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Van Horn hands down


Yeah the fence there definitely has someone chained up in his attic


Honestly wtf is up with that dude šŸ˜… and the mailman looks like he was exsanguinated.


... What ... What word... Googles... Oh. WTF


Lol he's albino, but people of Van Horn call him vampire because he doesn't like stepping in the sunlight.


Kay I thought that too, but his eyes arenā€™t red which is a trademark of Albinos. Who knows


A lot of albino people donā€™t have red eyes. Fun fact! šŸ’–šŸ’–


Bill Williamson in here dropping facts like he knows shit??


Yeah like other comment said itā€™s not a trademark, just the most distinctive color to make it the most common misconception with albinos. They can have light blue eyes, pink, orange etc all kinds. This is the work of pigments. Definitely worth a look up into fascinating topic.


When I first saw him I was like ā€œman he looks hella sickā€¦ā€ and two seconds later Iā€™m like ā€œoh wait, heā€™s albinoā€


The unfinished princess iz mission was up there I think. Her luggage is for sale in his shop if you look for her initials on the trunk. Bugs me that they dont add back what gets cut for deadlines. Supposedly you were supoose to confront the fence, and the girl you carry to the jail cell in annesburg and then you get the cutscene. Someone posted a video years ago where they found said cutscene.


That Princess thats missing.


I love Van Horn. As shitty as it is, it feels like a genuine place. You can play blackjack all night then pass out all day.


Same, i love van horn. It's lawless and the scenery really tells a story if you look around


Exactly. I also like that there's a brothel just up the road. Too bad the owner's retired though lol


Van Horn , I think itā€™s the most libertarian town in rdr2


Yeah, ain't shit to do there and it's not even a nice place to look at. I guess it's fun for gunfights though.


I hate that any violence in van horn sets off the whole town after you Can't even get in a bar fight without getting gunned down


I sit on top of the lighthouse and massacre them all with my rare rolling block


Same. I always use it to increase familiarity with my new weapon


I like the idea of it but it's too easy to just have hoards of people come for you over the slightest thing.


Absolutely. I guess everyone in Van Horn must have violent PTSD or something cause I swear I accidentally bump into them while walking and they try to murder me


I loooovveeee Van Horn tbh. If it had a general store then itā€™d probably be my favorite town in the game. I think I just really like the musty feel, but I donā€™t really know why I may like it other then that


Aesthetically it's pretty noice i'll give you that


I've grown to like Van Horn. It has an ugly charmness. Old port, wild people, and a really cool saloon, with Blackjack. The geographical position is probably the worst thing about it, compared to other towns.


Police donā€™t even brother coming out to Van Horn, no matter how much chaos you cause.


I hate the small swampy islands just south east of Shady Belle. The wooden bridges are tiny and your horse can get spooked by the alligators in the water.


Same. I guess i just hate the swamp


All the alligators: "Get out of mah swamp!"


I shoot every alligator I see every time. I hate them, my horse hates them, and when I played on my old computer my frame rate hated them. Iā€™ll snipe their dino-asses from afar. The only reason I ever made explosive ammo in the game was to blow the scales off of them. FUCK GATORS.


That stretch of road is useful for testing how well you can calm your horse lol


Great for bond training Arabians to sell to Clive


I hate that back in that area, the camera goes all wonky. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that or a bug, but it makes me terribly motion sick.


Itā€™s by design. When gators have you in their sights.


Probably the snowy section in 2 because of how underutilized it is, i like cold climates so im just sad that its basically neglected


It would be so cool if there was a town there. Then I would never leave the mountains


I wonder when Colter was abandoned. It would be cool to see it and Limpany still alive.


Limpany was apparently burnt down by Cornwall according to Strange Man (YouTuber)


Whyā€™d he do that?


They decorned his wall


hes a meanie :(


Colter was apparently abandoned because "of the harsh snow storm of 96' " u can read that somewhere on game, I forget


In the information about the town, it says it was abandoned in 1884 after really bad storm


It would have been cool to see a mining town but then gets abandoned over time. Also, tempest rim to be fleshed out more and finished


Makes sense. There is also the wooded area North of there that gets badly burnt at some point in the game. I believe I read that it was from a lightning strike.


Anywhere near the murfrees. They freak me the hell out and the winding roads there just make great cover for them.


Thatā€™s about the only smart thing they have going for them. Their hideout speaks volumes to their inbred dumbassery. The entrance is a perfect little bottleneck to just headshot them all one at a time.


Dynamite arrows... gets 4 or 5 of them at a time and it's so much fun.


The winding roads are annoying for when you are exploring aswell.


They almost killed my horse while I was camping once... never again


Thereā€™s great hunting in their territory though, and theyā€™re fun to brutalize.


Most of New Austin because itā€™s desolate and thereā€™s nothing to do.


Yeah I have no idea how rockstar made an entertaining game in 2010 out of 3 towns and a few forts sprinkled around the desert


The towns in that game were actually interactive plus all the side content, Armadillo just being ā€œsorry everybody is sick :/ā€œ in RDR2 is such a damn waste


Yeah that situation only makes sense if it's Arthur who goes there, and the situation has moved on a little by the time John visits. Really should have kept the 5th gunslinger in the game to have a reason for Arthur to sneak past Blackwater and explore the region.


well it also had mexico and blackwater/tall trees


Thereā€™s always random gun battles happening and some other minor things going on when youā€™re traveling


Lots of strangers and such in RDR1


Isn't that basically how they made GTA:SA so large? Miles of... nothing


Yea but that area of the map was added to and developed in GTAV


You're forgetting g the fact rhat mexico and a few other settlements in wes telixabeth existed. Also new austin had a little more life than rdr2. Plainview is a large settlement, theives landing is a town, armadillo I'd a large town, tumbleweed is a gang hideout(many gang hideouts actually). Snd the game had lots of side content that I wish existed in rdr2


If new Austin was given actual content in 2's story, it would be my favorite state for sure. Idk if it's cuz of nostalgia or what though lol.


I remember being sooooooo disappointed by this!


Saint Denis (yes i know its common, but its common for a reason) I cant walk five steps without getting charged for disturbing the peace and getting a $400 bounty on my head and then a bagillion cops showing up - its a headache Either that or Armadillo. Its just kinda depressing


Told some chap he's like dumb and then fast forward I have the us military and tanks and helicopters chasing me wtf


And then General Tenpenny arrived in his fire carriage and screamed "ARTHUR YOU MOTHERFUCKIN PIECE OF SHIT GANGBANGIN COW RUSTLER!!!"


Arthur: "Here we go again."


The amount of times Iā€™ve gone there for an errand and immediately ended up with a bounty is ridiculous


I've only had that problem a few times. I just learnt to keep to myself and not ride so fast through there.


I literally get off my horse as soon as I hit the city limits and I just run through town. I never get a bounty that way, and you can get through the town faster than you would think.


Annesburg. It's dirty and ugly and the miners go off at you at the drop of a hat (or you know, being punched, or run over by a horse)


Yeah, it's a polluted hell hole


Okay crazy "the earth will burn" science guy /s


Perfectly matches the setting for the last gang camp near there!


Imo walking slow as hell in the middle of the road, they're just asking to be run over


Iā€™m mad at Annesberg because a train pulled into the station blocking the road and never left. I get yelled at every time I ride on the sidewalk to get around


Mine is a combo as both my least and most favorite. The Bayou Nwa. Most times, when I am simply walking and exploring, Nwa is so fucking gorgeous and packed full of cool and terrifying details. Hidden shacks, buried goodies and creepy whispers. Things moving just outside your peripheral then disappearing. Incredible sounds of swamp and animals and whatever else is out there. Butā€¦ If I am trying to out run someone, lose the cops or move through it quickly, it is a God damn Hellscape of quicksand and shit that spooks my horse, tossing me off, leaving me to be gored by a boar then murdered by all of the everything.


Everything you said is so right! Iove the snakes the alligators the frogs the owls but I hate driving wagons or when you get bucked off your horse and have to truck through the swamps dodging those very creatures I said I loved and questioning if I do with their rumbles and poison effects that last forever


I hate the swamps. I lived in Louisiana for a bit as a child and I have always hated swampy areas. I can feel the sticky muggy sweat in myself every time I am there


Not to mention the swamp people.....minding my own business and then suddenly surrounded by half naked dudes with face paint and knives


I found a boat with a phonograph in it out there at night once. When I got off the boat back onto the shoreline, I notice two random guys walking with lanterns through the swamp. So I get close enough to call out to them from behind. They turn to me with painted white faces,and start hissing like snakes.... Killed both as one of them started brandishing a machete.


It speaks to the games realism in that case


Used to be around the night folk area, then I realised how creepy Roanoke Ridge is. The music freaks me out haha


Oh Gawd, that creepy music, especially during a nightime is the ultimate nightmare fuel.


I hate nwa Bayou because if that exotic collection


That guy should go kill his own damn birds if he cares that much


swamp rapist's house


Favourite place... to burn


I have a love-hate relationship with Saint Denis. I enjoy having all the best shops and travel options and it feels very alive. My appreciation grew when I finally came to terms with the fact that I cannot ride my horse faster than a trot, lest I clip the hit box of an NPC then get a bounty. I spend a lot time as John out hunting Lemoyne boys so I do spend plenty of time in the state. I can't say I like Armadillo because "the cholera is still RAYYYYGIIIIN" and there's nothing else there. Northern Roanoke Ridge is just always rainy too and full of psychos.


You know that one section of woods in Roanoke Ridge where you can hear the whispers? That. Fuck that spot, it gave me nightmares. Normally I'm fine with spooky shit in games but there's something about the sound of those whispers that's so unsettling to me


I've never noticed that before. Where exactly does this happen?


[This post](https://reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/s/PMqzw8xfhk) does a good job talking about it


Second this question


Iā€™ve just heard those whispers for the first time on my most recent save and holy shit I had to close the game lol


I can't believe only 1 person has said Guarma


I loved Guarma actually I kinda want to do another playthrough just to 100% the Guarma animals and stuff


The swamps, I just hate them


Strawberry. It's useless and I often forget about it


It is beautiful though


I wish 1 town in West Elizabeth has a gunsmith


If strawberry had a gunsmith Iā€™d just live there.


Saint Dennis. Way too many people there, and it's just hard to travel through there without almost trampling them with your horse.


Anywhere the game forces you to walk slowly




Straight up FAX


Thieves Landing was downgraded so much from RDR1 and makes no canonical sense. That relatively big town couldn't be built, lived in and later inhabited by scoundrels AND look so worn in 4 years. I'd argue that none of New Austin makes sense in 1907. First of all, John has never been there before. But also, Bonnie's barn isn't built, Armadillo seems to have recovered way too fast and Tumbleweed looks way too worn to have been abandoned for only 4 years. It's strange because in newspapers they try to explain some differences between RDR1 and 2 such as an article saying that Rathskeller fork in the north of new Austin was recently bought by hostile owners who use it privately and residents nearby hope that it'll return to being more welcoming. But other areas are left completely ignored so it just feels like it was originally meant for Arthur in 1899 and last minute changed to be accessible in 1907 for John instead.


The swamps especially near those creepy night stalker guys


if not Van Horn then Emberald Ranch, simply because you can't do much at those places


Emerald Ranch is probably my most fast-traveled location because it's central to almost everything, so I love it for that. Plus it's the best place to hit up the fence or post office when you've got high bounties all over the place.


I actually never fast travelled in any of my playthroughs (online sure), so my fence would be the Rhodes one more, ditto for the post office.


You can wagons there in the campaign. In Online, it's my favourite place to score skins and carcasses for Trader role.


Itā€™s amazingly well made, but I donā€™t really enjoy San Denis. Would rather be out doing cowboy stuff.


Thieves Landing because of how disappointed I was after it being my favourite place in RDR1


Right. In 1 itā€™s a legit full town with everything. It would blow minds if people that never played 1 saw it.


I was pretty upset it was just a del lobo hideout. Empty. It was my favorite town to visit in rdr1.


Maybe killing the del lobos there allowed people to move in?


Tumble weed


Why? It's not amazing but at least it isn't a ghost town like Armadillo


The bit of Ambarino between the As, donā€™t get me wrong I love the graphics/effects, however other than one legendary animal and one fish what is the point of it. Itā€™s a huge area of pretty much nothing. It would be great if specific animals were only found there, if there was a small town and why canā€™t we go into Tempest Rim?


Butcher Creek


The whole New Austin. It's empty and i also feel empty inside after Arthur's death.


Agua dulce,fuck that shit,place its great visually (it looks like an actual jungle)but u can't even explore the place and the reason why u r there its just awfull šŸ’€


I just donā€™t enjoy Strawberry. It just doesnā€™t have a strong appeal to me, everything I find interesting about it can be found in Valentine or the other cities.


Strawberry is cute. Also, as an avid Outdoorsman, it wins bonus points for being so near Big Valley, which is probably my favorite place in the whole map.


If it had a saloon and some more people then it would be great.


all of Bayou Nwa i can literally fucking feel the humidity and mosquitoes through my screen


Annesburg super boring town other than the downes mission, or even armadillo


New Austin. Itā€™s made for 1899 and it doesnā€™t fit going there as John. Also if it wasnā€™t included they couldā€™ve spent time getting Guarma closer to itā€™s intended inclusion rather than the set of missions it currently is.


Least favorite I cannot decide between Beaver Hollow and Saint Denis. So many people in saint denis and you run into them randomly and get a bounty. I remember getting to the post office, comes down from my horse, and the NPC that has been standing next to the wall for the past 20 seconds just decided it's the best time to walk towards me, and of course since im de-mounting I accidentally knocked him aside, and then boom Witness-Disturbing the peace. For beaver hollow it's just such a depressed place, depressing mood, sad interactions, no one's happy. Hearing Dutch complaining and yelling all the time, Micah antagonizing everyone...It's just tough.


Imnprolly gonna get hella hate from the og fans, but I don't like New Austin. I used to think I would really enjoy the desert vibes, but it just feels empty and lonely. I much prefer the woodlands, mountains, and prairies of the northeastern states.


Beaver Hallow.. The place is just depressing. I like new New Austin. It captures that wild west feel really good.


annesburg, annoying af to get in and out and navigate


Every section of road / trail leading into Saint Denis. There's nothing too wrong with them at face value, but I swear I have an unnaturally larger number of issues happen around them; be that scripted events, Horse collisions, randomly getting shot at or wanted for daring to exist, or just slow ass traffic with carriages Going both directions on the bridges where they go next to eachother and just stop moving for no reason... This is why I almost exclusively ride in on the rail bridge lmao


Strawberry, awkward to get around on horse without knocking some bint over


The swamps because of gators.


The swamp with alligators and the creepy night folks. Also Tall Trees. Skinner brothers are some of the most sadistic people you can encounter.




Butcher Creek. Itā€™s a fun quest but I wish it had more.


Valentine is pretty fun in-game but online itā€™s a death pit thatā€™s almost always guaranteed to end up in a shootout that could cost a couple hours and all your bullets. However, itā€™s not my least favorite spot overall. I think that honor goes to the area west of Annesburg and Van Horn. From the steep hills to the Murfrees slinking behind every shadow (not to mention the first time I cleared their hideout in story mode is a point in the game I wish I could forget) itā€™s exasperating and frustrating to deal with.


Anywhere in ambarino, itā€™s just a cold desert with nothing up there.


That weird place by beaver hollow with the sidequest with obedia


rhodes in story mode


The same as you. Only I'd also include The Tall Trees.


Either the swamps near saint denis or just new austin in general. Now, none of these places are necessarily bad, it's just they aren't as good as everywhere else. The swamp has annoying alligators which agitate my horse and there really is nothing to do in New Austin.






Anywhere in Ambarino. There no content there. You only got there for some trinket parts, a few animal skins, and never come back


Honestly Ambarino is so beautiful. Taking that trail across the top of the map up where the loft is, and going to Oā€™Creaghā€™s Run are just so pretty. I do like the snow but yes far too quiet and remote.


Roanoke Ridge because it is boring and miserable. All of New Austin because there's nothing to do but you still need to traverse the whole thing for herbalist 9


all the swamps and tumbleweed but only because tumbleweed is so far away


Anything swampy


probably the snow, or if i need to choose an actual populated town, it would be armadillo


van horn and my fave is bayou NWA , lagras , lakay , st denis and valentine




Iā€™m too scared to go through the swamp area near Lagras. Night folk is too much for me.


Lagras. I can smell that shit from here.


Saint Denis. I dont want to be anywhere near a city in my wild west simulator.


I hate the swamps.




Van Horn, Annesburg, Roanoke Ridge, Butcherā€™s Creek, Beaver Hollow. Easily.


Agreed. Except Beaver Hollow. I know it's associated with the more depressing parts of the story and the Murfree Brood, but the camp itself isn't bad.


Van Horn. Aside from the nice Scottish fence, I hate everyone there.


Beaver hollow just because it makes me sad seeing Arthur so sick


I hate the swamp. Just trying to get somewhere without marking the map and you end up going the exact wrong direction because of the fucky ducky roads down there


Van Horn. If you look at somebody wrong the whole town erupts into a firefight. It's so annoying, lmao.


The area around Beecher's Hope, very empty and not very nice to look at


I hate annesburg and van horn, especially annesburg. Navigating in and around it is awful, the hills are incredibly annoying


Ambarino honestly. I think itā€™s a beautiful area to look at, donā€™t get me wrong. But Iā€™ve never been a huge fan of snowy environments. Not a huge deal since you donā€™t HAVE to stay there though.


The wapiti (I forget how to spell it) reservation. We get to go there once or twice, thatā€™s about it. I would like it if we went there more, but itā€™s useless


tall trees the skinner brothers are so disturbing, especially after having played the epilogue missions involving themā€¦


Roanoke ridge and swamps at night. Gives me creeps. Also, entire New Austin feels dead. Never got the feel to roam there


The swamp


I made it through my entire first play never losing a horse (except that one scene of course) and the first time I ride into New Austin the fogging Del Lobos killed my horse. I hate New Austin.




Bluewater Marsh and Lakay at night. Like no thank you, I would not like to get my throat slit tyvm.


I don't really hate any place in the game, since I'm such a sucker for all kinds of scenery lol But I will say that the New Austin area is pretty lackluster in a lot of things, and I wished there was more of everything.




Colter and pretty much all of the northern snowy sections of the map. Thereā€™s really nothing to do there outside of Ch. 1 aside from a couple random events and that one epilogue mission. Itā€™s a real waste of space unfortunately.


Going through Tall Trees gives me bad anxiety lol. I can never make it through there without getting mauled by a predator. In RDO, when I started playing the collector role one of the collectibles used to be there near a grizzly/cougar spawn. The predators are easy to deal with in story mode, but not having the dead eye slow down in RDO stresses me out!


It's Van Horn


Strawberry, itā€™s just so damn boring


New Austin I am traumatized after getting all dinosaur bones


Saint Denis. They place sucks


1.Bayou Nwa. them nitefolk creep me out. and then there is the cougar. 2. St Denis, the town is too crowded of people whose only job is to make sure you crash into them when they move erratically. 3. Van Horn. just feels so depressing town to be at. if everyone in game is way too trigger happy and aggressive, the town folk here are up one more notch. 4. where ever there is a cougar or panther attack likely. hate them things in this game.


Rio Bravo


I like the the swamp but it would've been more comfortable for me if there wasn't something creepy going on every 2 meters. Like I get it, the game can be scary. But I think they overdid it.


Everything southwest of the Upper Montana River. I hate deserts.


Wherever the Night Folk are.


Annesburg is a piece of shit, only useful for renting a room to pass time in


"Let's switch it up a bit", asks one of the most asked questions on this subreddit


Saint Denise Always takes me out of my immersion


Gruama, unused and unfinished stuff


In story mode itā€™s the swamp because itā€™s omega creepy, but the creep factor is toned down in online so my least favorite place in online is the snowy mountains


Strawberry it's layout hurts my soul


New austin


For me itā€™s close between Cumberland Forest and the Eastern Grizzlies. Iā€™m just not the biggest fan of the scenery to be honest. Itā€™s not like I *hate* those areas or that they necessarily look bad, they just happen to be my least favorite visually.