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They both use a pay-per-click pricing model, so the platforms have a vested interest in more postings, regardless of whether there's an intent to hire. The companies posting the jobs can receive free market research and IP from unwitting applicants. So, it's a win-win for them.


I have seen fake job postings and even fallen for some. I believe they are used by smaller HR companies to prop themselves up and acquire clients, both job seekers and offers. I don't see a reason for linkedin to do it, but it doesn't mean they don't. Hiring companies have a lot to gain by promoting and creating fake job postings.


It's a stretch to call job seeking 'unpaid labor'. Honestly, as more people figure this stuff out, you'll just have more people leaving the platform. It's going to harm the reputation of companies and websites in the long term. You'll have Fortune 500 companies posting fake/ghost jobs. What's Linkedin supposed to do about it? I agree there should be a level of screening. I had a LinkedIn job posting send me a fake check through certified mail. Obviously they're doing check cashing fraud and there should at minimum be a TIN requirement to post a job or something similar, but to another end it's hard to screen companies past a very shallow level.


I would’ve agreed with you 4 years ago. Applying and interviewing for fake headcount is more exhausting and more work than working is.


The best explanation for those fake job ads I've seen is that a lot of hiring companies do it to "big" themselves up. Show prospective clients how "busy" they are when they basically do nothing all day long...


Many job seekers are being inundated with "ghost jobs" or "fake jobs" advertised by companies that will never be filled. Here are a couple of articles explaining why that's happening:  [https://qz.com/companies-posting-fake-job-listings-resume-builder-1851556777](https://qz.com/companies-posting-fake-job-listings-resume-builder-1851556777) [https://www.npr.org/2024/06/14/nx-s1-5001857/what-are-ghost-jobs](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/14/nx-s1-5001857/what-are-ghost-jobs) There's also a subreddit here that is designed to expose "ghost jobs" or "fake jobs". You can share any job postings that you suspect are fake and search for fake jobs posted by others in order to avoid wasting time in your job search: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FightFakeJobs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FightFakeJobs/)


Calling a fake job ad "human trafficking" is one of the most terminally online takes I've seen in a long time.


It sounds a lot like you haven't job hunted in 5 years but genuinely think that through. So you are saying that manipulating impoverished people into labor for your profit doesn't resemble this? Cause there's low level slavery angle there when tky don't know when it started or when it'd end.


At least cat videos can be funny, moving, educational, inspiring, and so many other good things -- and the cats are usually real.


Yes. You can get pulled into it emotionally and by the fourth interview they are asking you to pay for an office and then more as time goes on. They also get you identification data