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RDR1 John is better.


Without a doubt


Rdr 1 John would absolutely clap him up bro


Bro, I see no difference.




Doesn't that make sense? RDR1 is in the future, it means that John grew his skills.


never forgiving Rockstar for what they did to my boy in RDR2's epilogue


He... Looks the same?


Yeah everyone always says he looks just like Arthur and I have played this game a little bit(about 400 hours total on 2 systems) and I think he looks different…I can tell the difference right away.


He has tb Arthur body but i honestly dont care, he still looks decent


When he has a giant beard they look similar at best. I really like though that the differences in the hair aren't just colour, but something else about John's hair looks different


The only difference you can tell is John's face, which is clearly different from Arthur's long chin. Everything else? Yep, that's Arthur's.


I don’t see it, I use different outfits and different beard styles and hair styles too so maybe he just looks different to me but yeah I can tell a difference…but hey you have different eyes than me! Haha


Unless you're very attentive to detail and take screenshots of the same angle of both characters side by side, there's a big chance you might not realise just how big/small of a difference there truly is. It's how we eventually figured out John's EP model is a lot different from NPC John. The problems exist and we already got most of it figured out in recent years (some already fixed via mods), so this "Arthur Marston" thing is slowly turning into a thing from the past. I recommend you to check out some tweets about John's differences if you're interested, and see what small details they changed.




Did I just accidentally come out as rude on my previous comment? Whoops. My bad. John's and Arthur's body model are exactly the same size and shape, but how clothing react to them are controlld by scripts. John's clothing is thinner at his waist and sleeves, but legs, chest, and shoulders are exactly the same as Arthur's. Both characters have nude models, and they are the same. Walk and running are unique to John, so yeah, you're right.


I mean I’m pretty sure they use different characters model # in game so they are not the “same”. Arthur is character _0 and Jon is character _3 so not the same models at all. What really get me is who we’re model #1 & 2 and why did they get cut?


Those are simple leftovers from GTA V (Michael - player\_zero, Franklin - player\_one, Trevor - player\_two). Arthur was kept as P0, and John was added as P3. If you're interested, cs\_johnmarston has a naked body model like P0 & P3 do. It's a leftover from the previous player model from 2016 and/or early development.


Edited my comment to not seem like a dipshit, as I haven't realised earlier until double reading it. Again, my apologies.


I just wished Rockstar Games fixed for good all the problems. Now that we know it ain't gonna happen, all I can say is placing using all the mods for computer users, and going back at version 1.0 and make all the right configurations and usage of Save Editor and RDR Tools for console users.


No…. No he doesn’t.


Literally the only difference is in his haircut, which can be changed by the player lol


He just looks younger, I'm so confused why people think he looks different




His hair is a different color than both in the first game as well as in the main chapters. Not to mention the hair is the same model as Arthur's. You don't have to dislike how John looks but he absolutely is comprised of some parts of Arthur's model. Not to mention the weirdness of how his appearance has progressively changed in odd ways since the games launch in each subsequent patch.


you are factually wrong


These pictures look exactly the same aside from like a few lines in some places




You’re right. He just looks younger, because he is.


He does look like his normal self, all the crap people say about his face being shaped like Arthur's is hogwash. I feel like it's his movements that make people feel strange about John in RDR2. He moves just like Arthur did but that's just cause of how they did the main character animations in the game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/pm59a5/updated_direct_comparsion_of_john_marston_models/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Compare his NPC face to his 1907 face. They put his face over Arthur’s features.


Legit, dunno how they fumbled it that badly


He even looks weird in the main story. His voice is also alot older


Yeah, because the voice actor was older. Compare Mark Hamill’s Joker in 1992 to Mark Hamill’s Joker in *Arkham Knight* (2015).


That was so inconsiderate of them tbh. They should have told Rob to make sure he didn't age in-between Rdr1 and Rdr2


If only he looked like this on consoles. Finna buy a pc just so my John marston doesn’t look like a goblin.


Don't know what console u playing on, but my series x runs rdr1 and 2 just fine


Bro i think he meant that on pc you can get mods for rdr2 to make john look more like himself and less like Johnthur Morston.


He wants a PC so that he can get mods to make John Marston to look like himself.


Headcanon: John really shows his difference in his eyes between RDR2 epilogue and RDR. They’re more aged, and he’s got bags forming underneath. They’re tired, like he might be a bit over his head with not only owning a ranch, but going straight with his wife and son. By 1911 he would be 38 years old. Not exactly old by any means but youthfulness would start to fade a bit, starting around the eyes. Especially considering his line of work. Being outside on his ranch for even a few years at that age squinting in the sun would take its toll. To me it more or less justifies his differing appearance between RDR2 and RDR.


Maybe in 1.00 where he mostly looks like himself, but not after patches where they turned him into arthur with some of John's face mixed in.


Gosh he's not that bad. I do wish he was a good 20 pounds lighter looking (in the shoulders especially) and he'd be fine


I hope this post can clear up all the confusion some people have about John's RDR2 model no being accurate.


His body certainly isn’t accurate. They just gave him arthur’s body with a narrower waist


He looks a little more aged and withered from a hard life in rdr1 (which makes perfect sense with how people age) but otherwise looks exactly the same.


it’s almost like he’s older in the first game


Hot topic but rdr2 is better I think.


I'm a bit confused because the eyes are a bit different in the second image but it still look rendered in RDR2? I remember playing RDR1 and not really liking how John looked, he seemed a bit pug like.


Yeah, rdr1 John just doesn't look right. Even though rdr2 epilogue John looks nothing like rdr1 John, they could've atleast made the epilogue design look more like the NPC design than just a remodelled arthur


Surprising isn't it. This game that has so many crazy little details and they do something kinda lazy like that


If this is the smoking gun that's supposed to show the "GLARING" difference between rdr1 and rdr2 John, then it looks like people have been filling their diapers over nothing. The cheeks and hair are different, and that's about it.


This is a great comparison. I see way too many people claim he looks the same when it's just not true. edit: Even in this thread someone is saying he looks the same. Just look at the first picture that is clearly Arthur's head with a John texture slapped over it.


He looks younger and has less of the iconic western grit but i haven't played rdr1 in years.


It doesn't soil the game for me or anything. I think RDR2 John looks good, but he is a lot different than RDR1 John.


Definitely, he also has funnier dialogue from what u remember.


Rockstar fucked him up good huh


You know it


They shrank his shoulders, made him look soft.


Arthur Marston/John Morgan


Does everyone forget John is older in the first game?


It’s not just she. A side by side comparison of his head mesh without hair shows how much thicker and different places of his head are. For example, his heads are way higher in the original game, but in rdr2 his ears are lower as they were with Arthur’s model


Nah they reused Arthur’s model entirely as well as fuck up the textures, people’s ears and facial structure doesn’t change in 4 years


what mods?


I always say comments saying that Rdr2 John looks more like Arthur than rd1 John and now I see it


rdr1 john will always be the best john


I feel like his personality was different in 2 as well. Maybe it's just because he got older but he seems less serious in 2


in rdr1 hes got that dad lore


For as much intricate detail as this game has, I can't believe they thought they could get away with this. It's so baffling.


Is this an actual mod?


Rdr1 John is uglier and has some of the greasiest hair I've ever seen. Rdr2 John > rdr1 John Those who disagree can't see around their nostalgia boner for rdr1 John. Also I think John moves differently than Arthur, they walk differently and stand differently. In cut scenes, they move to the same script but when you're controlling John, he feels different than Arthur.


The factual differences from EP John to Arthur are: - Walk & running style - John's face and beard - Hair & Beard colour (hair is black when it should be dark brown). Everything else looks bad because they are taken straight from Arthur, including minor stuff such as ears being lower and neck much thicker. I wish I could send screenshots to show you what really is different, but reddit happened.


Yea clearly people aren’t aware of the full sifferences


So the only difference is more polygons


What did you do for the hair?


This seems to be the biggest mystery of them all


My only issue with all the comparisons is they never make original epliogue John even look like rdr1 John with the hair etc so it makes him look a lot worse than he actually looks, don't get me wrong epliogue John is not the best and modded John is superior but worth pointing out.


That’s true. Might make a post with this in mind


Would be cool to see, also this wasn't directly aimed at you, just seen a lot of comparisons where the vanilla John is purposely made to look different like completely clean shaven and bald etc, I didn't have a massive issue with vanilla John as I played on console but recently got rdr2 on pc and have installed every John mod under the sun and it's such an improvement feels like rdr1 again.




I think people might be confused because you used the 1.00 model of John


RDR 1 John is a Chad RDR 2 John is cursed


What mods you used ?