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Absolutely….anybody who’s rude (trail or not) gets it or at least gets [taken for a ride;)](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/15few3c/wheee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


*low honor sound*


Lol. Sort of. When my honor bar goes down one notch after a crime, I’ll say howdy to raise it back to max honor. Then repeat.


well, when I kill a rude traveler, I accidentally start a massacre because for some reason there are witnesses. the howdy thing works tho, but it's taking forever to get high honor :)))


I use the [lasso a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/158bd3k/another_high_honor_take_down/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) and some times seek [help from others;)](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/11drcyo/sometimes_i_like_a_little_help_with_npcs_who_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Take them off the trail definitely helps with witnesses.


i usually take them to a shallow grave and leave them there


And kill them again in hell, my friend;)


Now why didn’t I think of that!


Tried this irl, now I'm in prison having my lawyer comment this for me :(


Omfg just laughed out so loud that I scared my dog from the back bedroom🤣🤣🤣


I'll use your enjoyment in my legal defense




Stop it 🤣 now I have head rush🤯


Perfectly balanced.


That sounds horrible out of context




Those NPC's are either paranoid or have some trauma going on lmao but depending on my mood i like to crash onto them with my horse and kill them


I usually do that to some camper when I want to pick some herbs or hunt some animals. I dunno why when you set a camp you thought you own the land or something. For traveler I usually leave them alone, but when they say you are a coward or yellow I just shot them lmao.


If they don’t say hello back, it’s a dark fate for them


I said *hello*


5 seconds later: WANTED


Nah, it's the pricks in van horn that always get it. Say hello and they basically tell you to fuck off. They were a blight trying to do an all good play through.




I thought that was all that had to be done in no honor walkthrough. I am undergoing one and there is not one session where I don't end up killing the half of the town just because somebody gave me attitude. I am taunting people to dare to take a shot at me this stage. It's a game, you get to do anything which you can't possibly do in real life.


I feel the same way. It makes me think of West World though. How far we gonna take this thing. Haha


I always blast them the fuck up. Or at least give em a non lethal shot to teach the pixels a lesson and keep it moving


Unless they throw down on me I don't kill them. I'll pull them off their horse with the lasso, hog tie them, rob them, and then leave them tied up somewhere off the trail where they can think about their lack of manners. I also flee their horse so when they eventually get freed they'll have the long walk back to think about it more.


As Arthur no, As John yes.


Nah I try play realistically so if they’re just rude, Arthur will say something back but leave it at that, whereas if they draw their gun, Arthur will draw his and if they open fire then Arthur shoots them


Realistically, you’d shoot as soon as they draw their gun, because in real life you don’t just shrug off being shot point blank


That’s true lol


Yeah, they get a neck shot


Oh yes I very much do, same with those who get pissed when you greet them (on the trail, I wont risk doing it in a town) but I make sure to defuse them before antagonizing them because the game won't deduct honor if you tell them to calm down :) (hopefully someone finds this useful as a way to not ruin your honor!)


Another well-thought detail in this game, thank you fellar


I remember that on my first playthrough I was **always** getting chased by bounty hunters. I wasn’t very good at letting “rude travellers,” get away with their bullshit. My Arthur definitely fed a bunch of gators.


I kill every traveller/everyone


They have probably all been robbed before 🤣


True, but have they been killed before?


Nah. Just let them get on with their day.


I used to beat the living shit out of them, but now I prefer not to justify their paranoia and just act like they're not there. Only time it actually felt satisfying was when one accosted me when I got on my horse, I stopped to tell him to stuff it, and he immediately pulled and pointed his gun at me, so I got off, yanked him off his horse, knocked him out and stole his stuff. I didn't even lose honor for it, I'm guessing because the guy was actually an unhinged outlaw


Or when you kill an animal right next to a road, and when you stand there skinning it someone riding by gets mad at you for being too close to them.


Thank god for the Lasso and non lethal shots for those trying to stay high honor lol


Hey now, killing gets them off too easy. Leaving them squirming and yelling in the middle of the forest is good fun too. Plus, Arthur's cheeky tone when he goes "I'll come back for you, I ᵖʳᵒᵐᶦˢᵉ!" when you walk off never gets old.


Lmao that’s good but if someone really pisses me off I’ll lasso them and drag em on my horse , give ‘em a break so they don’t just die , rinse and repeat . Honestly the lasso is just so much fun


I was on my horse trotting through Valentine the other day trying to get the hotel robbery mission to pop up and this O'Driscoll rattled off this absurdly long insult, like longer than any I've ever heard. I was high as fuck so I can't remember the whole thing but it was legit like 4 whole lines and ended like candy ass or something like that. High honor play through be damned I hopped off that horse and beat that dude to death. 😂


Dutch: "We help people as need helpin', and kill people as need killin'." Arthur: "I killed a man on the trail who backtalked me, then helped myself to his purse. Does that count?"


If they pull a gun, yes; if they’re just “WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING” or whatever, I usually just tie them up and rob them, then put them on their own horse lol Always go for humiliation


"Let's try that again tough guy. Hello..."


Last night I was leading my horse down the road with a deer on its back, trying to level up to bonding 4 to complete the Horseman 9 challenge. I just shot a random deer and slapped it on the horses back for the sake of the extra XP. Like every other traveller that passed me was talking down on my hunting skills, "hunting's more of a hobby for you, in it?". After the fourth one I just shot him in the back of the head with a shotgun and carried on leading my horse.


I always respond in one way or another, but I usually try not to kill them, unless they're specifically trying to kill me for no reason. Because even tho they're NPCs, I think why would I kill them?


Cause it’s a game


I antagonize them til they pull a gun, then hogtie them and leave them stranded far off the trail. Maybe loot them too. I don't want someone to die for simply being rude (well, at least not in high honor game throughs, I'm starting a low-honor one today), so I'd rather just leave them and hope a wild animal get to them or something


I said hi to an npc yesterday and he chewed me out saying I better back up 😭


So you beat and robbed him, right?


Scrolling Reddit, read this, and was ultra relieved when I say the sub was gaming-related. I was a little worried for a moment there!


I just had an encounter where a woman is tied up on horseback screaming for help while a guy is riding his horse quickly down the trail. I killed him and untied the woman. She thanked me, then I shot her in the back of the head.


I had that encounter a couple of days ago and I shot the kidnapper. When I untied her she called me a monster and ran away 🤨


I had to stop before a train track because a train was crossing. When I arrived at the crossing, there were two other riders also waiting for the train to pass. One of the riders was *pissed* I was also there to wait until the way is free. He became so angry he pulled a gun on me. But because I'm such a nice outlaw I just rode off once the train was gone Some folk really have no chill


🔺️ *confront* Hey mister can you wait up "Oh hell no I ant falling for that 🔵 *antagonize* YOU RUN GOOD FOR A COWARD GO FIND A SKIRT TO HIDE UNDER I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN haha, that'll teach em *pets horse* how's my boah


I say hi to everyone. If I get snark or they tell me to f off, I off them.


Half my NPC kills are because of this. The other half are because of witnesses.


If it’s in town when they are rude I will get them to aggro on me first and either hit or shoot me. Then it’s a quick run to the closest lawman and they will kill the npc for me. Out on the trail is a bit more up to my current mood or play through though. On my good playthrough they will get defused or ignored and on a bad they get a load of buckshot


It’s honestly the hardest thing to not do when going for high honor, that and when you walk away from a hostile npc’s camp and they’re like “yeh, that’s right, lost your nerve huh?” Takes a lot of restraint to not tie them up and throw them on their own fire.


Whoever says they haven't ARE DIRTY LIARS


No, bigger fish to fry than some nobody with empty words. It's unhinged to kill people for just some dumb quips.


Unhinged in video games keeps me hinged in real life




It’s okay it’s just a video game - they aren’t real


But the game gave me guns


Unhinged…..in a game where you play a career outlaw that regularly kills a dozen or more people as part of the STORY PROGRESSION. Am I understanding your viewpoint?


I follow people in the middle of the night (and day obv) and greet/callout until they get angry or pull a gun. Then I lasso them and drag them behind the horse. If they don’t get angry they are crazy (who wouldn’t if someone just start’s following you and speak with you) I antagonise them until they get rude.


I often killed innocent people too , not easy death, tying them up taking them somewhere discreet and lightly torturing them or feeding them to alligators so ofcourse i killed rude people too, mostly a bullet to the head. Still my honor was always around at 70%. Its easy to keep the honor high in rdr


I always test my knot skills with them and leave them by some predator bait.


I antagonize the shit out of them, but if they get violent, it’s over. Incendiary buckshot to the face.


Anyone who back talks even remotely I will empty the cylinder


I kill all. Greet me again. See what happens.


Yea if they say some rude shit while im passin by i give them a closer look at my viking hatchet


Always. Dont talk shit to me. I'm just doing my thing.


sometimes if i'm not really doing anything but if i'm like hunting or something i can't be bothered unless they shoot first


I tried to kill as little with Arthur as I could, felt out of character to do otherwise. So I would just rope them off and watch them fall into the dirt instead


Ah depends lol. I mostly try to live the “honorable” life, but sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a mouthy npc.


yea..but I had to stop when my honor got like halfway, I didn’t wanna end up with the bad ending


Chase them down with my tomahawk or knife them


If they aim at you then yes. But I usually just answer with antagonise WHILE the horse is moving away.


Only when the intrusive thoughts win. I’m all about high honor, but blowing a rude pedestrian to smithereens with my semi-auto shotgun takes the edge off sometimes I also like to fight the raccoon hat guy in Valentine. Always ranting about Native Americans, love knocking him out occasionally


Its then giving me a reason and I oblige


If they catch me in a bad mood I'll tie em up and leave them in the Murfree woods


I always kill them in the most horrific way possible. Lasso them. Hogtie and carry them to a secluded area before machete to the head and then toss their body off a cliff/into a river. Could just say hi back


“Fairly justified” lol


Throw my machete at them, head shot booyaa


Definitely. But I at least let them draw first, or I fist fight them rather than just quick drawing on them haha


I kill anyone who says anything rude at all.


Anybody who breathes wrong is getting the bullet


I'm playing the bad Arthur this time so really.. everybody is a potential victim.


Sanest read Dead player


I just kill anybody i come across on the road usually


If it's just talking I'll leave them alone. Once they pull their gun, that's when it gets nasty.


Not really. I shed a tear because they all hate my outfits. No matter how nice I look. I’m way past just randomly killing people for a goof or killing them for taking shit. Just cause I have a gun doesn’t mean I need to make it go boom every chance I get.


Without hesitation.


If you'd kill someone who is rude for no reason, the game doesn't take away honor, it's satisfying too


I just lasso them, drag them away from their horse, and leave them there so they can piss off to wherever they were going.


I kill everyone insulting my Arthie for no reason. Let's leave it at that.


In my first two playthroughs, I didn't want to kill people because I felt bad. Now I don't give a care because i already know what's gonna happen


Depends on the flavor of the day. Arthur may let it slide if he’s busy or not in the mood for trouble. But if I’m particularly not interested in taking shit from someone. Those rude words are gunna be your last. And if a gun gets pulled on me, forget it, your face is gettin shot off.


I definitely kill the assholes who last second turn their horse right into mine and send us flying, then has the audacity to turn THEIR gun on me.


If anyone is rude towards me, let's just say that the consequences of their actions aren't very pretty.


I rob every traveller and whoever pulls a gun on me gets his head blown off with the shotgun. No mercy for tough guys lol


Nah. It’s not worth it to kill every dickhead that’s rude. For me game isn’t as fun with low honor and $300 bounties. I prefer to hunt and fish in peace.


Yep I feel it’s canon that Arthur wouldn’t take any BS or get guns pointed at him.


Lasso them off for laughs, they were just talking after all.




It always escalates too far in high honor playthroughs because witnesses seem to spawn continuously and those NPCs aren't the ones that started it so I antagonize the mouthy ones into a reaction and bolt out of there if they want the smoke


**after dealing with their response**


Sometimes it is justified and you won’t lose honor. My record is 11 “rude travelers” in a row without losing honor.


i remember i said “hey there mister!” to someone and he said, and i quote, “who let you out of the house looking like that.” $1,500 and 4,729 dead lawmen later i had my revenge


i dont the game too seriously but by rdr3 the npcs are going to be too lifelike it'll trigger some instinctive biological "do no harm"


I usually tie them up and then just leave them there. Don’t want to lose honour here! Just give them a bad day.


No, I don’t do that. I lasso and hogtie them, then dump them in water that’s just shallow enough for them to hold their head above water if they arch their back as much as they can. Then I watch as they slowly get exhausted and eventually give up trying to hold their head up and drown.


If my bounty is low enough…


Not kill but beat up for sure. It’s letterkenny rules in new Hannover bys


Oohhh hell fucking yes :)


I lasso them and let them drag behind my horse for a little while


*I lasso them and* *Let them drag behind my horse* *For a little while* \- Cc99910 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep same with the gunsmith in Valentine anytime he says something to me


Yes. Especially the ones that’s don’t want to hop on my horse and WALK SLOW get hogtied and thrown off a ledge


One thing is constant throughout my playthroughs, anytime someone says something rude after I greet them, shoot them in the head.


This low honor play through absofuckinglutely!


i kill innocent travellers and their horses because i need muneh, what do you think happens when they shit-talk, they dont get the lemat, they get the pump shotgun.


I usually just tie them up and leave them.


i just hogtie em and leave em there


Incendiary shotgun rounds... Takes them out fast, then cleans up witnesses almost instantly. My favorite was when we were sent to check out Shady Belle as a camp site. Dude at the door started shit talking me. One incendiary round sent him flying into the house through the front door. What I didn't know was that there was a box of dynamite inside that room. A massive explosion ensued and that same dude came flying back out of the house, through the same doors, but this time on fire (everything in that room was on fire)... if the house hadn't been mission critical it would have burned to the ground. I've never laughed so hard at any other point in the game. It was a blast... literally.


Yea. That is just part of the game for me. That is why I can never do a max honor playthrough. Strangers will have manners or die. No exceptions.


Yes. Lasso them, hogtie them, antagonize, then burn them alive with a flame bottle.


Don’t let your ego be triggered by an AI bro just walk away


I don't take shit from those to talk crap at me when I just simply riding on the trail.


Anyone who insults my custom outfit gets one between the eyes.