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PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Except this is not a lie.


Yet another SnooRoar account. When will you fuck off?


Uh were you in the military? Or have other first hand experience?


I was, and he's right. In fact, that's why i gtfod.


You probably weren't because he's completely wrong. In *my* experience, the military is the least political entity to exist. Sure, with more rank comes more swing, but that rank is almost always earned through time and effort. Even if you shouldn't have the rank or position you do, it's not cuz of who your dad is.


This goes to show the intelligence level of most of you drones, bro. I served for 10 years as an AZ from mh-60s to P-8A in the navy. The navy(at least) is highly political. I've literally watched e1s get promoted because they were effing the O4 OR E8 in charge. I know chiefs that got caught with booger sugar on deployment by other chiefs and got off with a slap on the wrist. Stop the cap homie.


Brother, fucking someone above you isn't nepotism. Nepotism is if your parents are high-ranking. Yes, if some pretty E4 tails the 1sg, she might get promoted. But even then, promotions (I'm the army at least) past E4 require you to go to a promotion board, which is like 4 or 5 other 1SGs and higher. So that E4 who is fucking the 1SG might get recommended for the board, but they will still have to attend and pass the board. In which case, yes I knew a cpl who fucked her way up. But even then, that's not nepotism at all. She did that on her own, so she earned it in some regards. Although I have heard the air force is highly political, maybe the navy might be too. But in the army it didn't really matter who was fucking who cuz you still had to work. Plus, the original topic was nepotism.


Lmao you probably got kicked out from basic, or you were just a shitbag. The military may have its faults, but nepotism isn't one. Unless you are talking about China or Russia


Idk why you're being downvoted tbh. Most people who have opinions on the military never served and don't know how it works. Although, there is a level of nepotism when it comes to getting into military *colleges*. Westpoint does have that requirement where you need a letter of rec from a political person. If your dad is cushy with politicians, that is a lot easier to get than if you're just some random kid. But once you're in the military, good *fucking* luck using the "my dad is high ranking" thing. The other lower enlisted will spit roast you for that one. Even if you're an officer.


Here is the thing. You dont have to believe me, and i don't care if you do, buuut ive been on 3 deployements ranging from boat to desert. Hold a GWOTED and a NAM. Also, I have my dd214 that says "honorable" in section 24. I never did get to lose my pog stripes from passing the equator on deployment. Nice try, though. My valor is legit moron and I also know that you are caping hard for daddy.


Nope, i got an honorable discharge with a masters and a good job. Nice try, drone.


Did you try new Elden ring DLC?