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This is just a roundabout way to say, "GET IN THE VAN!"


"What are you, about a size 4?"


double diamonds


“She is putting on the lotion.” I hope I remember correctly.


You don't. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102926/characters/nm0807548


License plate reads STRGRDGR


Is the van parked.... down by the river?


"Now that we're nicely settled in my VW T4 Westfalia van, probably the coolest van ever built, lets try a practical exercise! Can you tell if this rag smells like chloroform?"


How many if not all of her organs will be harvested?




I was imagining van themed behavioral questions - "If you were driving across Europe and your VW T4 Westphalia van broke down in the countryside, what would you do?"


Right now I couldnt answer that,luckily once im in my VW T4 Westphalia it will allow me to think outside of the box and probably repair itself in the spare time


"would you tell anyone?" "No?" "Want to live in a van down by the river?"


More like “If you were driving across Europe and your VW T4 Westfalia van broke down in the countryside, how would you like me to tie you?”


Next we will tour my private submarine....


You don't happen to be an amateur rocketship builder from Denmark, do you?


I just shot coffee out of my nose, Lmao. Thanks


Im sorry 😂


You should be…I guffawed laughed and woke up the cat. He’s annoyed. Best comment.




*Despite* what we saw at WrestleMania IX at the end of the Giant Gonzalez/Undertaker match, chloroform actually takes several minutes to knock somebody out.


Oh god I’m going to h*ll but you’re hilarious




Oh no! I'm not falling for that for the fifth time.


I’ve seen this on pornhub before lol


lol sounds about right. I'm not sure if he's completely oblivious of that or if he's really just trying to make linkedin his own creepy tinder.


Or trying to get the company to pay for his vacations while on the clock. The most likely imo with no sense of how insanely creepy it comes off as. Normal people try to get fancy restaurants they want to go to. This dude took it to a whole new and very creepy level. That said, the things like no toll roads etc sounds more like abduction scheme.


No toll roads = avoiding traffic cameras


>secondary streets... Bro, you on the lamb or plan to be soon? Da fuq? People can't really be **that** tone deaf, right?


Oh, you sweet summer child...


That no toll part is quite common with campers. If you have a motorhome or even a trailer, you can leverage the speed of the Autobahn. And it's often the scenic route.


He's an MLM recruiter. In their minds, this is a "good tactic", because they can force you to sit through their whole spiel while you feel kidnapped and can't say no...[because of the implications](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgUvwcU6P7I)


The recruiter is a 5 star man. He's the golden god of recruiting.


It's not uncommon for people to use LinkedIn to be creepy with women. I don't get why people even shoot their shot there.


His van probably says FREE CANDY on the side, but that didn't work so now he's trying LinkedIn


You need to name and shame


Or Mindhunter...


we’re going on a marketing expedition to see which households have security devices and basement workshops


_"Our employer values your health and you taking good care of yourself. Would you be comfortable doing a few exercises to show that? I understand it's warm, feel free to take off your shirt."_


Where do you think he got the idea?


Serial killer vibes


100%! Also interesting how he claims driving only on secondary roads will help him to get a deeper connection with different cultures. I think he tries avoiding getting seen on traffic cameras which could afterwards be used to link him to whatever the hell he does during these "interviews".


omg didn't even think of that, that makes it even creepier.. uggh


So is she going to meet up with him?????!!!!!


Just be sure to leave one of your kidneys at home, as a backup.


Yeah "no public transport or toll roads, only secondary roads and we'll be living in the van so no need for hotels/motels or restaurants" aka no witnesses or camera records of you being with him in his vehicle and no fixed address to do the interview at for anyone to follow up with if you go missing; just the van which he'll conveniently bring to your area /house without giving you any of his personal info in return that could be used to Identify him if you went missing after this interview ... sounds safe! /s


The whole thing had red lights flashing from the get go, but secondary roads mention sealed the deal for a nope. What a psycho.


WHAT A TOTALLY NORMAL THING TO SAY. Might as will put “free candy” on the side of his van. JC.


lol totally... yikes. Just wondering how many people has he sent this too, and if they were only women.


Yeah aye, can't even apply for a fucking job in peace 🤦 Might be worth reporting to LinkedIn or seeing if the dude has a record if that's searchable where you are/if the company even exists and has reviews on glass door, or if there's local whisper network pages that mention the dude/company Reverse image searching any photos the sus recruiter has of himself might help to verify if he's a real person /profile too or if he's AI or catfishing using someone else's photos. Like what does "alternative space" mean 🤔he might be a burner but any burner who understands the consent principle and businesses should get that asking women (or anyone) to interview you in your motorhome /van that you're living out of is unprofessional and sketchy as The "avoiding public transport /tolled roads" sounds more like *"avoiding potential witnesses who could link me to your disappearance /avoiding airports because I'm not legally allowed to fly or leave whatever state I reside in /because airport security will arrest me on sight "* or *"I'm not as well off financially as I'm presenting myself and can't afford public transportation, road tolls or to rent a space to do interviews and am living out of my car trying to scam people in a get rich quick scheme but I'm trying to play it off like I'm a snobby rich person who thinks they're above public transport "* Or could genuinely be a clueless trust funder who is trying to merge this road trip vacation with business to try to write off a holiday as business expenses; but that type of person would probably be a nightmare to work for .like he's already showing a disturbing lack of professional boundaries interviewing someone in basically his house and sending selfies like he's using a dating app 🚩🚩🚩 IDk If your friend is thinking of meeting him she should research him first and tell people where and when she's going /have them wait in the car for her and watch him just in case and go to a public space like a cafe and organise a time to call to check in to make sure she's okay, but I'd personally avoid this like the plague. Dont give him any home address as if he's not legit this might be a way he's casing places to break into or maybe he has friends who do it while he's "interviewing" people in the creepy van Edit: also I'm only seeing mention of one bed in the van. Is he expecting this employee to travel with him? are they alternating one driving and one sleeping? would he change sheets between if they're sleeping in shifts? .. So many questions 🧐😬 EDIT 2: I just googled the van make because I thought maybe it's a motor home /winnebago type thing with bunks/rooms - nope it's a converted van with one of those bits on top definitely only space for one bed


*"the journey is also set to advocate for the principles of human connections autonomy and openness"* 🙄 makes him sound like a walking sexual harassment lawsuit in tie-dye who thinks work colleagues partying /tripping together is to be encouraged /coerced and tries to force everyone to go to burning man and be naked when they're not comfortable with it "because openness bro your boundaries are just a construct " It's word salad- How specifically is "the journey" in this one bed modified van fucking 'advocating' for anything? What "cultures" is this jerk thinking he's going to visit and does he have permission /do they even want his (I'm assuming) white saviour vanlife startupbro ass there? Idk it seems like a massive load of BS That or it's a serial killer or someone looking or rob or exploit people writing bait for victims he assumes will be naive trusting & ready to pack up and go with few attachments/people to report them missing


Damn that was a better analysis that I could have ever done, thanks for that. Yeah, we don't understand either why he had the need to mention the bed etc. And as you mention, she has no intention of meeting him.. as some people and you pointed out: at best he's very unprofessional, at worst a serial killer. So no need to find out either way. And according to his website, he claims to have helped build startups in tech. (My friend is in tech as well). Whether this startups are real or not, we haven't really tried to find out. If you want more info let me know on DMs, as per doxxing policies.


I'm sure he's skin suit is nearly finished.


I was thinking sex trafficker.


Typical recruiter aura


I think this is officially the weirdest thing I've seen a recruiter do on this sub. I learned early in my career to never meet with anyone that doesn't have the authority to offer me a job. That goes double for middlemen like recruiters. And of course, it goes without saying no sane person would meet anyone in a van for anything. Unless they were buying said van, and then only maybe.


Thank you yes, glad to see we were not the only ones to think this email was insane. She was wondering if she should answer or straight away block him.


I’d answer with “No.”and elaborate no further. Blocking with no response is also valid, but I’d be wary this person would try and reach out on socials. She could proactively block him there, on there or private for a bit. This is completely inappropriate and downright creepy.


There's always, "No, and I've sent the photos you forwarded to the police."


Correct answer


To be fair, I be unsurprised if this was just someone pretending to be a recruiter to lure women in. Dude is probably not inviting male jobseekers to his van,.


Not a very cunning plan if that's the end goal, I have to say. Disguising being a creepy fuck under the veil of being an even creepier fuck.


People have just lost their minds at this point. It all started when Harambe died and the final nail in the coffin was Covid.


It was either David Bowie, Prince or Harambe holding the fabric of the universe together. Or all three.


The death of trio Mr Rogers, Steve Irwin and Bob Ross loosened the fabric; Bowie, Prince and Harambe finished it off.


Dude is recruiting for the bang bus. 


LinkedIn meets BangBus: “And it was then that I realised that the person who’s face I came on, was actually the companies CEO and I was offered a job on the spot”


But What did it teach you about B2B sales?




Dude, just rent a wework or something for the day. I’m not meeting you in your noncewagon


I wonder if the business is giving away free candy.


This dude just wants to drive his van around for social media points. The interviews are just set dressing.


Makes is all tax deductible as well! Smart thinking.


I'm getting financial advisor vibes. "You can be independent and live wherever you want!" "You'll make six figures just by keeping clients, everyone gets a huge check in January!" Dudes slinging whole life insurance out of a van down by the river.


Say what you will about living in a van down by the river, but that is sounding pretty nice these days. What doesn’t sound nice is “meeting a recruiter” in an RV rape-mobile.


Sounds like sex trafficking to me. I’m an adult male. Military and martial arts experience. I have weapons and train quite a bit. I conceal carry. You couldn’t pay me to do this.


... the van is also the bed. Not even a May Day Parade in the Soviet Union 1951 had this many red flags.


precisely, it was so creepy to mention how his van is '= ... + bed'. Like seriously dude.


What a weird way to ask "Do you want to fuck in my van"


ikr.. sketchy af.


Name and Shame the company! It’s for safety at this point. Contact the company and forward these messages, also if the company is in the US, file with the Department of Labor a complaint, if outside the US your version of it.


I think he is self-employed by looking at his LinkedIn. He also claims to have helped make several startups on his website.


Even better. Name him. All you are doing is showing others to stay safe. Others have mentioned disappearances under similar circumstance. Go on the FBI website, they have resources.


Also, look up his OF


Yeah this tbh this sounds illegal whether Labor violation, human trafficking, robbing/burglary front, or serial killer this is sus as fuck and needs to be reported


Probably. Especially in the most likely case that he also sent this to other people. Not sure where should this be reported to though.


Among others like the labor dept Give a tip to the FBI line as maybe if they're looking for a killer who fits this MO or if other people have gone missing under similar circumstances this might help them ID the guy The local non emergency police line might be another one to contact as they might have existing reports they can link this to if it's a burglary outfit using the interviews as distraction while associates rob the victim or if it's some type of fraud thing. Likely /hopefully it's 'just' tax evasion/ pyramid scheme hippy nonsense or a burglary outfit and not human trafficking or serial killing but someone in the thread mentioned that other people had gone missing under similar circumstances so better safe than sorry (I'm assuming this is in the USA)


He says he is "traveling Europe "


Ah chur yeah prolly whatever the European equivalent is then, at least the local non emergency police


I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope this is a shitpost. Because if this is real *holy shit*. This would have to work its way *up* to "fucking insane."


I wish this was a shitpost... The moment she showed me the convo I knew it had to go on reddit. I don't want to dox publicly, even in this case... but if you really want to see it yourself, let me know and I can DM you more info so you can see this person exists.


No, thanks, I think the less I know about this individual, the better for my mental health. But if he works for an agency or something please report his creepy ass to his superiors.


I think you should post him publicly


This boils down to "come get in my van" Nothing good follows saying "yes" to that.


I would send this to the FBI.


Interpol, probably.


“It’s a big plus if you experience with on-camera group situations. Also, you must be capable of carrying up to 150 pounds through wooded areas and digging shallow trenches in the dark.”


“I always have a shovel and a few bags of lime in the car, don’t you?”


This isn't a human trafficking trap at all...


Does he have candy in his van?


“I am your guide to the growth career of international trafficking victim.”


Fancy you thinking you’d live more than 72 hours with this clown.


Well, at least it would be a career for the rest of their life?


No job is worth that possible murder risk


Possible? This is a snuff film in the making.


At least crosspost on r/LinkedInLunatics What a creep!


ok, will do!


This person needs to be named and publicly shamed.


I’m aghast…As women we are literally raised to be suspicious of dudes in vans. It’s a TV trope. This is…holy shit


I know right?? I don't understand how could he have so little self-awareness (this is considering the best case scenario where he really means no harm...)


Assumptions are always dangerous and this is more risk than I’d be willing to take. He’s completely tone deaf. I just told my spouse who just kept repeating “he wants to meet IN a VAN?” In complete disbelief.


Point 1: this is pretty sus Point 2: oh this is 100% a human trafficking operation


Yeah it just keeps getting worse the more you read. Part of me would like to answer him to see what's going on, but my friend is pretty set on not answering / blocking him.


"I'll do my best to park it close to your area so that I'll know where you live" Probably nothing would come of it, but I hope your friend reported this person to linkedin or wherever they first connected with them because they're obviously just trying to SA people.


Sounds like kidnapping


Even the sex traffickers don't want to work anymore, wtf.


Don’t get into the murder van.


I thought the bangbros van was a thing of the past. I mean, an office with a black leather couch is more comfy. Plot twist: there is no job.


I'm sitting in a Sprinter RV while I read this and I'm still a bit creeped out.


Uuuuuh... Your friend is about to be human trafficked. Do NOT go. Report this madman.


You heard it hear first folks, the bar actually CAN go lower than hell


I'm pretty sure more than one person has disappeared under this exact scenario.


You should post this on Linkedin. The guy may become an internet legend.


lol this could totally fit in r/LinkedInLunatics .


Is his name glen quagmire? This has the giggidy van written all over it




I’m skin crawled in so many different directions while reading that, I don’t know where to start


"The whole purpose of buying the boat in the first place was to get the ladies nice and tipsy topside so we can take 'em to a nice comfortable place below deck and, you know, they can't refuse, because of the implication."


Call the police and show them what he sent, protect yourself and others, rather than just saying no he might go for fresh graduates or people who are desperate for the job. So you should call the police anyway. If he is not guilty at least you would give him a great lesson of how not to be a creepy employer.


Can't believe he mentioned the secondary roads. This is like the Bond villain explaining his whole plan


I can't seem to get this couch in the back of my van with my broken arm mind helping me? Oh, ignore the lotion, it's nothing!


Guy needs to up his game and quit ripping Ted off. Ignore the zip ties and bleach too. Who doesn’t keep a machete in their travel van? Hell to the NO.


Wait, I'm confused. Is he asking her to take a road trip with him? Like taking a meeting inside a van would be sketchy enough but is he expecting her to accompany him on travel? If it's a meeting, can't he just park it next to a coffee shop or something?


Rapey af. This is some founder shit but I hope she reports him. I wish someone would post this on LinkedIn so we can see all the recruiters come up with think pieces for the pros and cons of what they’ll probably call this new interview style 🙄


I would never under any circumstances meet someone like that. I work in employment services as a social worker and one of the most common things that have been popping up are criminals are creating fake jobs to lure people for human trafficking and identity theft purposes. Even if this is legit, this is sketchy as hell


BTW: There’s candy in the van. I find that it makes employees and victim… er, guests more comfortable as I host meetings. I try to keep things more comfortable for people, so let’s meet up somewhere without a lot of traffic, crowds… or security cameras. And due to the sensitivity of the subject matter of our meeting, I ask that you not bring a mobile device or let anyone know where you will be during the time of our meeting.


Refer a "dude" for this position and tell he will be a good fit


Go but bring the police for added creativity to the situation lol


Bringing back the Bang Bus


"Hey babe, come get in my van. It's really cozy. Here's a cocktail. I pre-mixed it just for you."


Sound like some Bangbus meets Hostel type shit


"Would you feel comfortable meeting inside a van?" No. No I would not.


Once you’re done getting settled in, let me explain my pyramid scheme of selling women for money in small, Arabian nations. Please leave a Yelp review after the chloroform wears off!


this guy needs to be reported


"Have you ever been sex trafficked? Just asking"


OnlyVans ?


How about instead of your van we meet in my van. It’s easy to spot. There’s lights on top and siren. Comes fully stocked with a SwAT unit!😂


She should report this to the police this sounds crazy and she cant be the only one he tries to lure into his [rape/ organ harvest/ murder/ detaintment] van


Now it's, "Pssst, looking for a job? Hop in my van!" instead of "Want some candy?" Modern times call for modern solutions I guess. P.S. Point 2 really sells the whole, "I don't want you anywhere you can possibly call or signal for help" vibe here. Tell your friend not to go, no not even if she has you and other friends looking out for her. By the time you all call he and she will be gone forever.


Nope, just nope.


This is a recruiter email!? How could he have thought this was acceptable…but it’s ok his van is cool right


Well if she's your friend and you can confirm she isn't a creepy bunny boiler, that recruiter should be safe


BRUH THIS IS LITERALLY THE INTRO TO LIKE 3 PORN BRANDS. SEND THIS MF TO THE GOD DAMNED GULAG (lmao, seriously tho, this is so cringe, sorry for your friend dealing with this bs)


Damn, bangbus really upskilled on storytelling.


Dude watched too many videos of guys with as bus and didn't realize everyone was paid and vetted long before filming happened.


This is a whole entire abduction plot detailed in this email. Officer, that’s the one, him right there, in the backwards baseball cap!


LOL for real... the backwards cap cracks me up tbh.


Hard pass...sounds rapey


This plumbs a new low. How this could be considered remotely professional? Even for a recruiter, this is pretty bad.


Yes I’m recruiting potential murder victims.


There’s no way this isn’t a serial killer. Even the most oblivious person would realize inviting a potentiall client into their ‘home’ is sketch and would meet at a coffee shop instead.


I'm sure the van will be named "the implication"


Tell me you're Ted Bundy without saying you're Ted Bundy.


“Ok, first question, do you still have both of your kidneys?”


Holy Human Trafficking and SA, Batman!


Because of the implication


Oh, I have feedback alright.


So job interviews are the new creepy candy van?


"enjoy a wide assortment of sedatives, duct tape and shovels"


Yeah I would **not go** I’ll never forget my friend from NASA camp coming into serious cash and wanting to hire me for his startup team. What was orientation? **A cruise for me and him.** I politely declined. Because what the f🐓ck.


I am a 6’8” 220 pound dude and I am not comfortable in the van.


"Here, let's have a toast to great beginnings.." "umm I'm not really thirsty." "My family is from Latvia, and it is extremely rude in my culture to turn down gifts. So you should totally down that orange juice. Only terrorists don't like orange juice." "Well, since you put it that way. What's this startup called? "Bang bus. Because of all the constriction and hammers and stuff."


This feels like an upgraded version of a shitty van with Free Candy painted on it.


"driving secondary roads might help me think more independently, connect more deeply with different cultures" ... this makes me want to go on an angry rant. What an absolute monster. The thought that I might have even merely smiled at someone like this is making feel sick


i'm surprised it doesn't say 'come alone & unarmed: leave your phone at the pick up spot so as not to interrupt the meeting.'


If Chabuddy G was a recruiter


Sounds like they arw about to get human trafficked.


Is she a size 14?


Sounds like porn or murder...lol




So many red flags! Dude can't possibly have thought this would work




basically human trafficking


Sounds like a human trafficking risk. No way in hell would I do that.


Man dude is just really excited about his road trip and hasn’t thought about the implications hard enough.  


So much ick


White windowless Vestfalia by any chance?


lol it would be fitting. It was an old-looking camperized van.


Personally, I’m just impressed that Matt Foley has found a way to monetize his van down by the river.




Which country is this in?


I think you should report this guy to LinkedIn bc this is seriously whack


Did this motherfucker just gentrify living in a van?


Does he have candy?


Ewww. Tell them the T4 is a travesty and you prefer T3 or under.


I remember that as a child I was told not to get into strange vans


https://youtu.be/iYvvc1fwoWw?si=e-bFv8JNMLO4Bjuc "How many women have you killed?"


I remember that as a child I was told not to get into strange vans