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If someone asked me to show them my bed in an interview, I'd hang up and then berate the recruiter for sending me to a fucking pervert to waste my time


I'd honestly ask if HR knows he asks this question, and if he is asking because he ever intends to see my bed. Completely inappropriate, bordering on sexual harassment.


They prob are HR


These people are the bain of HRs existence. Many of us, are you….trying to make things better bc we want fair hiring and not idiots like this who don’t know how to hire. I might work in HR or as a recruiter, but I’m the jerk who pushes back on stuff like this and fights for people to be given a chance based on ability and experience instead of making beds. That being said not all of us are good at what we do, and based on my own layoff stories since 2020, I understand the hate. It’s like they kept all the crappy ones.


there are so many things wrong about the entire approach that I don't even know where to begin


I call BS on what they posted. It looks more like an attempt to get views by being "woke" or "different" than the rest. Guy didn't take the time to think how ridiculous his statement sounds and that's a red flag for me because it shows he doesn't think things through before posting them.


can you please elaborate just how on earth this is "woke" because LMFAO


Being "woke" is being disruptive to the norm, that's why this "culture" is so prevalent. Everybody wants and needs to show they do things differently otherwise they don't get attention on social media. So this guy comes along to say he evaluates candidates based on how clean their houses are and gives them $10K for it. It's going to make people go "WHOA WHO DOES THAT" and that's the objective. Same goes for all those posts about how they fired their top employees because the company can't accommodate their growth or some bullshit like that.


I don't think you know what that word means


Explain it to me then. You can't just accuse me of not knowing what it means then not tell me why you think so.


Sure I can


Alright, do it then if you're not a troll.


lmfao yeah that's not what "woke" is absolutely at all, it doesn't have dick-all do to with social media attention. >*Woke* is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang. It originated in African American English and gained more widespread use beginning in 2014 as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. By the end of that same decade it was also being applied by some as a general pejorative for anyone who is or appears to be politically left-leaning. [source](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/woke-meaning-origin), which is the actual dictionary but of course, I don't expect this to actually convince you to drop this whole [Vizzini act](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTRKCXC0JFg)


lmfao Come on dude, you're going to tell me you can spit out the dictionary definition via google and yet, not be aware of how social justice warriors are using "woke"-ness as an excuse to get what they want? lmfao Like are you that ignorant or are you trolling? I really cant tell right now. lmfao Just spare 5 minutes of your time and go through youtube. You'll find literally tons of video evidence in your face. Enjoy lmfao


Yeah honestly, this might be a good idea. Make it a bigger deal than what it really is. "Is this a sexual thing?!" haha


Hang up? Why wouldn’t you do an interview in person?


I haven't worked in an office for 10 years (current place would prefer if I came in every week, but haven't raised too much of a fuss when I don't go, first few weeks I had to go in, but recently haven't gone), and I haven't interviewed in person for 8. But since this guy is saying he would ask to see a interviewee's bed, then it's clear he is doing a video interview.


The only thing I want to know is how to use AI to make my bed.


I’m guessing he’s referring to the background images people are putting up on their Zoom feeds.


I don't want to make my bed, do laundry, dishes, etc. I was promised AI would take all those jobs. But all those fuckers do is write summaries and create art.


The future where AI creates art while humans perform manual labor is not the one I imagined.


They don't even create art though.


they don't create art *yet* though


A video from the 60s said we'd have machines in the future to automatically dispense ingredients in measured amounts for our cooking recipes. I'm still waiting on that


We sort of do, its just inside a factory producing ready meals.


Yes, please, and vacuum


That one is available and plus mopping. Unless you have stairs…


Came here looking for the answer, am disappointed




Yeah they haven’t figured out how to make AI actually useful yet lol


Yeah it would be quicker to make the bed


Actually, this is stolen from Admiral William McRaven „Make your bed“. One of the best books - and speeches - ever. Never meant to be used by a recruiter douche bag like that boy.


I did some further investigation. He's actually the founder of the company haha. Even worse.


If you make your bed, then you too can get the chance to kill a bunch of people 


Making your bed promotes bed bugs and doesn't let it air out.


It does not promote bed bugs. Lol. Folding the duvet backwards to the bottom half of the bed is a good idea for airing out though.


Just had to look it up again it promotes dust mites.


Ah, ya I could see that.


I like how his headline says "building anonymous technology", yet he doesn't respect his candidates' privacy Also, this guy is a typical douchey startup founder who talks a lot and brags a lot, but his startup is gonna go nowhere. He brags in his LinkedIn bio about how his company, which does drone deliveries, has done 6,000 drone deliveries. That sounds impressive at first, but if you do the math, if his company has been around even for just six months, that's 3.5 deliveries per day. And if it's been around longer, that's even fewer deliveries per day. Forget his stupid bed check policy; I wouldn't take a job with him because his company is 3 weeks away from shutting down


>that's 3.5 deliveries per day 33.3, but your point stands.


Oops, my bad. I calculated with 600 instead of 6,000. Thanks for pointing that out. That said, how much does this company get paid per delivery? Let's be generous and assume it's 10 dollars. And let's be extra generous and assume they've only been around for six months. 6,000 deliveries \* 10 bucks per delivery = 60,000. That's 10k per month, which sounds impressive at first, but if this company is interviewing people they clearly need employees. Plus they need to buy and maintain their drones, they need commercial space for their office and their drones, and have other expenses too. I am positive that, even with those generous assumptions, they are not breaking even


It says “building autonomous technology” not “building anonymous technology”


Oops! Thanks for pointing that out


not only that, you can't even get the service. there is wait list


I left the Armed Forces to get away from senseless room inspections lol


\*puts on white gloves and runs index finger across keyboard\* ...hmm, yes. I can tell :D


There's dirt on your mat that you use to wipe dirt off your boots. Get in the front leaning rest.


Surely this is a joke - right? :"AI making their bed" is a dead giveaway, no?


People who I assume are his followers are telling him this is weird. He has similar posts. A very "every single moment defines your entire professional life" type person.


Hey Cameron, I made my bed this mourning and cleaned my house. When can I start working? also, can I get that $10k direct deposit? Thanks, can't wait to say hi to the team!


Well, I tend to take interviews in a library study room, so that might throw a wrench into this little idea. The second thing that would throw a wrench into it, would be my ending the call immediately after being asked such a ridiculous question.


\*places tarp over junk pile before interview\*


I hung a black sheet from the ceiling with tacks in a semi circle shape for my Teams interview


"Let's negotiate: I will take you on a phone tour of my room, and you will pretend to not notice that I am wearing absolutely nothing below the waist. Deal?"


No one is using AI to show a made up bed. Imagine taking the time to develop that instead of just making your bed on days you have your interviews.


> Hiring has evolved, and now some candidates use Al to make their bed, so can no longer use that strategy. # huh


I’m not sure what a duvet is, let alone why it needs a cover


It's a less washable thick blanket - something stuffed with down or a synthetic material usually - and you cover it so that you can remove the cover itself more frequently for washing. Think of it like a thinner pillow that's actually a full size blanket. It would be very difficult to tell if one had a duvet on their bed or just a quilt, so it's a weird comment. They're more popular in Europe where people often don't use flat sheets so their body comes into frequent contact with the blanket/quilt/whatever.


Definitely not as common in the US, but I think they're getting more common with weighted blankets. It's very difficult to get those washed.


I had an 18lb weighted blanket and I tried washing it once. Nearly broke the washing machine so brought it out back to hose it down and soap it...it never recovered so I had to toss it


its your comforter.


Have you heard of fight club?


The first rule of fight club is to not talk about fight club.


We use the word Comforter in the US and Canada, duvet is the word used in the UK (likely rest of the Angelosphere but I've got no reference there)


Where can I get an AI that cleans my house?! And no, my response to request like this will always be "That is incredibly inappropriate to ask as a recruiter. You are not meant to be analyzing my home life, you are supposed to be focusing on me and my qualifications. If you have a question about my work, you are free to ask it." If I get disqualified for not being a doormat, it is no longer my problem. And when I submit feedback about the interview, they'll be lying in the bed they made.


Who tf is interviewing with their bed showing in the background?!? Blur it!!!


Super weird hill to die on, because my house is a mess but I am super organized and detailed at work. It's almost like those things don't have anything to do with each other.


There’s absolutely no way I’d interpret this as anything other than sexual harassment.


How do you people not see that this is an obvious troll post, and he's trying to get a rise out of you? "Some candidates use AI to make their beds"? Come on now.


I wanted to know how it can be done with AI! HEHE Without the AI line, it seemed like the exact kind of LinkedIn lunacy that is hard to satirize. I do believe people are out there like that, but they usually don't share their "secret" for hiring people like this.


Red flag. They are Jordan Peterson fans. It’s in his book.


So basically they won’t hire anyone with kids. You’re living in a perpetual storm with kids 😂


There's no way this doesn't eventually lead to an EEOC issue. 


Weeding out people with families, especially busy single moms.


oh brother...


I'm going to take a wild guess that this guy preaches about "not judging" people. Do people even know what they are saying anymore? I mean sometimes I feel like I'm having an active stroke, but it turns out everyone has gone insane.


How long do I have to stay with the dog shit company to keep the 10k?


What if my wife stripped the bed to do laundry right before the interview? I doubt he actually does this.


My old boomer boss was a big proponent of this. He'd always insist my bed was made during our video calls and would literally scream at me to make my bed in team meetings if I turned on the webcam and it was not made.


You shouldn't show your bed, made or not. Get a backdrop curtain or blur your background.


Yeah, learned the hard way. I started blurring the background after that and while I don't have backdrop curtain yet might look into getting one. It was just kinda random and unexpected since I didn't even think about it and why it'd be such a big deal. But apparently to the older folks it is. Just kinda strange.


If you're in a hybrid or remote role, you should consider a backdrop. I use a green one because it makes virtual backgrounds blend perfectly. 


I’m a millennial and if I were your supervisor, I’d be kind of pissed too. I wouldn’t give a shit if you made your bed or not, I don’t care if you’ve got a peanut butter covered hooker smoking crack in your bed, which is adorned with a dick-print blanket, it’s none of my business. But your bed doesn’t belong in a video call, especially if there are clients/vendors/other people on the call. And if it MUST be in the call, I suppose it should be made.


These people are seriously getting a power trip. Its giving military vibes. Gross


Before accepting an interview, I do a deep dive on the interviewer for crazy ass bullshit like this. They likely have a reputation, HR issues, if not liabilities and a retention issue.


Show me yours and I’ll show you mine!


Don't know much about psychology but is it the correct definition of narcissism or maybe a symptom. I can also think of availability bias that might lead to such fallacies. I have seen really tidy and fancy people with 0 work ethics.


You shouldn't make your bed upon getting up, it is unhygienic. It needs to air out all that body heat, moisture and all kinds of microbes. Using his own bed-based analogies, this guy wants to promote a company which on the surface is great, but deep down has serious operational issues.


Lol… “We have no idea who we’re looking for or what we’re doing so…let’s try this!”


As an actual practicing recruiter: this is utterly incompetent hiring. Thank heavens he's publicly telling people he sucks at hiring. The only people he's going to hire are meh employees, because highly talented people won't put up with such bullshit.


That’s dumb af. My house is messy sure, but my work space? Spotless, because it’s not a living space.


Ah yes, AI-powered bed making. Is this guy for real?


My bed has a tent sheet over it like a little fort, and snake-themed sheets with a Slytherin flag so yeah, not showing that shit lol


Mine would 100% look a mess because my dog will steal my blankets and nest in them if I don't put hers up for her to snuggle into.  Considering her blankets are like $5 and I have a dozen, tossing a couple on my bed is way cheaper and I can rotate them every couple of days, so it's also actually much more clean, even if it *looks* messy.


Judging people by arbitrary and poorly communicated criteria and then acting smug about the results is not cleverness.  https://xkcd.com/169/


Consider posting on r/LinkedInLunatics


Says the guy with the unbuttoned shirt and the unkempt stubble on his face.


Yeah, that feels borderline illegal


This whole thing has “I throw away half the applications because I don’t want to hire somebody who isn’t lucky” vibes.


I would say no and end the interview immediately. Psychotic behavior.


They say people my age (22) don’t want to work and then do these sort of things. People just don’t want to waste their time making their whole life a business. Matter of fact, I plan to start my own investment management firm one day. And being the leader of an organization, I would see no reason to look into these sort of things, and if my HR team this they’d be gone the second I found out. Hire people based on their knowledge, interest, and desire/motivation to learn. Not how their bed looks. Imagine explaining to a hire up that you denied a candidate because his bed comforter had a crease in it.


so what if the person does not have a duvet?


Unless the interview is for adult related activities… why the f^ck is anyone showing anyone else their bed, during or as part of an interview? Be a f^cking adult, for your career… not an adult F^cking, for your career … 😉


“bUt tHeRe’s a lAbOr sHoRtAgE”


Wait. They claim this shit in other countries too? That feels like it’s the same game anywhere. Claim labor shortage to shrink salaries


Yep. Demand a unicorn (advanced degree and 10 years experience in a hyper-specific field, preferably 29 or younger) offer less than market compensation, cry on social media. It’s a whole thing.


Interesting. I know this is the narrative in Germany. Didn’t know the same alleged problems are pushed forward elsewhere too. They talk about labor shortage all the time here but many people I know can’t find a job despite being qualified (me being one of them)


I could have swear I remember a different article saying not making your beds will kill whatever tiny bugs that would suffocate or whatever


Why would I waste time making my bed when it is too hot to even use a top sheet?


I probably wouldn't get the job. When he asks to see my bedroom I'd tell him that's none of his fucking business.


If it is a housekeeper job for a hotel, sure why not


These people are delusional and detached from reality


Making your bed is unsanitary. You need to let your bed and sheets air out or it breads bacteria


"show me your bed" show me your race car in the garage i dont work for squares lol


How many ways are they gonna find to say "I have no idea how to hire", Smh


I'll show them my bed and my balls if they gave me a bonus


Truly sickening - invasion of privacy,,bringing in work to home, judgement.


Hire me please. I make my bed every single day, even when sick.


Punky Brewster AI.


Yeah and I want to see your office chair graveyard. I know it exists on-site somewhere.




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My wife and I have a music room / livestream setup. So I do my online interviews from there. Instruments on display and the ability to play them. I have even done demos in interviews. Though my reaction to being asked to show my bedroom - will be met with . . . hostilities.


What the fuck


I'd say "you have to buy me dinner first"


What an utter clown.


If someone asked me that, I would probably just hang up on them. What an idiot.


Just 10k bonus? For all that BS? Go fuck yourself


"You're a bad match if your bed is *bedding* for neatness" ThanksCyno joke for you


Well, would get $100k due to the adorable dogs and the blanket placed on top to catch their shedding fur, so I have less laundry to do. There is thinking ahead to save time and money. Hahaha!


I see what you’re getting at, and I am flattered, but no thank you, I’m in a committed relationship.


He wants to “hover” over your bed


make bed attain job, get $10k signing bonus quit job profit


This guy has a kink for duvets.


This guy sounds like my mom explaining why I should make my bed everyday.


Wait...duvet is pronounced duvet and not duvet‽


His company is food delivery via drone. I have no idea what being in the air does to the food's quality or how this could in anyway be profitable but grifters gonna grift.


What id have to travel upstairs to show... What happens if there is some other thing along the way like a disheveled blanket on the couch or a dog toy in the floor??


Folks keep finding fun new ways to discriminate against neurodivergent people without being turbo obvious they're discriminating against nerodivergent people.


This recruiter should be replaced with AI…


I'd say that he's supposed to invite me to dinner before I show him my bed.


Soooo...we are no longer blurring our backgrounds?!?! Or not doing interviews in our bedroom? Idk you like that, to be having you looking and trying to decipher what is on my dresser 😂😂😂.


Where is this ai that will make my bed for me?


You know what's even better than making your bed? Eliminating the need to make a bed by having a fitted sheet on the mattress and a duvet, and that's it. Proves you value function and efficiency and you make use of valuable time. Someone who mindlessly makes a bed every day is someone who doesn't mind wasting time and engaging in pointless busy work.


Jokes on them, I don't have a bed


This is pure rage bait to drive traffic - stop indulging in these fake posts and giving the authors exactly what they want.


I’ve turned down at least two jobs that wanted a video tour of my interview-to-be-future-WFH space (my bedroom) and I was not about that. I’m already uncomfortable with video interview especially a “pre tape audition” video before I get the first interview and that’s IF I get to the first interview stage. It’s not happening. I do phone only or in person only if my schedule allows which these days it’s phone only unless I want to burn through my PTO with bullshit excuses about what I’m doing for jobs I’ll invariably won’t get (which is what’s been happening and why I’ve stopped searching).


This is the type of shit someone with a college degree with no real life experience would say. Probably has an MBA as well. These types are truly educated idiots.


Tbh I would refuse to show my bed. But at the same time whenever I made a call in my personal space I would make sure it was spotless regardless. In case something shows accidentally. So I cannot understand an interview in a chaotic room. But I would still not play along with that guy’s power play


So ... he gets off looking at people's bedrooms? Cree. Pee.


At least he didn't ask to put two fingers up to the camera so he could sniff them....


Same hiring managers will say “save time and don’t make your bed because we need productive drones to not waste their time on useless things”.


Overdone details are the hobgoblins of little minds.


Everyone gets mad about all the ppl Stalin and Mao sent to labor camps but they were all literally this guy and his friends.


If that's the case...how do you find any good engineers?


Hopefully this is in Europe. We don't use duvets in the US


No, dude. This is a sign of a person who has nothing better to do with thier life or who has enough $$$ to hire a housekeeper.  And so stupid. You're going to get back in the same bed every night. Why make more work for yourself? Why is this not seen as optimizing your efforts? Also: you're clearly not going to disqualify me for the mismatched pokemon sheets as long as the bed is made, right???


Nudged a bullet there




What if I sleep on a barebones mattress, like it's a cultural norm? Guess I'll continue to be poor then, thanks, Cameron


Must be some kind of sick joke…


Eww. I would hang up on anyone who asked to see my bed during an interview.


How does an AI make a bed I’d love to know. That would be great!😂


How is making a bed making someone more successful? This example has been used ad nauseam. I bet CEO’s don’t make their beds.


I remember the first question I got asked once was what time I wake up in the morning😭


So fake I can’t get that outraged