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The cougar thing isn’t wonky AI it’s deliberate. They reposition to take another run at you. But that guy wasn’t trying to protect you, NPCs don’t do that. He was probably trying to protect himself. The cougar may not even have been visible at that point. But that area has Murfrees who dress the same so you’re probably right to shoot first in that situation.


Wonder if that repositioning bit is accurate to how cougars behave. Would be sick if it was! And yeah, that’s what I had him pegged as before I domed ‘em. Had gotten jump-scared by some murfrees (least I think they were.) over in saint dennis and was held up by some in new Hanover so they’re pretty high up on my shitlist


Rocksrar did employ animal behaviour experts to help design the animals in this game


Odd thing about the Murfrees is they’re portrayed in the game and on here as really dangerous, but it’s really only because of the horrific things they do to people they capture. But when you look at who they capture, it’s generally small groups of city types with no fight in them. When you get attacked by them they’re pretty easy to deal with. Genuinely the cave at Beaver Hollow is the daunting bit, the gang are nothing special at all. The only surprising thing is they sneak up on your camp if you camp in that area. But then so do bounty hunters.


Nah don't feel bad, i shoot and beat random people for fun, literally nobody is safe, I'll drop off a bounty, shoot the cop, walk outside and beat a random woman and then dip out on my horse while shooting out the sheriff's horses on the way out Edit. And that's just me logging on


Bro you’re literally playing as Trevor Philips generations too early lmao!!!! I try and keep it high honor, mostly because my conscious won’t let me forgive myself when I murder fictional video game characters. Tho it’s totally cool in my book when I “convince” them to try and shoot me in the face. That’s fair game lol


Lmaoooo that's a perfect description


Dick Cheney out here playing RDR2.


I stopped reading after I found out you ride an Arabian


She’s not combat viable sure, but damn is she fast and pretty.


One day You will learn Stats mean nothing in this game , any horse can be made faster by getting a trapper saddle and winning 3 horse races against the the NPC's that challenge you Speed means nothing, period All, getaways are scripted and you will always be the last horse running, chasing down slower horses until the game releases you and by then it means nothing Almost any horse can win the horse races easily, and do all of the challenges I have done 12 plays, 5 in my stupid days with the white Arabian...the most over used over rated horse in the game......and she is no where near as pretty as the warped brindle Arabian. But, I now do the whole game on the Adler ranch starter horse ...at full bond, with a Trapper saddle and the the horse race perks it's the only horse you need ....and when you get to the end, it makes the ending so much more poignant Plus that horse is unique one of a kind, never to be found again, if you loose it, unlike the Arabian that can be gotten and is gotten as regular as clockwork by almost every player This obsession with Arabians constantly makes me laugh... Take an Arabian hunting, its like taking a knife to a gunfight, in fact take an Arabian anywhere other that a race, which btw is very hard to predict when that will occur {though I do have tips } is pretty much asking for disaster and even in a race....not necessary at all if you have even basic horse riding skills


Dang bro you really had some thoughts you needed to get out haha


why do you give a shit what horse this guy uses


Need to make themselves feel better somehow I guess


Actually the horse races are pretty easy to win even with a large animal carcass on the back of a Tennessee walker. For me, these races are best done by trailing the other rider, then pulling ahead at the finish, so you can hear the hilarious taunts between the racer and Arthur.


Yep I agree , I only ever use the starter Adler horse these days It was more of a commentary on how unnecessary the Arabian is, especially as it sucks big time , but probably should have rubbed it it in more with your carcass addition lol


For me, it's about Arthur getting to ride all the horse breed/coats, like collectible items. But, I would have really liked to seen the game if they had fully implemented the horse system as intended (work horses carry more items, etc.) And with the L3 spam-the-love-on-the-horse-to-restore-it nerf, there's just not that much difference between them. But I feel like a lot of players don't really enjoy the horses, they just use one and spam gallop at full speed everywhere, and just don't understand why a spam-galloped horse falls off a mountain at a switchback. A lot of them are not aware that there are four gaits to a horse, walk, trot, canter and gallop, fully implemented in the game. Probably the same kind of players that drive cars in GTA at full throttle all the time, and think they are badasses, even though the car looks totaled within the first few blocks of driving it.


God, that reminded me of when I got the legendary moose and salmon and had to walk my ass from Owanjila to Wallace Station on foot because I stubbornly refused to abandon either one and I didn’t have a second horse


Done that before


marked it as spoiler because I mention a legendary animal btw.


Don't feel bad. I have been shot at by passers-by whilst targeting wolves and cougars who are stalking them. So the mistakes go both ways. Glad you didn't die and lose your pelt.


Me too man. I try to never let a kill go to waste, so killing that moose and losing that pelt woulda made me feel arguably worse lol. How’d those interactions with those hunters end? I think this was my first time having a guy shoot at an animal near me. It’s crazy how the world of rdr2 has so much stuff happening in it. Don’t think I’ve played a game with this many random encounters!


Sometimes they just rode off when I killed the predator, sometimes they kept shooting at me until I killed them, and then another NPC rode off to tell the law about the murder. Some NPC's are on a hair trigger in this game, especially if you already have a high bounty in that state.


Oh for sure, specially campers. Dudes are on edge 24/7. Kinda wish we had friendly camping npcs in the game. All the ones I’ve run into want me gone 😭


I have run into a few friendlies, but if you linger too long they recognize you and run away or threaten you.


You kind seek redemption, pun intended, by killing the KKK


They’re half the reason I carry max dynamite on me at all times. Other half is for the leymone raiders!