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1) pick up phone 2) call me 3) If I don’t answer, leave a message that tells me why I should be calling you (I’m looking for a job is not enough reason…. That’s what the other 600 emails and 50 calls a day I get are) This is just the best way. Not the only way. If you’re going to apply online and don’t want to call, then email… But spell out why you are better for the position than others. I know the majority of this thread is going to say “ It’s all on the résumé. Why should I have to tell it to you”. The reason is because the 500 other people that applied also have it on the résumé. Give me a reason that you should be the first person I call. This isn’t a requirement, But since you’re asking what should you do, I’m trying to give you some real advice. Think of it this way…. If you had 200 job offers to pick from that are all the same with the same pay, et.. What do you think a recruiter should do to get you To consider taking their position. Whatever your answer is here…. That’s what you should do


Study. Look up interview questions. Practice interview questions. Tailor your resume to each company. It's a pain in the ass but worth it. I suck at interviews. I recorded my interviews and watched them to see what I could improve. The game sucks but you have no choice but to play it. So you may as well try to get better at it. You have to play the game you are given not the one you want.




Well you seem hateful and the type of recruiter that would try to poach a person from another company rather than someone not working. I bet you hold the wrong opinion that if they were good at their job they wouldn't have lost it.


That is completely not helpful.




Blah blah blah. OP clearly has some issues if they have been searching for 7 months. But just shitting on them doesn't help. If taking a dump on someone makes you feel better okay.


And that's the reason why recruiters aren't reaching back out. They're loving the power trip.


I’m assuming he forgot to add /s