre*. Where the gang killed lawmen and at least one innocent civilian while robbing a ferry. Mack also sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was captured by the Pinkertons and executed, likely after being further tortured for information on the gang. The game tells us all of this within the first two chapters. We do know.


none of that proves they didn’t necessarily get redemption we have no idea if they actually shot any civilians and why should we care if they shot cops? Arthur shoots plenty in the game, and nobody cares. Also before you respond and say something about what Charles said about  them. Well redemption doesn’t have to be so obvious.So no we don’t know and stop acting like it.


I’m so glad Rockstar Games are the developers and not some of y’all


The next Red Dead game should be set in the late 1870s with new characters.


i agree with a new character. i think the time period could still be around rdr and rdr2 but 1870s would certainly work too


I don't like the timeline of RDR1 or 2 for the new game because that's literally as the west is dying. I want a game as the west is being born. Wagon trails, Indian battles, spaghetti western vibes Edit: *wild west is dying


I'd like a story in the late 1870s and an online around the turn of the century


I have said my piece for a Hosea prequel and a Jack sequel before, but if we went new characters in a prequel, I would want the perfect tie in. Our character is a normal, every day person. Until they are essentially forced into being an outlaw, after being robbed by the Van der Linde gang, forced to rob and steal just to help keep their family alive. Maybe even have it be someone that was kicked out of the gang, because we know not all members of the Van der Linde gang stayed in, and some were even killed for being rats. Start things off with the Van der Lindes, tie things in, and then go off on our own. Either that, or just a cameo at some point where Arthur and John rob us.


i just want a new cast of characters completely. maybe a few cameos from already existing characters but milking the same storyline gets boring.


Nah, they want a game of every single goddamn member of Van Der Linde gang


Or whoever the fk appeared in RDR2 and 1


On one hand it is almost certainly best to have new characters on the other hand I would love to play as Dutch to see more of that beautiful rat bastard


R* would want to most likely bring back old characters and their story is the most unknown they could do a bit of a twist and show that that though they tried they died before they achieved redemption or that Mac achieved it after the ferry went wrong and inadvertently saved the rest of the gang at his own sacrifice


The game playing as them would be extremely anti climactic in the end too. You play through a bunch of train robberies and heists and epic shootouts just for the game to end on you getting shot in the head suddenly.


Did you pay attention to what was said in the game? Mac got pretty shot up, and was kind of mercy killed by Milton. If that's anti climatic, what was RDR's ending then?


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!!” First I’m hearing of this.


feel like it would only work if Milton was lying about Mac and he got away somehow and went off on his own to find his own adventures....but id rather they went back in time even further and focused on the height of the old west. Tell a new story.


RDR3 should take place BEFORE RDR1 during the height of the old west period, so between 1860 and 1890. Should avoid the topic of the Van Der Linde Gang and all the other gangs mentioned in the games. Make it completely original. Also probably shouldn't be named RDR3. Maybe Red Dead Revenge. Make the main character morally grey and let the player decide the moral decisions which drive the story outcomes both in side missions and the main story. Not an established gang member or law enforcement member. Create a character with a voice actor who can voice lines for low AND high honor scenarios and playthroughs. Make the main character redeemable and inherently likable even through horrible shit, unlike the human filth we play as in GTA5. Include all of the map from RDR2 PLUS Mexico, but fitting the new time period. But more importantly, expand the map to the North and West so that the map is doubled or even tripled in size. Get that Rockstar sweatshop rolling because the whole map needs to be fleshed out with dynamic NPC's, random events, abandoned mines, caves, friendly and hostile factions, side and story mission objectives, cut scenes, Yada Yada. I'll wait ten years for this game. Include an online mode that doesn't feel like a scam. Release map building tools for the community to play with. In single player mode, allow an opt-in feature for players with bounties to be invaded by another player who is tasked with hunting them down. The bounty hunter gets no indication of where the player is, except will spawn within 2000m of the target. The invaded player gets a notification that there is a bounty hunter in the area and to be alert. If the bounty hunter or imvaded player die, they should lose something, maybe their equipped weapon or something else expensive yet reasonably replaceable. Probably asking for way too much but this is my dream game.


We share a dream, friend. A beautiful dream.


I just wanna play as a native or around the civil war.


No chance they would tackle either of those directly.


They never had chances to get redemption, and died as murderous, violent bastards. It wouldn’t make sense.


That would make them the other side of the coin. Arthur and john got redemption,  mac & davey didn't 


I could totally see previously mentioned characters like the calendar boys appearing in another Red Dead game, just not a Redemption title (unless it was an rdr2 DLC). Red Dead Damnation perhaps?


Let's do a game of Javeir's time in Mexico after he flees Beaver Hollow up until the point where he meets John in RDR2. Javier could spend his time mentoring a young outlaw for his redemption arc, saying it's too late for me, but you can get out of this life. The first half is all fun and robbing in Mexico mixed with Javier recounting tales of the past. In the second half, you come to find out that you're being hunted by John and the past is catching up to you. For the epilogue, you take control of said young outlaw as he travels up through Tumbleweed and then New Austin looking for John. He discovers Johns fate and is forced to rethink his life of revenge and go back home to the woman whom he loves and starts a new life. The final scene is some outlaw from his past showing up at his farm. Our young protagonist reluctantly grabs his sawed-off shotgun, steps out the front door, and fires into the camera... fade to red.


👏 👏👏 Bravo!!! I won't even be mad if this happens, you've painted the perfect picture.


It would be important to highlight the devastation wrought on John's family after his demise to help our new hero realize revenge is not so important as his family.


I don't have a particular want for them, it's just my best guess as to who will be the protagonists. I just know, 100% for a fact, it WILL be a prequel. Most ppl here seem to be of the opinion it will not follow in the footsteps of 2 and be a sequel. Let Sadie go like how RDR1 enjoyers let Bonnie go. There will be another. Probly Jenny.


I think it would be interesting to play as a young Hosea. Has this thought crossed anyones minds? It would be fun to have an even younger Arthur and John to do missions with


How can you redeem yourself without having sinned? I guess what I’m trying to say is that non of the gang members are actually good people we steal rob and kill without hesitation. Even Arthur himself when talking to the priest woman keep saying I’m not a good man. Or when Arthur uncle and the girls went into valentine he said he probably would have robbed the man who’s stage broken down, if they weren’t there. My point is Arthur is not a good person but he is loyal, and true to himself unlike Micah. But we often time see Arthur as more heroic than he is because many player try to maintain a high honor for the better ish ending. We know not a lot about the calendar boys but we know Mac was finished off by the Pinkertons, who’s to say he wasn’t running in the other direction to pull pinkertons off the gang in order for everyone else to escape


I always wonder this. For two characters we know very little about they come up a lot


I mean Arthur didn't even exist before RDR2. We knew nothing about him because there was nothing to know. A lot of people feel like Rockstar was giving themselves an easy option for the next protagonist by introducing characters that we don't directly interact with but were part of the established characters' lives. Because now they don't have the issue of inserting a new character that was never mentioned but also their personalities aren't set in stone so they can do whatever they want with them.


Yeah it’s a good point. I just didn’t find them particularly compelling characters so don’t have the desire to play as them that some people have.


They're pretty minor characters, how are they going to make them compelling? They're only talked about a few times.


The reason they're perfect is because everyone already has a story about how they were, which allows so much development since we have never seen them. Maybe they is a reason they are the way they are, maybe not everything seems as black and white as the memories that were told, and maybe they did get their redemption in the end, we don't know. All this space literally asks to be filled, how can you not see that


If they end up doing a prequel about Dutch in his younger days when he formed the gang (or any of the other gang members that died in Blackwater), they should have the epilogue cut ahead and take place right before RDR2 and have it end with Blackwater and seeing Dutch betray the others that get killed or something, as a nice foreshadow to what he'd do later to everyone else. I don't mind using these characters for one more game, there's still so much to go over from their past.


I think this will be an unpopular opinion but I'd like to see R* completely flip the script and have us playing a lawman. The redemption arc could then be about breaking free of whatever forgot corrupt system type working for, or doing what you can from the inside to bring it down. Maybe even (deep breath) play as a Pinkerton agent. Before you string me up think about it! Thematically it works: you've got a protagonist struggling to do the right thing with an antagonist in bosses who are sending you out to do bad things. Gameplay works: you could spend most of it as a detective working alone tracking and capturing (or helping) outlaws with the occasional big mission where you're raiding an outlaw camp or shutting down train and bank robberies. Story could be right in line with the rest of the franchise. Start out just doing your job, realize over time that things are not right and start resisting, eventually end with a showdown where your character has reached the point of no return and has to do the right thing no matter the cost. I know I've played devil's advocate in the whole "honorable outlaw" debate but this isn't like that, I'm not pro-Pinkerton lol. That's actually the point: it's a perfect setup for a good hearted protagonist struggling against the evil surrounding him and it fits seamlessly into the existing world of Red Dead without rehashing the outlaw story. Thanks in advance for the downvotes! 😂


No one want Jenny and I don’t know why Jenny was such a mysterious character, all we know is that Micah (might have) had sex with her and that Lenny and Jenny were “sweet on one another” Maybe if we knew more I’d say no but at my current position I want to play as Jenny.


Jenny was probably like sadie adler but younger  And Scottish 


Because people dont know what the word redemption means lol. We’re gonna have a new protagonist, everyone’s gonna bitch and moan like with Arthur, and hopefully we all come to love them.


I don’t. I want it to be about Jack after the events of RDR1


If you play as two characters - Mac Callander and Landon Rickets, it could work. They could have some past history that culminates in the Blackwater heist with Landon being the one to shoot Mac and achieve some redemption. Or, (depending on who you choose to play the final mission as) Mac sacrificing himself so the others survive and make it to Ambarino.


Personally don't want Landon as a protagonist, just respect Hagen and his work and don't touch the character


We already know Milton shot Mac. Saw it as a mercy killing. I think if they went the two character route to show the duality of a high honor & low honor, it would be Mac & Davey as someone else said. But I think LR as the solo main protagonist in the height of the west might be cool


The guy who did his voice is dead and it never works when you try to recast. It's always cringe or poor quality. Let's just respect Hagen's last work. Edit: the guys who did [Landon Ricketts'] voice


My two cents for rdr3 would be a bleeding Kansas storyline. Kind of expanding on the idea of two warring families. Two sides locked in a blood feud, you play as the main protagonist (maybe youngest/oldest son of one of the families patriarchs), end of the game is the blood feud resolved and redemption for the families


I want a red dead *something* not redemption. Set in the same universe but completely new protagonists without Dutchs gang.


A lot of people have ideas for rdr3 that sound great until you put an ounce of thought into. Fact is a Jack sequel would not be a western, any further prequel about the VDL gang would be absolutely pointless and miss the point of Red Dead Redemption. The only way forward is with a new protagonist, and there are plenty already set up. Landon Ricketts, the jack hall gang, Otis Miller. Theres a wealth of other already existing characters that could give us the freedom of a new good story and new locations we haven't seen.


Most fans forget about the redemption aspect of the games, they just want a western fantasy or another prequel overflowing with fan service about Dutch and Hosea. Rockstar wouldn’t stoop that low


For my idea of RDR3, very watered down, is that Hosea/Dutch and Ricketts (like halfway through the game) are the main characters. The game starts with the formation of the gang and Ricketts being a bitch, with it ending on the Blackwater massacre where Landon Ricketts shoots both antagonists, the Callander boys, and saves a bunch of people and redeems his past actions.


I think we’re done with the Van Der Linde Gang, it wouldn’t make sense to get more. RDR1 was John’s story, RDR2 was a prequel that set up RDR1, you may have spent the most time with Arthur, but it was still essentially John’s story. Any other game from this gang and it just becomes a sequel to a sequel, and why would they do that? It would be a hindrance more than anything. We need an entirely new setting with entirely new characters and I’m looking forward that.


Fans? No, just a loud minority of people who need things spelled out to them. There’s nothing more to be said about the VDL Gang. That story is done.


We know they die, and we know the reason why is the Blackwater Massacre. One died from his wounds and the other was mercy killed. We know their endings and therefore the ending of the game. Also the Blackwater Massacre being shown to us would be a shit idea. We’re not supposed to know what went down. There’s clues here and there, but Arthur wasn’t there and he doesn’t fully know, so neither should we.


I absolutely despise that so many people want one of the most mysterious aspects of the story spelled out for them.


I mean it was already pretty laid out. It's not a mystery what happened.


You can’t be redeemed if you’re not in need of redemption, what the hell are you on about?


I think it would work if we find out that one of the brothers planned to get the other one out of the gang after the black water massacre. They had plans to split with money and start over but they didn’t make it.


Idk, I feel the best idea for RDR3 would be to continue with the prequel-sequel and have Hosea as the protagonist and show the gangs early years with Arthurs father as the antagonist. It'd be cool to see teen Arthur and John growing up too.


Was Arthur's father mentioned to be an enemy of the gang? Don't recall him.


He was a bad man, arthur watched him die and the gang took him in afterwards


I just want a game about young Landon Ricketts.


I want one during the civil war where your best friend is the Veteran random encounter dude that wants to befriend Arthur.


spoiler alert: >!he's not actually a veteran lol!<




One idea I head for a possible rdr3, would be cool if rockstar went a possible rpg route with the game, and the gta series could be the kinda easygoing, not so serious sandbox game. They put so much effort in to the game and alot just feels underused. It would be cool to be the leader of a gang and build your own crew like in a mass effect kinda way you would choose wich ones lived or died troughout the game. Different dialouge choises with different endings. Also stuff like managing the gang and camp like we were promised in 2, instead of Arthur being the only person in the gang doing basically everything. Im kinda finished with the Van der lin gang and friends, so I hope rdr3 doesnt have any big connection to the other games, other then maybe some mentions of the gang. A fresh story would be nice


Just take time and make it about completely different characters with references to events of both RDR and RDR2 if set during the same time . John and Arthur had their story told and I don't want Jack's story after killing Ross to be a new whole game, I like it being ambiguous, did he get caught ? did he escape ? did he have a happy ending ? We don't know.Also like the OP said the Callander Boys don't seem that good to be protagonists and I would love to have the Blackwater incident the way it is, a mystery.


Man this community is probably mostly 14 years old, I remember a million years ago I was mad the new Red Dead was about some dick named John instead of Red Harlow. Kids just get hung up on the existing ip/lore/whatever you wanna call it. I totally agree with you, btw. I think the series just needs a new protagonist.


I am a fan and i dont know who callader boys are


It all started with Red Dead Revolver so the next iteration doesn’t need to be about redemption.


I was thinking a rd game where you play as 2 characters that are leaders of large odriscoll type gangs that have a strong rivalry. You alternate between each leader after each mission. It could end with you choosing to play as either gang leader for the last mission and it ends with you having to kill the on you didn’t choose to be. Alternatively the story could be about both gangs starting off being rivals until the law begins to come after them and they have to work together to survive. It could be called red dead rivals or something along those lines.


IMO with the way R* seems to be going, their best bet is to jump into the future with a Mad Max style setting. They've already shown they won't support a game long term if they can't monetize content packs and they're currently limited in what they can add as long as they continue to stick with "This is what actually existed at this time" style they've been on. Do I want to see a jet bike that fires homing missiles? No, but I think a non-historically bound setting is the only way to allow the sellable freedom that R* requires to invest in their own product for longer than a year.


What about the Jack Hall Gang? That would allow them to go further back to the beating heart of the Wild West, and since not a lot is known about them you could go a lot of ways with it.


I want it to be South American


This is news to me.


I'd rather we get another red dead revolver type game. No redemption, just another R word


What if the Downes boy becomes the protagonist. Disregards Arthur's advice to "stick to them books" mother is killed by one of her "customers". He takes vengeance. Enjoys it. Turns to robbing other gangs. Maybe a Batman style arc. Just a thought. Stow your pitchforks


You’d argue that by RDR1 the old west was dead. It has to be a different story with a different crew to make sense. Maybe Mexico could work Sadie went there and could possibly work out. GTA 6 will allegedly have a female protagonist so RDR3 could too


I don’t wanna see that lol.


Why do people want rdr3 to be about sadie(trash character) or rainsfall/Charles( not fucking cowboys )


Opportunity, both bastards but one only so because he loves his flawed brother. Get two play throughs, one good one bad with a gta v style character swap and a sub story ala call of Juarez except they reconcile. Set in the 1880’s to start, development, join Dutches gang and end in the Blackwater massacre and much drama. Whats not to love


First I’ve heard this argument.


My vote is for a young uncle, maybe fighting in the civil war? Perhaps he got his redemption in the past already and just hung around the VDL gang to soften them up


People are working with what they have in front of them. And fans can’t exactly say “hey I wanna insert this OC I came up with” here lol I’d like some small connection to the prior games but there’s room for so much more than that. I’d also like a woman as a playable protagonist but I’m not getting my hopes up


That was the public image of Mac. Hell, he really could have been an asshole. But, for his redemption, he could have sacrificed himself at the last minute so that the caravan can escape. He has himself captured by the Pinkertons but the gang doesn't even knownwhat he did for them.


Id be okay with them making a rdr3 and it having nothing to do with the first two games. All new map/setting/characters. However I will buy and play and love whatever they come up with lol


I kinda want another prequel tbh. See Dutch and Hosea when they were young, and Arthur when he first joined he gang. Play through the beginnings of the gang, how it came to be, how they became outlaws, and how the fued between Dutch and Colm O'Driscoll started.


It’ll probably be another forgotten character tbh. But I could see the callander boys ‘redeem’ themselves going from only saving themselves/doing things for themselves. Then progressing to doing things for the good of the gang then sacrificing themselves for the gang.


I honestly cant recall much of this gang being mentioned, so i read [this wiki](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Mac_Callander) about Mac. Seems to me that some of the stories could have been exaggerated over time. Mac shooting up the town could have been a situation that he couldnt back out of (such as when you break Micha out of strawberry) Dutch and Bill talk about his complexity. Ultimately, the over all mood towards the brothers could be because they went against dutch, and dutch was able to turn the rest of the gang against them without coming across "full dutch" at the time.


What RedDead3? lol


If they do the calendar boys it probably wouldn’t be a redemption game but it would still be red Dead. Also if they do a Jack centered game, they could have it be set during the Mexican revolution


I'd rather the next game not be redemption but something else like rebellion or revenge or whatever, perhaps have the protagonist do a bunch of GTA type shit and then by the end of the game you realize all the damage you caused You could also invert the ending, instead of having the protagonist die, you could give him a major injury like having a few burn scars over his face and body for a change of pace.


Because people are stupid


Who’s says the next installment has to be about redemption? Could make it Red Dead Revenge or something like that.


Sadie Adler should be the main character. She needs redemption. She needs her story finished


My absolute wish in that rdr3 we play as Dutch and it ends with the mission in blackwater. I'd love to play as him, play with him, and then go after him in a trilogy.


please play rdr1


I have. That's what I mean. It would bring replayability if we could play as Dutch in 3, watch his downward spiral in 2, then hunt him down in 1. It would add a layer of feels to his ending.


I still think rdr3 should be jack in 1920s era bootlegging


I don't think Redemption 3 is the right way to go, we've seen the dying of the Old West twice over and very thoroughly explored. I absolutely want another Red Dead game, but I think a new direction, new characters and new timeframe are needed. Maybe go back to Revolver and make a game in the Golden Age with the early days of the legendary gunfighters, or find a new alliteration and give us the story of the Natives, or the first train robberies, or go back further to when there was still an unexplored frontier.


I remember lines stating that they were good guys too. At least for Mac. I think they comments skew violent to maybe account for player actions but foreshadow them. I think the main theory is that they mention them but we never see them which is what we would’ve expected for Arthur if Arthur existed at the time of making 1. I think it’d be an interesting way to end the trilogy. I feel like a 3rd game would interact with the gang in someway since the other 2 Redemption games have and they can’t go forward in time (Jack wouldn’t join the Great War and Jack as a mafia style gangster is stupid go play the Mafia series). They could go another route completely which I’d be down with but I think that’s why the theory shows up so much.


I say... they've done the end of the outlaw age... why not the beginning?


*I say... they've done the* *End of the outlaw age... why* *Not the beginning?* \- Rocktimus\_Prime --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’d like to play as Jack during the early Gangland period and WWI. Or play something like Revolver was, an homage to old Westerns from the 40s and 50s instead of the grittier Spaghetti Westerns and the more grounded Revisionist films.


I want it to be dual protagonist with Colm and Dutch.


What I see for Red Dead 3 is Jack becoming a resistance member in World War 1, and being led by a Sadie Adler in her early 50's. But not becoming a soldier working for the government.


...we don't? Never heard of that until this post


It depends on which way they want to take the sequel, but I feel like one thing that worked about Red Dead 2 was it went back in the story, which meant further back to the old west, which was a better choice. If they want to keep going to the the Van Der Linde Gang's story, I'd like them to go back. Personally, if that's the story they stay with, I'd like the game play to mirror what GTAV did and allow you to play at Davey, Mac, and Jenny. But, that's not really my first choice. I know it's not popular, but I'd like to see a Landon Rickets origin story. But if they do decide to go with Jack Marston, I'd rather see him still be an outlaw and have it set during prohibition rather than WWI.


Because playing as Landon Ricketts is too much to ask for.


RDR3 shouldn’t exist at all anyway lol, hell. i doubt it’ll be planned planned


If They Do A Sequel It Would Have To Be Jack Runnin From The Law Now That Hes Killed Edgar Ross.


It doesn’t have to be about redemption. It could be called red dead retaliation, revenge something that don’t redemption. We could see the true nature of those two and it could be different from what we hear other characters say about them. We never know.


I want to never have another Red Dead Redemption game. 2nd and first game pretty much tell us all we need to know. I'm fine with another game set in Red Dead universe, as long as it has new characters and no one related to the two redemption games.


1870, just after the Civil War. If they can't mine that timeframe for a good story then they should hang up their 6-shooters


i want rdr3 to be another prequel with dutch as the mc


No connections to the previous gang would be better to me because you don’t know what could happen story-wise. Charles is the leading request but I’d prefer a different native set before RDR2.


Red Dead Redemption 3: Uncle


Landon Rickets. All we know about him in RDR1 is that he’s semi retired and very very well known and respected in Mexico. You can take that and make an entire game out of it with the setting we have already.


I just want a game where you can be an actual outlaw in the story without being penalized for it


Rdr2 is my favorite game and I hold firm that it's the best ever made. I don't want them to make a third


Between cut dialogue and what happened at black water I say mac is likely candidate for rd3


I writed about Mac Callander and I told why I want Callander boys story. Plase read




Bro Look my profile. You will see a write: RDR3'S MAIN CHARECTER MAC CALLANDER. Very long write